Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 pull out

    pull out
    [p'ul aut] n 1 retirada (também Mil e Aeron). 2 encarte de revista.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pull out

  • 2 pull out

    sair do mergulho

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > pull out

  • 3 pull

    [pul] 1. verb
    1) (to (try to) move something especially towards oneself usually by using force: He pulled the chair towards the fire; She pulled at the door but couldn't open it; He kept pulling the girls' hair for fun; Help me to pull my boots off; This railway engine can pull twelve carriages.) puxar
    2) ((with at or on) in eg smoking, to suck at: He pulled at his cigarette.) chupar
    3) (to row: He pulled towards the shore.) remar
    4) ((of a driver or vehicle) to steer or move in a certain direction: The car pulled in at the garage; I pulled into the side of the road; The train pulled out of the station; The motorbike pulled out to overtake; He pulled off the road.) dirigir-se (para)
    2. noun
    1) (an act of pulling: I felt a pull at my sleeve; He took a pull at his beer/pipe.) puxão
    2) (a pulling or attracting force: magnetic pull; the pull (=attraction) of the sea.) atracção
    3) (influence: He thinks he has some pull with the headmaster.) influência
    - pull down
    - pull a face / faces at
    - pull a face / faces
    - pull a gun on
    - pull off
    - pull on
    - pull oneself together
    - pull through
    - pull up
    - pull one's weight
    - pull someone's leg
    * * *
    [pul] n 1 puxão, tirão. 2 arranco, arrancada. 3 força de tração. 4 atração, atrativo. 5 trago, gole, sorvo. he took a pull at the bottle / ele tomou um trago da garrafa. 6 tragada. 7 vantagem. she has a pull over him / ela tem uma vantagem sobre ele. 8 pop remada. 9 esforço. 10 puxador, maçaneta. 11 Amer influência. 12 Mech tração. 13 Typogr prova. • vt+vi 1 puxar. I pulled him by the hair / puxei-o pelos cabelos. 2 arrastar, rebocar. 3 colher (frutas ou flores). 4 tirar, remover. 5 depenar. 6 sl roubar, furtar, trapacear. 7 esbaganhar (linho). 8 arrancar, extrair (dentes). 9 granjear, obter. 10 tragar, sorver. 11 rasgar, romper, dilacerar. 12 sl prender, deter. 13 sl varejar, dar uma batida. 14 sl sacar, tirar. he pulled a pistol / ele sacou de um revólver. 15 sofrear, refrear (cavalo de corrida). 16 Typogr imprimir provas. 17 remar. 18 conduzir em barco a remos. 19 ser equipado com remos. 20 Sports distender. 21 esticar, estirar. 22 sl fazer, realizar, executar. 23 aspirar, chupar. 24 sl prender, ser levado para a prisão. a pull boner dar uma rata, dar uma mancada, cometer uma gafe, errar. pull the other one, it’s got bells on conta outra. to pull about puxar de um lado para outro, judiar de. to pull a face amarrar a cara, mostrar que não gostou pela expressão do rosto. to pull a fast one passar a perna em alguém. to pull apart 1 romper. 2 romper-se. to pull away 1 remover. 2 retirar-se, sair. to pull back 1 retroceder, recuar. 2 não cumprir promessa feita, não cumprir a palavra empenhada. 3 gastar menos dinheiro, economizar. to pull down 1 demolir, arrasar. 2 fazer baixar. 3 enfraquecer. 4 humilhar, abater. to pull in 1 dirigir um veículo em direção a um lugar e parar. 2 entrar na estação e parar (trem). 3 Brit capturar (bandido). 4 coll ganhar muito dinheiro, juntar. 5 atrair grande número de pessoas. to pull off 1 despir, tirar. 2 descalçar. 3 conseguir, obter sucesso. 4 dar partida (carro), sair. 5 sair da estrada (carro). to pull on 1 vestir, pôr. 2 calçar. to pull oneself together readquirir o domínio de si mesmo, reanimar-se, recompor-se, controlar-se. to pull out 1 tirar, arrancar. 2 sair da estação (trem). 3 sair de um lugar (carro). to pull over encostar ao meio-fio, desviar o carro para a margem da estrada. to pull round convalescer, restabelecer-se, recobrar os sentidos. to pull through 1 tirar de dificuldades. 2 sair-se de aperto, livrar-se. 3 conseguir, ser bem-sucedido. to pull to pieces 1 despedaçar. 2 criticar impiedosamente. to pull together cooperar, colaborar, juntar forças. to pull up 1 levantar, erguer, içar, alçar. 2 arrancar, extirpar, desarraigar. 3 prender, deter. 4 censurar, repreender. 5 fazer parar. to pull up stakes coll levantar acampamento.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pull

  • 4 pull

    [pul] 1. verb
    1) (to (try to) move something especially towards oneself usually by using force: He pulled the chair towards the fire; She pulled at the door but couldn't open it; He kept pulling the girls' hair for fun; Help me to pull my boots off; This railway engine can pull twelve carriages.) puxar
    2) ((with at or on) in eg smoking, to suck at: He pulled at his cigarette.) tragar
    3) (to row: He pulled towards the shore.) remar
    4) ((of a driver or vehicle) to steer or move in a certain direction: The car pulled in at the garage; I pulled into the side of the road; The train pulled out of the station; The motorbike pulled out to overtake; He pulled off the road.) arrancar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of pulling: I felt a pull at my sleeve; He took a pull at his beer/pipe.) puxão, tragada
    2) (a pulling or attracting force: magnetic pull; the pull (=attraction) of the sea.) atração
    3) (influence: He thinks he has some pull with the headmaster.) influência
    - pull down - pull a face / faces at - pull a face / faces - pull a gun on - pull off - pull on - pull oneself together - pull through - pull up - pull one's weight - pull someone's leg

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pull

  • 5 to pull oneself together

    to pull oneself together
    readquirir o domínio de si mesmo, reanimar-se, recompor-se, controlar-se. to pull out 1 tirar, arrancar. 2 sair da estação (trem). 3 sair de um lugar (carro).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to pull oneself together

  • 6 to pull all the stops out

    to pull all the stops out
    remover todos os empecilhos, fazer o melhor possível para que algo aconteça.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to pull all the stops out

  • 7 root out

    1) (to pull up or tear out by the roots: The gardener began to root out the weeds.) arrancar
    2) (to get rid of completely: We must do our best to root out poverty.) acabar com

    English-Portuguese dictionary > root out

  • 8 root out

    1) (to pull up or tear out by the roots: The gardener began to root out the weeds.) arrancar
    2) (to get rid of completely: We must do our best to root out poverty.) extirpar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > root out

  • 9 fish out

    (to pull something out with some difficulty: At last he fished out the letter he was looking for.) encontrar/puxar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fish out

  • 10 fish out

    (to pull something out with some difficulty: At last he fished out the letter he was looking for.) pescar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > fish out

  • 11 extract

    1. [ik'strækt] verb
    1) (to pull out, or draw out, especially by force or with effort: I have to have a tooth extracted; Did you manage to extract the information from her?) extrair
    2) (to select (passages from a book etc).) extrair/seleccionar
    3) (to take out (a substance forming part of something else) by crushing or by chemical means: Vanilla essence is extracted from vanilla beans.) extrair
    2. ['ekstrækt] noun
    1) (a passage selected from a book etc: a short extract from his novel.) extracto
    2) (a substance obtained by an extracting process: beef/yeast extract; extract of malt.) extracto
    * * *
    ['ekstrækt] n extrato: 1 resumo, sumário. 2 essência, extração. • [ikstr'ækt] vt 1 extrair, arrancar, tirar. 2 Chem precipitar, lavar, desfilar. 3 transcrever. 4 deduzir. 5 calcular. to extract the root of a number / Math extrair a raiz de um número. 6 publicar um extrato (trecho de algo escrito).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > extract

  • 12 extract

    1. [ik'strækt] verb
    1) (to pull out, or draw out, especially by force or with effort: I have to have a tooth extracted; Did you manage to extract the information from her?) extrair
    2) (to select (passages from a book etc).) extrair
    3) (to take out (a substance forming part of something else) by crushing or by chemical means: Vanilla essence is extracted from vanilla beans.) extrair
    2. ['ekstrækt] noun
    1) (a passage selected from a book etc: a short extract from his novel.) extrato, excerto
    2) (a substance obtained by an extracting process: beef/yeast extract; extract of malt.) extrato

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > extract

  • 13 pluck

    1. verb
    1) (to pull: She plucked a grey hair from her head; He plucked at my sleeve.) puxar
    2) (to pull the feathers off (a chicken etc) before cooking it.) depenar
    3) (to pick (flowers etc).) apanhar
    4) (to pull hairs out of (eyebrows) in order to improve their shape.) arrancar
    5) (to pull and let go (the strings of a musical instrument).) puxar
    2. noun
    (courage He showed a lot of pluck.) coragem
    - pluckily
    - pluckiness
    - pluck up the courage
    - pluck up courage
    - energy
    * * *
    [pl∧k] n 1 arranca, arrancada. 2 puxão, safanão. 3 fressura. 4 coragem, determinação. • vt+vi 1 arrancar, desarraigar. 2 colher, apanhar. 3 depenar, deplumar. 4 puxar, safar. 5 tanger (instrumento de cordas). 6 sl afanar, roubar. he has a crow to pluck with you ele tem contas a ajustar com você. to pluck a pigeon depenar um pato, extorquir dinheiro de um otário. to pluck away arrebatar. to pluck down 1 derrubar, deitar abaixo. 2 humilhar. to pluck one’s eyebrows Braz coll depilar as sobrancelhas. to pluck up 1 arrancar, extirpar. 2 recobrar o ânimo. to pluck up courage criar coragem. she plucked up courage / ela criou coragem.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pluck

  • 14 pluck

    1. verb
    1) (to pull: She plucked a grey hair from her head; He plucked at my sleeve.) arrancar
    2) (to pull the feathers off (a chicken etc) before cooking it.) depenar
    3) (to pick (flowers etc).) colher
    4) (to pull hairs out of (eyebrows) in order to improve their shape.) depilar (as sobrancelhas)
    5) (to pull and let go (the strings of a musical instrument).) dedilhar
    2. noun
    (courage He showed a lot of pluck.) coragem
    - pluckily - pluckiness - pluck up the courage - pluck up courage - energy

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pluck

  • 15 wrench

    [ren ] 1. verb
    1) (to pull with a violent movement: He wrenched the gun out of my hand.) arrancar
    2) (to sprain: to wrench one's shoulder.) luxar
    2. noun
    1) (a violent pull or twist.) puxão
    2) (a type of strong tool for turning nuts, bolts etc.) chave inglesa
    * * *
    [rentʃ] n 1 arranco, puxão violento, repelão, sacalão. 2 torcedura, distensão, deslocamento, luxação, torção. I gave my foot a wrench / sofri uma distensão no pé. 3 tristeza, dor (de separação ou despedida). it would be a great wrench to him if... / seria uma grande tristeza para ele se... 4 chave inglesa, chave de porca. 5 deturpação de sentido (de palavra, texto). • vt 1 arrancar com puxão violento, arrebatar violentamente ( out of). 2 torcer, distender, deslocar, luxar. 3 deturpar o sentido, desvirtuar. 4 afetar de modo entristecedor ou dolorosamente. I wrenched myself ( from) livrei-me à força (de). monkey wrench chave inglesa. single-headed end wrench chave de boca fixa. Stillson wrench chave Stillson. to wrench off arrancar de. to wrench open arrombar. to wrench something from someone arrancar alguma coisa a alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wrench

  • 16 string

    1. [striŋ] noun
    1) ((a piece of) long narrow cord made of threads twisted together, or tape, for tying, fastening etc: a piece of string to tie a parcel; a ball of string; a puppet's strings; apron-strings.) fio
    2) (a fibre etc, eg on a vegetable.) fio
    3) (a piece of wire, gut etc on a musical instrument, eg a violin: His A-string broke; ( also adjective) He plays the viola in a string orchestra.) corda
    4) (a series or group of things threaded on a cord etc: a string of beads.) cordão
    2. verb
    1) (to put (beads etc) on a string etc: The pearls were sent to a jeweller to be strung.) enfiar
    2) (to put a string or strings on (eg a bow or stringed instrument): The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target.) encordoar
    3) (to remove strings from (vegetables etc).) tirar os fios
    4) (to tie and hang with string etc: The farmer strung up the dead crows on the fence.) pendurar
    - stringy
    - stringiness
    - string bean
    - stringed instruments
    - have someone on a string
    - have on a string
    - pull strings
    - pull the strings
    - string out
    - strung up
    - stringent
    - stringently
    - stringency
    * * *
    [striŋ] n 1 barbante, fio, cordel, corda fina. 2 fileira, corrente, colar, enfiada (de contas). 3 corda (de instrumento musical). 4 strings instrumentos de corda. 5 cordão, fita. 6 série, carreira. 7 corda de arco. 8 cadeia, seqüência. • vt (ps, pp strung). 1 enfiar, enfileirar. 2 colocar cordas, encordoar. 3 amarrar (com barbante), dependurar com barbante ou corda. 4 esticar, apertar (as cordas ou fios). 5 excitar, deixar tenso ou nervoso. 6 tirar as fibras ou tendões. 7 formar ou mover em fila. 8 arranjar em série ou seqüência, encadear. 9 sl enganar, burlar. he is always harping on the same string ele bate sempre na mesma tecla. there are some strings attached to it há algumas restrições, limitações. to have more than one string to one’s bow ter mais de uma idéia, habilidade a seu favor. he has two strings to his bow / ele tem o pé em duas canoas. to have on a/ the string trazer na coleira, ter sob controle. to pull the strings exercer influência discretamente, usar pistolões, mexer os pauzinhos. to string along a) enganar, lograr. b) ir com, acompanhar. to string together enfiar, enfileirar. without strings, with no strings attached sem restrições.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > string

  • 17 shell

    [ʃel] 1. noun
    1) (the hard outer covering of a shellfish, egg, nut etc: an eggshell; A tortoise can pull its head and legs under its shell.) concha
    2) (an outer covering or framework: After the fire, all that was left was the burned-out shell of the building.) esqueleto
    3) (a metal case filled with explosives and fired from a gun etc: A shell exploded right beside him.) projéctil
    2. verb
    1) (to remove from its shell or pod: You have to shell peas before eating them.) descascar
    2) (to fire explosive shells at: The army shelled the enemy mercilessly.) bombardear
    - come out of one's shell
    - shell out
    * * *
    [ʃel] n 1 casca, concha, carapaça, casco (de um animal). 2 casca, cápsula (que cobre semente). 3 parte externa, aparência. 4 Amer barco de corrida, muito leve. 5 forma para pastéis ou bolos. 6 cartucho, granada, bomba. 7 madeiramento, armação, estrutura (de casa, de navio). • vt+vi 1 tirar de casco, de casca, de concha, descascar. 2 sair, cair da casca. 3 separar trigo das espigas. 4 bombardear. to come (ou crawl) out of the shell, to be brought out of the shell sair da casca, começar a ficar mais amistoso e menos tímido e reservado. to retire (ou crawl) into the shell fechar-se em conchas, tornar-se tímido. to shell off descascar-se, escamar-se. to shell out 1 gastar (dinheiro), contribuir. 2 sl pagar, Braz enfiar a mão no bolso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > shell

  • 18 draw

    [dro:] 1. past tense - drew; verb
    1) (to make a picture or pictures (of), usually with a pencil, crayons etc: During his stay in hospital he drew a great deal; Shall I draw a cow?) desenhar
    2) (to pull along, out or towards oneself: She drew the child towards her; He drew a gun suddenly and fired; All water had to be drawn from a well; The cart was drawn by a pony.) puxar
    3) (to move (towards or away from someone or something): The car drew away from the kerb; Christmas is drawing closer.) mover-se
    4) (to play (a game) in which neither side wins: The match was drawn / We drew at 1-1.) empatar
    5) (to obtain (money) from a fund, bank etc: to draw a pension / an allowance.) levantar
    6) (to open or close (curtains).) correr
    7) (to attract: She was trying to draw my attention to something.) atrair
    2. noun
    1) (a drawn game: The match ended in a draw.) empate
    2) (an attraction: The acrobats' act should be a real draw.) atracção
    3) (the selecting of winning tickets in a raffle, lottery etc: a prize draw.) sorteio
    4) (an act of drawing, especially a gun: He's quick on the draw.) arranque
    - drawn
    - drawback
    - drawbridge
    - drawing-pin
    - drawstring
    - draw a blank
    - draw a conclusion from
    - draw in
    - draw the line
    - draw/cast lots
    - draw off
    - draw on1
    - draw on2
    - draw out
    - draw up
    - long drawn out
    * * *
    [drɔ:] n 1 a ação de puxar ou tirar. 2 a ação de tirar a sorte. 3 a sorte que se tirou. 4 atração, coisa que atrai, chamariz, coisa de arromba (por exemplo uma peça teatral, "a good draw"). 5 empate (no jogo); ato de interromper um jogo sem terminá-lo. 6 pressão, tensão. 7 bacia, vale, por onde correm ou convergem as águas. 8 parte móvel da ponte levadiça. 9 tentativa para saber alguma coisa. 10 sorte, destino. 11 desenho, esboço. 12 ato de puxar uma arma. 13 gaveta. • vt+vi ps drew, pp drawn. 1 tirar, puxar, arrastar, arrancar. 2 sacar, retirar, desembainhar, extrair. 3 estripar, desentranhar. 4 puxar para cima, tirar para cima. 5 chupar, mamar. 6 atrair para si, atrair com afagos. 7 tirar qualquer líquido de um barril. 8 tirar a sorte. 9 respirar, inalar. 10 arrancar (suspiros, gemidos). 11 estender, alongar, estirar, correr, cerrar (cortina). 12 receber, ganhar (dinheiro, prêmio), tirar (dinheiro do banco). 13 esvaziar. 14 draw to chegar(-se) perto ou em frente de; reunir-se. 15 evocar, causar, deduzir, inferir. 16 retratar, desenhar, debuxar. 17 traçar, delinear, esboçar. 18 minutar. 19 representar-se alguma coisa na idéia, descobrir. 20 formular, fazer uma escritura, contrato, etc. 21 sacar uma letra de câmbio, tirar uma ordem de pagamento. 22 Naut ter calado de, navegar a um calado determinado. 23 empatar um jogo sem terminá-lo. 24 Hunt desencavar feras, bater a moita. 25 fazer exigências, ser exigente. 26 franzir (as sobrancelhas). 27 enxotar. 28 pôr de infusão, deixar em infusão (chá, etc.). 29 esgotar. 30 encolher-se, contrair-se. 31 (back; away from) retirar-se de. 32 espremer, expulsar. 33 exercer influência sobre. 34 ser atraente. 35 eliciar, fazer sair (mediante alguma atração ou por instigação). 36 estar enfunado, içar (vela). 37 acumular, produzir. 38 drenar (um abscesso). 39 perseguir a caça pelo rasto. to beat to the draw sl fazer algo antes de qualquer outro. to be quick on the draw ser chafreiro, repentista. to draw a bead encarrilhar, encaminhar, ter em mira. to draw a bill sacar uma letra. to draw a blank sair a sorte em branco. to draw after acarretar. to draw a gun sacar um revólver. to draw air respirar, tomar folego. to draw a line passar um traço. to draw along 1 consumir-se, definhar. 2 arrastar. to draw amiss Hunt perder o rasto. to draw and quarter 1 executar atando cada membro a um cavalo diferente e conduzi-los para direções diferentes. 2 estripar após enforcamento. to draw a perpendicular baixar uma perpendicular. to draw a picture sl explicar em termos muito simples. to draw a profit ter lucros. to draw aside 1 tomar à parte. 2 abrir, descerrar (cortina). to draw asunder separar tirando, dilacerar. to draw away afastar(-se), apartar, tirar, sacar, seguir em frente. to draw back retirar(-se), puxar para trás, retrair. to draw back one’s hand abandonar alguém. to draw blood of one chupar o sangue de alguém. to draw breath respirar, tomar fôlego. to draw comparisons fazer comparações. to draw down a curse on one’s family lançar uma maldição sobre a família de. to draw forth 1 arrancar, fazer sair. 2 suscitar, provocar. to draw from desenhar conforme. to draw in 1 contrair, encolher, recolher. 2 seduzir, engodar. 3 findar, diminuir (falando de dias). to draw in one’s horns tornar-se mais modesto. to draw it fine ser bastante preciso. to draw it mild coll manifestar, descrever ou perguntar sem exagerar, não exorbitar. to draw near (ou nigh) aproximar-se. to draw off 1 apartar, retirar (-se), retrair. 2 transvasar, esvaziar (vinho, etc.) 3 urinar. to draw on 1 atrair, seduzir, instigar, ocasionar. 2 aproximar(-se), ir-se chegando (falando do tempo). 3 sacar sobre alguém, valer-se de, contar com. to draw on one’s coat vestir seu casaco. to draw on one’s imagination fazer afirmações mentirosas. to draw one dry esgotar alguém, tirar-lhe todo o seu dinheiro. to draw on one’s memory tentar lembrar. to draw out 1 prolongar, retardar, alongar. 2 eliciar, fazer sair por instigação. 3 extrair, formular. 4 puxar fora, tirar. 5 Mil pôr em ordem de batalha. to draw over induzir, persuadir alguém para que mude de partido. to draw rein diminuir a velocidade, parar. to draw someone forth induzir alguém a expandir-se. to draw someone out fig puxar alguém pela língua. to draw someone into, to persuadir alguém a. to draw the attention of chamar a atenção de. to draw the attention to chamar a atenção a. to draw the curtain correr, puxar a cortina. to draw the line at recusar, limitar, traçar os limites. to draw the teeth of tornar inofensivo, cortar as garras. to draw to a head amadurecer. to draw to an end tender para o fim, estar acabando. to draw together contrair. to draw to scale Tech desenhar em escala. to draw towards tender para, inclinar-se. to draw up 1 tirar, puxar para cima, içar. 2 esboçar, redigir, fazer, escrever (um documento, uma petição, etc.). 3 compor, formar. 4 Mil alinhar, pôr em ordem de batalha, formar-se. 5 chegar(-se) em frente de. 6 erguer-se, empertigar-se. 7 parar, interromper. to draw up to the curb encostar o carro no meio-fio. to draw upon (on) sacar sobre alguém. to draw up with alcançar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > draw

  • 19 rip

    [rip] 1. past tense, past participle - ripped; verb
    1) (to make or get a hole or tear in by pulling, tearing etc: He ripped his shirt on a branch; His shirt ripped.) rasgar(-se)
    2) (to pull (off, up etc) by breaking or tearing: The roof of the car was ripped off in the crash; to rip up floorboards; He ripped open the envelope.) arrancar
    2. noun
    (a tear or hole: a rip in my shirt.) rasgão
    * * *
    [rip] n rasgo, rasgão, fenda. • vt+vi 1 rasgar, abrir à força, fender, romper, rachar, arrancar (out, off, up). to rip the cover off the box / arrancar a tampa da caixa. 2 serrar madeira na direção do fio. 3 correr, apressar-se, ir ou seguir depressa. 4 coll proferir com violência, blasfemar, praguejar ( out). 5 mexer, ventilar novamente (um assunto ou escândalo). 6 descoser. 7 demolir. 8 destelhar. to rip into atacar. to rip off a) remover violentamente, arrancar. b) Amer sl roubar. c) coll explorar, cobrar caro demais, cobrar a mais. to rip out remover com violência. to rip out on oath praguejar.
    [rip] n devasso, libertino.
    [rip] n corredeira, extensão de água agitada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rip

  • 20 drag

    [dræɡ] 1. past tense, past participle - dragged; verb
    1) (to pull, especially by force or roughly: She was dragged screaming from her car.) arrastar
    2) (to pull (something) slowly (usually because heavy): He dragged the heavy table across the floor.) arrastar
    3) (to (cause to) move along the ground: His coat was so long it dragged on the ground at the back.) arrastar
    4) (to search (the bed of a lake etc) by using a net or hook: Police are dragging the canal to try to find the body.) dragar
    5) (to be slow-moving and boring: The evening dragged a bit.) arrastar-se
    2. noun
    1) (something which slows something down: He felt that his lack of education was a drag on his progress.) travão
    2) (an act of drawing in smoke from a cigarette etc: He took a long drag at his cigarette.) tragada
    3) (something or someone that is dull and boring: Washing-up is a drag.) chatice
    4) (a slang word for women's clothes when worn by men.) roupa de travesti
    * * *
    [dræg] n 1 carro de rojo, rastilho, arrasto, carro de transporte. 2 rede varredoura. 3 draga, fateixa de rocegar. 4 croque, gancho, ancinho, grade de arar, desterroar. 5 máquina ou dispositivo para adubar a terra. 6 máquina, aparelho que serve para arrastar ou puxar algo. 7 resistência ao avanço, sapata de roda de veículo, travão, qualquer coisa que retarda o progresso, ( upon) obstáculo, empecilho. 8 espécie de carruagem aberta, a quatro cavalos. 9 dragagem, ação de dragar, arrastar. 10 Hunt rasto de raposa, rasto artificial, montaria, caça grossa. 11 Amer sl influência, pressão. 12 sl coisa enfadonha. 13 sl inalação de fumaça. 14 sl roupa própria de pessoas de um sexo, usada por pessoas de outro. 15 sl festa de homossexuais. • vt+vi 1 arrastar(-se), levar a rastos, tirar, puxar à força, arrancar. 2 dragar, rocegar, desentupir (um porto). 3 gradar, desterroar. 4 garrar, arrastar (a âncora). 5 arrastar (falando de vestidos compridos). 6 pescar com a rede varredoura. 7 deter-se, tardar, prolongar-se, não adiantar, mover-se morosamente ou com dificuldade. the child drags / a criança é retardada no seu desenvolvimento. 8 passar. to drag along, drag on 1 arrastar com força. 2 puxar, arrastar. 3 arrastar-se, demorar. to drag away mover-se ou partir sem vontade. to drag by passar vagarosamente. to drag down 1 sentir-se fraco ou deprimido. 2 reduzir a um nível social mais baixo. to drag in introduzir um assunto sem interesse ou inoportuno. to drag into envolver (alguém ou algo) desnecessariamente. to drag one’s feet não se esforçar, retardar, fazer corpo mole. to drag out 1 protrair, prolongar, fazer durar. 2 forçar a dizer algo. to drag up 1 educar ou criar com negligência. 2 levantar um assunto desnecessariamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > drag

См. также в других словарях:

  • pull-out — pull outs 1) N COUNT: usu N n In a newspaper or magazine, a pull out is a section which you can remove easily and keep. ...an eight page pull out supplement. 2) N SING: oft N from/of n When there is a pull out of armed forces from a place, troops …   English dictionary

  • pull-out — pull|out [ˈpulaut] n 1.) the act of an army, business etc leaving a particular place ▪ The pull out of troops will begin soon. 2.) part of a book or magazine that is designed to be removed and read separately ▪ a pull out on home PCs …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pull-out — pullˈ out adjective Denoting a section of a magazine, etc that can be removed and kept separately (see also ↑pull out below) • • • Main Entry: ↑pull …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pull Out — is a feature documentary directed by Jyllian Gunther, released in 2004. It reflects on Gunther s past relationships and why they failed.AwardsThe film was an official selection of the following award organizations: *Hamptons International Film… …   Wikipedia

  • pull out — ► pull out withdraw or retreat. Main Entry: ↑pull …   English terms dictionary

  • pull out of — pull out (of (something)) to stop being involved in something. She s considering a run for governor if Mr. Lamb pulls out of the race …   New idioms dictionary

  • pull out — (of (something)) to stop being involved in something. She s considering a run for governor if Mr. Lamb pulls out of the race …   New idioms dictionary

  • pull|out — «PUL OWT», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a withdrawal, especially of troops: »The pullout may start this week; Gaza troops will exit by the overland motor route (Wall Street Journal). 2. the action of an aircraft in recovering from a dive and returning …   Useful english dictionary

  • pull out — index abandon (withdraw), disinter, educe, eviscerate, extirpate, extract, leave (depart) …   Law dictionary

  • pull out — [v] quit abandon, depart, evacuate, exit, get off, go, leave, retire, retreat, shove off, stop, stop participating, take off, withdraw; concepts 119,121,195 Ant. continue, persevere, start …   New thesaurus

  • pull out — 1) PHRASAL VERB When a vehicle or driver pulls out, the vehicle moves out into the road or nearer the centre of the road. [V P prep] She pulled out into the street... [V P] He was about to pull out to overtake the guy in front of him. 2) PHRASAL… …   English dictionary

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