1 doodlebug
• proutek -
2 divining rod
• virgule• proutek -
3 switch
[swi ] 1. noun1) (a small lever, handle or other device eg for putting or turning an electric current on or off: The switch is down when the power is on and up when it's off; He couldn't find the light-switch.) vypínač, spínač2) (an act of turning or changing: After several switches of direction they found themselves on the right road.) odbočení, změna3) (a thin stick.) proutek, hůlka2. verb(to change, turn: He switched the lever to the `off' position; Let's switch over to another programme; Having considered that problem, they switched their attention to other matters.) přepnout, obrátit- switchboard
- switch on/off* * *• vypínač
Перевод: с английского на чешский
с чешского на английский- С чешского на:
- Английский
- С английского на:
- Чешский