Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский


См. также в других словарях:

  • prussik — ● prussik nom masculin Nœud autobloquant et amovible, utilisé par les alpinistes et servant à fixer une cordelette à une corde fixe. (On dit aussi nœud de Prussik.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • prussik — /ˈprʌsɪk/ (say prusik) Rock Climbing –verb (t) 1. to climb (a single rope) using a knot which, when downward pressure is applied to it, locks onto the rope. –adjective 2. of or relating to prussiking: prussik knot; prussik sling. Also, prusik.… …  

  • Prusik — Knot details name=Prusik knot names= Prusik hitch type= hitch strength= origin= Dr.Karl Prusik, 1931 related= releasing= Non jamming uses= Climbing caveat= abok number= #1763A Prusik is a friction hitch or knot used to put a loop of cord around a …   Wikipedia

  • Monodoigt — Vocabulaire de l escalade et de l alpinisme Cette page présente par ordre alphabétique les termes spécifiques à l escalade et à l alpinisme, mais aussi quelques termes du canyonisme ou de la montagne en général. Ils concernent essentiellement le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Vocabulaire de l'escalade et de l'alpinisme — Cette page présente par ordre alphabétique les termes spécifiques à l escalade et à l alpinisme, mais aussi quelques termes du canyonisme ou de la montagne en général. Ils concernent essentiellement le matériel (en place ou individuel), les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Icicle hitch — Knot details name=Icicle hitch names= type= hitch strength= origin= John Smith, 1990 related= Prusik, Klemheist knot, Tautline hitch releasing= Unload the working end uses= Tying to a post when weight is applied parallel to the post Can be tied… …   Wikipedia

  • Ferriprussic — Fer ri*prus sic (? or ?; see {Prussik}, 277), a. [Ferri + prussic.] (Chem.) Ferricyanic. [R.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Self-locking device — Self locking devices are devices intended to arrest the fall of solo climbers who climb without partners. This device is used for back rope solo climbing for ground up climbing or top rope self belaying . To date, several types of such self… …   Wikipedia

  • Karl Prusik — Dr. Karl Prusik (1896 1961) (also spelled Prussik) was an Austrian mountaineer who is known as the inventor of the prusik knot. He died in May 1961 at the age of 65.The benefit of the knot is that it when weighted, it grips the rope that it is… …   Wikipedia

  • Friction hitch — A friction hitch is a kind of knot used to attach one rope to another in a way that is easily adjusted. These knots are commonly used in Single Rope Technique while climbing to ascend a hanging rope by alternately hanging on one friction hitch… …   Wikipedia

  • Roped solo climbing — Roped soloing is a way to safely climb without a climbing partner. There are two main divisions to roped soloing: Aid soloing and roped solo free climbing. Roped solo free climbing refers to top roping on a fixed rope or to a traditional (aka… …   Wikipedia

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