1 public utility bond
фин. облигация коммунальной компании* (облигация, выпущенная предприятием, осуществляющим газо-, водо- или энергоснабжение, оказывающим телефонные или другие коммунальные услуги)See:* * * -
2 public utility bond
фин. облигация коммунальной компании* (облигация, выпущенная предприятием, осуществляющим газо-, водо-, энергоснабжение, оказывающим телефонные или другие коммунальные услуги)See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > public utility bond
3 public utility bond
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > public utility bond
4 public utility bond
1) Экономика: облигация коммунальной компании2) Инвестиции: облигация предприятия общественного пользования -
5 public utility bond
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > public utility bond
6 public utility bond
облигация; выпущенная предприятием коммунальных услугEnglish_Russian capital issues dictionary > public utility bond
7 public utility bond
Высоконадежный долговой инструмент, выпускаемый фирмами, действующими в сфере коммунальных услуг. Облигации такого рода традиционно обеспечены закладными на здания и оборудование. -
8 public utility revenue bond
гос. фин. = utility revenue bondАнгло-русский экономический словарь > public utility revenue bond
9 public utility revenue bond
общ. фин. = utility revenue bondThe new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > public utility revenue bond
10 bond
11 bond
1. сущ.1) общ. связь (между какими-л. лицами, группами лиц, явлениями и т. д.)See:2)а) эк., юр. обязательство, обязывающее соглашение (напр., любое долговое обязательство, любое гарантийное обязательство или поручительство и т. д.)See:б) фин., страх. гарантия (выполнения обязательств), поручительство; гарантийное обязательство; страховая гарантия (соглашение, по которому одна сторона (поручитель, гарант) принимает на себя обязательство перед другой стороной возместить ей потери или ущерб, нанесенные неспособностью третьего лица выполнять свои обязательства; напр., гарантия выполнения третьим лицом контрактных обязательств, гарантия, защищающая работодателя от нечестности работников и т. д.; по сути является страхованием от убытков в результате действий третьих лиц)straw bond — ненадежное [липовое\] поручительство, ненадежная [липовая\] гарантия
Syn:See:advance payment bond, blanket bond, blue sky bond, contract bond, customs bond, employee dishonesty bond, fidelity bond, indemnity bond, lost instrument bond, non-contract bond, notary bond, bid bond, performance bond, surety bond3) фин. облигация (ценная бумага, удостоверяющая право ее держателя на получение от лица, выпустившего облигацию, в предусмотренный ею срок номинальной стоимости облигации или иного имущественного эквивалента и обычно предоставляющая ее держателю право на получение периодического процента от ее номинальной стоимости либо иные имущественные права; является разновидностью долговых ценных бумаг); преим. мн. боны, бондыATTRIBUTES [purpose\]: public housing 1), rental housing
ATTRIBUTES [rights\]: assented
to place [underwrite\] bonds — размещать облигации
to retire [redeem, repay\] bonds — погашать облигации
bond denominated in dollars — облигация, выраженная в долларах
bond market — рынок облигаций, облигационный рынок
See:bond broker, bond certificate, bond market, bond rating, bond year, accretion bond, accrual bond, assumed bond, auction rate bond, authority bond, baby bond, back bond, bailout bond, bearer bond, capitalization bond, catastrophe bond, collateral trust bond, collateralized bond, combination bond, commodity-linked bond, companion bond, consolidated bond, convertible bond, corporate bond, coupon bond, cushion bond, Daimyo bond, debt conversion bond, debenture bond, defence bond, deferred interest bond, definitive bond, development bond, discount bond, dollar bond, domestic bond, double-barreled bond, drawn bond, dual currency bond, equipment bond, escalator bond, eurodollar bond, eurosterling bond, exit bond, extended bond, extendible bond, external bond, fixed-rate bond, floating-rate bond, flower bond, foreign bond, foreign currency bond, geisha bond, general obligation bond, gilt-edged bond, global bond, gold bond, gold-indexed bond, government bond, granny bond, guaranteed bond, guaranteed income bond, heaven and hell bond, high-grade bond, housing bond, improvement bond, inactive bond, income bond, indexed bond, industrial bond, infrastructure bond, internal bond, international bond, investment grade bond, joint bond, junior bond, junk bond, land grant bond, letter bond, Liberty bond, limited tax bond, long-dated bond, long-term bond, lottery bond, matador bond, Matilda bond, medium-dated bond, medium-term bond, moral obligation bond, mortgage bond, multiple currency bond, notional bond, obligation bond, optional payment bond, parallel bonds, participating bond, passive bond, past due interest bond, perpetual bond, plastic bonds, premium bond, public bond, public utility bond, railroad bond, redeemable bond, registered bond, revenue bond, samurai bond, savings bond, seasoned bond, senior bond, serial bond, sour bond, speculative bond, temporary bond, Treasury bond, bondholder, eurobond4) эк. залог (внесение каких-л. активов в качестве обеспечения возврата ссуды, уплаты таможенных платежей или выполнения какого-л. другого действия; также сами деньги или другие активы, внесенные в качестве гарантии выполнения какого-л. действия)See:5) фин., шотл. ссуда под залог6) эк., юр. гарант, поручитель (лицо, выдающее гарантию или ручающееся за другое лицо)Syn:7) общ., ист. крепостнойSyn:2. гл.1) общ. держаться (на чем-л.); сцепляться, соединяться (с чем-л.); быть связанным воедино*, скрепляться* (напр., о лицах, объединенных в группу за счет психологических, социальных и т. п. связей)2)а) межд. эк., гос. фин. (оставлять товары на таможенном, акцизном и т. п. складе до уплаты причитающихся налогов и сборов)б) эк., юр. подписывать [принимать на себя\] обязательство, связывать обязательством (долговым или иным, себя или кого-л. другого)в) фин. выпускать [эмитировать\] облигацииSee:
* * *
обязательство: 1) облигация, долговое обязательство: ценная бумага, эмитированная на определенных условиях для мобилизации финансовых ресурсов (свидетельство о долгосрочном долге); обязательство эмитента ценной бумаги выплачивать держателю регулярный доход и полностью вернуть основную сумму после истечения оговоренного периода; в отличие от акций не дает прав собственности на компанию-эмитента; облигация может быть выпущена с купонами (с плавающей или фиксированной ставкой) или с дисконтом, как именная или на предъявителя, с и/или без обеспечения, с правом конверсии в другие ценные бумаги эмитента; см. bearer bond; 2) гарантия выполнения обязательств; страховка от убытков в результате действий третьей стороны; = performance bond; surety; 3) залог, закладная, в т. ч. таможенная.* * *облигация; долговой инструмент; долговое обязательство; залог; таможенное обязательство. Облигации - это долговые обязательства, которые выпускаются на период времени больше одного года. Облигации могут выпускаться правительством США, органами местного самоуправления, частными компаниями и многими другими организациями. Когда инвестор покупает облигации, он предоставляет эмитенту свои деньги. Продавец облигации обязуется выплатить основную сумму долга в определенное время. По процентным облигациям проценты выплачиваются через определенные периоды времени . Словарь экономических терминов .* * *Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельностьценная бумага, представляющая собой долговое обязательство предприятия, банка или государства при выпуске внутреннего займа; выпускать облигации-----Банки/Банковские операцииценная бумага, свидетельствующая о внесении ее владельцем денежных средств и подтверждающая обязанность банка возместить ему номинальную стоимость облигации в предусмотренный срок с оплатой фиксированного процента -
12 bond
13 utility revenue bond
гос. фин. облигация под доходы от коммунальных предприятий*, облигация под доходы коммунального хозяйства* (муниципальная облигация, выпущенная для финансирования строительства или реконструкции систем коммунального обеспечения (электро-, водо- и газоснабжение, канализация) и погашаемая за счет доходов от них)Syn:See:
* * *
облигация под доходы от коммунальных предприятий: муниципальная облигация, выпущенная для финансирования строительства систем коммунального обеспечения (электро-, водо- и газоснабжение, канализация) и погашаемая за счет доходов от них; обычно такой заем имеет резервный фонд, равный одному году обслуживания долга; см. revenue bond.* * *муниципальная облигация (для привлечения средств на развитие коммунальных служб; погашается за счет поступлений таких служб). . Словарь экономических терминов . -
14 utility revenue bond
общ. фин. облигация под доходы от коммунальных предприятий*, облигация под доходы коммунального хозяйства* (муниципальная облигация, выпущенная для финансирования строительства или реконструкции систем коммунального обеспечения (электро-, водо- и газоснабжение, канализация) и погашаемая за счет доходов от них)Syn:See:The new English-Russian dictionary of financial markets > utility revenue bond
15 public utilities
1) эк. коммунальные службы [компании, предприятия\], предприятия [компании\] коммунального хозяйства [коммунального обслуживания\] (предприятия государственного или частного сектора, обеспечивающие, напр., энерго- и водоснабжение, газ, телекоммуникации, почту, транспорт)Syn:See:gas utilities, government facilities, municipal engineering, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, night soil, utility enterprise, off-peak energy2) эк. коммунальные услуги (услуги населению, связанные с поддержанием и обеспечением бытовых условий в местах домашнего пребывания людей, в том числе водоснабжение, газоснабжение, электроснабжение и т. п.)3) бирж. ценные бумаги коммунальных предприятийSee:
* * *
public utilities; PU 1) государственные коммунальные предприятия, предприятия общественного пользования (водо- и газоснабжение, электроэнергия, почта, транспорт и т. д.); 2) ценные бумаги государственных коммунальных предприятий, котируемые на фондовой бирже.* * * -
16 облигация коммунальной компании
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > облигация коммунальной компании
17 security
сущ.1)а) общ. безопасностьto ensure [to provide\] security — обеспечивать безопасность
See:economic security, food security, personal security, national security, national security override, security consultant, security exceptions, security zone, Container Security Initiative, Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Homeland Security, Mutual Security Agency, Security Councilб) общ. защита, охрана (от чего-л.); гарантия, гарантированностьjob security — гарантия занятости, гарантированность сохранения рабочего места
в) пол. органы [служба\] безопасностиSee:2) фин. обеспечение, залог (имущество, используемое в качестве гарантии при кредитовании)against security — под обеспечение, под гарантию
The loan is given against security of the fixed deposit. — Заем предоставлен под обеспечение срочным депозитом.
A company borrows money against security. — Компания занимает деньги под обеспечение.
Syn:See:а) фин., обычно мн. ценная бумага (документ, который закрепляет право владения или отношения займа, может передаваться из рук в руки и является инструментом привлечения финансирования; в американском законодательстве трактуется как сделка по предоставлению денежных средств в пользование другого лица с целью извлечения прибыли, удостоверяющий такую сделку документ, а также право на его приобретение или продажу, которые характеризуются следующими обстоятельствами: а) мотивацией продавца, заключающейся в привлечении капитала, необходимого для общего использования в коммерческом предприятии продавца или для финансирования существенных инвестиций, б) мотивацией покупателя, заключающейся в получении прибыли от предоставления средств, в) выступлением инструмента в роли предмета обычной торговли, г) разумными ожиданиями покупателя о применении к инструменту федеральных законов о ценных бумагах, д) отсутствием сокращающего риск фактора, напр., выражающегося в применении к инструменту другой схемы регулирования)ATTRIBUTES [creator\]: Treasury, municipal, muni, state, local, foreign, home, home country, domestic, agency 1), federal agency 1), state agency, authority 2), private, private sector, public, public sector, public utility 2), external, internal, international, industrial, tax district, railroad, school, school district, refunding, advance refunding, equipment trust, new money 2)
ATTRIBUTES [purpose\]: tax anticipation 2), revenue anticipation, grant anticipation, bond anticipation, private activity, reorganization 2), savings, capital 2), income, guaranteed income, growth 1), war, defence, debt conversion, construction 1), infrastructure, infrastructure renewal, housing 1), manufactured housing 1), equipment trust, equipment, consolidated, mezzanine 2)
pollution control municipal securities — муниципальные ценные бумаги для реализации экологических проектов
The Company also issued $39 million of variable and fixed rate Pollution Control Securities in 1994.
ATTRIBUTES [owner\]: registered, bearer, negotiable, transferable, non-transferable, outstanding 4)
Liquidations from such a pool would require the manager to liquidate longer securities which are much more volatile.
Only the insurance companies and funds have preference for the longer-dated securities.
The Portfolio Manager is now investing some of the District’s portfolio in longer-term securities.
The government could persuade lenders to take up only about 60% of US$1.2 billion in six-month securities on offer.
Two- and 3-year securities have a minimum of $3 billion.
ATTRIBUTES [rights\]: alternate 2) б), antidilutive, assented, asset-backed, auction rate, backed, callable, closed-end mortgage, collateralized, collateral trust, combination 3) в), companion, consolidated mortgage, convertible 2) а), debenture 2) а), definitive, double-barreled 3) а), endorsed, exchange, exchangeable, extendible, federal home loan bank, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, first mortgage, general obligation, guaranteed 2) а), general mortgage home loan, insured, interchangeable, irredeemable 2) а), junior 2) б), junior lien, moral obligation, mortgage 3. 3) а), mortgage-backed, non-assented, noncallable, non-participating, open-end mortgage, parity, participating 2) а), preferred 2) а), prior lien, profit-sharing, property 2) а), putable, real estate, redeemable 3) а), revenue 3. 1) а), second lien, second mortgage, secured, senior 2) б), senior lien, serial, series 2) б), subordinated, tax increment, tranche, unassented, unsecured, z-tranche
This is a series of Frequently Asked Questions about other Special Purpose Securities handled by the Special Investments Branch.
ATTRIBUTES [currency\]: dual currency, reverse-dual currency
The Bank accepts as collateral Canadian dollar securities issued or guaranteed by the Government of Canada.
But if you have an expectation of a weakening dollar, does it still make sense to invest in US dollar-denominated securities?
ATTRIBUTES [income\]: adjustable rate, annuity, auction rate, bank-qualified, capital growth, capped, coupon-bearing, collar, collared, coupon 1), credit-sensitive, deep discount, defaulted, deferred-coupon, deferred interest, discount 1. 1), double-exempt, fixed annuity, fixed-coupon, fixed-rate, fixed-income, flat, flat income, floating rate, floored, full coupon, interest-bearing, non-interest-bearing, non-qualified, non-bank-qualified, life annuity, mismatch, original issue discount, premium 1. 1), qualified 1. 2) б), qualifying 1. 2) б), reset, split coupon, step-down, step-up, stripped, taxable, tax-credit, tax-exempt 1. 1), tax-free, tax-exempt, tax-preferred, variable-coupon, variable annuity, variable rate, zero-coupon
The prepayment rate for mortgages backing Ginnie Mae's 13 percent securities was 47.3 percent.
[high, higher, medium, low, lower\] coupon security — с [высоким, более высоким, средним, низким, более низким\] купоном [доходом\]
The State governments and their utilities had proposed issuing of low coupon securities for refinancing the SLR securities.
high [higher, medium, low, lower\] income security — с высоким [более высоким, средним, низким, более низким\] доходом
You'd be prudent to select issues with short maturities that can later be replaced with higher-income securities as interest rates rise.
high [higher, medium, low, lower\] yield security — с высокой [более высокой, средней, низкой, более низкой\] доходностью
The higher yield securities with higher risk can form the portion that you are willing to gamble.
What happens is that the company that is insured anticipates in advance and knows that low-coverage/high-premium securities will fetch lower prices.
ATTRIBUTES [creation\]: original issue discount, OID, fully paid, partly paid, private placement 2., publicly offered, when-issued
ATTRIBUTES [destruction\]: bullet, bullet-maturity, drawn, single-payment, sinking fund 1), planned amortization class, targeted amortization class, variable redemption
ATTRIBUTES [status\]: listed 2), unlisted, non-listed, delisted, quoted, unquoted, rated 3), non-rated, speculative grade, investment grade, gilt-edged
ATTRIBUTES [size\]: baby, penny
ATTRIBUTES [structured\]: structured, well-structured, non-structured, range, range accrual, capital protected, principal protected, capital guaranteed, reverse floating rate, inverse floating rate, participation, equity index participation, equity participation, market participation, equity linked, equity index-linked, index-linked, market-indexed, equity-linked, credit-linked, reverse convertible, indexed, non-indexed, dual-indexed, capital-indexed, coupon-indexed, interest-indexed, current-pay, gold-indexed, catastrophe, cat, catastrophe-linked, catastrophe risk-linked, cat-linked, catastrophe insurance, cat-linked, catastrophe insurance, disaster, act of God, earthquake, earthquake-risk, hurricane
Argentina will not be required to make an adjustment to the amounts previously paid to holders of the GDP-linked Securities for changes that may affect the economy.
Proposals to create GDP-indexed securities are naturally supported by the arguments in this paper
ATTRIBUTES [form\]: book-entry, certificated
security market — фондовый рынок, рынок ценных бумаг
ACTIONS [passive\]:
to issue a security — выпускать [эмитировать\] ценную бумагу
to place [underwrite\] a security — размещать ценную бумагу
to earn $n on a security — получать доход в n долл. от ценной бумаги
to list a security, to admit a security to a listing, to accept security for trading in a exchange — допускать ценную бумагу к торгам (на бирже), включать в листинг
ACTIONS [active\]:
a security closes at $n up[down\] m% — курс закрытия ценной бумаги составил $n, что на m% выше [ниже\] вчерашнего
security price — цена [курс\] ценной бумаги
See:debt security, equity security, hybrid security, antidilutive securities, asset-backed securities, auction rate securities, baby securities, book-entry securities, certificated security, control securities, convertible securities, coupon security, dated security, deep discount security, discount securities, drop-lock security, equity-linked securities, fixed income security, foreign interest payment security, gross-paying securities, inflation-indexed security, interest-bearing securities, irredeemable securities, junior securities, letter security, listed securities, marketable securities, negotiable security, net-paying securities, non-convertible securities, participating securities, pay-in-kind securities, perpetual security, primary security, secondary security, unlisted securities, zero-coupon security, securities analyst, security analyst, securities broker, securities dealer, security dealer, securities market, security market, securities trader, International Securities Identification Number, financial market, principal, interest, issuer, Uniform Sale of Securities Act, Securities Act of 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, Culp v. Mulvane, Investment Company Act, Investment Advisers Act, SEC v. CM Joiner Leasing Corp., SEC v. W. J. Howey Co., SEC v. Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company of America, SEC v. United Benefit Life Insurance Company, Tcherepnin v. Knight, SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc.б) фин., обычно мн. (право владения или отношения займа, закрепленные в документе, который может передаваться из рук в руки и является инструментом привлечения финансирования)в) юр., амер. (трактуется как сделка по предоставлению денежных средств в пользование другого лица с целью извлечения прибыли, удостоверяющий такую сделку документ, а также право на его приобретение или продажу, которые характеризуются следующими обстоятельствами: а) мотивацией продавца, заключающейся в привлечении капитала, необходимого для общего использования в коммерческом предприятии продавца или для финансирования существенных инвестиций, б) мотивацией покупателя, заключающейся в получении прибыли от предоставления средств, в) выступлением инструмента в роли предмета обычной торговли, г) разумными ожиданиями покупателя о применении к инструменту федеральных законов о ценных бумагах, д) отсутствием сокращающего риск фактора, напр., выражающегося в применении к инструменту другой схемы регулирования)See:Securities Act of 1933, Investment Company Act, Investment Advisers Act, SEC v. CM Joiner Leasing Corp., SEC v. W. J. Howey Co., SEC v. Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company of America, SEC v. United Benefit Life Insurance Company, Tcherepnin v. Knight, SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc., SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc.
* * *
безопасность, сохранность, ценная бумага, обеспечение, гарантия: 1) ценная бумага; свидетельство долга или собственности; сертификаты ценных бумаг, векселя; см. securities; 2) обеспечение: активы и др. собственность, которые могут быть использованы как обеспечение кредита или облигаций; в случае отказа заемщика от погашения кредита обеспечение может быть реализовано; = collateral security; 3) безопасность: процедуры, обеспечивающие безопасность банка, его активов и документации, включая физическую защиту, процедуры внутреннего аудита; 4) гарантия: гарантия выполнения обязательств другого лица, в т. ч. личная гарантия; = personal security.* * *Ценная бумага - документ/сертификат, являющийся свидетельством собственности на акции, облигации и другие инвестиционные инструменты. Безопасность - меры, предпринимаемые для обеспечения конфиденциальности передаваемой по линиям связи персональной информации о клиенте, совершаемых им операциях и т.п. . гарантия по ссуде; обеспечение кредита; обеспечение ссуды; обеспечение; ценная бумага; отдел охраны (банка, компании) Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *финансовые активы, включающие акции, правительственные облигации и ценные бумаги с государственной гарантией, облигации компании, сертификаты паевых фондов и документы, подтверждающие право собственности на предоставленные в ссуду или депонированные денежные средства; страховые полисы к таким активам не относятся -
18 fund
1. n1) запас, резерв, фонд2) pl фонды, денежные средства
- accumulation fund
- adequate funds
- actual fund
- additional funds
- advisory funds
- aggressive growth fund
- amortization fund
- authorized fund
- available funds
- balanced fund
- bank funds
- basic fund
- bond fund
- bond sinking fund
- bonus fund
- borrowed funds
- budgetary funds
- burial fund
- buy-out fund
- capital fund
- capital redemption reserve fund
- cash fund
- charter fund
- claims settlement fund
- clearing house funds
- clone fund
- closed fund
- closed-end investment funds
- common stock fund
- common trust fund
- compensation fund
- consolidated fund
- consumption fund
- contingency funds
- contingent fund
- contract fund
- co-op share fund
- corporate income fund
- corporate liquid fund
- country fund
- cover funds
- credit funds
- currency fund
- debt fund
- debt funds
- deferred fund
- deposit funds
- depreciation fund
- development fund
- discretionary fund
- diversified common stock fund
- diversified common trust fund
- dividend reserve fund
- economic incentive fund
- economic stimulation fund
- emergency funds
- emergency reserve fund
- emerging markets growth fund
- employee benefit trust fund
- endowment fund
- equalization fund
- equalized fund
- equity funds
- equity common trust fund
- equity income fund
- escrow funds
- exchange stabilization fund
- expense fund
- extra funds
- extra-budgetary funds
- federal fund
- federal funds
- federal reserve fund
- federal small business support fund
- fiduciary funds
- financial fund
- financing funds
- floating funds
- floating funds in circulation
- footloose funds
- foreign funds
- fresh funds
- front-end load fund
- frozen funds
- general fund
- go-go fund
- gold settlement fund
- good funds
- government funds
- growth fund
- growth and income fund
- guarantee fund
- hard-currency funds
- hedge fund
- high-quality fund
- house funds
- illiquid funds
- imprest fund
- income fund
- income mutual fund
- indemnification fund
- indivisible funds
- inducement fund
- in-house funds
- insufficient funds
- insurance fund
- interest-sensitive funds
- internal funds
- International Monetary Fund
- investment funds
- joint fund
- labour fund
- lease fund
- lendable funds
- liquid fund
- liquid funds
- liquid foreign exchange funds
- liquid reserve fund
- liquidity fund
- load mutual fund
- loan fund
- loan funds
- loanable funds
- loan redemption fund
- local fund
- long-term funds
- low-cost funds
- material incentives fund
- maximum capital gain mutual fund
- monetary fund
- money market fund
- money market mutual fund
- mutual fund
- mutual mortgage insurance fund
- no-load fund
- off-budget fund
- offshore fund
- open-end investment fund
- open share fund
- outside funds
- overnight funds
- payroll fund
- pension fund
- performance fund
- petty cash fund
- policy reserve fund
- private fund
- private funds
- professional health insurance fund
- proprietary fund
- provident fund
- public funds
- public consumption funds
- public off-budget funds
- purchase fund
- real estate fund
- redemption fund
- registered fund
- released fund
- relief fund
- renewal fund
- research-and-development fund
- reserve funds
- retention funds
- revaluation rerserve fund
- revolving fund
- sector-specified fund
- share fund
- shareholders' fund
- short-term funds
- short-term bond fund
- sinking fund
- slush fund
- social consumption funds
- social security fund
- soft loan fund
- specialized fund
- specialty fund
- special-purpose fund
- special reserve fund
- stabilization fund
- standards of emergency funds
- standby funds
- state funds
- statutory fund
- sufficient funds
- superannuation fund
- surplus funds
- tax-exempt bond fund
- tied-up funds
- trust fund
- uncollected funds
- unit fund
- unpaid liability funds
- utility or other-enterprise fund
- volatile funds
- vulture fund
- wages fund
- welfare fund
- working capital fund
- working time fund
- fund for amortization
- fund for development of production
- fund for expansion of production
- fund for the support of small enterprise
- fund for technological improvement
- funds of a bank
- funds of an enterprise
- fund of funds
- administer a fund
- advance funds
- allocate funds
- appropriate funds
- attract funds
- be pressed for funds
- borrow funds
- call upon the fund
- commit the funds
- convert funds to another purpose
- create funds
- deposit funds
- draw money from the fund
- earmark funds
- establish a fund
- extend funds
- freeze funds
- generate funds
- grant funds
- invest funds
- launch a hedge fund
- make funds available
- manage a fund
- misspend federal funds
- obtain funds
- open a fund
- pay out funds
- provide funds
- raise funds
- redistribute funds
- release funds
- repatriate funds
- set aside funds
- set up a fund
- streamline a fund
- tie up funds
- transfer funds
- withdraw funds2. v2) финансировать, фондировать
- fund through taxation -
19 good
1. n1) добро, благо2) польза3) pl товар, товары; изделия4) pl груз; багаж
- abandoned goods
- acceptable goods
- advertised goods
- afloat goods
- agricultural goods
- assorted goods
- auction goods
- back-to-school goods
- bale goods
- baled goods
- barter goods
- basic goods
- bonded goods
- branded goods
- bulk goods
- bulky goods
- bundle goods
- bundled goods
- canned goods
- capital goods
- cased goods
- choice goods
- commercial goods
- competitive goods
- competitively priced goods
- complementary goods
- consignment goods
- consumable goods
- consumer goods
- consumption goods
- contraband goods
- contract goods
- convenience goods
- cotton goods
- covered goods
- crated goods
- critical goods
- cultural and household goods
- custom made goods
- cut-price goods
- damaged goods
- damaging goods
- dangerous goods
- defective goods
- defence goods
- delayed goods
- deliverable goods
- delivered goods
- diplomatic goods
- dispatched goods
- distressed goods
- domestic goods
- dry goods
- durable goods
- duty-free goods
- easy-to-sell goods
- economic good
- eligible goods
- essential goods
- ethical goods
- exchange goods
- exchangeable goods
- exhibition goods
- explosive goods
- export goods
- exported goods
- express goods
- factored goods
- fair goods
- fancy goods
- farm goods
- fashion goods
- fast-moving goods
- fast-selling goods
- faulty goods
- final goods
- finished goods
- first class goods
- first order goods
- fixed price goods
- foreign goods
- foreign-made goods
- fragile goods
- free goods
- frozen goods
- gift goods
- groupage goods
- half-finished goods
- hard goods
- hazardous goods
- heavy goods
- heavyweight goods
- high-grade goods
- high-priced goods
- high-quality goods
- high-technology goods
- home-made goods
- household goods
- import goods
- imported goods
- impulse goods
- inbound goods
- incoming goods
- indestructible goods
- industrial goods
- industrialized goods
- inferior goods
- inflammable goods
- insured goods
- intermediate goods
- internationally tradeable goods
- investment goods
- inward goods
- labour-intensive goods
- large-scale goods
- late goods
- light goods
- liquid goods
- long-lived goods
- loose goods
- low-grade goods
- low-price goods
- low value added primary goods
- luxury goods
- Manchester goods
- manufactured goods
- marked goods
- marked-down goods
- marketable goods
- mass production goods
- measurement goods
- merchant goods
- miscellaneous goods
- missing goods
- new goods
- nondurable goods
- noncompetitive goods
- nonconforming goods
- nonfood goods
- nonessential goods
- nonhazardous goods
- nonsensitive goods
- nontraditional good
- novelty goods
- off-guage goods
- official goods
- ordered goods
- outbound goods
- outgoing goods
- out of time goods
- output goods
- outward goods
- over-dimensioned goods
- over-priced goods
- oversized goods
- packaged goods
- packed goods
- packed-up goods
- packeted goods
- palleted goods
- palletised goods
- parcel goods
- parity goods
- past due goods
- patent goods
- perishable goods
- perishing goods
- piece goods
- pledged goods
- point-of-purchase goods
- popular goods
- prepackaged goods
- prepacked goods
- prestige goods
- price-maintained goods
- primary goods
- private goods
- processed goods
- producer durable goods
- producer's goods
- production goods
- professional goods
- prohibited goods
- protected goods
- proprietary goods
- public good
- public goods
- quality goods
- quota goods
- realized goods
- received goods
- received for shipment goods
- reexport goods
- reexported goods
- refrigerated goods
- rejected goods
- remote goods
- repaired goods
- replaced goods
- reproducible goods
- retail goods
- return goods
- sale goods
- salvaged goods
- saved goods
- scarce goods
- seasonal goods
- secondhand goods
- secondrate good
- selected goods
- semidurable goods
- semifinished goods
- semimanufactured goods
- serially produced goods
- shipped goods
- shopping goods
- short-delivered goods
- short-shipped goods
- similar goods
- slow-moving goods
- soft goods
- sold goods
- sophisticated goods
- specialty goods
- spoiled goods
- spot goods
- spring goods
- stacked goods
- standardized goods
- staple goods
- storage goods
- store goods
- stranded goods
- strategic goods
- substandard goods
- substitutional goods
- superior goods
- surplus goods
- technical consumer goods
- textile goods
- top-quality goods
- tradeable goods
- trademarked goods
- traditional export goods
- transit goods
- transportable goods
- truck-packaged goods
- unaccepted goods
- unaddressed goods
- unbonded goods
- unclaimed goods
- uncovered goods
- undamaged goods
- undeclared goods
- undelivered goods
- unfinished goods
- uninsured goods
- unmarketable goods
- unmerchantable goods
- unordered goods
- unpacked goods
- unprotected goods
- unsaleable goods
- unshipped goods
- unsold goods
- unwrapped goods
- utility goods
- varied goods
- wage goods
- warehouse goods
- weight goods
- wet goods
- goods for bulk shipment
- goods for immediate delivery
- goods from stock
- goods in bales
- goods in bond
- goods in bulk
- goods in grain form
- goods in powder form
- goods in process
- goods in short supply
- goods in stock
- goods in store
- goods in transit
- goods of the best brands
- goods of damaging nature
- goods of dangerous character
- goods of equal value
- goods of equal worth
- goods of first priority
- goods of foreign make
- goods of foreign origin
- goods of high quality
- goods of inferior quality
- goods of inflammable nature
- goods of low quality
- goods of poor quality
- goods of prime necessity
- goods of sound quality
- goods of superior quality
- goods of top quality
- goods on consignment
- goods on hand
- goods out of season
- goods under arrest
- goods under customs bond
- goods under customs seal
- goods intended for shipment
- goods light in weight
- goods subject to deterioration
- accept goods
- accept goods for carriage
- advertise goods
- buy goods
- carry goods
- charge goods in an invoice
- claim goods
- clear goods
- collect goods
- consign goods
- convey goods
- declare goods
- declare goods waste
- delay goods
- deliver goods
- deliver goods at the disposal of smb
- deliver goods on sale or return
- demonstrate goods
- detain goods
- discharge goods
- dispatch goods
- dispose of goods
- distribute goods
- effect transhipment of goods
- enter goods for customs clearing
- enter goods for home consumption
- examine goods
- exchange goods
- exhibit goods
- export goods
- feature goods
- forward goods
- furnish with goods
- grade goods
- handle goods
- hand over goods
- have goods on trial
- hold goods in store
- import goods
- inspect goods
- insure goods
- introduce goods
- investigate goods
- invoice goods
- keep goods
- keep goods in stock
- land goods
- launch goods
- load goods
- make goods
- make goods ready for shipment
- make goods upon order
- make up goods
- manufacture goods
- mark goods
- mortgage goods
- move goods to the market
- need goods
- obtain goods
- obtain goods free of tax
- obtain possession of goods
- offer goods
- off-load goods
- order goods
- pack goods
- palletise goods
- pay for goods
- pick up goods
- place goods at the disposal of smb
- place goods on the market
- pledge goods with a bank
- present goods
- press goods on smb
- price goods
- produce goods
- protect goods
- provide goods
- purchase goods
- push goods
- put goods on the market
- readdress goods
- recall goods
- receive goods
- reconsign goods
- reject goods
- redeem pledged goods
- reexport goods
- release goods
- reload goods
- remove goods
- render goods marketable
- require goods
- resell goods
- retain goods
- return goods
- safeguard goods
- salvage goods
- search for goods
- secure goods
- sell goods
- sell goods retail
- sell goods wholesale
- sell out goods
- send goods on consignment
- ship goods
- show goods to advantage
- stack goods
- stock goods
- store goods
- submit goods to a careful examination
- supply goods
- survey goods
- tag goods
- take goods
- take goods on commission
- take goods on sale
- take goods out of pledge
- take stock of goods
- tally goods
- test goods
- throw goods on the market
- trace goods
- trade in goods
- transfer goods
- transfer goods to a warehouse
- tranship goods
- transport goods
- turn out goods
- turn goods over to smb
- unload goods
- value goods
- warehouse goods
- withdraw goods from the market
- withdraw goods from a warehouse2. adj1) хороший, годный3) надежный; кредитоспособный
- good faith
- good this month
- good this week
- good through
- good till cancelled -
20 national
1. прил.1) общ. национальный, общенациональный, народный (относящийся к данной стране, народу в целом; в отличие от местного, регионального, международного)national law — национальное [внутригосударственное\] право
Syn:See:international, transnational, supranational, domestic, national accordance, national account, national accounts, national affairs, national administration 2), national advertising, national agreement, national assent, National Automated Accounting Research System, national bank 2), national bolshevism, national brand, national campaign, national central bank, National Change of Address, national character, national communism, national communist, National Competition Policy, national competitive bidding, national consent, national consumption, National Counterintelligence Executive, national currency, National Development Bond, National Disability Development Initiative, national distribution, national distributor, national economic accounting, national economics, National Exchange Market System, national firm, National Flood Insurance Program, national government, national harmony, national idea, national identity, national income, National Institutional Delivery System, National Insurance, national interest, national launch, national legitimacy, national market, national marketer, national marketing, national minimum wage, national nominating convention, national non-domestic rate, national numbering agency, national origins system, national origins quota system, national ownership 2), national patent, national patent law, national policy, national policy, national politics, national product, national promotion, National Public Accountant, national question, national reconciliation, national retailer, national sales force, national sales manager, national savings, National Secretary's Day, national security, national self-consciousness, national self-determination, national service, National Socialism, national sovereignty, national tax policy, national taxes, national trademark, national treatment, National Vocation Qualification, national wealth, national wholesaler, National Westminster Bank Ltd. v. Holesowen Presswork and Assemblies Ltd., National Association of Securities Dealers Rules of Fair Practice, National Bank Act, National Banking Act, National Exchange Market System Act, National Flood Insurance Act, National Health Service Reorganization Act 1973, National Housing Act, National Income and Product Accounts, National Labor Relations Act, National Minimum Wage Act 1998, National Trade Estimate Report, National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers, National Advertising Benevolent Society, National Advertising Division, National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, National Advertising Review Board, National Advertising Review Council, National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Agricultural Statistics Service, National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research, National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research, National Alliance Research Academy, National and Local Government Officers' Association, National Assembly, National Association for Variable Annuities, National Association of Accountants, National Association of Colleges and Employers, National Association of Corporation Schools, National Association of Corporation Training, National Association of Cost Accountants, National Association of Employment Managers, National Association of Export Companies, National Association of Federal Credit Unions, National Association of Health Underwriters, National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters, National Association of Independent Insurers, National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, National Association of Insurance Brokers, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, National Association of Insurance Women, National Association of Investment Clubs, National Association of Investment Companies, National Association of Investors Corporation, National Association of Life Underwriters, National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, National Association of Pension Funds, National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, National Association of Professional Insurance Agents, National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices, National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters, National Association of Purchasing Managers, National Association of Recording Merchandisers, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers, National Association of Securities Dealers, National Association of Securities Dealers and Investment Managers, National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National 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Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers2) общ. государственный (финансируемый и/или контролируемый государством; в отличие от частного)national library — государственная [национальная\] библиотека
See:national administration 1), national bank 1), national curriculum, national debt, national ownership 1), national property, national treasury, National Archives and Records Administration, National Cemetery Administration2. сущ.общ. подданный, гражданин (какого-л. государства)fellow nationals, one's own nationals — сограждане, соотечественники
See:specially designated national, Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, resident 2. 2)
* * *
1) национальный, относящийся к данному государству, народу; 2) внутренний, в отличие от международного.
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
utility bond — noun a bond issued to finance the construction of public utility services • Syn: ↑utility revenue bond • Hypernyms: ↑municipal bond … Useful english dictionary
Utility Revenue Bond — A type of municipal bond that is issued to finance utility projects, such as electrical plants, water systems, sewer systems or any other type of public utility. A utility revenue bond is repaid from monies earned through the utility improvements … Investment dictionary
utility revenue bond — noun a bond issued to finance the construction of public utility services • Syn: ↑utility bond • Hypernyms: ↑municipal bond … Useful english dictionary
utility revenue bond — A municipal bond issued to finance the construction of public utility services. These bonds are repaid from the operating revenues the project produces after the utility is finished. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Municipal bond — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
Electric Bond and Share Company — Ebasco Services (ранее англ. EBASCO, Electric Bond and Share Company) изначально являлась холдинговой компанией, основанной General Electric в 1905 году. Она занималась торговлей ценными бумагами энергетических компаний. Позже стала… … Википедия
Surety bond — A surety bond is a contract among at least three parties: * The principal the primary party who will be performing a contractual obligation * The obligee the party who is the recipient of the obligation, and * The surety who ensures that the… … Wikipedia
revenue bond — noun a bond issued by an agency that is commissioned to finance public works; revenue from the public property is used to pay off the bond • Hypernyms: ↑bond, ↑bond certificate * * * noun : a bond issued by a public agency authorized to build,… … Useful english dictionary
revenue bond — a bond issued, as by a municipal utility, to finance a specific project, the income from which will be used for repaying the bond. Cf. general obligation bond. [1855 60] * * * or limited obligation bond Bond issued by a municipality, state, or… … Universalium
Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… … Universalium
List of Oregon ballot measures — Elections in Oregon Federal offices Presidential elections 2000 · 2004 · 2008 Presidential primaries … Wikipedia