1 process priority
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > process priority
2 process priority
Программирование: приоритет процесса -
3 process priority
вчт приоритет процесса -
4 process priority
вчт. приоритет процессаThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > process priority
5 priority
число, назначенное прерыванию, задаче или процессу, определяющее их важность и, соответственно, очерёдность их выполнения или обслуживания, - чем выше приоритет, тем быстрее процесс получит управление. Приоритет может назначаться либо статически (static priority), либо динамически (dynamic priority) (в ходе исполнения программы)Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > priority
6 process
1) процессв системном программировании существует множество разных определений этого термина. В современных ОС процесс - это набор из одного и более тредов (потоков) и ассоциированных с ними системных ресурсов. Важное свойство процесса - он исполняется в своём собственном изолированном адресном пространстве и состоит как минимум из одного треда.Processes describe computational entities that do not share an address space; there can be separate processes running on one processor, processes running on independent processors in the same computer, or processes running on entirely separate computers. — Процессы - это вычислительные сущности, не разделяющие общее адресное пространство; бывают отдельные процессы, работающие на одном процессоре, процессы, работающие на независимых процессорах одного и того же компьютера, или процессы на совершенно разных компьютерах. Термин впервые был введён разработчиками ОС Multics см. тж. child process, client process, daemon, detached process, event process, light-weighted process, parent process, PID, privileged process, process class, process container, process context, process control, process descriptor, process diagram, process identification, process memory, process migration, process owner, process priority, process space, process state, process switching, server process, spawned process, thread, user-mode process
2) обработка; технологический процесс, технология (способ) обработкисм. тж. compilation process, computational process, development process, event process, process line, test process3) процесс, ход развитиясм. тж. stochastic process4) обрабатыватьАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > process
7 priority
1) приоритет; главенство2) привилегия•- interrupt priority
- process priority
- processing priority
- system priorities -
8 priority
1) приоритет; главенство2) привилегия•- interrupt priority
- process priority
- processing priority
- system prioritiesThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > priority
9 process
1) процесс (в Windows - выполняемое приложение с собственным виртуальным адресным пространством, кодом, данными и другими ресурсами операционной системы, такими как файлы, каналы и синхронизирующие объекты; может иметь один или несколько потоков, выполняемых в контексте данного процесса)2) технологический приём; способ обработки4) обрабатывать•- adaptive process
- additive process
- algorithmic process
- application process
- arrival process
- asleep process
- awake process
- batch-type process
- batch process
- birth-and-death process
- branching process
- client process
- collection process
- computational process
- concurrent process
- consumer process
- controlled process
- cooperative processes
- correspondent process
- cryptodeterministic process
- departure process
- deterministic process
- diagnostic walkback process
- discrete process
- dynamic remagnetization process
- edge extraction process
- ergodic process
- exhaustive process
- failure process
- father process
- fetch process
- half-additive process
- hereditary process
- highest priority process
- input process
- irreversible process
- iterative process
- lead process
- list process
- loosely coupled processes
- many-server process
- Markoff process
- Markovian process
- memoryless process
- multiplicative process
- multiserver process
- nonhereditary process
- output process
- Poisson process
- predefined process
- probability process
- producer process
- production process
- queueing process
- random process
- reading-in process
- reading process
- receiving process
- recursive process
- repetitive process
- requesting process
- reversal process
- reversible process
- rotation process
- sampling process
- sending process
- server process
- slave process
- sleeping process
- software process
- son process
- spawner process
- stochastic process
- surrogate process
- switching process
- temporally homogeneous process
- tightly coupled processes
- transcription process
- user process
- weaving process
- writing processEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > process
10 priority data reduction
11 priority scheduler
приоритетеный планировщик; планировщик заданий по приоритетам -
12 priority control
1. управление последовательностью2. приоритетное управлениеEnglish-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > priority control
13 low-priority
с низким приоритетом, низкоприоритетныйнапример, low-priority process - низкоприоритетный процесс.Ant:см. тж. priorityАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > low-priority
14 high-priority
высокоприоритетный, с высоким приоритетомнапример, high-priority process - высокоприоритетный процесссм. тж. priorityАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > high-priority
15 open season process
1) Общая лексика: переговоры и подписание договоро (A period of time in which potential customers can bid for pipeline services, and during which such customers are treated equally regarding priority in the queue for service.)2) Энергетика: переговорный процесс с потенциальными клиентами трубопровода -
16 highest priority process
Вычислительная техника: процесс с наивысшим приоритетомУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > highest priority process
17 highest priority process
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > highest priority process
18 PCB
1) (2) Process Control Block - блок управления процессом, БУП, дескриптор процессав РСВ заносится информация, необходимая ОС для управления процессом: PID, текущее состояние процесса (process state), приоритет процесса (process priority), полномочия, указатель на родительский процесс (parent process) и др.Syn:см. тж. process
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > PCB
19 PI
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Protease Inhibitor, piping & instrumentation drawings, point of intersection2) Компьютерная техника: Parity Inner, Pocket Informant, Power Intelligence, Priority Inherit, Process Information, Processor Interface3) Биология: plasma4) Медицина: Prescribing Information (инструкция по медицинскому применению препарата), Principal Investigator (главный исследователь/руководитель исследования в исследовательском центре - при проведении клинических испытаний), protease inhibitor - ингибитор протеазы5) Американизм: Policy Iteration, Pure Imported6) Ботаника: Plant Introduction7) Военный термин: Photographic Interpretation/Interpreter, parachute infantry, performance improvement, performance index, periodic inspection, personal identification, personal identity, photogrammetric instrumentation, photographic intelligence, photointerpretation, photointerpreter, physical inventory, pilot item, pilotless interceptor, point initiating, point of impact, point of interception, position indicator, practice intercept, precision instrument, preflight inspection, preliminary inspection, preliminary investigation, preliminary issue, preplanned product improvements, prepositioned instruction, principal investigator, probability of identification, procedure instruction, procurement item, product improvement, proficiency index, program of instruction, programmed instruction, public information, publication instructions8) Техника: Para influenza, Proportional-plus Integral, packet interleaving, pattern information, payload interrogator, percent isolated, photo interpreter, position indication, primary input, procedural interface, program interrupter, proportional integral, purge isolation9) Сельское хозяйство: (Phosphatidylinositol) фосфатидилинозиты (обычно в сочетании PI-PLC при анализе молока в Америке), Preliminary Incubation, parainfluenza10) Шутливое выражение: Phantom Investigator11) Химия: Phosphate Ion12) Математика: Pareto Improved, показатель приоритета (priority index), полиномиальное тождество (polynomial identity)13) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Illinois Railroad14) Юридический термин: Participating Informant, Permanently Identified, Post Institutionalized15) Страхование: personal injury, premium income, professional indemnity16) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Investment17) Грубое выражение: Personal Idiot18) Сокращение: Performance Indicator, Photo-Interpreter, Physics International Co. (USA), Practice Interception, Primary in, Private Investigator, Probability of Intercept (Also POI), Process (or Program) Instruction, phase in, point-insulating, preliminary inquiry, priority index, production illustration, the ratio "pi", Product Information (Техническая Спецификация продукта), Pacing Indicator, Priority Interrupt, present illness, Техническая Спецификация продукта (Product Information), Blood Clotting, International Protocol, Ionized Phosphorus, Isoelectric Point (chemistry), Istiqlal Party (Independence Party, Morocco), Pacific Institute, Pacific Internet (Internet Service Provider), Package Insert (medications), Packet Interface, Paducah & Illinois Railroad, Paedagogisches Institut (Vienna, Austria), Page Impression (Internet advertising), Page Interleaving, Paging (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Pampers Institute (UK), Panicle Initiation, Paper Insulated, Par Interim (French: Deputizing), Paradigm Infinitum (Singapore), Parallel Interface, Parameter Identifier (ITU-T), Parameter Indicator, Paranoid Ideation, Paranormal Investigator, Parent Initial, Parents for Inclusion, Parris Island, Particular Integral, Partner Institution, Pass Interference (football), Passes Intercepted (soccer), Passive Intercept, Paternity Index, Payload Integrator, Pearl Islands (Hawaii), Penile Implant, Pentium I (Intel), Per Inch, Per Inquiry, Perception Immediate (French), Perceptually Impaired, Perforated Initials (philately), Performance Insight (Oracle), Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Peripheral Iridotomy, Perlite Institute (Staten Island, NY), Perpetual Inventory, Persistently Infected, Personal Identifier, Personal Injury (legal), Personal Inspection, Personal Investigator (less common), Petroleum Institute, Phase I (clinical studies), Philadelphia Inquirer (newspaper), Philippine Islands (slang), Phosphate (Inorganic), Phosphorus Index, PhotoImpact (digital imaging software), Physically Impaired, Physician Information, Physicist Interface, Physics International, Physik Instrumente, Piaui (Brazil), Pinellas (plant; Florida), Pinneberg (auto license plate), Pisa (Tuscany, Italy), Planet Internet, Plant Industry (CSIRO), Plant Information (real-time software products such as SCADA), Plant Integrity, Plasticity Index, Platform Initialization (Specification), Please Inquire, Pleasure Island (Disney World), Plouffe's Inverter, Plug In, Point of Inflection (engineering), Police Interceptor, Policy Issuance (insurance), Policy and International Affairs, Politically Incorrect, Polyisocyanurate (rigid foam contruction material), Polynomial Identity (mathematics), Ponderal Index, Population Institute, Portable Interceptors, Post Inoculation, Post Intelligencer (newspaper, Seattle, Washington), Postinjection, Power Integrations, Power Interface, Praktische Informatik (German: Applied Informatics), Pre'compte Immobilier (French: tax on real estate), Predictive Index, Preliminary Injunction, Presque Isle (Michigan), Pressure Indicator (industrial control description), Price Integrity, Primary Immunodeficiency, Primary Investigations, Prime Implicant, Principal Insured, PrintImage International, Priority Inheritance, Privacy International (human rights group), Private Idaho, Private Investigations (movie), Process & Instrumentation, Process Improvement, Process Industries, Processing Instruction, Procurement Instruction, Product Integration, Product Integrity, Productivity Increase, Professional Indemnity (insurance coverage), Professional Informant, Profil Infirmier, Proforma Invoice, Program Identification, Program Improvement, Program Index, Program Information, Program Instructions, Program Integrity, Program Interruption, Program Isolation (IBM), Project Identification (number), Projector Infantry, Projets Individuels, Propidium Iodide, Proportional-Integral (controller), Propriedade Intelectual (Intellectual Property, Brazil), Prospective Internationale, Protease Inhibitor, Protocol Interpreter, Psicologi'a Integrada (Portugese), Psykoterapiinstitut (Stockholm, Sweden), Public Intoxication (law enforcement), Pulsatility Index, Pulse Induction, Pulse Inverter, Punto Informatico, Purchasing Instruction, Pursuit Inc., Pusat Informasi (Indonesian: Information Center)19) Физика: 3. 1415926535, Polarisation Index20) Физиология: Post Injection, Pulmonary Insufficiency21) Вычислительная техника: program interrupt, Placement and Interconnect (system, VLSI, MIT), Информационная система производства (ИСП)22) Нефть: Petroleum Information, high resolution induction log, impregnated paper, phasor induction log, production index, коэффициент продуктивности (productivity index), процент обнаруженных неисправностей (percent isolated), Phasor-Induction Spherically Focussed Log23) Иммунология: фагоцитарный индекс24) Биохимия: Pepsin Inhibitor25) Связь: "Program Invocation"26) Картография: photo interpretation, place, point of intersection27) Фирменный знак: Precision Instruments, Priceless Inn29) Деловая лексика: Plant Information, Process Innovation, Project Idea, Provider Independent, индекс прибыльности30) SAP. пенсионное страхование31) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: performance information, profitability index (profit/investment ratio discounted), индекс продуктивности, индикатор давления (pressure indicator), показывающий манометр (pressure indicator), productivity index (profit/investment ratio discounted), (log) high resolution induction log32) Менеджмент: индекс доходности, индекс рентабельности33) Образование: Public Instruction34) Сетевые технологии: Path Identifier, Presence Information35) Полимеры: penetration index, polyimidazole, polyimide, polyisoprene, полиимид36) Программирование: Pages In37) Автоматика: proportional-integral38) Сахалин Р: Productivity Index, pressure indicator39) Сахалин Ю: profitability index40) Химическое оружие: Pulse input, project instruction41) Макаров: Penning ionization42) Табуированная лексика: сутенёр43) Безопасность: Personal Information44) Расширение файла: Programmer's Interface45) Нефть и газ: ЭП, эксплуатационный показатель, Performance Indicators46) Логистика: Proforma-Invoice (проформа-инвойс)47) Карачаганак: (productivity index) коэффициент продуктивности48) Электротехника: point insulation, power input, Polarization Index49) Арматура: (position indicator) УП (указатель положения)50) Общественная организация: Project Inform51) Должность: Physician Investigator, Political Informant, Pool Instructor, Position Independent, Primary Investigator, Principle Investigator, Problem Investigator, Program Integrator, Property Inspector, Pure Integrity52) Программное обеспечение: Programming Interface53) Единицы измерений: Pyramid Inch -
20 Pi
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Protease Inhibitor, piping & instrumentation drawings, point of intersection2) Компьютерная техника: Parity Inner, Pocket Informant, Power Intelligence, Priority Inherit, Process Information, Processor Interface3) Биология: plasma4) Медицина: Prescribing Information (инструкция по медицинскому применению препарата), Principal Investigator (главный исследователь/руководитель исследования в исследовательском центре - при проведении клинических испытаний), protease inhibitor - ингибитор протеазы5) Американизм: Policy Iteration, Pure Imported6) Ботаника: Plant Introduction7) Военный термин: Photographic Interpretation/Interpreter, parachute infantry, performance improvement, performance index, periodic inspection, personal identification, personal identity, photogrammetric instrumentation, photographic intelligence, photointerpretation, photointerpreter, physical inventory, pilot item, pilotless interceptor, point initiating, point of impact, point of interception, position indicator, practice intercept, precision instrument, preflight inspection, preliminary inspection, preliminary investigation, preliminary issue, preplanned product improvements, prepositioned instruction, principal investigator, probability of identification, procedure instruction, procurement item, product improvement, proficiency index, program of instruction, programmed instruction, public information, publication instructions8) Техника: Para influenza, Proportional-plus Integral, packet interleaving, pattern information, payload interrogator, percent isolated, photo interpreter, position indication, primary input, procedural interface, program interrupter, proportional integral, purge isolation9) Сельское хозяйство: (Phosphatidylinositol) фосфатидилинозиты (обычно в сочетании PI-PLC при анализе молока в Америке), Preliminary Incubation, parainfluenza10) Шутливое выражение: Phantom Investigator11) Химия: Phosphate Ion12) Математика: Pareto Improved, показатель приоритета (priority index), полиномиальное тождество (polynomial identity)13) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Illinois Railroad14) Юридический термин: Participating Informant, Permanently Identified, Post Institutionalized15) Страхование: personal injury, premium income, professional indemnity16) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Investment17) Грубое выражение: Personal Idiot18) Сокращение: Performance Indicator, Photo-Interpreter, Physics International Co. (USA), Practice Interception, Primary in, Private Investigator, Probability of Intercept (Also POI), Process (or Program) Instruction, phase in, point-insulating, preliminary inquiry, priority index, production illustration, the ratio "pi", Product Information (Техническая Спецификация продукта), Pacing Indicator, Priority Interrupt, present illness, Техническая Спецификация продукта (Product Information), Blood Clotting, International Protocol, Ionized Phosphorus, Isoelectric Point (chemistry), Istiqlal Party (Independence Party, Morocco), Pacific Institute, Pacific Internet (Internet Service Provider), Package Insert (medications), Packet Interface, Paducah & Illinois Railroad, Paedagogisches Institut (Vienna, Austria), Page Impression (Internet advertising), Page Interleaving, Paging (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Pampers Institute (UK), Panicle Initiation, Paper Insulated, Par Interim (French: Deputizing), Paradigm Infinitum (Singapore), Parallel Interface, Parameter Identifier (ITU-T), Parameter Indicator, Paranoid Ideation, Paranormal Investigator, Parent Initial, Parents for Inclusion, Parris Island, Particular Integral, Partner Institution, Pass Interference (football), Passes Intercepted (soccer), Passive Intercept, Paternity Index, Payload Integrator, Pearl Islands (Hawaii), Penile Implant, Pentium I (Intel), Per Inch, Per Inquiry, Perception Immediate (French), Perceptually Impaired, Perforated Initials (philately), Performance Insight (Oracle), Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Peripheral Iridotomy, Perlite Institute (Staten Island, NY), Perpetual Inventory, Persistently Infected, Personal Identifier, Personal Injury (legal), Personal Inspection, Personal Investigator (less common), Petroleum Institute, Phase I (clinical studies), Philadelphia Inquirer (newspaper), Philippine Islands (slang), Phosphate (Inorganic), Phosphorus Index, PhotoImpact (digital imaging software), Physically Impaired, Physician Information, Physicist Interface, Physics International, Physik Instrumente, Piaui (Brazil), Pinellas (plant; Florida), Pinneberg (auto license plate), Pisa (Tuscany, Italy), Planet Internet, Plant Industry (CSIRO), Plant Information (real-time software products such as SCADA), Plant Integrity, Plasticity Index, Platform Initialization (Specification), Please Inquire, Pleasure Island (Disney World), Plouffe's Inverter, Plug In, Point of Inflection (engineering), Police Interceptor, Policy Issuance (insurance), Policy and International Affairs, Politically Incorrect, Polyisocyanurate (rigid foam contruction material), Polynomial Identity (mathematics), Ponderal Index, Population Institute, Portable Interceptors, Post Inoculation, Post Intelligencer (newspaper, Seattle, Washington), Postinjection, Power Integrations, Power Interface, Praktische Informatik (German: Applied Informatics), Pre'compte Immobilier (French: tax on real estate), Predictive Index, Preliminary Injunction, Presque Isle (Michigan), Pressure Indicator (industrial control description), Price Integrity, Primary Immunodeficiency, Primary Investigations, Prime Implicant, Principal Insured, PrintImage International, Priority Inheritance, Privacy International (human rights group), Private Idaho, Private Investigations (movie), Process & Instrumentation, Process Improvement, Process Industries, Processing Instruction, Procurement Instruction, Product Integration, Product Integrity, Productivity Increase, Professional Indemnity (insurance coverage), Professional Informant, Profil Infirmier, Proforma Invoice, Program Identification, Program Improvement, Program Index, Program Information, Program Instructions, Program Integrity, Program Interruption, Program Isolation (IBM), Project Identification (number), Projector Infantry, Projets Individuels, Propidium Iodide, Proportional-Integral (controller), Propriedade Intelectual (Intellectual Property, Brazil), Prospective Internationale, Protease Inhibitor, Protocol Interpreter, Psicologi'a Integrada (Portugese), Psykoterapiinstitut (Stockholm, Sweden), Public Intoxication (law enforcement), Pulsatility Index, Pulse Induction, Pulse Inverter, Punto Informatico, Purchasing Instruction, Pursuit Inc., Pusat Informasi (Indonesian: Information Center)19) Физика: 3. 1415926535, Polarisation Index20) Физиология: Post Injection, Pulmonary Insufficiency21) Вычислительная техника: program interrupt, Placement and Interconnect (system, VLSI, MIT), Информационная система производства (ИСП)22) Нефть: Petroleum Information, high resolution induction log, impregnated paper, phasor induction log, production index, коэффициент продуктивности (productivity index), процент обнаруженных неисправностей (percent isolated), Phasor-Induction Spherically Focussed Log23) Иммунология: фагоцитарный индекс24) Биохимия: Pepsin Inhibitor25) Связь: "Program Invocation"26) Картография: photo interpretation, place, point of intersection27) Фирменный знак: Precision Instruments, Priceless Inn29) Деловая лексика: Plant Information, Process Innovation, Project Idea, Provider Independent, индекс прибыльности30) SAP. пенсионное страхование31) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: performance information, profitability index (profit/investment ratio discounted), индекс продуктивности, индикатор давления (pressure indicator), показывающий манометр (pressure indicator), productivity index (profit/investment ratio discounted), (log) high resolution induction log32) Менеджмент: индекс доходности, индекс рентабельности33) Образование: Public Instruction34) Сетевые технологии: Path Identifier, Presence Information35) Полимеры: penetration index, polyimidazole, polyimide, polyisoprene, полиимид36) Программирование: Pages In37) Автоматика: proportional-integral38) Сахалин Р: Productivity Index, pressure indicator39) Сахалин Ю: profitability index40) Химическое оружие: Pulse input, project instruction41) Макаров: Penning ionization42) Табуированная лексика: сутенёр43) Безопасность: Personal Information44) Расширение файла: Programmer's Interface45) Нефть и газ: ЭП, эксплуатационный показатель, Performance Indicators46) Логистика: Proforma-Invoice (проформа-инвойс)47) Карачаганак: (productivity index) коэффициент продуктивности48) Электротехника: point insulation, power input, Polarization Index49) Арматура: (position indicator) УП (указатель положения)50) Общественная организация: Project Inform51) Должность: Physician Investigator, Political Informant, Pool Instructor, Position Independent, Primary Investigator, Principle Investigator, Problem Investigator, Program Integrator, Property Inspector, Pure Integrity52) Программное обеспечение: Programming Interface53) Единицы измерений: Pyramid Inch
См. также в других словарях:
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Process control block — A Process Control Block (PCB, also called Task Control Block or Task Struct) is a data structure in the operating system kernel containing the information needed to manage a particular process. The PCB is the manifestation of a process in an… … Wikipedia
Priority date — is a United States immigration concept. A common path to the green card in the United States is to obtain it through a family based or employment based petition, a very complex process that can take many years to complete. When a foreign worker,… … Wikipedia
Priority — may refer to: Priority date, a concept of establishing waiting times in the immigration process by United States Department of State Priority level, the priority of emergency communications Priority Records, a record label started in 1985 and… … Wikipedia
Priority control — is a term used in relation to the traffic in an ATM network.The need for police action occurs in an ATM network when traffic flow exceeds the negotiated rate (in the traffic contract) and the buffer overflows. Each ATM cell header has a CLP (Cell … Wikipedia
Process management (computing) — Operating systems … Wikipedia
Priority inheritance — In real time computing, priority inheritance is a method for eliminating priority inversion problems. Using this programming method, a process scheduling algorithm will increase the priority of a process to the maximum priority of any process… … Wikipedia
Priority inversion — In scheduling, priority inversion is the scenario where a low priority task holds a shared resource that is required by a high priority task. This causes the execution of the high priority task to be blocked until the low priority task has… … Wikipedia
Priority Review Voucher — The priority review voucher is a prize awarded to the developer of a treatment for Neglected Diseases. The prize was proposed by Duke University faculty Henry Grabowski, Jeffrey Moe, and David Ridley in their 2006 Health Affairs paper: Developing … Wikipedia
Process (computing) — In computing, a process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed. It contains the program code and its current activity. Depending on the operating system (OS), a process may be made up of multiple threads of execution that… … Wikipedia
Process model (Australia) — A Process Model is a proposal to assist the Parliament of Australia make decisions concerning constitutional reform. In Australia, process models are devised to involve the public in republicanism.RationaleTo amend the Australian constitution, a… … Wikipedia