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  • 81 punto de entrada

    (n.) = entry point, entrance point, point of entry
    Ex. The software enables the user to specify the entry point of the download.
    Ex. Written in engaging, lively prose, the biography might offer an accessible entrance point into 17th-century studies for scholars new to the period.
    Ex. Immigration officers are stationed at every point of entry into the United Kingdom to check and monitor people who are arriving and leaving.
    * * *
    (n.) = entry point, entrance point, point of entry

    Ex: The software enables the user to specify the entry point of the download.

    Ex: Written in engaging, lively prose, the biography might offer an accessible entrance point into 17th-century studies for scholars new to the period.
    Ex: Immigration officers are stationed at every point of entry into the United Kingdom to check and monitor people who are arriving and leaving.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de entrada

  • 82 punto de equilibrio

    (n.) = break-even, break-even point
    Ex. This paper shows how to determine an initial price and how to conduct a break-even analysis to evaluate the risk of the proposed price and print run.
    Ex. Such topics as pricing, costs, income and the break-even point are discussed.
    * * *
    (n.) = break-even, break-even point

    Ex: This paper shows how to determine an initial price and how to conduct a break-even analysis to evaluate the risk of the proposed price and print run.

    Ex: Such topics as pricing, costs, income and the break-even point are discussed.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de equilibrio

  • 83 punto de fundición

    Ex. Printing types were cast in an alloy of lead, antimony, and tin called type-metal which was hard enough to wear well yet had a low melting point.
    * * *

    Ex: Printing types were cast in an alloy of lead, antimony, and tin called type-metal which was hard enough to wear well yet had a low melting point.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de fundición

  • 84 punto de información

    Ex. The library has introduced a public information kiosk that provides a direct connection to the library's online catalogue = La biblioteca ha introducido un quiosco de información público que tiene una conexión directa con catálogo en línea de la biblioteca.
    * * *

    Ex: The library has introduced a public information kiosk that provides a direct connection to the library's online catalogue = La biblioteca ha introducido un quiosco de información público que tiene una conexión directa con catálogo en línea de la biblioteca.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de información

  • 85 punto de interés

    Ex. There are probably more unique points of interest in Manhattan alone than there are in some entire countries.
    * * *

    Ex: There are probably more unique points of interest in Manhattan alone than there are in some entire countries.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de interés

  • 86 punto de la agenda

    (n.) = agenda item
    Ex. After the election of a new president, government executives have two opportunities to propose agenda items to the new administration.
    * * *

    Ex: After the election of a new president, government executives have two opportunities to propose agenda items to the new administration.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de la agenda

  • 87 punto de llegada

    Ex. Mileage must be calculated at the shortest practicable distance from the University to the point of arrival and return.
    * * *

    Ex: Mileage must be calculated at the shortest practicable distance from the University to the point of arrival and return.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de llegada

  • 88 punto de luz

    (n.) = power point, electrical outlet, socket outlet, outlet
    Ex. Many libraries provide carrels equipped with power points so that audio-visual equipment can be used.
    Ex. School classrooms are sometimes extraordinarily badly designed with poor acoustics, ineffective blackout facilities, and notoriously eccentric electrical outlets.
    Ex. Heavy-current electrical appliances (e.g. washers/dryers, dehumidifiers and electric kettles) should be supplied from individual socket outlets.
    Ex. The archictet's brief specifies that conduit (of sewer pipe size if possible) should be provided for electrical wiring with outlets placed in the ceiling every metre.
    * * *
    (n.) = power point, electrical outlet, socket outlet, outlet

    Ex: Many libraries provide carrels equipped with power points so that audio-visual equipment can be used.

    Ex: School classrooms are sometimes extraordinarily badly designed with poor acoustics, ineffective blackout facilities, and notoriously eccentric electrical outlets.
    Ex: Heavy-current electrical appliances (e.g. washers/dryers, dehumidifiers and electric kettles) should be supplied from individual socket outlets.
    Ex: The archictet's brief specifies that conduit (of sewer pipe size if possible) should be provided for electrical wiring with outlets placed in the ceiling every metre.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de luz

  • 89 punto de penalti, el

    (n.) = penalty mark, the
    Ex. If such a game is still tied after extra-time it is usually decided by kicks from the penalty mark, commonly called a penalty shootout.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de penalti, el

  • 90 punto de recepción y envío

    Ex. And so, from its hardscrabble beginnings to immediate time, Wexler has lead a varied existence, changing from shipping point for fruit to resting place for travelers = Y por lo tanto, desde sus comienzos difíciles hasta el presente, Wexler ha llevado una vida variada, pasando de ser un centro de recepción y envío de fruta a un lugar de descanso para los viajeros.
    * * *

    Ex: And so, from its hardscrabble beginnings to immediate time, Wexler has lead a varied existence, changing from shipping point for fruit to resting place for travelers = Y por lo tanto, desde sus comienzos difíciles hasta el presente, Wexler ha llevado una vida variada, pasando de ser un centro de recepción y envío de fruta a un lugar de descanso para los viajeros.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de recepción y envío

  • 91 punto de referencia común

    Ex. The report considers the basic components of a multipurpose cadastre, which, if properly established and maintained, would provide the common framework for all land information systems = El informe analiza los componentes básicos de un cadastro multiuso, que, si se crea y mantiene adecuadamente, se convertiría en el marco de referencia común para todos los sistemas de información sobre bienes inmuebles.
    * * *

    Ex: The report considers the basic components of a multipurpose cadastre, which, if properly established and maintained, would provide the common framework for all land information systems = El informe analiza los componentes básicos de un cadastro multiuso, que, si se crea y mantiene adecuadamente, se convertiría en el marco de referencia común para todos los sistemas de información sobre bienes inmuebles.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de referencia común

  • 92 punto de saturación

    Ex. This point of maximum concentration, the saturation point, depends on the temperature of the liquid as well as the chemical nature of the substances.
    * * *

    Ex: This point of maximum concentration, the saturation point, depends on the temperature of the liquid as well as the chemical nature of the substances.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de saturación

  • 93 punto de separación

    (n.) = cut-off point, stepping-off point, cut off [cutoff]
    Ex. The names of Muslim authors throughout the classical period, for which the cut-off point is around the year 1800, were made up of the following elements.
    Ex. Kaiser's stepping-off point was the observation that many composite subjects can be analysed into a combination of a concrete and a process.
    Ex. It is assumed that the sum of those units receiving top priority status is less than the current budgeted amount and that a cut off will occur at some point.
    * * *
    (n.) = cut-off point, stepping-off point, cut off [cutoff]

    Ex: The names of Muslim authors throughout the classical period, for which the cut-off point is around the year 1800, were made up of the following elements.

    Ex: Kaiser's stepping-off point was the observation that many composite subjects can be analysed into a combination of a concrete and a process.
    Ex: It is assumed that the sum of those units receiving top priority status is less than the current budgeted amount and that a cut off will occur at some point.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de separación

  • 94 punto de una agenda

    Ex. The Midwinter Meeting of the American Library Association included various items of business such as: the ALA stand on UNESCO; a new dues schedule; grants; role of school librarians in ALA; new cataloguing tools; and standards.
    * * *

    Ex: The Midwinter Meeting of the American Library Association included various items of business such as: the ALA stand on UNESCO; a new dues schedule; grants; role of school librarians in ALA; new cataloguing tools; and standards.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de una agenda

  • 95 punto de una lista

    (n.) = bullet point
    Ex. Readers like bullet points because they are visually appealing and make it easy to quickly find pertinent information.
    * * *

    Ex: Readers like bullet points because they are visually appealing and make it easy to quickly find pertinent information.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto de una lista

  • 96 punto del orden del día

    (n.) = agenda item
    Ex. After the election of a new president, government executives have two opportunities to propose agenda items to the new administration.
    * * *

    Ex: After the election of a new president, government executives have two opportunities to propose agenda items to the new administration.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto del orden del día

  • 97 punto débil, el

    = chink in the armour, the
    Ex. The cyber criminals are persistent -- if they can't get through one opening, they will keep trying until they find the chink in the armour.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto débil, el

  • 98 punto débl

    (n.) = blind spot
    Ex. Contemporary library and information science discourse is plagued with tunnel vision and blind spots that seriously affect the profession's efforts to plan the library's future.
    * * *
    (n.) = blind spot

    Ex: Contemporary library and information science discourse is plagued with tunnel vision and blind spots that seriously affect the profession's efforts to plan the library's future.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto débl

  • 99 punto esencial

    Ex. A précis is an account which restricts itself to the essential points in an argument.
    * * *

    Ex: A précis is an account which restricts itself to the essential points in an argument.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto esencial

  • 100 punto flaco, el

    = chink in the armour, the
    Ex. The cyber criminals are persistent -- if they can't get through one opening, they will keep trying until they find the chink in the armour.

    Spanish-English dictionary > punto flaco, el

См. также в других словарях:

  • punto — (Del lat. punctum). 1. m. Señal de dimensiones pequeñas, ordinariamente circular, que, por contraste de color o de relieve, es perceptible en una superficie. 2. Cada una de las partes en que se divide el pico de la pluma de escribir, por efecto… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • punto — sustantivo masculino 1. Señal pequeña y redondeada que destaca en una superficie: un estampado de puntos y estrellitas. Andrés se ha pintado unos puntitos rojos en la cara para disfrazarse de payaso. 2. Signo ortográfico que señala una pausa e… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • punto — 1. Signo de puntuación (.) cuyo uso principal es señalar gráficamente la pausa que marca el final de un enunciado que no sea interrogativo o exclamativo , de un párrafo o de un texto. Se escribe sin separación de la palabra que lo precede y… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • punto (1) — {{hw}}{{punto (1)}{{/hw}}A s. m. 1 (mat.) Ente fondamentale della geometria, considerato privo di dimensioni | Di punto in bianco, all improvviso | Essere a un punto morto, in una situazione da cui non si vede possibilità d uscita | Punto di… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • Punto — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Punto puede hacer referencia a: Punto (geometría) Punto (puntuación) Punto (diacrítico) Punto tipográfico Punto (lana) Punto de cruz Punto quirúrgico Punto de fusión Punto (juego) Fiat Punto, un modelo de automóvil.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Punto — may refer to:retard * Fiat Grande Punto, a car produced from 2005 * Giovanni Punto, an eighteenth century horn virtuoso * Punto music, a style of Panamanian music * Punto guajiro, a style of Cuban music * Punto (Venezuela), a style of Venezuelan… …   Wikipedia

  • Punto A — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El punto A o A spot fue descubierto en 1996, como un punto de placer arraigado al punto G. Localización El punto A a se localiza a unos 7 centímetros de los labios vaginales, ubicado en la parte más interna de la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Punto TV — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Punto TV es una distribuidora de contenidos para televisiones locales y autonómicas repartidas por España, perteneciente a Vocento. Contenido 1 Historia 2 Emisoras Terrestres 3 Autonómicas con licencia …   Wikipedia Español

  • Punto — Pun to, n. [It. punto, L. punctum point. See {Point}.] (Fencing) A point or hit. [1913 Webster] {Punto diritto} [It.], a direct stroke or hit. {Punto reverso} [It. riverso reverse], a backhanded stroke. Halliwell. Ah, the immortal passado! the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Punto — bezeichnet einen seit 1993 gebauten Kleinwagen von FIAT, siehe Fiat Punto ein Längenmaß, siehe Punto (Einheit) und ist der Name von folgenden Personen Giovanni Punto (eigentlich Johann Wenzel (Jan Václav) Stich; 1746–1803), böhmischer Hornist,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • punto — 1. Mancha pequeña o zona señalada. 2. área o punto fisiológico. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 …   Diccionario médico

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