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См. также в других словарях:

  • plu — plù interj. plast (suplasnojimui žymėti): Plù plù i palėkęs gaidalis Krtn. Kalakutai plu plu plu į egles KlvrŽ. Vanagas plu plu plu ir nulėkė Dr. Kalakutas plu plu plu sparnais plustena Šts. Žąsys papučia sparnus ir plu plu plu pasileidžia į… …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • PLU Код — (Price Look Up (PLU))  система для точного идентифицирования свежих фруктов, овощей и зелени. Она позволяет определить, существует ли на самом деле продаваемый фрукт, овощ или зелень, а также определить подлинность сорта фрукта/овоща/зелени …   Википедия

  • PLU — ist die Abkürzung für: Parallel Logic Unit, eine Bauart von Rechenwerken in Signalprozessoren PLU Code (price look up), eine Warenkennzeichnung, hauptsächlich für Obst Pampulha, den Flughafen Pampulha in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasilien… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • plu´mose|ly — plu|mose «PLOO mohs», adjective. 1. having feathers or plumes; feathered. 2. like a plume; feathery. ╂[< Latin plūmōsus < plūma pinfeather] –plu´mose|ly, adverb …   Useful english dictionary

  • plu|mose — «PLOO mohs», adjective. 1. having feathers or plumes; feathered. 2. like a plume; feathery. ╂[< Latin plūmōsus < plūma pinfeather] –plu´mose|ly, adverb …   Useful english dictionary

  • plu´per´fect|ly — plu|per|fect «PLOO PUR fihkt», noun, adjective. –n. = past perfect. (Cf. ↑past perfect) –adj. 1. of, in, or having to do with the past perfect. 2. more than perfect; very excellent. ╂[short for Latin (tempus praeteritum) plūs (quam) perfectum… …   Useful english dictionary

  • plu|per|fect — «PLOO PUR fihkt», noun, adjective. –n. = past perfect. (Cf. ↑past perfect) –adj. 1. of, in, or having to do with the past perfect. 2. more than perfect; very excellent. ╂[short for Latin (tempus praeteritum) plūs (quam) perfectum (past tense)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • plu´ral|is´ti|cal|ly — plu|ral|is|tic «PLUR uh LIHS tihk», adjective. of or having to do with pluralism; characterized by pluralism: »The United States has followed a pluralistic policy in permitting religious freedom for many different groups. –plu´ral|is´ti|cal|ly,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • plu|ral|is|tic — «PLUR uh LIHS tihk», adjective. of or having to do with pluralism; characterized by pluralism: »The United States has followed a pluralistic policy in permitting religious freedom for many different groups. –plu´ral|is´ti|cal|ly, adverb …   Useful english dictionary

  • plu|ral|i|ty — «plu RAL uh tee», noun, plural ties. 1. a) the difference between the number of votes received by the winner of an election and the number received by the next highest candidate. b) the number of votes received by the winner of an election which… …   Useful english dictionary

  • plu´ral|i|za´tion — plu|ral|ize «PLUR uh lyz», transitive verb, intransitive verb, ized, iz|ing. to make or become plural; express in the plural form. –plu´ral|i|za´tion, noun …   Useful english dictionary

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