1 quantum wire
квантовий провідник (надтонкий дріт з арсеніду галію)English-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > quantum wire
2 quantum wire superlattice
надгратка квантових дротівEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > quantum wire superlattice
3 quantum wire transistor
транзистор на квантовому дротіEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > quantum wire transistor
4 wire
1. ім. 1) дріт; провідник; шина 2) дріт; (дротяне) з’єднання 2. дієсл. 1)формувати (дротяні) з’єднання; формувати розводку 2) вмонтовувати - bit wire
- bonding wire
- connected wires
- jumper wire
- lead wire
- overflow wires
- quantum wire
- tinned wire
- wrapped wire -
5 transistor
транзистор - abrupt heterojunction bipolar transistor
- access transistor
- amorphous transistor
- avalanche-injector MOS transistor
- ballistic transistor
- barrier-emitter transistor
- beam-lead transistor
- bipolar junction transistor
- bipolar transistor
- bipolar quantum resonant tunneling transistor
- buried-channel MOS transistor
- buried-channel transistor
- buried-oxide MOS transistor
- charge-injection transistor
- chip transistor
- chip-and-wire transistor
- clamped transistor
- closed-gate MOS transistor
- collector-grounded transistor
- common-base transistor
- common-collector transistor
- common-emitter transistor
- complementary transistors
- composite transistor
- Darlington transistor
- deep depletion transistor
- deep-diode transistor
- depletion-mode MOS transistor
- depletion MOS transistor
- diffused-emitter-and-base transistor
- diffused planar transistor
- δ-doped field-effect transistor
- double-diffused MOS transistor
- double-heterojunction bipolar transistor
- double-implanted MOS transistor
- downward-scaled MOS transistor
- electrostatic induction transistor
- emitter-coupled transistor
- enhancement-mode MOS transistor
- enhancement MOS transistor
- epibase transistor
- epitaxial planar transistor
- epitaxial transistor
- fan-out transistor
- fast switching transistor
- field-effect transistor
- filamentary transistor
- floating-gate MOS transistor
- front-end transistor
- gate-modulated bipolar transistor
- GIMIC transistor
- grooved-gate MOS transistor
- heterojunction transistor
- high-electron mobility transistor
- high-performance transistor
- H-MOS transistor
- homojunction transistor
- hot-electron transistor
- integrated circuit transistor
- integrated transistor
- interdigitated transistor
- inverted transistor
- ion-implanted base transistor
- ion sensitive field effect transistor ISFET
- ion sensitive field effect transistor
- junction transistor
- lateral transistor
- load transistor
- low-power transistor
- memory transistor
- merged transistor
- mesa-typetransistor
- mesatransistor
- mesh-emitter transistor
- metal-alumina-semiconductor transistor
- metal-base transistor
- metal-gate MOS transistor
- metal-insulator-semiconductor transistor
- metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor transistor
- metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor
- micropower transistor
- monoiythic hot-electron transistor
- multiemitter transistor
- multiple-emitter transistor
- multiple integrated transistor
- n-channel MOS transistor
- negative-impedance transistor
- n-p-n transistor
- off transistor
- on transistor
- optical transistor
- optoelectronic transistor
- overlay transistor
- parasitic transistor
- pass-gate transistor
- p-channel MOS transistor
- p-channel transistor
- permeable-base transistor
- piezo transistor
- planar transistor
- planar epitaxial transistor
- plastic transistor
- p-n-p transistor
- pull-up transistor
- punch-through transistor
- quantum-effect transistor
- quantum wire transistor
- radio-frequency transistor
- recessed-gate MOS transistor
- recessed-gate transistor
- resonant-gate transistor
- Schottky transistor
- Schottky-barrier collector transistor
- Schottky collector transistor
- Schottky-diode clamped transistor
- Schottky gated transistor
- sealed transistor
- series-connectedtransistors
- seriestransistors
- shallow-junction transistor
- silicon-gate MOS transistor
- silicon-gate transistor
- silicon-on-sapphire transistor
- stacked transistor
- static induction transistor
- stepped electrode transistor
- superconducting transistor
- surface-barrier transistor
- surface-charge transistor
- switching-type transistor
- switching transistor
- tandem transistor
- thin-film transistor
- T-MOS transistor
- trap-controlled transistor
- tunnel emitter transistor
- unijunction transistor
- unipolar transistor
- vertical transistor
- XMOS transistor
- 3D trench transistorEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > transistor
6 superlattice
надгратка - doping-modulated superlattice
- lateral superlattice
- metal-insulator superlattice
- modulation superlattice
- N-layered superlattice
- planar superlattice
- quantum wire superlattice
- semiconductor superlattice
- short реriod superlattice
- silicon-germanium superlattice
- strained layer superlatticeEnglish-Ukrainian dictionary of microelectronics > superlattice
7 device
1) прилад (напр. ІС, транзистор, діод); компонент; елемент 2) пристрій - active device
- add-on device
- analog device
- array device
- attached device
- backup device
- beam-leadeddevice
- beam-leaddevice
- bipolar device
- bipolar-MOS device
- blown-fuse device
- bubble-domain device
- bubble- device
- bucket-brigade device
- bulk асoustic-wave device
- bulk-channel carrier-transfer device
- bulk-effect device
- carrier-transfer device
- charge-coupled device
- charge-domain device
- charge-injection device
- charge-priming device
- charge-transfer device
- chip-and-wire device
- CMOS device
- CMOS/SOS device
- compound-semiconductor device
- contiguous-disk device
- controlled surface device
- custom-designed device
- custom device
- dense device
- depletion-modedevice
- depletiondevice
- dielectric isolation device
- diffused device
- discrete device
- double-diffused MOS device
- elastic-surface-wave device
- electrooptic device
- elementary device
- enchancement-mode device
- enchancement device
- end-use device
- epiplanar device
- epitaxial device
- FAMOS device
- field-effect device
- field-programmable device
- FIMOS device
- functional device
- graded-gap semiconductor device
- graded-gap device
- Gurm-effect device
- Gurm device
- Hall-effectdevice
- Halldevice
- hardeneddevice
- harddevice
- heteroepitaxial device
- heterojunction device
- high-gain device
- high-immunity noise device
- high-technology device
- high-threshold device
- homojunction device
- hybrid high-power device
- identification device
- I2L device
- image [imaging] device
- IMPATT device
- implanted device
- integrated-optic device
- integrated semiconductor device
- integration device
- interdigitated device
- interface device
- Josephson-junctiondevice
- Josephsondevice
- Josephson logic device
- junction-isolated device
- large-scale integrated device
- large-scale integration device
- latch-up free CMOS device
- leaded device
- leadless inverted device
- light-wave device
- locked-in device
- logic array device
- low-power Schottky device
- magnetostatic-wave device
- majority-carrier device
- mask-programmable device
- metal-masked device
- metal-semiconductor device
- microdiscrete device
- microelectronic device
- minority-carrier device
- MIS-type device
- MIS device
- mixed-process device
- mixed device
- molecular-beam epitaxy-based device
- monolithic device
- MOS device
- MTL device
- multilayered device
- multilevel device
- n-channel MOS device
- n-channel device
- negative-resistance device
- non-CPU device
- n–p–n device
- off-chip device
- on-chip device
- optocoupler semiconductor device
- optocoupling device
- passive device
- p-channel MOS device
- p-channel device
- peripheral device
- permalloy bubble device
- permalloy T-bar device
- photo-coupled semiconductor device
- photosensitive device
- piezoelectric device
- piggyback device
- planar device
- plotting device
- plug-in device
- p-n-p device
- positioning device
- printing device
- programmable logic-array device
- programmable device
- quantum device
- quantum-well device
- redundancy device
- resin-molded device
- SAW device
- SAW delay device
- scaled-downdevice
- scaleddevice
- Schottky-barrier device
- Schottky device
- second-source device
- self-aligned semiconductor device
- semiconductor-on-sapphire
- silicon-on-dielectric device
- silicon-on-insulator device
- silicon-on-sapphire device
- single device
- single-crystal device
- slow device
- SLS device
- small-geometry device
- solder-evacuator device
- SOS/MOS device
- stacked semiconductor device
- static-sensitive device
- stripeline device
- submicron-scale MOS device
- superconducting Josephson-junction device
- superconducting quantum interference device
- superconductive quantum interferometric device
- super-lattice functional device
- superstructure device
- surface-acoustic-wave device
- surface charge-transfer device
- surface-mounted device
- switching device
- TAB device
- thermocompression bonded device
- thick-film device
- thin-film device
- transcalent device
- transferred-electron device
- transil-time-negative-resistance device
- trench isolated device
- tunnel -еffect device
- tunnel device
- two-level polysilicon MOS device
- ULA device
- ultrafine-scale device
- ultra-large-scale integrated device
- ultra-submicron device
- uncased device
- vertical-junction device
- very large-scale integrated-circuit device
- very large-scale integration device
- V-groove MOS device
- V-groove device
- wafer-printing device
См. также в других словарях:
Quantum wire — In condensed matter physics, a quantum wire is an electrically conducting wire, in which quantum effects are affecting transport properties. Due to the confinement of conduction electrons in the transverse direction of the wire, their transverse… … Wikipedia
quantum wire — A nano structure proportioned like a wire so that electron behavior is strongly constrained by quantum mechanical effects in two dimensions … Dictionary of automotive terms
Quantum heterostructure — is a heterostructure in a substrate (usually a semiconductor material), with size restricting the movements of the charge carriers and forcing them into a quantum confinement, leading to formation of a set of discrete energy levels at which the… … Wikipedia
Quantum dot — Part of a series of articles on Nanomaterials Fullerenes … Wikipedia
Quantum well — A quantum well is a potential well with only discrete energy values. One technology to create quantization is to confine particles, which were originally free to move in three dimensions, to two dimensions, forcing them to occupy a planar region … Wikipedia
Quantum dot cellular automaton — Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (sometimes referred to simply as quantum cellular automata, or QCA) Any device designed to represent data and perform computation, regardless of the physics principles it exploits and materials used to build it, must … Wikipedia
quantum mechanics — quantum mechanical, adj. Physics. a theory of the mechanics of atoms, molecules, and other physical systems that are subject to the uncertainty principle. Abbr.: QM Cf. nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, relativistic quantum mechanics. [1920 25]… … Universalium
Quantum of Solace (film, 2008) — Quantum of Solace Quantum of Solace Titre original Quantum of Solace Titre québécois 007 Quantum Réalisation Marc Forster Acteurs principaux Daniel Craig Mathieu Amalric Olga Kurylenko Judi Dench Scénario Paul Haggis … Wikipédia en Français
quantum computer — ▪ computer science device that employs properties described by quantum mechanics to enhance computations. As early as 1959 the American physicist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman (Feynman, Richard P.) noted that, as electronic… … Universalium
Wire The Market — Infobox Company company name = Wire the Market company company type = Private foundation = Savage, Minnesota, U.S. (2002) location = 2626 East 82nd Street Suite 220 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55425 key people = Brett Norgaard, Co founder and CEO|… … Wikipedia
Classical and quantum conductivity — Classical and quantum mechanical views of conductivity have both described the movements of electrons in a metallic solid. The free electron gas that is present in metallic solids is the reason for an important property of all metals:… … Wikipedia