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  • 1 quote

    1) (to repeat the exact words of a person as they were said or written: to quote Shakespeare / Shakespeare's words / from Shakespeare, `Is this a dagger which I see before me?') vitna í, hafa (orðrétt) eftir
    2) (to name (a price).) gefa upp verð
    3) (to mention or state in support of an argument: to quote an example.) vitna í (til stuðnings)
    - quotation marks

    English-Icelandic dictionary > quote

См. также в других словарях:

  • quote — /kwəυt/ verb 1. to repeat words or a reference number used by someone else ● He quoted figures from the annual report. ● In reply please quote this number. ● When making a complaint please quote the batch number printed on the box. ● She replied …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • price — I n. 1) to fix, set a price 2) to hike (AE; colloq.), increase, mark up, raise prices 3) to freeze; hold down, keep down; maintain prices 4) to pay a price 5) to place, put a price on smt.; to quote a price 6) bring, command, fetch, get a price… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • quote — /kwəυt/ verb 1. to repeat words or a reference number used by someone else ● He quoted figures from the annual report. ● In reply please quote this number. ● When making a complaint please quote the batch number printed on the box. ● She replied …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • price — Synonyms and related words: amends, amount, appraisal, appraise, asking price, assay, assess, atonement, bank rate, bearish prices, bid price, blood money, bonus, book value, bounty, bullish prices, call price, charge, closing price, compensation …   Moby Thesaurus

  • quote-driven system — / kwəυt ˌdrɪv(ə)n ˌsɪstəm/ noun a system of working a stock market, where marketmakers quote a price for a stock (as opposed to an order driven system) …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Quote mining — is the practice of purposely compiling frequently misleading quotes from large volumes of literature or speech.cite book | last = Forrest | first = Barbara | authorlink = Barbara Forrest | coauthors = Paul R. Gross | title = Creationism s Trojan… …   Wikipedia

  • quote — [kwōt] vt. quoted, quoting [altered (infl. by L) < ME coten < ML quotare, to mark the number of, divide into chapters < L quotus, of what number < IE * kwoti , how many < interrogative base * kwo > WHO] 1. to reproduce or repeat …   English World dictionary

  • Price discrimination — or price differentiation[1] exists when sales of identical goods or services are transacted at different prices from the same provider.[2] In a theoretical market with perfect information, perfect substitutes, and no transaction costs or… …   Wikipedia

  • Quote — (kw[=o]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Quoted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Quoting}.] [OF. quoter, F. coter to letter, number, to quote, LL. quotare to divide into chapters and verses, fr. L. quotus. See {Quota}.] [Formerly written also {cote}.] 1. To cite, as a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Price mechanism — is an economic term that refers to the buyers and sellers who negotiate prices of goods or services depending on demand and supply.[1] A price mechanism or market based mechanism refers to a wide variety of ways to match up buyers and sellers… …   Wikipedia

  • quote — I verb adduce, adferre, circumstantiate, cite, cite a holding of a case, corroborate, detail, document, duplicate, establish, excerpt, extract, give word for word, go into detail, instance, make reference, paraphrase, point out, produce an… …   Law dictionary

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