1 quartal harmony
Музыка: квартовая гармония -
2 quartal harmony
3 harmony
1. n муз. гармония, созвучиеvocalic harmony — гармония гласных, сингармонизм
2. n муз. благозвучие; стройность звучания3. n муз. согласованность, взаимное соответствие, соразмерность4. n муз. согласие, мир; дружбаto live in harmony — жить в согласии, жить душа в душу
Синонимический ряд:1. agreement (noun) accord; agreement; chime; chorus; concert; concordance; concurrence; consonance2. compatibility (noun) amity; compatibility; coordination; correlation; equanimity; friendship; oneness; peace; rapport; unanimity; unity3. symmetry (noun) balance; conformity; congruence; congruity; consistency; correspondence; proportion; regularity; symmetry4. tune (noun) concord; diapason; euphony; melodiousness; music; symphony; tuneАнтонимический ряд:change; clashing; deviation; difference; disagreement; discord; discordance; disparity; dissonance; disunion; incongruity; inconsistency; innovation; interchange; jangle -
4 harmony
vocalic harmony — гармония гласных, сингармонизм
5 close harmony
1. муз. музыка из нот в пределах одной октавы; узкая гармонияvocalic harmony — гармония гласных, сингармонизм
2. четырёхголосное пение -
6 colour harmony
vocalic harmony — гармония гласных, сингармонизм
7 color harmony
vocalic harmony — гармония гласных, сингармонизм
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > color harmony
См. также в других словарях:
quartal harmony — /kwɔtl ˈhaməni/ (say kwawtl hahmuhnee) noun harmony based on chords constructed of fourths instead of thirds …
Quartal — may refer to:*Quartal harmony, music featuring chords built from fourths *Quaternary numeral system, a system for representing numbers based on powers of four … Wikipedia
Quartal and quintal harmony — In music, quartal harmony is the building of chordal and melodic structures with a distinct preference for intervals of fourths . (.Use of the term arises from a contrast, compositional or perceptual, with traditional tertian harmonic… … Wikipedia
Harmony — This article is about musical harmony and harmonies. For other uses of the term, see Harmony (disambiguation). Disharmony redirects here. For the episode of Angel, see Disharmony (Angel) … Wikipedia
Perfect fourth — Play (help· … Wikipedia
Reharmonization — In music, reharmonization refers to the technique of taking an existing melodic line and altering the harmony which accompanies it. Typically, a melody is reharmonized to provide musical interest or variety. As well, reharmonization is often used … Wikipedia
Arnold Schoenberg — ( [ˈaːrnɔlt ˈʃøːnbɛrk] ) (13 September 1874 ndash; 13 July 1951) was an Austrian and later American composer, associated with the expressionist movement in German poetry and art, and leader of the Second Viennese School. He used the spelling… … Wikipedia
Speak No Evil — This article is about the Wayne Shorter album. For the Flora Purim album, see Speak No Evil (Flora Purim album). For the episode of My Life as a Teenage Robot, see List of My Life as a Teenage Robot episodes. For the adage, see See no evil, hear… … Wikipedia
So What chord — In jazz and jazz harmony, a So What chord is a particular rootless 5 note chord voicing employed by Bill Evans in the amen response figure [John Robert Brown (2004). Mel Bay s Concise History of Jazz , p.146. ISBN 0786649836.] to the head of the… … Wikipedia
Ma mère l'oye — The title of this article contains the character è. Where it is unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Ma mere l oye. This article is about the Ravel composition. For Jerome Robbins 1975 ballet to this music, see Mother Goose… … Wikipedia
Vamp (music) — In jazz, gospel, soul, and musical theater, a vamp is a repeating musical figure or accompaniment. [Corozine (2002): 124.] A vamp typically outlines a single harmony, or in some cases a familiar sequence of chords, such as ii V(7) or IV V(7) (in… … Wikipedia