1 product exhaustion
эк. исчерпание продукта (ситуация, при каждый фактор получает вознаграждение в виде части общего произведенного продукта в соответствии со своей предельной производительностью и при этом общий продукт полностью исчерпывается на вознаграждение факторов)See: -
2 product
сущ.1)а) эк. продукт, изделие, товар (предмет, созданный человеком, машиной или природой; чаще всего имеются в виду предметы, созданные с целью продажи); мн. продукцияfood products — продукты, продовольственные товары
high-quality product — товар высокого качества, высококачественный [первоклассный\] товар
premium quality [premium grade\] product — товар высшего сорта [качества\], товар класса премиум-класса
undiscounted products — товары, продаваемые без скидки
fairly-priced product — товар по приемлемой [справедливой\] цене
See:acceptable product, accessory product, actual product, adulterated product, advanced technology products, ageing product, agricultural product, alimentary products, allied products, all-meat product, alternative products, ancillary product, anonymous product, augmented product, bakery products 1), basic product, beauty product, best-selling product, business products, by-product 1), &3, capitalized product, captive product, characteristic product, 2), co-product, commercialized product, commodity product, common product, comparable products, competing products, competiting products, competitive product, competitive products, complementary products, complete product, complicated product, conforming product, consumer products, consumer durable product, convenience products, core product, crop products, custom-designed product, customized product, custom-made product, declining product, deficient product, dehydrated product, differentiated product, diminishing marginal product, disposable product, diversified products, DIY product, do-it-yourself product, domestic product, durable products, egg product, electronics products, end product 2), &3, energy-saving product, entrenched product, essential product, established product, ethical product, ethnic product, everyday product, exclusive product, export products, fair trade product, fairly traded product, fairtrade product, fighting product, final product 1), а&2, financial product, food products, foreign products, formal product, functional product, generic product, global product, green products, grooming product, hair-care product, half-finished product, harmful product, health product, hedonic product, heterogeneous product, high performance product, high quality product, high-interest product 1), high-involvement products, high-margin product, high-reliability product, high-risk product, high-tech product, high-turnover product, high-value product, home-grown product, home-produced product, homogeneous product, hot product, household cleaning product, household maintenance products, household product, hygiene product, imitative product, imperfect product, import products, import-sensitive products, impulse product, industrial product, inferior product, information product, innovative product, in-process product, intangible product, interlocking products, intermediate product, investigated product, joint product, key product, knowledge-intensive product, known product, laundry products, lead product, leading edge product, leisure products, leisure-time products, licensed product, line extension product, livestock product, low-interest product 1), low-involvement products, low-value product, luxury product, main product 2), &3, manufactured products, marginal physical product, marginal product, mature product, me-too product, metal product, misbranded product, multinational product, multiple-use product 2), mundane product, national product, necessary product, necessity product, new product, no-name product, nonconforming product, non-conforming product, non-durable products, nonfood products, non-standard product, novel product, office products, off-price product, off-standard product, oil products, one-shot product, optional product, over-engineered product, paper products, parity products, patentable product, patented product, patent-protected product, payment product, pension product, pharmaceutical product, physical product, plant products, potential product, premium product, prestige products, price-sensitive product, primary products, prime product, printed products, private brand products, private label products, processed product, qualified product, quality products, ready-made product, rejected product, related product, replacement product, representative product, retirement product, revenue product, revised product, safe product, saleable product, salutary product, satisfactory product, scarce product, second generation product, secondary product, semi-finished products, shoddy product, sideline product, single-use product, skill-intensive product, slow-moving product, social product, sophisticated product, standardized products, sugared product, superior product, supplementary products, surplus product, synthetic product, tainted products, tangible product, tied product, tied products, tinned products, tobacco products 1), tying products, unacceptable product, unbranded product, unidentified product, unpatented product, unsafe product, unsaleable product, unsatisfactory product, utilitarian product, vendible product, viable product, wanted product, well-designed product, worthwhile product, product acceptability, product acceptance, product adaptability, product adaptation, product addition, product advertising, product analysis, product announcement, product application, product area, product arsenal, product assessment, product association, product assortment, product assurance, product augmentation, product availability, product awareness, product benefit, product billing, product brand, product branding, product bundling, product capabilities, product category, product choice, product claim, product class, product classification, product company, product compatibility, product competition, product comprehension, product concept, product conception, product control, product copy, product cost, product costing, product coverage, product cycle, product decision, product deletion, product demand, product demonstration, product departmentalization, product design, product development, product differences, product differentiation, product display, product distribution network, product diversification, product division, product element, product elimination, product engineering, product enhancement, product evaluation, product evolution, product exchange, product exhaustion, product expansion, product extension, product failure, product family, product field, product flows, product form, product graduation, product group, product homogeneity, product idea, product image, product improvement, product inflation, product innovation, product inspection, product integrity, product introduction, product invention, product item, product knowledge, product label, product labelling, product layout, product leveraging, product liability, product life, product life cycle, product line, product lineup, product literature, product management, product manager, product manual, product market, product marketing, product matching, product message, product mix, product modification, product name, product nameplate, product offering, product opportunity, product organization, product orientation, product origin, product patent, product perception, product performance, product personality, product placement, product plan, product planner, product planning, product policy, product portfolio, product position, product positioning, product preference, product presentation, product price, product pricing, product profile, product proliferation, product promotion, product proof, product protection, product publicity, product puffery, product quality, product quantity, product range, product rationalization, product recall, product release, product requirements, product research, product research and development, product retailer, product revision, product revolution, product safety, product sales, product sample, product sampling, product satisfaction, product segment, product segmentation, product shortage, product specialization, product specifications, product standard, product statement, product strategy, product structure, product style, product styling, product subline, product superiority, product survey, product tangibility, product team, product technology, product test, product testimony, product testing, product trial, product type, product uniformity, product usage, product validation, product variation, product variety, product warranty, endorse a product, Central Product Classification, Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product, Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers, Clay Product and Refractory Manufacturing, debt-for-products swapб) эк. продукт, объем продукции ( количество произведенных товаров или услуг)company's product — продукция компании, товары компании
See:2) общ. результат, продукт (итог какой-л. деятельности)History is the product of social and economic forces. — История — это результат взаимодействия общественных и экономических факторов.
the product of this activity is radiation — в результате этой деятельности появляется радиация.
See:3) мат. произведение ( результат умножения двух чисел)
* * *
продукт, товар: что-либо производимое для продажи.* * ** * *. . Словарь экономических терминов .* * * -
3 adding-up problem
эк. проблема суммирования [исчерпания\]* (необходимость доказать, что если факторы производства получают вознаграждение по ставке, соответствующей их предельной производительности, общий продукт будет в точности исчерпываться этими выплатами; проблема неоклассической теории распределения, построенной на предельной производительности; впервые поставлена и решена в 1894 г. Ф. Уикстидом для линейно однородной производственной функции, свой вклад в решение этой проблемы позже внесли А. Флюкс, Ф. Уикстид, Дж. Робинсон и др.)See: -
4 linear homogeneous
мат. линейно однородная (характеристика функции, которая является однородной в 1-й степени; такая производственная функция обладает постоянной отдачей от масштаба)See: -
5 Wicksteed, Philip Henry
перс.эк. Уикстид, Филип Генри (1844-1927; английский экономист, специалист по литературе и философии, переводчик "Физики" Аристотеля и "Божественной комедии" Данте; под влиянием идей У. Джевонса стал развивать маржиналистские идеи в экономической теории; в 1894 г. выпустил книгу "Essay on the Co-ordination of the Laws Of Distribution", в которой провозгласил необходимость распространения теории предельной производительности на все факторы производства, которые должны рассматриваться симметрично, и впервые рассмотрел проблему исчерпания общего продукта)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > Wicksteed, Philip Henry
6 function
1) функция, действие || функционировать; действовать- essential functions - routine function - safety-related functions2) функциональное назначение; роль- circuit function - intrinsic function - metering function - primary function - robot function - planning function - service function - support function4) функциональный узел ( машины)5) матем. функциональная зависимость, функция- absolutely additive function - absolutely bounded function - absolutely continuous function - absolutely integrable function - absolutely monotone function - absolutely summable function - absolutely symmetric function - almost complex function - almost continuous function - almost convex function - almost everywhere defined function - almost everywhere finite function - almost invariant function - almost periodic function - almost recursive function - almost separably-valued function - almost separating function - almost universal function - analytically independent function - analytically representable function - approximately differentiable function - asymptotically differentiable function - asymptotically finite function - asymptotically uniformly optimal function - bounded below function - cellwise continuous function - circumferentially mean p-valent function - comparison function - complementary error function - complete analytic function - completely additive function - completely computable function - completely monotone function - completely multiplicative function - completely productive function - completely subadditive function - completely symmetrical function - completely undefined function - complex hyperbolic function - conditional risk function - countably multiplicative function - countably valued function - covariant function - cumulative distribution function - cumulative frequency function - deficiency function - double limit function - doubly periodic function - doubly recursive function - effectively computable function - effectively constant function - effectively decidable function - effectively variable function - elementarily symmetric function - entire function of maximum type - entire function of mean type - entire function of potential type - entire function of zero type - entire rational function - essentially increasing function - essentially integrable function - essentially real function - essentially smooth function - everywhere differentiable function - everywhere smooth function - expansible function - explicitly definable function - exponentially convex function - exponentially decreasing function - exponentially increasing function - exponentially multiplicative function - exponentially vanishing function - finitely mean valent function - finitely measurable function - function of appropriate behavior - function of bounded characteristic - function of bounded type - function of bounded variation - function of complex variable - function of exponential type - function of finite genus - function of finite variation - function of fractional order - function of infinite type - function of integral order - function of maximal type - function of minimal type - function of mixed variables - function of normal type - function of number theory - function of one variable - function of rapid descent - function of rapid growth - function of real variable - general universal function - geometric carrier function - implicitly definable function - incomplete dibeta function - incomplete gamma function - incomplete tribeta function - incompletely defined function - inductively defined function - inductively integrable function - infinitely divisible function - infinitely many-valued function - integral logarithmic function - inverse trigonometric function - inverted beta function - iterative function - joint correlation function - joint density function - linearly separable function - locally bounded function - locally constant function - locally holomorphic function - locally homogeneous function - locally integrable function - locally negligible function - locally regular function - locally summable function - logarithmic generating function - logarithmic integral function - logarithmically infinite function - logarithmically plurisubharmonic function - logarithmically subharmonic function - lower semicontinuous function - monotone non-decreasing function - monotone non-increasing function - multiply periodic function - multiply recursive function - negative definite function - negative infinite function - nontangentially bounded function - normalized function - normed function - nowhere continuous function - nowhere differentiable function - nowhere monotonic function - n-times differentiable function - n-tuply periodic function - numeralwise expressible function - numeralwise representable function - numerical function - numerically valued function - oblate spheroidal function - operating characteristic function - optimal policy function - parametrically definable function - partially symmetric function - piecewise constant function - piecewise continuously differentiable function - piecewise linear function - piecewise monotonic function - piecewise polynomial function - piecewise quadratic function - piecewise regular function - piecewise smooth function - pointwise approximated function - positive homogeneous function - positive infinite function - positive monotone function - positive monotonic function - positive semidefinite function - potentially calculable function - potentially recursive function - power series function - probability generating function - quadratically summable function - rapidly damped function - rapidly decreasing function - rapidly oscillatory function - recursively continuous function - recursively convergent function - recursively defined function - recursively differentiable function - recursively divergent function - recursively extensible function - relative distribution function - relative frequency function - representing function - reproducing kernel function - residual function - residue function - scalarwise integrable function - scalarwise measurable function - sectionally smooth function - simply periodic function - singly recursive function - slowly increasing function - slowly oscillating function - slowly varying function - smoothly varying function - solid spherical harmonic function - solid zonal harmonic function - steadily increasing function - stopped random function - strictly convex function - strictly decreasing function - strictly increasing function - strictly integrable function - strictly monotone function - strongly differentiable function - strongly holomorphic function - strongly integrable function - strongly measurable function - strongly plurisubharmonic function - totally additive function - totally continuous function - totally measurable function - totally multiplicative function - totally positive function - triangular function - uniformly best decision function - uniformly bounded function - uniformly definable function - uniformly differentiable function - uniformly homotopic function - uniformly integrable function - uniformly limited function - uniformly measurable function - uniformly smooth function - unit step function - unitary divisor function - upper measurable function - upper semicontinuous function - weakly analytic function - weakly continuous function - weakly differentiable function - weakly holomorphic function - weakly measurable function - weakly singular function - weighted random functiondomain of a function — область определения функции, область изменения независимой переменной
7 process
1) процесс2) процедура3) технологический процесс || технологический4) приём, способ5) обрабатывать; перерабатывать•process with independent increments — процесс с независимыми приращениями, аддитивный процесс
process with nonstationary increments — процесс с нестационарными приращениями, неоднородный во времени процесс
process with stationary and independent increments — процесс со стационарными и независимыми приращениями, однородный процесс
- absorbing barrier process - basic oxygen process - direct reduction process - discrete process - discrete-time process - linearly singular process - locally integrable process - locally stable process - multistep process - multivariate process - N-dimensional process - partially mixing process - process of hidden periodicities - steady stochastic process - temporally homogeneous process - weakly ergodic process - weakly stationary processprocess with stationary increments — процесс со стационарными приращениями, однородный во времени процесс
См. также в других словарях:
Exhaustion of rights — Exhaustion of rights, or the doctrine of exhaustion, is a concept in intellectual property law whereby an intellectual property owner will lose or exhaust certain rights after the first use of the subject matter which is the subject of… … Wikipedia
exhaustion — ex·haus·tion n: the act or process of exhausting even after the exhaustion of direct appellate review W. R. LaFave and J. H. Israel; specif: exhaustion of remedies Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
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analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… … Universalium
Greek arithmetic, geometry and harmonics: Thales to Plato — Ian Mueller INTRODUCTION: PROCLUS’ HISTORY OF GEOMETRY In a famous passage in Book VII of the Republic starting at Socrates proposes to inquire about the studies (mathēmata) needed to train the young people who will become leaders of the ideal… … History of philosophy
mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… … Universalium
Doctrine of the General Talking Pictures Case — The Doctrine of the General Talking Pictures Case (or General Talking Pictures doctrine) is based on the decision of the United States Supreme Court in General Talking Pictures Corp. v. Western Electric Co.,[1] which legitimated so called field… … Wikipedia
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