1 prison
s zatvor, tamnica; kaznionica / to put in #, to send to # = zatvoriti koga u tamnicu; to break # = pobjeći iz zatvora* * *
zatvoriti -
2 lie
pret lay; [pp] lain, lein 1. ležati, leći, lijegati, počivati 2. biti, postojatim nalaziti se 3. biti smješten, pružati se, sterati se, prostirati se 4. voditi (cesta, put) 5. [hunt] ne uzlijetati (ptice) 6. [mil] stajati 7. [arch] prenoćiti, spavati, odsjesti 8. [jur] biti dopušten ili prihvatljiv, imati mjesta / to # asleep = spavati; to # sick = ležati bolestan; [sl] to # doggo = nepomično (skriveno) ležati, pritajiti se; [fig] let sleeping dogs # = ne vuci vraga za rep!, ne spominji lanjski snijeg!, bolje o tome ne govoriti; you will # on the bed you have made = kako prostreš, onako ćeš spavati to # in state = ležati na odru, biti izložen na odru; to # in prison = čamiti u tamnici, sjediti u zatvoru; to # idle = ljenčariti, biti nezaposlen; to # close = skrivati se, kriti se, pritajiti se; to # low = 1. [poet] ležati, biti ispružen, oboren, ponižen, mrtav 2. šćućuriti se, pogružiti se 3. [sk] pritajiti se; to # in wait = čekati (ležati) u zasjedi, vrebati ([for] koga); to # out of one's money = ostati neplaćen, nepodmiren; to # in ruins = ležati u ruševinama; to # heavy = teško pritiskati, tištiti, opteretiti; [fig] to find out how the land #s = izvidjeti stvar, ispitati situaciju; to # hid = biti prikriven, pritajivati se; to # open = biti otvoren, slobodan; to # waste = biti neobrađen, pust; her talents do not # that way = ona nema dara za takvo što; to # at one's door = biti odgovoran (kriv) za što; to # at anchor = biti usidren; [mar] to # off and on = voziti u kursu i protivkursu; it #s with you = do tebe je, na tebi je; as far as in me #s = koliko to o meni ovisi, sve što ja tu mogu učiniti* * *
См. также в других словарях:
prison — / prIzFn/ noun 1 (C, U) a large building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime, or while waiting to go to court for their trial 1 (1): a maximum security prison | Forbes will be released from prison next week. | in prison (=being kept … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
put someone away — (informal) 1 they put him away for life: JAIL, imprison, put in prison, put behind bars, lock up, incarcerate; informal cage; Brit. infor … Useful english dictionary
Prison abolition movement — The prison abolition movement seeks to abolish prison and the prison system which advocates of the movement claim are inhumane. Prison abolitionists present a broad critique of the modern Western criminal justice system, alleged to be both racist … Wikipedia
prison — n. & v. n. 1 a place in which a person is kept in captivity, esp. a building to which persons are legally committed while awaiting trial or for punishment; a jail. 2 custody, confinement (in prison). v.tr. poet. (prisoned, prisoning) put in… … Useful english dictionary
put away — informal 1) they put him away for life Syn: jail, imprison, put in prison, put behind bars, lock up, incarcerate 2) you should be put away! Syn: certify, commit, institutionalize, hospitalize, consign to a psychiatr … Thesaurus of popular words
prison — pris·on || prɪzn v. imprison, put in prison, incarcerate, jail, detain n. jail, penitentiary, location where convicted criminals and people awaiting trial are confined … English contemporary dictionary
prison — Hale pa ahao, hale wai, ♦ To put in prison, ho opa ahao … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Prison rape in the United States — Prison rape commonly refers to the rape of inmates in prison by other inmates or prison staff. In 2001, Human Rights Watch estimated that at least 140,000 inmates had been raped while incarcerated. [1] and there is a significant variation in the… … Wikipedia
Prison rape (United States) — Prison rape commonly refers to the rape of inmates in prison by other inmates or prison staff. According to Human Rights Watch, at least 140,000 inmates are raped each year, [cite web url = http://www.hrw.org/reports/2001/prison/report.html title … Wikipedia
Prison officer — Finnish Prison Officer Occupation Names Correctional officer, corrections officer, detention officer Activity sectors Law enforcement … Wikipedia
Prison circulaire d'Autun — Prison circulaire d’Autun Présentation Type Prison Architecte André Berthier Destination initiale Prison Propriétaire Ville d’Autun Protection Monument historique … Wikipédia en Français