1 public house
حَانَة \ bar: a place where (usu. alcoholic) drinks are served. pub: (shortened form of public house) (in Britain) an inn, where anyone over a certain age can buy an alcoholic drink. tavern: old use an inn, where anyone over a certain age may buy alcoholic drink. -
2 public house
خَمّارة \ pub: (shortened form of public house) (in Britain) an inn, where anyone over a certain age can buy an alcoholic drink. -
3 public house
( usually abbreviated to pub [pab])a house where alcoholic drinks are sold to the public.حانَه، خَمّارَه -
4 house
[haus] plural houses [ˈhauzɪz]1. noun1) a building in which people, especially a single family, live:بَيْتHouses have been built on the outskirts of the town for the workers in the new industrial estate.
2) a place or building used for a particular purpose:بَيْت، مَسكِن، مَحَل، مَقَرa public house.
3) a theatre, or the audience in a theatre:مَسْرَحThere was a full house for the first night of the play.
4) a family, usually important or noble, including its ancestors and descendants:عائِلَه، أُسْرَهthe house of David.
2. [hauz] verb1) to provide with a house, accommodation or shelter:يُسْكِن، يَأويThe animals are housed in the barn.
2) to store or keep somewhere:يَخْزِن، يَحْفَظُ فيThe electric generator is housed in the garage.
5 صاحب
صَاحِب \ companion: sb. that one likes to be with; a friend: John and his companions often go fishing together. His dog is his only companion. keeper: (in compounds) sb. who looks after sth.: goalkeeper; shopkeeper. master: the male owner of a dog or horse: A dog obeys his master’s call. owner: sb. who owns sth.; a possessor: Who is the owner of this car?. proprietor: an owner (esp. of land or buildings): the hotel proprietor. \ صَاحِب \ employer: one who gives paid work. \ See Also رب العمل (رَبّ العَمَل) \ صَاحِب \ householder: sb. who owns or rents the house that she or he lives in. \ See Also ساكن البيت \ صَاحِب \ landlord: a man from whom one rents land or buildings. \ See Also مالك العَقار \ صَاحِب \ banker: one who controls a bank. \ See Also مُدير مَصْرِف \ صَاحِب \ landlord: a man who keeps an inn, public house or lodging house. \ See Also مدير المَنْزول، الفُنْدُق \ صَاحِب \ sponsor: sb. who puts forward a plan (or the name of a person who plans to do sth.) and accepts any duty or expense concerning it. \ See Also مُقَدِّم اقتراح \ صَاحِب الجَلالَة \ majesty: (used in speaking to or about a king or queen) the person of a king or queen: His majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen were present at the ceremony. \ صَاحِب حِرْفَة \ artisan: a skilled workman. \ صَاحِب الخَان \ innkeeper: one who keeps an inn. \ See Also الفُندق \ صَاحِب دُكّان \ shopkeeper, store keeper: sb. who works in a shop and often owns it. \ See Also حانوت (حَانُوت) \ صَاحِب ذِمَّة \ conscientious: guided by conscience; careful to do one’s duty in the smallest matters: She’s conscientious about paying her bills at once. \ صَاحِب السُّلْطة \ authority: whoever has this power: The city authorities control the police. \ صَاحِب السُّمُوّ \ Highness: the title of honour given to sb. of royal rank: His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. \ صَاحِب مَتْجَر \ tradesman, tradesmen: sb. who trades (in a small way); a shopkeeper. \ صَاحِب مَزْرَعة \ planter: sb. who grows crops or trees on a plantation. \ صَاحِب مَزْرَعة صَغِيرة \ smallholder: the owner of a smallholding. \ صَاحِب مَصْنَع \ industrialist: sb., esp. a factory owner, who gains money through industry. manufacturer: the owner of a factory where things are manufactured. \ صَاحِب اليَخْت \ yachtsman: sb. who owns or sails a yacht. \ صاحِبة \ landlady: a woman from whom one rents land or buildings; a woman who keeps an inn or public house. \ See Also مالِكة المَنْزل -
6 landlord
7 pub
[pab]See: -
8 سكن عام
n. public house -
9 bar
[baː]1. noun1) a rod or oblong piece ( especially of a solid substance):قَضيبiron bars on the windows.
2) a broad line or band:خَط، شَريطThe blue material had bars of red running through it.
3) a bolt:عارِضٌ حَديدي، مِزْلاج، رِتاجa bar on the door.
4) a counter at which or across which articles of a particular kind are sold:مَنَصَّة تَقْديم الوَجْبَهYour whisky is on the bar.
5) a public house.مَطْعَم وَجبات خَفيفه6) a measured division in music:فاصِلةٌ موسيقيّهSing the first ten bars.
7) something which prevents (something):عائِق، حاجِزHis carelessness is a bar to his promotion.
8) the rail at which the prisoner stands in court:قَفَصِ المُتَّهَم في المَحْكَمـهThe prisoner at the bar collapsed when he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment.
2. verb– past tense, past participle barred1) to fasten with a bar:يُحكم إِقْفال مِزْلاج البابBar the door.
2) to prevent from entering:يَمْنَعHe's been barred from the club.
3) to prevent (from doing something):يَمْنَع، يُعيقMy lack of money bars me from going on holiday.
3. prepositionexcept:ما عَدا، باسْتِثْناءAll bar one of the family had measles.
10 barmaid
[-tendə] ( mainly American) ˈbartender nouna person who serves at the bar of a public-house or hotel.السّاقي، السّاقيَه -
11 barman
[-tendə] ( mainly American) ˈbartender nouna person who serves at the bar of a public-house or hotel.السّاقي، السّاقيَه -
12 landlord
feminine ˈlandlady (plural ˈlandladies) noun1) a person who has tenants or lodgers:صاحِب النُّزُل، المؤَجِّرMy landlady has just put up my rent.
2) a person who keeps a public house:مَسؤول عن إدارَة فُنْدُقThe landlord of the "Swan" is Mr Smith.
13 licensee
nouna person to whom a licence ( especially to keep a licensed hotel or public house) has been given.المُرَخَّص، شَخْص حامِل إجازَه•Remark: licence is a noun: a licence (not license) to sell alcohol. license is a verb: licensed (not licenced) to drive a goods vehicle. -
14 publican
[ˈpablɪkən] nounthe keeper of a public house.صاحِب حانَه -
15 tavern
[ˈtævən] nounan inn or public house:حانَه، خان، فَنْدُقThe travellers stopped at a tavern for a meal and a mug of ale.
16 حانة
حَانَة \ bar: a place where (usu. alcoholic) drinks are served. pub: (shortened form of public house) (in Britain) an inn, where anyone over a certain age can buy an alcoholic drink. tavern: old use an inn, where anyone over a certain age may buy alcoholic drink. -
17 خمارة
خَمّارة \ pub: (shortened form of public house) (in Britain) an inn, where anyone over a certain age can buy an alcoholic drink. -
18 bar
حَانَة \ bar: a place where (usu. alcoholic) drinks are served. pub: (shortened form of public house) (in Britain) an inn, where anyone over a certain age can buy an alcoholic drink. tavern: old use an inn, where anyone over a certain age may buy alcoholic drink. -
19 pub
حَانَة \ bar: a place where (usu. alcoholic) drinks are served. pub: (shortened form of public house) (in Britain) an inn, where anyone over a certain age can buy an alcoholic drink. tavern: old use an inn, where anyone over a certain age may buy alcoholic drink. -
20 tavern
حَانَة \ bar: a place where (usu. alcoholic) drinks are served. pub: (shortened form of public house) (in Britain) an inn, where anyone over a certain age can buy an alcoholic drink. tavern: old use an inn, where anyone over a certain age may buy alcoholic drink.
См. также в других словарях:
Public house — Public Pub lic, a. [L. publicus, poblicus, fr. populus people: cf. F. public. See {People}.] 1. Of or pertaining to the people; belonging to the people; relating to, or affecting, a nation, state, or community; opposed to {private}; as, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
public-house — [pyblikaws] n. m. ÉTYM. 1786; mot angl., de public « public » et house « maison ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Débit de boisson public, en Grande Bretagne. ⇒ Pub … Encyclopédie Universelle
public house — public houses N COUNT A public house is the same as a pub. [BRIT, FORMAL] … English dictionary
public house — n BrE formal a ↑pub … Dictionary of contemporary English
public house — noun count BRITISH FORMAL a PUB … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
public house — n. 1. an inn or tavern 2. Brit. an establishment licensed to sell alcoholic drinks for consumption on the premises and often serving meals as well … English World dictionary
Public house — Not to be confused with Public housing. A thatched country pub, The Williams Arms, near Braunton, North Devon, England … Wikipedia
Public house — Pub (lieu) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pub. The Eagle and Child, bien connu à Oxford, était le pub préféré des Inklings … Wikipédia en Français
public house — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms public house : singular public house plural public houses British formal a pub … English dictionary
public house — 1. Brit. a tavern. 2. an inn or hostelry. [1565 75] Syn. See hotel. * * * or pub Establishment that serves alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, especially in Britain. Under English common law, inns and taverns were declared public … Universalium
public house — Synonyms and related words: alehouse, bar, barrel house, barroom, beer garden, beer parlor, bistro, blind tiger, boardinghouse, cabaret, cafe, cocktail lounge, dive, dorm, dormitory, doss house, dramshop, drinkery, drinking saloon, fleabag,… … Moby Thesaurus