1 progressive experience
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > progressive experience
2 progressive experience
Экономика: передовой опытУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > progressive experience
3 progressive experience
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > progressive experience
4 progressive work
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > progressive work
5 experience
- accumulated experience
- acquired experience
- advanced experience
- background experience
- business experience
- considerable experience
- entrepreneurial experience
- extensive experience
- first-hand experience
- foreign experience
- great experience
- hands-on experience
- managerial experience
- marketing experience
- operating experience
- operational experience
- past experience
- personal experience
- practical experience
- previous experience
- prior experience
- production experience
- progressive experience
- rich experience
- sales experience
- service experience
- technical experience
- valuable experience
- vast experience
- wide experience
- work experience
- of little experience
- with little experience
- by experience
- from experience
- accumulate experience
- adopt experience
- gain experience
- gather experience
- generalize experience
- have experience
- inherit experience
- know by experience
- make use of experience
- master experience
- obtain experience
- pass on experience
- share experience
- sum up experience
- test by experience
- transfer experience
- use experienceEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > experience
6 advanced experience
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > advanced experience
7 advanced experience and know-how
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > advanced experience and know-how
8 best practice
лучшая практика
Проверенные виды деятельности или процессы, которые были успешно применены многоими организациями.
ITIL – это один из примеров лучшей практики.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]EN
best practice
Proven activities or processes that have been successfully used by multiple organizations.
ITIL is an example of best practice.
[Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > best practice
9 best practices
лучший из применяемых на практике
примеры передового опыта
[ http://www.iks-media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324]Синонимы
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > best practices
10 know-how
научно-технические знания
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
секрет производства
Сведения любого характера (производственные, технические, экономические, организационные и другие), в том числе о результатах интеллектуальной деятельности в научно-технической сфере, а также сведения о способах осуществления профессиональной деятельности, которые имеют действительную или потенциальную коммерческую ценность в силу неизвестности их третьим лицам, к которым у третьих лиц нет свободного доступа на законном основании и в отношении которых обладателем таких сведений введен режим коммерческой тайны.
[ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]Тематики
секреты производства
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
уровень знаний
сумма знаний
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > know-how
11 good practices
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > good practices
12 передовой
прил. progressive;
leading, foremost, headmost;
advanced перен. тж. передовые позиции передовые взгляды передовая техника передовой отрядпередов|ой -
1. (движущийся, идущий впереди) leading, foremost;
(расположенный впереди чего-л.) foremost;
in front после сущ. ;
~ отряд advanced guard, vanguard;
2. (превосходящий других в чём-л.) advanced;
(прогрессивный тж.) progressive;
~ые способы производства advanced production methods;
~ опыт advanced experience/know-how;
~ая мысль advanced/progressive thinking;
~ые идеи, взгляды progressive ideas, views;
~ые люди progressive people;
~ая статья leading article, editorial, leader;
~ая позиция воен. forward position;
~ая линия воен. front line.Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > передовой
13 policy
n1) политика; политический курс; стратегия; система; ( towards smth) позиция•to abandon policy — отходить / отказываться от политики
to adhere to policy — придерживаться политики; быть верным какой-л. политике
to administer policy — проводить политику; осуществлять политику
to adopt policy — принимать политику, брать на вооружение политический курс
to back down from policy — отказываться от какой-л. политики
to be at odds with policy — противоречить какой-л. политике
to be committed to one's policy — быть приверженным своей политике
to be wary about smb's policy — настороженно относиться к чьему-л. политическому курсу
to break away from smb's policy — отходить от чьей-л. политики
to camouflage one's policy — маскировать свою политику
to carry out / to carry through policy — проводить политику
to champion policy — защищать / отстаивать политику
to conflict with smb's policy — противоречить чьей-л. политике
to coordinate one's policy over smth — координировать свою политику в каком-л. вопросе
to cover up one's policy — маскировать свою политику
to decide policy — определять политику, принимать политические решения
to develop / to devise policy — разрабатывать политику
to dismantle one's policy — отказываться от своей политики
to dissociate oneself from smb's policy — отмежевываться от чьей-л. политики
to dither about one's policy — колебаться при проведении своей политики
to effect a policy of insurance — страховаться; приобретать страховой полис
to embark on / to embrace policy — принимать какой-л. политический курс
to execute / to exercise policy — проводить политику
to follow policy — следовать политике; проводить политику
to harmonize policy — координировать / согласовывать политику
to justify one's policy — оправдывать свою политику
to lay policy before the electorate for approval — излагать политический курс для его одобрения избирателями
to make clear one's policy — разъяснять свою политику
to overturn policy — отвергать политику, отказываться от какой-л. политики
to proclaim one's commitment to policy — публично обязываться проводить какую-л. политику
to propagate policy — пропагандировать / рекламировать политику
to put across smb's policy to smb — доводить свою политику до кого-л.
to railroad through one's policy — протаскивать свою политику
to reappraise one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to reassess one's policy toward a country — пересматривать свою политику по отношению к какой-л. стране
to reconsider one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to relax one's policy towards smb — смягчать свою политику по отношению к кому-л.
to rethink one's policy — пересматривать свою политику
to reverse one's policy — изменять свою политику
to shape policy — определять / разрабатывать политику
to spearhead one's policy — направлять острие своей политики
to spell out one's policy in advance — заранее излагать свою политику
to stick to a policy — придерживаться какой-л. политики
to thrash out policy — вырабатывать / обсуждать политику
to tone down one's more controversial policy — ограничивать свои менее популярные политические меры
- active policyto validate policy — поддерживать какую-л. политику / политическую линию
- adventurist policy
- adventuristic policy
- advocacy of policy
- advocate of policy
- aggressive policy
- agrarian policy
- agricultural policy
- alternative policy
- annexationist policy
- anti-inflationary policy
- anti-national policy
- anti-nuclear policy
- anti-recessionary policy
- appropriate policy
- architect of policy
- arms policy
- austere policy
- austerity policy
- autonomous policy
- balanced policy
- banking policy
- bankrupt policy
- basic policy
- beggar-my-neighbor policy
- bellicose policy
- big stick policy
- big-time policy
- bipartisan policy
- blind-eye policy
- bloc policy
- bomb-in-the-basement policy
- breach of policy
- bridge-building policy
- brinkmanship policy
- brink-of-war policy
- broad-brush policy
- budget policy
- cadres policy
- carrot and stick policy
- cautious policy
- centrist policy
- champion of policy
- change in policy
- change of emphasis in policy
- change of policy
- circumspect policy
- class policy
- clean-air policy
- closed-door trade policy
- coherent policy
- cold war policy
- colonial policy
- colonialist policy
- commercial policy
- commitment to policy of nonintervention
- common policy
- comprehensive national science and technology policy
- comprehensive set of policy
- concerted policy
- conduct of policy
- confrontation policy
- consistent policy
- containment policy
- continuity in policy
- continuity of policy
- continuity with smb's policy
- controversial policy
- coordinated policy
- cornerstone of policy
- counterproductive policy
- country's fundamental policy
- credible policy
- credit card policy
- credit policy
- crumbling policy
- cultural policy
- current policy
- damaging policy
- defeatist policy
- defense policy
- deflationary policy
- demilitarization policy
- democratic policy
- departure in policy
- destabilization policy
- deterrent policy
- development policy
- diametrically opposed policy
- dilatory policy
- diplomatic policy
- disarmament policy
- discretionary policy
- discriminatory policy
- disinflation policy
- distortion of policy
- divide-and-rule policy
- domestic policy
- dynamic policy
- economic and commercial policy
- economic policy
- embargo policy
- emigration policy
- emission policy
- employment policy
- energy policy
- environmental policy
- erroneous policy
- European policy
- even-handed policy
- expansionary policy
- expansionist policy
- experience of policy
- extreme right-wing policy
- fair policy
- farm policy
- far-reaching policy
- far-sighted policy
- federal policy
- financial policy
- firm policy
- fiscal policy
- flexible policy
- for reasons of policy
- foreign aid policy
- foreign policy
- foreign trade policy
- foreign-economic policy
- formation of foreign policy
- formulation of policy
- forward-looking policy
- framework for policy
- free trade policy
- general policy
- generous policy
- give-and-take policy
- global policy
- godfather to policy
- good neighbor policy
- government policy
- government's policy
- great-power policy
- green policy
- gunboat policy
- hands-off policy
- hard-line policy
- harmful policy
- harmonized policy
- health policy
- hegemonic policy
- high-risk policy
- home policy
- ill-thought-out policy
- imperial policy
- imperialist policy
- import policy
- import substitution policy
- in line with policy
- in the field of foreign policy
- inadmissibility of policy
- independent line of policy
- independent policy
- industrial policy
- inflationary policy
- inhuman policy
- instigatory policy
- insurance policy
- internal policy
- international policy
- internment policy
- interventionist policy
- intolerableness of policy
- investment policy
- iron-fist policy
- irreversible policy
- it's against our policy
- kid-glove policy
- labor mediation policy
- laissez-faire policy
- land policy
- language policy
- leash-loosening policy
- left-wing policy
- lending policy
- liberal policy
- liberalization of policy
- liberalized policy
- line of policy
- long-range policy
- long-term policy
- lunatic policy
- main plank of smb's policy
- major changes to policy
- manifestation of policy
- maritime policy
- marketing policy
- massive condemnation of smb's policy
- militaristic policy
- misconduct of policy
- mobile policy
- moderate policy
- monetarist policy
- monetary policy
- much-heralded policy
- mushy policy
- national policy
- nationalistic policy
- nationalities policy
- native policy
- nativist policy
- neo-colonialist policy
- neutral policy
- neutrality policy
- New Economic Policy
- news policy
- nonaligned policy
- nonalignment policy
- noninterference policy
- nonintervention policy
- nonnuclear policy
- nuclear defense policy
- nuclear deterrent policy
- nuclear policy
- nuclear-free policy
- obstructionist policy
- official policy
- official trade policy
- oil policy
- old faces can't make new policy
- one-child-family policy
- one-sided policy
- open-door policy
- openly pursued policy
- opportunistic policy
- optimal policy
- ostrich policy
- ostrich-like policy
- outward-looking policy
- overall policy
- overtly racist policy
- parliamentary policy
- party policy
- passive policy
- pay-curb policy
- peace policy
- peaceful policy
- peace-loving policy
- personnel policy
- plunderous policy
- policy from positions of strength
- policy from strength
- policy in science and technology
- policy is bearing fruit
- policy is constitutional
- policy of a newspaper
- policy of aid
- policy of alliances
- policy of amicable cooperation with smb
- policy of appeasement
- policy of belt-tightening
- policy of capitulation
- policy of compromise
- policy of conciliation
- policy of confrontation
- policy of connivance
- policy of containment
- policy of cooperation
- policy of democracy and social progress
- policy of détente
- policy of deterrence
- policy of dictate
- policy of discrimination
- policy of economic blockade and sanctions
- policy of economy
- policy of elimination
- policy of expansion and annexation
- policy of fiscal rigor
- policy of freedom of expression
- policy of friendship
- policy of genocide
- policy of good-neighborliness
- policy of goodwill
- policy of inaction
- policy of intervention
- policy of intimidation
- policy of isolation
- policy of militarism
- policy of militarization
- policy of military confrontation
- policy of military force
- policy of national reconciliation
- policy of neutrality
- policy of nonalignment
- policy of noninterference
- policy of nonintervention
- policy of nonviolence
- policy of obstruction
- policy of openness
- policy of pacification
- policy of peace
- policy of peaceful co-existence
- policy of plunder
- policy of protectionism
- policy of racial segregation and discrimination
- policy of reconciliation
- policy of reform
- policy of reforms
- policy of regulating prices
- policy of renewal
- policy of restraint
- policy of revanche
- policy of revenge
- policy of subjugation
- policy of violence
- policy of wage restraint
- policy of war
- policy towards a country
- policy vis-à-vis a country
- policy with regard to a country
- policy won out
- political policy
- population policy
- position-of-strength policy
- practical policy
- predatory policy
- price control policy
- price-formation policy
- price-pricing policy
- pricing policy
- principled policy
- progressive policy
- proponent of policy
- protagonist of policy
- protectionist policy
- pro-war policy
- pro-Western policy
- public policy
- push-and-drag policy
- racial policy
- racist policy
- radical policy
- rapacious policy
- reactionary policy
- realistic policy
- reappraisal of policy
- reassessment of policy
- recession-induced policy
- reevaluation of policy
- reexamination of policy
- reform policy
- reformist policy
- regional policy
- renewal of policy
- re-orientation of policy
- repressive policy
- resettlement policy
- rethink of policy
- retrograde policy
- revanchist policy - revisionist policy
- rigid economic policy
- robust foreign policy
- ruinous policy
- safe policy
- sanctions policy
- scientifically substantiated policy
- scorched-earth policy
- selfless policy
- separatist policy - short-sighted policy
- single-child policy
- social policy
- socio-economic policy
- sound policy
- splitting policy
- state policy
- state remuneration of labor policy
- stated policy
- staunch policy
- sterile policy
- stick-and-carrot policy
- stringent policy
- strong policy
- structural policy
- suitable policy
- sustained policy
- sweeping review of policy
- switch in policy
- tariff policy
- tax policy
- taxation policy
- technological policy
- tight policy
- tightening of policy
- time-serving policy
- tough policy
- toughening of policy
- trade policy
- trade-unionist policy
- traditional policy
- treacherous policy
- turn in policy
- turning point in policy
- unified policy
- united policy
- unsophisticated policy
- U-turn in policy
- viability of policy
- vigorous policy
- vote-losing policy
- wage policy
- wage-freeze policy
- wages policy
- wait-and-see policy
- war-economy policy
- wealth-creating policy
- whip-and-carrot policy
- wise policy
- world policy
- zigzags in policy -
14 war
1. nвойна, боевые действия, военные действия; борьбаto abolish war — уничтожать войны; устранять возможность возникновения войны
to declare war on / upon a country — объявлять войну какой-л. стране
to drag / to draw a country into a war — втягивать страну в войну
to eliminate the menace / threat of war — устранять угрозу войны
to fight other people's wars — воевать за других, участвовать в чужой войне
to force a war on / upon smb — навязывать войну кому-л.
to go to war — вступать в войну, начинать войну, отправляться на войну, участвовать в войне
to impose a war on / upon smb — навязывать войну кому-л.
to instigate a war — провоцировать военный конфликт / войну
to know the price of war — знать не понаслышке, что такое война
to levy a war on / upon smb — навязывать войну кому-л.
to menace war — угрожать / грозить войной
to open a war — начинать / развязывать войну
to reject any arbitration / mediation in the war — отклонять любое посредничество в деле прекращения войны
to resolve a war — разрешать / урегулировать военный конфликт
to rise up a holy war against foreign invaders — подниматься на священную войну против иностранных захватчиков
to scrap star wars — отказываться от "звездных войн"
to settle / to solve a war — разрешать / урегулировать военный конфликт
to slide to a civil war — сползать / скатываться к гражданской войне ( о стране)
to stoke up a war — раздувать войну, подогревать военный конфликт
to unleash a war — начинать / развязывать войну
- abolition of warto wage war — вести войну, воевать
- accidental war
- Afghan war
- aftermath of the war
- aggressive war
- air war
- all-out war
- alternative to war
- annexionist war
- announcement of war - at times of war
- atomic war
- atrocities of war
- bacteriological war
- bitter war
- bloody war
- border war
- breathing space in a war
- brunt of war
- brutal methods of war
- brutal war
- camps war - cessation of the war
- civil war
- clandestine war
- class war
- Cod Wars
- cold war
- collapse of the cold war
- colonial war
- conduct of war
- contained war
- containment of the war
- controlled counterforce war
- conventional war
- cosmic war
- costly war
- counterinsurgency war
- country blighted by war
- country in the throes of a civil war
- country of war
- country's involvement in the war
- crack war
- crime war
- criminal war
- cruel war
- currency war
- danger of war
- de facto war
- declaration of war
- declared state of war
- defensive war
- desperate war
- destructive war
- deterring war
- devastating war
- devastation of the war
- dirty war
- divisive war - drug war
- dynastic wars
- economic war
- effects of war
- end of the war
- end to the war
- enduring war - escalation of the war
- Europe has been through wars - exterminatory war
- factional war
- feats of war
- fierce war
- final phase of the war
- First World War
- flare-up of the war
- fratricidal war
- from before the war
- full war
- full-fledged war
- full-scale war
- gang war
- general war
- global war
- gravity of the war
- Great Patriotic War
- Great War
- ground war
- guerrilla war
- Gulf War
- hidden war
- holy war
- horrors of war
- hot war - in the wake of the war
- in the war
- inadvertent war
- inconclusive war
- independence war
- initial indications of a war coming
- insurrectionary war
- intensified war
- intensive preparations for war
- interminable war
- internecine war
- jamming war
- just war
- land war
- large-scale war
- latent war
- level of war
- liberation war
- limited war
- local war
- lone war
- long war
- long-running war
- lost war
- major war
- massive war
- means of ending the war
- means of war
- menace of war
- missile and nuclear war
- missile war
- monetary and financial war
- murderous war
- national liberation war
- national war
- naval war
- newspaper war
- nightmares of war
- nonatomic war
- nonnuclear war
- nuclear war
- nuclear-missile war
- nuke war
- offensive war
- on the brink of war
- on the verge of war
- ongoing war
- open war
- outbreak of war
- outset of war
- part of the country ravaged by war
- people's liberation war
- people's war
- permanent war
- phony war
- pocket war
- poised for war - potential of war
- predatory war
- preparations for war
- prevention of war
- preventive war
- price war - prolonged war
- propagander war
- prosecution of war
- prospect of war
- protracted war
- proxy war
- psychological war
- race war
- rejection of wars
- rekindling of the war
- relics of the cold war
- renunciation of wars
- restricted war
- revolutionary war
- ruinous war
- ruthless war
- sacred war
- savage war
- scars of war
- scourge of war
- Second World War
- secret war
- shooting war
- Six-day war
- sources of war
- spillover of the war
- star wars - strategic war
- sustained war
- Tanker war
- tantamount to declaring war
- tariff war
- termination of war
- the country is effectively at war
- thermonuclear war
- thirst for war - total war
- trade war
- tribal war
- undeclared war
- union recruitment war
- universal war
- unjust war
- unleashing of war
- unwinnable war
- vengeful war
- victim of war
- War between the States
- War in the Gulf
- War of American Independence
- war against illiteracy
- war against poverty
- war against the use of drugs
- war by proxy
- war drags on
- war escalated
- war has broken out
- war has devastated much of the country
- war has flared up again
- war is as good as over
- war is at a halt
- war is at an end
- war is effectively over
- war is entering a new phase
- war is going to carry on
- war is imminent
- war is looming
- war is petering out
- war is the last resort
- war is unacceptable
- war knew no bounds
- war of aggression
- war of attrition
- war of conquest
- war of diplomatic attrition
- war of extermination
- war of extinction
- war of genocide
- war of liberation
- war of nerves
- war of secession
- war of the cities
- war of words
- war on drugs
- war on terror
- war on two fronts
- war remains intense
- war spills over
- war to end all wars
- war to finish
- war to the end
- war to the knife
- war will leave no victors
- war without end
- war would be catastrophic
- wasting war
- white war
- wide war
- winnable war
- withdrawal from war
- World War I
- World War II
- world war
- world without wars 2. vto war down smth — завоевывать / покорять что-л.
to war over smth — воевать по поводу / из-за чего-л.
См. также в других словарях:
Progressive enhancement — is a strategy for web design that emphasizes accessibility, semantic markup, and external stylesheet and scripting technologies. Progressive enhancement uses web technologies in a layered fashion that allows everyone to access the basic content… … Wikipedia
Progressive disclosure — is an interaction design technique often used in human computer interaction to help maintain the focus of a user s attention by reducing clutter, confusion, and cognitive workload. This improves usability by presenting only the minimum data… … Wikipedia
Progressive retinal atrophy — (PRA) is a group of genetic diseases seen in certain breeds of dogs and, more rarely, cats. It is characterized by the bilateral degeneration of the retina, causing progressive vision loss culminating in blindness. The condition in nearly all… … Wikipedia
Progressive education — Educational progressivism is the belief that education must be based on the principle that humans are social animals who learn best in real life activities with other people. Progressivists claimed to rely on the best available scientific… … Wikipedia
Progressive Reconstructionism — The Progressive Reconstructionist movement is a loosely knit interfaith community found principally at this time in the developed world. It comprises activist adherents of Reconstructionist Judaism (and of some other Jewish Traditions) and the… … Wikipedia
Progressive Democrats — Not to be confused with National Progressive Democrats or Progressive Democratic Party. Progressive Democrats An Páirtí Daonlathach Founder Leader Desmond O Malley (1985–93) … Wikipedia
Progressive Conservative Party of Canada candidates, 2000 Canadian federal election — The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada elected twelve candidates in the 2000 federal election, and emerged as the fifth largest party in the Canadian House of Commons. Many of the party s candidates have their own biography pages;… … Wikipedia
Progressive Conservative Youth Federation — Circa 1984. Merger of Youth with PC logo The Progressive Conservative Youth Federation (PCYF) was the constitutionally enshrined youth body of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. When the PC Party and the Canadian Alliance merged in… … Wikipedia
Progressive stamping die — A progressive stamping die (progressive stamping) ( die ) is a metalworking device that is designed and built to convert a strip of metal raw material into parts that conform to blueprint specifications.The dies are placed into a stamping press.… … Wikipedia
Progressive Black & Journalists (PB&J) — Infobox Company company name = Progressive, Black, Journalists company company type = Non Profit foundation = University of Florida, USA (June 29 2006) founder = [mailto:icabob@ufl.edu/ Brian J. Robertson, Jr.] Faren M. Humes Stefani T. Saintonge … Wikipedia
Expérience spirituelle — Spiritualité La nébuleuse Hélix, parfois appelée Oeil de Dieu La spiritualité définit une aspiration personnelle ou collective, ou l ensemble des croyances, pratiques et études qui ont trait à la nature essentielle de l être vivant, à l âme, à ce … Wikipédia en Français