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  • 1 proper

    adj. riktig; rätt; passande; egentlig; riktig, verklig (slang)
    * * *
    1) (right, correct, or suitable: That isn't the proper way to clean the windows; You should have done your schoolwork at the proper time - it's too late to start now.) rätt, riktig
    2) (complete or thorough: Have you made a proper search?) ordentlig
    3) (respectable or well-mannered: Such behaviour isn't quite proper.) anständig, passande
    - proper noun/name

    English-Swedish dictionary > proper

  • 2 proper noun/name

    (a noun or name which names a particular person, thing or place (beginning with a capital letter): `John' and `New York' are proper nouns.) egennamn

    English-Swedish dictionary > proper noun/name

  • 3 proper allocation

    tillbörlig fördelning; rättvis fördelning

    English-Swedish dictionary > proper allocation

  • 4 proper authorization

    lämplig tillåtelse

    English-Swedish dictionary > proper authorization

  • 5 proper consideration

    passande ersättning (lämplig belöning)

    English-Swedish dictionary > proper consideration

  • 6 proper disclosure

    upplysningsplikt (plikt att rapportera, plikt att berätta allt)

    English-Swedish dictionary > proper disclosure

  • 7 proper dress

    passande klädsel

    English-Swedish dictionary > proper dress

  • 8 proper fraction

    egentligt bråk (fraktion då dividenden är mindre än divisorn)

    English-Swedish dictionary > proper fraction

  • 9 proper management

    riktig drift, lämplig förvaltning (situation då allt sköts på ett bra sätt)

    English-Swedish dictionary > proper management

  • 10 proper name


    English-Swedish dictionary > proper name

  • 11 proper noun

    egennamn (förnamn, namn som är speciellt för varje person och som han fick vid födseln)

    English-Swedish dictionary > proper noun

  • 12 as is proper

    som sig bör

    English-Swedish dictionary > as is proper

  • 13 in proper trim

    i gott skick

    English-Swedish dictionary > in proper trim

  • 14 the proper disclosure principle

    dentillbärliga upplysningsprincipen (princip inom bokföring som säger att alla rapporter och all relevant information måste presenteras)

    English-Swedish dictionary > the proper disclosure principle

  • 15 appropriate

    adj. lämplig, passande
    v. anslå, bevilja; beslagta
    * * *
    (suitable; proper: Her clothes were appropriate to the occasion; Complain to the appropriate authority.) passande, lämplig, vederbörlig
    - appropriately

    English-Swedish dictionary > appropriate

  • 16 capital

    adj. huvudsaklig; belagd med dödsstraff
    n. huvudstad; kapital, rikedom; huvudrubrik (titel) på en sida
    * * *
    I 1. ['kæpitl] noun
    1) (the chief town or seat of government: Paris is the capital of France.) huvudstad
    2) ((also capital letter) any letter of the type found at the beginning of sentences, proper names etc: THESE ARE CAPITAL LETTERS / CAPITALS.) stor bokstav, versal
    3) (money (for investment etc): You need capital to start a new business.) kapital
    2. adjective
    1) (involving punishment by death: a capital offence.) belagd med dödsstraff, döds-
    2) (excellent: a capital idea.) utmärkt, ypperlig
    3) ((of a city) being a capital: Paris and other capital cities.) huvud-
    - capitalist
    - capitalist
    - capitalistic
    II ['kæpitl] noun
    (in architecture, the top part of a column of a building etc.) kapitäl

    English-Swedish dictionary > capital

  • 17 decency

    n. anständighet, ärbarhet
    * * *
    noun ((the general idea of) what is proper, fitting, moral etc; the quality or act of being decent: In the interests of decency, we have banned nude bathing; He had the decency to admit that it was his fault.) anständighet

    English-Swedish dictionary > decency

  • 18 decently

    adv. passande, tillbörligt
    * * *
    adverb (in a manner acceptable to the general idea of what is proper or suitable: You're not going out unless you're decently dressed.) anständigt, ordentligt

    English-Swedish dictionary > decently

  • 19 decorum

    n. dekorum, anständighet
    * * *
    noun (quiet, dignified and proper behaviour: The man behaved with decorum in the old lady's presence.) anständighet, dekorum, värdighet

    English-Swedish dictionary > decorum

  • 20 due

    adj. som skall betalas, förfallen till betalning; vederbörlig
    n. skuld; avgift, böter; tullavgift
    * * *
    [dju:] 1. adjective
    1) (owed: I think I'm still due some pay; Our thanks are due to the doctor.) som skall betalas (tackas)
    2) (expected according to timetable, promise etc: The bus is due in three minutes.) skall komma, beräknas ankomma
    3) (proper: Take due care.) vederbörlig, ordentlig
    2. adverb
    (directly South: sailing due east.) rakt
    3. noun
    1) (what is owed, especially what one has a right to: I'm only taking what is my due.) vad som tillkommer ngn, skuld
    2) ((in plural) charge, fee or toll: He paid the dues on the cargo.) tull, avgifter
    - due to
    - give someone his due
    - give his due

    English-Swedish dictionary > due

См. также в других словарях:

  • Proper — Prop er, a. [OE. propre, F. propre, fr. L. proprius. Cf. {Appropriate}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Belonging to one; one s own; individual. His proper good [i. e., his own possessions]. Chaucer. My proper son. Shak. [1913 Webster] Now learn the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Proper — may refer to:* Proper (liturgy), the part of a Christian liturgy that is specific to the date within the Liturgical Year * Proper frame, such system of reference in which object is stationary (non moving), sometimes also called a co moving frame… …   Wikipedia

  • proper — [präp′ər] adj. [ME propre < OFr < L proprius, one s own] 1. specially adapted or suitable to a specific purpose or specific conditions; appropriate [the proper tool for a job] 2. naturally belonging or peculiar (to) [weather proper to… …   English World dictionary

  • proper — prop·er adj: marked by fitness or correctness; esp: being in accordance with established procedure, law, jurisdiction, or standards of care, fairness, and justice argued that the shareholder was acting in bad faith and lacked a proper purpose for …   Law dictionary

  • proper — Adj sauber erw. fremd. Erkennbar fremd (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. propre, das auf l. proprius eigen, eigentümlich zurückgeht.    Ebenso nndl. proper, ne. proper, nschw. proper, nnorw. proper. ✎ DF 2 (1942), 690f.; Jones (1976), 543;… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • proper — [adj1] suitable able, applicable, appropriate, apt, au fait, becoming, befitting, capable, competent, convenient, decent, desired, felicitous, fit, fitting, good, happy, just, legitimate, meet, qualified, right, suited, true, useful; concept 558… …   New thesaurus

  • proper — early 13c., adapted to some purpose, fit, apt, from O.Fr. propre (11c.), from L. proprius one s own, particular to itself, from pro privo for the individual. Proper name belonging to or relating to the person or thing in question, is from late… …   Etymology dictionary

  • proper — Adj. (Oberstufe) ugs.: im Äußeren ordentlich und sauber Synonyme: adrett, gepflegt Beispiele: Ihre Kleidung ist immer sehr proper. Das Zimmer ist proper aufgeräumt …   Extremes Deutsch

  • proper — ► ADJECTIVE 1) truly what something is said or regarded to be; genuine. 2) (after a noun ) strictly so called: the World Cup proper. 3) suitable or appropriate; correct. 4) respectable, especially excessively so. 5) (proper to) belonging or… …   English terms dictionary

  • proper to — formal : belonging to or suited to (something) Are such violent emotions proper to poetry? • • • Main Entry: ↑proper …   Useful english dictionary

  • Proper — Prop er, adv. Properly; hence, to a great degree; very; as, proper good. [Colloq & Vulgar] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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