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  • 1 print

    [print] 1. noun
    1) (a mark made by pressure: a footprint; a fingerprint.) nospiedums, pēdas
    2) (printed lettering: I can't read the print in this book.) druka; raksts
    3) (a photograph made from a negative: I entered three prints for the photographic competition.) []kopija
    4) (a printed reproduction of a painting or drawing.) reprodukcija
    2. verb
    1) (to mark (letters etc) on paper (by using a printing press etc): The invitations will be printed on white paper.) iespiest, drukāt
    2) (to publish (a book, article etc) in printed form: His new novel will be printed next month.) iespiest
    3) (to produce (a photographic image) on paper: He develops and prints his own photographs.) kopēt
    4) (to mark designs on (cloth etc): When the cloth has been woven, it is dyed and printed.) []drukāt
    5) (to write, using capital letters: Please print your name and address.) rakstīt drukātiem burtiem
    - printing
    - printing-press
    - print-out
    - in / out of print
    * * *
    nospiedums; fotokopija; kopija; estamps, gravīra; iespiedums; iespiests izdevums; papīrs laikrakstu iespiešanai; apdrukāts katūns; atstāt nospiedumu; kopēt; drukāt, iespiest; apdrukāt

    English-Latvian dictionary > print

  • 2 print-seller

    gravīru pārdevējs

    English-Latvian dictionary > print-seller

  • 3 print-shop

    spiestuve, tipogrāfija; gravīru veikals

    English-Latvian dictionary > print-shop

  • 4 print-through

    nejauša skaņu ieraksta pārslīde

    English-Latvian dictionary > print-through

  • 5 print-works

    apdrukāšanas fabrika

    English-Latvian dictionary > print-works

  • 6 print-out

    noun (the printed information given by a computer.) izdruka

    English-Latvian dictionary > print-out

  • 7 in / out of print

    ((of books) available/unavailable to be bought from the publisher: That book has been out of print for years.) pārdošanā/izpārdots

    English-Latvian dictionary > in / out of print

  • 8 out of print

    English-Latvian dictionary > out of print

  • 9 close print

    blīvs salikums

    English-Latvian dictionary > close print

  • 10 cotton print

    apdrukāts katūns

    English-Latvian dictionary > cotton print

  • 11 fine print

    sīks iespiedums

    English-Latvian dictionary > fine print

  • 12 how did it find its way into print?

    kā tas nokļuva presē?

    English-Latvian dictionary > how did it find its way into print?

  • 13 lip print

    lūpu nospiedums

    English-Latvian dictionary > lip print

  • 14 master print

    filmas kontrolkopija

    English-Latvian dictionary > master print

  • 15 to rush into print

    ātri publicēt

    English-Latvian dictionary > to rush into print

  • 16 reprint

    1. [ri:'print] verb
    (to print more copies of (a book etc): We are reprinting his new novel already.) izdot atkārtoti
    2. ['ri:print] noun
    (a copy of a book etc made by reprinting the original without any changes.) atkārtots izdevums
    * * *
    jauns izdevums; izdot no jauna

    English-Latvian dictionary > reprint

  • 17 author

    feminine sometimes - authoress; noun
    (the writer of a book, article, play etc: He used to be a well-known author but his books are out of print now.)
    * * *
    spalgs, griezīgs; kliedzošs

    English-Latvian dictionary > author

  • 18 column

    1) (a stone or wooden pillar used to support or adorn a building: the carved columns in the temple.) kolonna
    2) (something similar in shape: a column of smoke.) stabs; stabiņš
    3) (a vertical row (of numbers): He added up the column (of figures) to find the answer.) sleja
    4) (a vertical section of a page of print: a newspaper column.) sleja
    5) (a section in a newspaper, often written regularly by a particular person: He writes a daily column about sport.) apskats (laikrakstā)
    6) (a long file of soldiers marching in short rows: a column of infantry.) kolonna
    7) (a long line of vehicles etc, one behind the other.) kolonna; rinda
    * * *
    stabiņš, stabs; sleja; kolonna

    English-Latvian dictionary > column

  • 19 fix

    [fiks] 1. verb
    1) (to make firm or steady: He fixed the post firmly in the ground; He fixed his eyes on the door.) cieši raudzīties uz kaut ko/kādu
    2) (to attach; to join: He fixed the shelf to the wall.) piestiprināt
    3) (to mend or repair: He has succeeded in fixing my watch.) salabot
    4) (to direct (attention, a look etc) at: She fixed all her attention on me.) pievērst (uzmanību)
    5) ((often with up) to arrange; to settle: to fix a price; We fixed (up) a meeting.) noteikt (cenu); organizēt
    6) (to make (something) permanent by the use of certain chemicals: to fix a photgraphic print.) fiksēt
    7) (to prepare; to get ready: I'll fix dinner tonight.) sagatavot
    2. noun
    (trouble; a difficulty: I'm in a terrible fix!) ķeza; kļūmīgs stāvoklis
    - fixed
    - fixedly
    - fixture
    - fix on
    - fix someone up with something
    - fix up with something
    - fix someone up with
    - fix up with
    * * *
    kļūmīgs stāvoklis, ķeza; koordinātes, atrašanās vieta; fiksēšana; narkotikas deva; piestiprināt, nostiprināt; noteikt; saistīt; pievērst; sagatavot; salabot, savest kārtībā; fiksēt; atrisināt, nokārtot; organizēt, ietekmēt; izrēķināties; dot narkotikas

    English-Latvian dictionary > fix

  • 20 imprint

    1. ['imprint] noun
    (a mark made by pressure: She saw the imprint of a foot in the sand.) nospiedums; (pārdzīvojuma u.tml.) pēdas
    2. [im'print] verb
    (to make (a mark) on something by pressure; to fix permanently (in the mind or memory).) atstāt pēdas; iespiesties (atmiņā)
    * * *
    nospiedums, zīmogs; pēdas; izdevniecības ziņas; uzspiest, iespiest; atstāt pēdas, iespiesties

    English-Latvian dictionary > imprint

См. также в других словарях:

  • print — /print/, v.t. 1. to produce (a text, picture, etc.) by applying inked types, plates, blocks, or the like, to paper or other material either by direct pressure or indirectly by offsetting an image onto an intermediate roller. 2. to reproduce (a… …   Universalium

  • Print — Print, n. [See {Print}, v., {Imprint}, n.] 1. A mark made by impression; a line, character, figure, or indentation, made by the pressure of one thing on another; as, the print of teeth or nails in flesh; the print of the foot in sand or snow.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • print — [print] n. [ME prente < OFr preinte < prient, pp. of preindre < L premere, to PRESS1] 1. a mark made in or on a surface by pressing or hitting with an object; impression; imprint [the print of a heel] 2. an object for making such a mark …   English World dictionary

  • prinţ — PRINŢ, prinţi, s.m. Principe. ♢ expr. A trăi ca un prinţ = a trăi o viaţă extrem de îmbelşugată. – Din fr. prince, germ. Prinz. Trimis de romac, 18.02.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  PRINŢ s. v. principe. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime … …   Dicționar Român

  • Print 2.0 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Print 2.0 es un concepto acuñado por Hewlett Packard para referirse a una segunda generación de impresión: la impresión desde la Web, donde los usuarios puedan imprimir páginas acomodando el contenido en el orden… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Print — may refer to:*Printing, mostly using a printing press ** Printing press, printing with moveable metal type, see also Letterpress printing **Publishing, the distribution of printed works or other information **Print run, one batch of printing,… …   Wikipedia

  • Print — Print, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Printed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Printing}.] [Abbrev. fr. imprint. See {Imprint}, and {Press} to squeeze.] 1. To fix or impress, as a stamp, mark, character, idea, etc., into or upon something. [1913 Webster] A look will… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Print — 〈m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 1. Druck; Qualität im Print anstreben 2. Druckerzeugnis, bes. Zeitung od. Zeitschrift; etwas im Print haben 3. 〈kurz für〉 Printmedien; die Besten aus Print, Radio u. TV; journalistisches Handwerk in Radio, Fernsehen u. in… …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • print — ► VERB 1) produce (books, newspapers, etc.) by a process involving the transfer of text or designs to paper. 2) produce (text or a picture) in such a way. 3) produce a paper copy of (information stored on a computer). 4) produce (a photographic… …   English terms dictionary

  • Print — steht für: Printmedium, eine gedruckte Informationsquelle Leiterplatten in der Elektronik Siehe auch:  Wiktionary: print – Bedeutungserklärungen, Wortherkunft, Synonyme, Übersetzungen Liste aller mit „Print“ beginnenden Wikipedia Seiten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • print ad — ➔ advertisement * * * print ad UK US noun [C] also FORMAL print advertisement) ► MARKETING an advertisement that appears in a newspaper or magazine, rather than on television, radio, or the internet: »The use of effective typography is essential… …   Financial and business terms

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