Перевод: с английского на литовский

с литовского на английский


  • 1 purpose-built

    adjective (made or built for a particular need or purpose: People who use wheelchairs sometimes live in purpose-built houses.) specialiai pastatytas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > purpose-built

  • 2 tailor-made

    1) ((especially of women's clothes) made by a tailor to fit a person exactly.) pasiūtas pagal užsakymą
    2) (very well suited or adapted for some purpose: His new job seems tailor-made for him.) kaip pagal užsakymą

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > tailor-made

  • 3 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) padirbtas, suklastotas
    2) (not genuine or not real.) netikras
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) padirbti, suklastoti
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) apsimesti, nuduoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > counterfeit

  • 4 device

    1) (something made for a purpose, eg a tool or instrument: a device for opening cans.) prietaisas
    2) (a plan or system of doing something, sometimes involving trickery: This is a device for avoiding income tax.) būdas, priemonė

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > device

  • 5 dual

    (double; twofold; made up of two: a gadget with a dual purpose; The driving instructor's car has dual controls.) dvigubas, dvejopas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > dual

  • 6 errand

    1) (a short journey made in order to get something or do something especially for someone else: He has sent the child on an errand; The child will run errands for you.) pavedimas, pasiuntimas
    2) (the purpose of such a journey: She accomplished her errand.) reikalas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > errand

  • 7 harness

    1. noun
    (the leather straps etc by which a horse is attached to a cart etc which it is pulling and by means of which it is controlled.) pakinktai
    2. verb
    1) (to put the harness on (a horse).) kinkyti
    2) (to make use of (a source of power, eg a river) for some purpose, eg to produce electricity or to drive machinery: Attempts are now being made to harness the sun as a source of heat and power.) pajungti, panaudoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > harness

  • 8 perforation

    1) (a small hole, or a number or line of small holes, made in a sheet of paper etc: The purpose of the perforation(s) is to make the paper easier to tear.) perforacija
    2) (the act of perforating or being perforated.) perforavimas, prakiurimas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > perforation

  • 9 specially

    1) (with one particular purpose: I picked these flowers specially for you; a splendid cake, specially made for the occasion.) specialiai
    2) (particularly; exceptionally: He's a nice child, but not specially clever.) ypatingai

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > specially

  • 10 stone

    [stəun] 1. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) the material of which rocks are composed: limestone; sandstone; a stone house; stone walls; In early times, men made tools out of stone.) akmuo
    2) (a piece of this, of any shape or size: He threw a stone at the dog.) akmuo
    3) (a piece of this shaped for a special purpose: a tombstone; paving-stones; a grindstone.) akmuo
    4) (a gem or jewel: She lost the stone out of her ring; diamonds, rubies and other stones.) brangakmenis
    5) (the hard shell containing the nut or seed in some fruits eg peaches and cherries: a cherry-stone.) kauliukas
    6) (a measure of weight still used in Britain, equal to 6.35 kilogrammes: She weighs 9.5 stone.) stonas
    7) (a piece of hard material that forms in the kidney, bladder etc and causes pain.) akmuo
    2. verb
    1) (to throw stones at, especially as a ritual punishment: Saint Stephen was stoned to death.) (ap)mėtyti/užmėtyti akmenimis
    2) (to remove the stones from (fruit): She washed and stoned the cherries.) išimti kauliukus iš
    - stonily
    - stoniness
    - stone-cold
    - stone-dead
    - stone-deaf
    - stoneware
    - stonework
    - leave no stone unturned
    - a stone's throw

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > stone

  • 11 suit

    [su:t] 1. noun
    1) (a set of clothes usually all of the same cloth etc, made to be worn together, eg a jacket, trousers (and waistcoat) for a man, or a jacket and skirt or trousers for a woman.) kostiumas
    2) (a piece of clothing for a particular purpose: a bathing-suit / diving-suit.) kostiumas
    3) (a case in a law court: He won/lost his suit.) byla
    4) (an old word for a formal request, eg a proposal of marriage to a lady.) rankos prašymas
    5) (one of the four sets of playing-cards - spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs.) kortų figūra
    2. verb
    1) (to satisfy the needs of, or be convenient for: The arrangements did not suit us; The climate suits me very well.) tikti
    2) ((of clothes, styles, fashions etc) to be right or appropriate for: Long hair suits her; That dress doen't suit her.) tikti
    3) (to adjust or make appropriate or suitable: He suited his speech to his audience.) priderinti, pritaikyti
    - suitor
    - suitcase
    - follow suit
    - suit down to the ground
    - suit oneself

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > suit

  • 12 united

    1) (joined into a political whole: the United States of America.) jungtinis
    2) (joined together by love, friendship etc: They're a very united pair/family.) darnus
    3) (made as a result of several people etc working together for a common purpose: Let us make a united effort to make our business successful.) bendras

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > united

  • 13 useful

    adjective (helpful or serving a purpose well: a useful toolionary; She made herself useful by doing the washing for her mother.) naudingas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > useful

См. также в других словарях:

  • purpose-made — adjective designed and constructed to serve a particular purpose • Syn: ↑purpose built • Similar to: ↑purposeful * * * | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective : designed and constructed to serve a particular purpose …   Useful english dictionary

  • purpose-built — adjective designed and constructed to serve a particular purpose • Syn: ↑purpose made • Similar to: ↑purposeful * * * ˌpurpose ˈbuilt [purpose built] adjective …   Useful english dictionary

  • purpose-built — (also purpose made) adjective Brit. built for a particular purpose …   English new terms dictionary

  • purpose-built — adj BrE designed and made for a particular purpose ▪ purpose built toilets for disabled people …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • made-to-order — adj. 1. made specially for a specific purpose; of articles of manufacture. Contrasted with {mass produced}, {standard}. Syn: custom made. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] 2. made or tailored to fit a specific person; of clothing. Contrasted with {off the rack} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • made-to-order — adjective 1. ) made according to the specific requests of a particular person 2. ) exactly what you need for a particular purpose …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • purpose — n. & v. n. 1 an object to be attained; a thing intended. 2 the intention to act. 3 resolution, determination. v.tr. have as one s purpose; design, intend. Phrases and idioms: on purpose intentionally. purpose built (or made) built or made for a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Purpose trust — Wills, trusts and estates …   Wikipedia

  • purpose — [[t]pɜ͟ː(r)pəs[/t]] ♦♦ purposes 1) N COUNT: with supp The purpose of something is the reason for which it is made or done. The purpose of the occasion was to raise money for medical supplies... Various insurance schemes already exist for this… …   English dictionary

  • purpose — /perr peuhs/, n., v., purposed, purposing. n. 1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. 2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal. 3. determination; resoluteness. 4. the subject in hand; the point at issue. 5.… …   Universalium

  • Made in Heaven — This article is about 1995 album. For other uses, see Made in Heaven (disambiguation). Made in Heaven Studio album by Queen …   Wikipedia

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