1 property line
2 property line
3 property line
1) Геология: граница участка2) Строительство: граница землевладения3) Железнодорожный термин: граница полосы отвода4) Горное дело: граница горного отвода6) Золотодобыча: границы лицензионной территории, границы участка -
4 property line
5 property line
6 property line
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > property line
7 property line
8 property line
граница землевладения, линия раздела объектов частной собственности -
9 property-line wall
Строительство: ограждающая стена -
10 project property line
- project property line
- n
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > project property line
11 industrial property line
Страхование: промышленно-имущественное страхованиеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > industrial property line
12 project property line
Строительство: красная линия частных владений -
13 industrial property line
промышленно-имущественное страхованиеEnglish-Russian insurance dictionary > industrial property line
14 project property line
15 line
- line
- n1. линия, черта
2. верёвка, бечёвка, шнур
3. граница; контур; предел
4. морщина, складка
5. линия инженерных сетей; рельсовый путь; технологическая линия
to line by eye — рихтовать «на глаз»
- line of action of the force
- line of action
- line of corresponding stages
- line of creep
- line of force
- line of least pressure
- line of least resistance
- line of principal strain
- line of route
- line of rupture
- line of seepage
- line of sight
- line of thrust
- line of traffic
- line of wells
- line of zero fill
- A line
- aerial line
- air line
- air void line
- arch center line
- ashlar line
- assembly line
- B line
- backhaul line
- barrier line
- base line
- beam center line
- belt line
- bleed lines
- border line
- boundary line
- branch line
- bridge center line
- brine line
- broad-gauge line
- building line
- building setback line
- bulkhead line
- buried line
- bypass line
- C line
- cable line
- center line
- center line of inertia
- center line of the hook
- chalk line
- channel line
- closing line
- collimation line
- communication line
- compressed air line
- condensate line
- connecting line
- connecting drainage line
- consumer gas service line
- contour line
- conveyor belt line
- cordon line
- crest line
- critical state line
- curved line
- datum line
- dead line
- deflection-influence line
- digging line
- discharge line
- discharge section line
- distribution line
- dot line
- dot and dash line
- dotted line
- double line
- double-rodded line
- drilling line
- duplicate level line
- edge line
- electric line
- electrified railway line
- encroachment line
- energy grade line
- energy line
- envelope line
- equipotential lines
- expansion line
- exposing line
- fathom line
- fence line
- fire line
- flood line
- flow line
- formation line
- frontage line
- frost line
- future line
- gas line
- gauge line
- geodesic line
- grade line
- gravity pipe line
- grooved lines
- ground line
- guide line
- hair line
- half line
- heating line
- high-pressure line
- high-speed line
- high-tension line
- hoisting line
- horizon line
- hot gas line
- hydraulic grade line
- improvement line
- influence line
- influence line for bending moment
- influence line for reaction
- influence line for shear
- isopiestic lines
- isoseismal line
- lift line
- light line
- liquid line
- load distribution line
- location line
- lot line
- Luders' line
- machine's center line
- main line
- mason's line
- moment-influence line
- neat line
- outside foundation line
- overhead line
- overhead contact line
- overhead electric line
- painting line
- pay line
- phreatic line
- pressure line
- project property line
- pumped water line
- random line
- reaction-influence line
- reference line
- return line
- run line
- runner line
- sand lines
- saturation line
- secant line
- secondary line
- section line
- shear-influence line
- short line
- sighting line
- simultaneous level line
- slip line
- slope line
- sloping straight line
- snapping line
- snow line
- span pipe line
- springing line
- straight line
- strain line
- stream line
- strike line
- suction line
- supply line
- tag line
- tangent line
- thaw line
- three part line
- traffic line
- transit line
- transmission line
- trunk line
- two-part line
- underground electric line
- utility line
- vertical line
- wall line
- water line
- water level line
- whip line
- white line
- working line
- yield line
- zero line
- zero air voids line
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
16 line
1) линия, черта; штрих2) профиль; очертание; граница; контур3) шнур; канат; верёвка4) труба (напр. водопроводной линии)5) проводить линию, линовать6) облицовывать; обшивать; футеровать; отделывать•- line of creep - line of dip - line of force - line of percolation - line of pressure - line of principal strain - line of resistance - line of seepage - line of sight - line of slide - line of the least resistance - line of thrust - line of total head - line of traffic - lines of force - lines of principal stress - anchor line - arch centre line - balance line - barrier lines - beam centre line - bell line - bend line - bending line - blasting line - blowing line - bottom line of teeth - bow line - branch line - break line - brine line - broken line - bucket line - building line - buried line - cable power transmission line - carpenter's line - car-track line - catenary line - centre line - centre line of survey - charging line - closing-head line - communication line - compensation line - complete line - compressed-air line - construction line - contour line - counterweight line - crest line - crown line of vault - crushing and sorting automatic production line - damage line - dash line - datum line - dead line - delivery line - detergent line - dimension line - discharge line - dot line - dotted line - electric line - elevation line - equipotential lines - excavation pay line - extension line - fall line - fault line - feed line - filling line - fire line - flexible line - flexible hose line - flowing line - frontal line - full line - gas line - gathering line - gauge line of rivets - goods line - grade line - ground line - groundwater line - grout line - guy line - hammer line - hoisting line - imaginary line - influence line - inlet line - isochromatic line - isopycnic line - isotherm line - killed electric line - lane line - lighting line - load line - load distribution line - load line of crane - loading line - location line - Luder's lines - main line - manufacturing line - modular coordinating line - municipal sewage lines - overflow line - overhead line - overhead power transmission line - pass line - phreatic line - pile line - pilot pressure line - plotted line - plumb line - power line - pressure line - probability line - property line - radio relay line - railroad line - railway line - return line - roof lines - saturation line - section line - seepage line - shoulder line - sighting line - solid line - springing line - steam extraction line - straight line - stress-director line - suction line - surface grinding line - supply line - tag line - terrestrial line - thrust line - transit line - transmission line - trunk line - tunnel line - vapour line - venting line - vertical line - visible transition line - vortex line - water-supply line - wavy line - wear line - wet return line - whip line - wire line - wire communication line - yield line - zero lineto run a line — провешивать линию, проводить линию
* * *1. линия, черта2. верёвка, бечёвка, шнур3. граница; контур; предел4. морщина, складка5. линия инженерных сетей; рельсовый путь; технологическая линия- line of action of the forceto line by eye — рихтовать «на глаз»
- line of action
- line of corresponding stages
- line of creep
- line of force
- line of least pressure
- line of least resistance
- line of principal strain
- line of route
- line of rupture
- line of seepage
- line of sight
- line of thrust
- line of traffic
- line of wells
- line of zero fill
- A line
- aerial line
- air line
- air void line
- arch center line
- ashlar line
- assembly line
- B line
- backhaul line
- barrier line
- base line
- beam center line
- belt line
- bleed lines
- border line
- boundary line
- branch line
- bridge center line
- brine line
- broad-gauge line
- building line
- building setback line
- bulkhead line
- buried line
- bypass line
- C line
- cable line
- center line
- center line of inertia
- center line of the hook
- chalk line
- channel line
- closing line
- collimation line
- communication line
- compressed air line
- condensate line
- connecting line
- connecting drainage line
- consumer gas service line
- contour line
- conveyor belt line
- cordon line
- crest line
- critical state line
- curved line
- datum line
- dead line
- deflection-influence line
- digging line
- discharge line
- discharge section line
- distribution line
- dot line
- dot and dash line
- dotted line
- double line
- double-rodded line
- drilling line
- duplicate level line
- edge line
- electric line
- electrified railway line
- encroachment line
- energy grade line
- energy line
- envelope line
- equipotential lines
- expansion line
- exposing line
- fathom line
- fence line
- fire line
- flood line
- flow line
- formation line
- frontage line
- frost line
- future line
- gas line
- gauge line
- geodesic line
- grade line
- gravity pipe line
- grooved lines
- ground line
- guide line
- hair line
- half line
- heating line
- high-pressure line
- high-speed line
- high-tension line
- hoisting line
- horizon line
- hot gas line
- hydraulic grade line
- improvement line
- influence line
- influence line for bending moment
- influence line for reaction
- influence line for shear
- isopiestic lines
- isoseismal line
- lift line
- light line
- liquid line
- load distribution line
- location line
- lot line
- Luders' line
- machine's center line
- main line
- mason's line
- moment-influence line
- neat line
- outside foundation line
- overhead line
- overhead contact line
- overhead electric line
- painting line
- pay line
- phreatic line
- pressure line
- project property line
- pumped water line
- random line
- reaction-influence line
- reference line
- return line
- run line
- runner line
- sand lines
- saturation line
- secant line
- secondary line
- section line
- shear-influence line
- short line
- sighting line
- simultaneous level line
- slip line
- slope line
- sloping straight line
- snapping line
- snow line
- span pipe line
- springing line
- straight line
- strain line
- stream line
- strike line
- suction line
- supply line
- tag line
- tangent line
- thaw line
- three part line
- traffic line
- transit line
- transmission line
- trunk line
- two-part line
- underground electric line
- utility line
- vertical line
- wall line
- water line
- water level line
- whip line
- white line
- working line
- yield line
- zero line
- zero air voids line -
17 line property
Майкрософт: свойство строки -
18 multiple line insurance
страх. многостороннее страхование* ( объединение в одном страховом полисе нескольких видов страхования)Syn:See:multiple line policy, multiple line insurance company, property insurance, liability insurance, package insurance, multiple peril insurance* * *. An insurance policy that combines both liability and property damage coverage and insures against a range of perils. . Small Business Taxes & Management 2 .Англо-русский экономический словарь > multiple line insurance
19 come into line
(come (или get) into line (with smb. или smth.; тж. fall in или into line (with smb. или smth.)))соглашаться (с кем-л. или чем-л.), солидаризироваться (с кем-л.); действовать в соответствии (с чем-л.); стать в один ряд (с кем-л. или чем-л.)It was lucky she and Bosinney got on; she seemed to be falling into line with the idea of the new house. (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Man of Property’, part I, ch. VIII) — Хорошо, что Ирэн ладит с Босини; кажется, она начинает увлекаться мыслью о постройке дома.
I was astonished to see him fall into line, so to speak, with that utterance, which ought to have been tolerably cryptic. (J. Conrad, ‘Lord Jim’, ch. 6) — Я был изумлен, когда Брайерли ответил мне в тон, произнеся при этом фразу, которая до известной степени могла показаться загадочной.
One of the junior lecturers told us of the explanation of the Periodic Table of the elements by means of the electronic structure of the different atoms... For the first time I saw a medley of haphazard facts fall into line and order. (C. P. Snow, ‘The Search’, part I, ch. III) — Один из младших преподавателей излагал нам связь периодической системы элементов с электронной структурой атомов... Я тогда впервые увидел, как хаос случайных фактов обретает порядок и стройность.
20 red(-)line
['redlaɪn] 1. сущ.; тех.; = red lineб) предельное значение какого-л. параметра на шкале приборов2. гл.1) тех.The tach is redlined at 4,500 rpm. — Красный сектор тахометра начинается c 4500 об/мин.
2) проводить политику "красной черты" (отказывать в страховке или выдаче ссуды владельцам недвижимости в бедных районах)He noted that redlining by lenders and property insurers had contributed to the decline of inner cities. — Он отметил, что политика "красной черты", проводившаяся кредитными учреждениями и страховщиками имущества, способствовала превращению центральных городских районов в трущобы.
3) информ. выделять (изменения, вносимые в документ)I can get the word processing file in about five minutes, and when I have it, I can edit it, redline changes and send it back to my office. — Я могу получить текстовый файл минут через пять, и когда он у меня будет, я смогу его отредактировать, выделить изменения и отправить обратно в офис.
См. также в других словарях:
Property line — describes the legal boundary of a parcel of land. The boundary is established by a professional surveyor using a transit and modern Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. The coordinates of the property line are often described on a drawing… … Wikipedia
property line — noun the boundary line between two pieces of property • Hypernyms: ↑boundary line, ↑border, ↑borderline, ↑delimitation, ↑mete … Useful english dictionary
line fence — noun : a fence built along the boundary or property line of a farm or ranch … Useful english dictionary
Property law — is the area of law that governs the various forms of ownership in real property (land as distinct from personal or movable possessions) and in personal property, within the common law legal system. In the civil law system, there is a division… … Wikipedia
Property management — is the operation of commercial, industrial and/or residential real estate. This is much akin to the role of management in any business.RolesOne important role is that of liaison between the landlord and/or the management firm operating on the… … Wikipedia
Line spectral pairs — (LSP) or Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF) are used to represent Linear Prediction Coefficients (LPC) for transmission over a channel. LSPs have several properties (e.g. smaller sensitivity to quantisation noise) that make them superior to direct… … Wikipedia
property law — Introduction principles, policies, and rules by which disputes over property are to be resolved and by which property transactions may be structured. What distinguishes property law from other kinds of law is that property law deals with… … Universalium
Line (geometry) — Three lines the red and blue lines have the same slope, while the red and green ones have same y intercept … Wikipedia
Line of Property — The Line of Property is the name commonly given to the line dividing Indian from British Colonial lands established in the Treaty of Fort Stanwix of 1768. In western Pennsylvania it is referred to as the Purchase line. Treaty description of the… … Wikipedia
Property list — Infobox file format name = Property List extension = .plist mime = owner = Apple Computer and GNUstep, formerly NeXT creatorcode = genre = Serialization of dictionary objects. containerfor = containedby = extendedfrom = extendedto = In the Mac OS … Wikipedia
property — noun 1 possessions ADJECTIVE ▪ personal, private ▪ common, public ▪ intellectual ▪ Companies should protect their intellectual property with patents and trademarks … Collocations dictionary