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  • 1 лишний раз подтверждает правомерность

    Лишний раз подтверждает правомерность-- This equivalence is interesting in that it provides further justification for our use of the plane strain solution.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > лишний раз подтверждает правомерность

  • 2 принимать

    (= принять) take, receive, accept, admit, assume, accept, adopt, find
    В этом случае данное уравнение принимает форму... - In this case the equation takes the form...
    Важно принять, что... - It is important to appreciate that...
    Давайте примем обычное соглашение относительно записи... - Let us adopt the usual convention of writing...
    Здесь мы не будем принимать это соглашение. - We shall not adopt this convention here.
    Здесь мы принимаем точку зрения, что... - Here we adopt the attitude that...
    Когда мы принимаем эту точку зрения, мы... - When we adopt this point of view, we...
    Можно также принять другую точку зрения и... - One can also take a different point of view and...
    Мы обязаны принять тот факт, что... - We must reconcile ourselves to the fact that...
    Мы примем этот важный факт без доказательства. - We shall accept this important fact without proof.
    Мы принимаем соглашение об обозначении... - We adopt the convention of writing...
    Мы принимаем ту точку зрения, что... - We are adopting the point of view that...
    Мы принимаем условие, что если... - We adopt the convention that if R is... then...
    Некоторые физики могли бы принять точку зрения, что... - Some physicists would take the view that...
    Несмотря на эти замечания, необходимо принимать меры предосторожности, чтобы... - Despite these comments, care must be taken to...
    Однако в то время было принято, что... - However, it was recognized at the time that...
    Однако на практике (мы) обычно вынуждены принять... - In practice, however, one usually has to settle for...
    Однако при вычислении величины W мы должны принять во внимание тот факт, что... - In computing W, however, we must take into account the fact that...
    Они могут принимать различную форму. - These can take various forms.
    Подобное (утверждение) невозможно принять без дальнейшего обоснования. - One cannot, without further justification, accept such a...
    Похоже, что Смит [1] был первым, кто принял идею... - Smith [1] seems to have been the first to accept the notion of...
    Прежде чем проделать это, примем соглашение относительно двух моментов. - Before doing this, let us agree on two things.
    Следовательно, мы могли бы принять за аксиому идею, что... - Therefore we may take as axiomatic the idea that...
    Следовательно, необходимое решение принимает вид:... - The required solution is therefore...
    Читатель должен принять во внимание, что... - The reader should appreciate that...
    Чтобы ответить на этот вопрос, мы должны принять во внимание, что... - То answer this question, we must take into account that...
    Чтобы принять во внимание эту связь, напомним, что... - In order to appreciate this connection let us recall that...
    Эта процедура была принята, потому что... - This procedure was adopted because...
    Эта техника обеспечивает рациональный базис, на основе которого инженеры могут принимать решение относительно... - The technique provides a rational basis on which engineers can make decisions about...
    Это можно было бы принять во внимание по следующей причине. - This may be appreciated from the following argument.

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > принимать

  • 3 Bury, Edward

    b. 22 October 1794 Salford, Lancashire, England
    d. 25 November 1858 Scarborough, Yorkshire, England
    English steam locomotive designer and builder.
    Bury was the earliest engineer to build locomotives distinctively different from those developed by Robert Stephenson yet successful in mainline passenger service. A Liverpool sawmill owner, he set up as a locomotive manufacturer while the Liverpool \& Manchester Railway was under construction and, after experiments, completed the four-wheeled locomotive Liverpool in 1831. It included features that were to be typical of his designs: a firebox in the form of a vertical cylinder with a dome-shaped top and the front flattened to receive the tubes, and inside frames built up from wrought-iron bars. In 1838 Bury was appointed to supply and maintain the locomotives for the London \& Birmingham Railway (L \& BR), then under construction by Robert Stephenson, on the grounds that the latter should not also provide its locomotives. For several years the L \& BR used Bury locomotives exclusively, and they were also used on several other early main lines. Following export to the USA, their bar frames became an enduring feature of locomotive design in that country. Bury claimed, with justification, that his locomotives were economical in maintenance and fuel: the shape of the firebox promoted rapid circulation of water. His locomotives were well built, but some of their features precluded enlargement of the design to produce more powerful locomotives and within a few years they were outclassed.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1844.
    1840, "On the locomotive engines of the London and Birmingham Railway", Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers 3 (4) (provides details of his locomotives and the thinking behind them).
    Further Reading
    C.F.Dendy Marshall, 1953, A History of'Railway Locomotives Down to the End of the Year 1831, London: The Locomotive Publishing Co. (describes Bury's early work).
    P.J.G.Ransom, 1990, The Victorian Railway and How It Evolved, London: Heinemann, pp. 167–8 and 174–6.

    Biographical history of technology > Bury, Edward

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Age of Enlightenment — Age of Reason redirects here. For other uses, see Age of Reason (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • epigraphy — epigraphist, epigrapher, n. /i pig reuh fee/, n. 1. the study or science of epigraphs or inscriptions, esp. of ancient inscriptions. 2. inscriptions collectively. [1850 55; EPIGRAPH + Y3] * * * ▪ historiography Introduction  the study of written… …   Universalium

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