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См. также в других словарях:

  • Grammar — is the field of linguistics that covers the rules governing the use of any given natural language. It includes morphology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics. Each language has its own distinct… …   Wikipedia

  • Grammar school — Une grammar school est, dans les pays anglophones, un établissement d enseignement secondaire ou, plus rarement, d enseignement primaire. Les origines des grammar schools remontent à l Europe médiévale. Sommaire 1 Origines 2 Grammar schools en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Grammar schools — Grammar School Une grammar school est, dans les pays anglophones, un établissement d enseignement secondaire ou, plus rarement, d enseignement primaire. Les origines des grammar schools remontent à l Europe médiévale. Sommaire 1 Origines 2… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Grammar Explorer — is a language learning resource that was co funded by the European Commission as part of its [http://ec.europa.eu/education/programmes/socrates/lingua/index en.html Lingua programme] within the SOCRATES programme. The grammar is based on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Grammar — Gram mar, n. [OE. gramere, OF. gramaire, F. grammaire Prob. fr. L. gramatica Gr ?, fem. of ? skilled in grammar, fr. ? letter. See {Gramme}, {Graphic}, and cf. {Grammatical}, {Gramarye}.] 1. The science which treats of the principles of language; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Grammar school — Grammar Gram mar, n. [OE. gramere, OF. gramaire, F. grammaire Prob. fr. L. gramatica Gr ?, fem. of ? skilled in grammar, fr. ? letter. See {Gramme}, {Graphic}, and cf. {Grammatical}, {Gramarye}.] 1. The science which treats of the principles of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Grammar-based code — Grammar based codes are compression algorithms based on the idea of constructing a context free grammar for the string to be compressed. Examples include universal lossless data compression algorithms proposed in Kieffer and Yang 2000, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Grammar School — Grammar Schools entsprechen heutzutage im Vereinigten Königreich den deutschen Gymnasien. Die Schulen sind vor allem bekannt für die Pflege der klassischen Studien (Latein und Altgriechisch). Der achtjährige Kursus bereitet auf das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • grammar — [gram′ər] n. [ME gramer < OFr gramaire < L grammatica ( ars, art) < Gr grammatikē ( technē, art), grammar, learning < gramma, something written (see GRAM1): in L & Gr a term for the whole apparatus of literary study: in the medieval… …   English World dictionary

  • grammar, syntax — Grammar is not a list of rules involving do s and don ts. As usually applied in speech and in some writing, the word usage should be substituted for grammar. Grammar itself is the science that deals with words and their relationships to each… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • grammar — early 14c., gramarye (late 12c. in surnames), from O.Fr. gramaire learning, especially Latin and philology, grammar, (magic) incantation, spells, mumbo jumbo, irregular semi popular adoption [OED] of L. grammatica, from Gk. grammatike tekhne art… …   Etymology dictionary

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