1 put someone's nose out of joint
expr infmlYou'll really put his nose out of joint if you go out with his old girlfriend — Ты мог бы здорово утереть ему нос, если бы пошел куда-нибудь с его старой любовью
I'm sorry we didn't invite you. We didn't mean to put your nose out of joint — Извините, что не пригласили вас. Но мы совсем не хотели вас обидеть
If that man comes round here again I'll put his nose out of joint — Если этот тип заявится сюда еще раз, то я ему покажу
The new dictionary of modern spoken language > put someone's nose out of joint
2 put someone's nose out of joint
1) Общая лексика: утереть нос (кому-л.)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > put someone's nose out of joint
См. также в других словарях:
put someone's nose out of joint — 1. To supplant someone in another s love or confidence 2. To disconcert, rebuff or offend someone • • • Main Entry: ↑join put someone s nose out of joint see under ↑join • • • Main Entry: ↑nose * * * put someone’s nose out of joint … Useful english dictionary
put someone's nose out of joint — put (someone s) nose out of joint informal to upset or annoy someone. Martin refused to let her chair the meeting which rather put her nose out of joint … New idioms dictionary
put someone's nose out of joint — ► put someone s nose out of joint informal offend someone or hurt their pride. Main Entry: ↑nose … English terms dictionary
put someone’s nose out of joint — tv. to ause someone to feel slighted; to cause someone to take offense. (See also get one’s nose out of joint.) □ I’m sorry we didn’t invite you. We didn’t mean to put your nose out of joint. □ Now, now, that shouldn’t put your nose out of joint … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
put someone's nose out of joint — to do something that will annoy someone She put his nose out of joint because she didn t consult him … English dictionary
put somebody's nose out of joint — If you put someone s nose out of joint, you irritate them or make them angry with you … The small dictionary of idiomes
put somebody's nose out of joint — If you put someone s nose out of joint, you irritate them or make them angry with you. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Put somebody's nose out of joint — If you put someone s nose out of joint, you irritate them or make them angry with you … Dictionary of English idioms
put someone's nose out of joint — informal offend someone or hurt their pride. → nose … English new terms dictionary
put nose out of joint — put (someone s) nose out of joint informal to upset or annoy someone. Martin refused to let her chair the meeting which rather put her nose out of joint … New idioms dictionary
nose — ► NOUN 1) the facial part projecting above the mouth, containing the nostrils and used in breathing and smelling. 2) the front end of an aircraft, car, or other vehicle. 3) the sense of smell. 4) an instinctive talent for detecting something. 5)… … English terms dictionary