1 production waste
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > production waste
2 production waste
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > production waste
3 production waste
см. processing wasteEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > production waste
4 production waste
5 production waste
6 production waste
7 production waste
8 production waste sewerage system
Архитектура: производственная канализацияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > production waste sewerage system
9 production waste water
1) Рыбоводство: производственные сточные воды, промышленные сточные воды2) Бурение: производственные стокиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > production waste water
10 production waste water treatment unit
Общая лексика: установка обработки отработанной водыУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > production waste water treatment unit
11 production waste water
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > production waste water
12 Procedure for Setting Limits on Production Waste Generation and Disposal
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Procedure for Setting Limits on Production Waste Generation and Disposal
13 Report on the Comprehensive Use of Commercial Minerals in the Process of Enrichment and Metallurgical Conversion and of Overburden Rocks and Production Waste
Общая лексика: Отчёт о комплексном использовании полезных ископаемых при (E&Y)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Report on the Comprehensive Use of Commercial Minerals in the Process of Enrichment and Metallurgical Conversion and of Overburden Rocks and Production Waste
14 production
1) производство; добыча; получение; изготовление2) продукция; изделия3) производительность; выработка•- building gross production - building net production - ecologically clean production - energy-saving production - enterprise chemical production - gross production - heat production - low-waste production - nonwaste production - quality concrete production - quantity production - radioactive production - ready-for-use building production - roofing material production - semicontinuous production - serial production - sludge production - unmanned production - volatile production - waste production - water production* * *производство, изготовление- cement production
- cold production
- concrete production
- fully automatic production of concrete slab
- heat production
- large-panel production -
15 waste
n1) непроизводительная растрата; расточительство2) потери, убыль; ущерб, убыток; неисправимый брак3) отходы, отбросы
- animal waste
- aqueous waste
- city waste
- commercial waste
- construction waste
- domestic waste
- farm waste
- food waste
- hazardous waste
- heat waste
- industrial wastes
- livestock waste
- manufacturing wastes
- municipal waste
- nuclear waste
- paper waste
- poisonous waste
- processing waste
- production waste
- radioactive waste
- refinery waste
- toxic waste
- untreated waste
- unusable waste
- waste of money
- waste of resources
- waste of time
- dump industrial waste -
16 waste production
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > waste production
17 production
n1) изготовление; производство2) продукция•to cut (back) production — свертывать / сокращать производство
to diversify production — диверсифицировать / разнообразить продукцию
to limit production — ограничивать / сокращать производство
- anarchy of productionto reduce production — свертывать / сокращать производство
- animal production
- annual production
- arms production
- atomic power and energy production
- automation of production
- batch production
- coal production
- commercial production
- commodity production
- comprehensive mechanization of production
- continuous production
- costs of production
- crop production
- current production
- curtailment ofproduction
- cutback of production
- cuts in production
- daily production
- decline in production
- domestic production
- drop in production
- economically effective production
- effectiveness of production
- end production
- energy production - fertilizer production
- fishing production
- flexible production
- flow production
- food production
- full-scale production of the neutron bomb
- global production
- high production
- high-cost production
- highly organized production
- highly remunerative production
- improvement of effectiveness of production
- improvement of production
- individual production
- industrial production
- joint production
- labor-intensive production
- lagging industrial production
- large-scale production - line production
- machine mode of production
- mass production
- material production
- means of production
- mechanized production
- mode of production
- nonspecialized production
- nonwaste production
- per capita production
- per head production
- pilot production
- planned production
- power production
- production advances rapidly
- production declines
- production decreases
- production falls
- production increases
- production of consumer goods
- production of illicit alcohol
- production of means of production
- production outstrips demand
- production rises
- profitable production
- public production
- rate of production
- runaway production
- scale of production
- self-reliance in production
- self-sufficiency in production
- serial production
- short-run production
- small-scale production
- social character of production
- social production - sphere of material production
- stagnant production
- steel production
- structure of industrial production
- subsidiary production
- subsistence production
- switchover from military to civilian production
- technical reequipment of production - total world production
- unequally distributed food production
- uninterrupted development of production
- unprofitable production - war production
- waste-free production
- wasteful production
- wasteless production
- well organized production
- world production -
18 production
n1) производство, изготовление2) производительность, выработка3) продукция, продукт, изделие4) предъявление (документа)
- aggregate production
- agricultural production
- animal production
- annual production
- assembly-flow production
- assembly-line production
- automatic production
- back-yard production
- batch production
- batched flow production
- commercial production
- commercial-scale production
- commodity production
- competitive production
- continuous production
- contract production
- controlled production
- cooperative production
- crop production
- current production
- curtailed production
- daily production
- defective production
- direct production
- domestic production
- duplicate production
- efficient production
- estimated production
- excessive production
- farm production
- faulty production
- field production
- flexible production
- flow production
- flow-line production
- food production
- forage production
- forage crop production
- fresh production
- full-scale production
- gross production
- high production
- highly remunerative production
- highly-specialized production
- high-value-added production
- high-volume production
- imported production
- incomplete production
- indirect production
- individual production
- industrial production
- in-line production
- jerky production
- job production
- jobbing production
- job lot production
- job order production
- job shop-type production
- joint production
- large-lot production
- large-scale production
- line production
- livestock production
- lot production
- machine production
- manufacturing production
- marginal production
- mass production
- mass-line production
- material production
- material-intensive production
- medium-size lot production
- monthly production
- multiple production
- net production
- nonstandard production
- nonwaste production
- organized production
- overall production
- per capita production
- piece production
- pilot production
- planned production
- plant production
- primary production
- profitable production
- programmed production
- prototype production
- quality production
- quantity production
- rejected production
- roundabout production
- secondary production
- serial production
- series production
- single-item production
- single-job production
- single-part production
- single-piece production
- small batch production
- small commodity production
- small-lot production
- small-scale production
- small-scale commodity production
- social production
- specialized production
- standard production
- surplus production
- tertiary production
- total production
- volume production
- wasted production
- waste-free production
- wasteful production
- world production
- production for export
- production in bulk
- production in lots
- production in lot sizes
- production of commodities
- production of consumer goods
- production of documents
- production of equipment
- production of a new model
- production of proof
- production on the line
- production on order
- be in production
- boost production
- bring into production
- build up production
- carry out production
- check production
- come into production
- commence production
- curb production
- curtail production
- cut down production
- cut off production
- expand production
- get into production
- go into production
- go out of production
- hold back production
- increase production
- launch production
- master production
- organize production
- phase back production
- phase out production
- put into production
- put into full production
- raise production
- reduce production
- restrict production
- set up production
- slow down production
- speed up production
- start production
- step up production
- stop production
- switch production to
- switch over production
- withdraw from productionEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > production
19 waste
(син. barren rock, waste rock)пустая порода, выработанное пространство, угольная мелочь; портить; истощать; терять, тратить; отходы; остатки; отброс; мусор; лом; скрап•
- deleterious waste
- power waste
- production waste -
20 waste reduction
снижение отходов
[ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]EN
waste reduction
Practices that reduce the amount of waste generated by a specific source through the redesigning of products or patterns of production or consumption. (Source: TOE)
снижение содержания отходов
(напр. в сточных водах)
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
уменьшение объёма отходов
компактирование отходов
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > waste reduction
См. также в других словарях:
Waste minimisation — is the process and the policy of reducing the amount of waste produced by a person or a society. It is part of the wider aim of waste reduction which is often described as a component of the waste hierarchy. In the waste hierarchy, the most… … Wikipedia
Waste Management, Inc — Waste Management, Inc. Type Public Traded as NYSE: WM … Wikipedia
Waste-to-energy — (WtE) or energy from waste (EfW) refers to any waste treatment that creates energy in the form of electricity or heat from a waste source. Such technologies reduce or eliminate waste that otherwise would be transferred to a greenhouse gas… … Wikipedia
Production leveling — Production leveling, also known as production smoothing or – by its Japanese original term – heijunka (平準化?),[1] is a technique for reducing the muda waste and vital to the development of production efficiency in the Toyota Production System and… … Wikipedia
waste product — UK US noun [C] PRODUCTION ► a material or substance with no use or value that is produced when products are being made: »The site offers advice on the responsible disposal of IT waste products. »break down/recycle/remove waste products… … Financial and business terms
Waste collection — A waste collection vehicle in in Sakon Nakhon, Thailand … Wikipedia
Waste hierarchy — The waste hierarchy refers to the 3 Rs of reduce, reuse and recycle, which classify waste management strategies according to their desirability. The 3 Rs are meant to be a hierarchy, in order of importance. [cite… … Wikipedia
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant — The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, or WIPP, is the world s second underground repository (after closure of the Germany s Asse Salt Mine in 1977) licensed to safely and permanently dispose of transuranic radioactive waste that is left from the… … Wikipedia
Waste pond — A waste pond or chemical pond is a small impounded water body used for the disposal of water pollutants, and sometimes utilized as a method of recycling or decomposing toxic substances. Such waste ponds may be used for regular disposal of… … Wikipedia
Primary energy production — Production of primary energy. The U.S. Energy Information Administration includes the following in U.S. primary energy production: coal production, waste coal supplied, and coal refuse recovery; crude oil and lease condensate production;… … Energy terms
Production function — Graph of Total, Average, and Marginal Product In microeconomics and macroeconomics, a production function is a function that specifies the output of a firm, an industry, or an entire economy for all combinations of inputs. This function is an… … Wikipedia