1 price control
subst. \/ˈpraɪskənˌtrəʊl\/, \/ˈpraɪskɜːb\/ eller price curbpriskontroll, prisregulering -
2 command
1. verb1) (to order: I command you to leave the room immediately!) beordre, befale2) (to have authority over: He commanded a regiment of soldiers.) ha kommandoen over, kommandere3) (to have by right: He commands great respect.) kunne forlange; nyte2. noun1) (an order: We obeyed his commands.) ordre, befaling, kommando, bud2) (control: He was in command of the operation.) kommando•- commander
- commanding
- commandment
- commander-in-chiefbefale--------befaling--------by--------kommandere--------kommandoIsubst. \/kəˈmɑːnd\/1) befaling, bud2) ( militærvesen) ordre, kommando3) herredømme, makt, myndighet4) ( militærvesen) kommando, kommandering5) herredømme, kontroll, makthun har hele situasjonen under kontroll, hun har fullstendig herredømme over situasjonen6) ( om språk) beherskelse7) disposisjon, rådighet8) ( militærvesen) kommando, kommandostilling, kommandogruppe9) ( EDB) kommando, kommando-at the word of command på gitt signalbe in command føre kommandoen• he is first\/second in commandhan er øverstkommanderende\/nestkommanderendedo something at\/by sombody's command gjøre noe på noens ordrein command kommanderende, befalshavende• who is the officer in command?place in command of få kommandoen over, sette til å ledetake command of ta kommandoen overthe higher command øverstbefalende, det høyere befaletunder the command of somebody under noens kommandoword of command kommandoordIIverb \/kəˈmɑːnd\/1) gi befaling til, gi ordre til, befale, kreve, forlange, (på)by2) ha kommandoen over, kommandere3) være herre over, beherske4) disponere (over), råde over, ha rådighet over5) ha, nyte• he commands our respect \/sympathy\/obedience6) beherske, dominere, ha utsikt over7) kunne forlange (en pris), kunne kreve (en pris)kunne forlange\/kreve hva man vilYours to command ( gammeldags) Deres ydmyke tjener -
3 subject
1. adjective((of countries etc) not independent, but dominated by another power: subject nations.) underlagt, uselvstendig2. noun1) (a person who is under the rule of a monarch or a member of a country that has a monarchy etc: We are loyal subjects of the Queen; He is a British subject.) statsborger, undersått2) (someone or something that is talked about, written about etc: We discussed the price of food and similar subjects; What was the subject of the debate?; The teacher tried to think of a good subject for their essay; I've said all I can on that subject.) emne, tema3) (a branch of study or learning in school, university etc: He is taking exams in seven subjects; Mathematics is his best subject.) fag; disiplin4) (a thing, person or circumstance suitable for, or requiring, a particular kind of treatment, reaction etc: I don't think her behaviour is a subject for laughter.) emne, gjenstand5) (in English, the word(s) representing the person or thing that usually does the action shown by the verb, and with which the verb agrees: The cat sat on the mat; He hit her because she broke his toy; He was hit by the ball.) subjekt3. səb'‹ekt verb1) (to bring (a person, country etc) under control: They have subjected all the neighbouring states (to their rule).) underkaste2) (to cause to suffer, or submit (to something): He was subjected to cruel treatment; These tyres are subjected to various tests before leaving the factory.) utsette for•- subjective
- subjectively
- subject matter
- change the subject
- subject todisiplin--------emne--------sak--------tema--------underståttIsubst. \/ˈsʌbdʒekt\/, \/ˈsʌbdʒɪkt\/1) statsborger, undersått2) emne, tema, sak3) ( skole) fag4) (kunst, musikk eller litteratur) motiv5) (grammatikk, psykologi eller filosofi) subjekt6) ( medisin) pasient7) ( også subject for experiment) forsøksobjekt, forsøksperson8) ( også subject for dissection) lik (til disseksjon)be the subject of ridicule være gjenstand for spott og spehave something to say on the subject ha noe å si i sakens anledningon the subject of angående, omi anledning (av)optional subject (amer.) valgfritt fagstrike out of the subject avvike fra emnetsubject for kilde til, årsak til, grunn tilsubject of eller subject for gjenstand for, skyteskive fora tender subject et ømtålig emnewander from the subject komme bort fra emnetIIverb \/səbˈdʒekt\/1) underkue, undertrykke, betvinge2) underkaste, underlegge, undergi3) gjøre til gjenstand, utsettebe subjected to være gjenstand for, utsettes for, rammes avsubject oneself underkaste seg (noen)subject to utsette for, prisgi underkaste, la gjennomgå gjøre til gjenstand for, utsette for idømmesubject to one's rule skaffe seg herredømme overIIIadj. \/ˈsʌbdʒekt\/, \/ˈsʌbdʒɪkt\/1) underkuet, undertrykt, betvunget, kuet2) underlagt, undergitt, underkastet3) underdanig4) avhengigbe subject to være underlagtutsettes for, være utsatt for, være gjenstand fortogene kan lett bli forsinket når det er tåke ha anlegg for, ha lett for å få, lide avavhenge av, bero påsubject to (som lyder) undermed anlegg for, som er utsatt forsubject to duty tollpliktig, tollbelagtsubject to notice oppsigeligIVadv. \/ˈsʌbdʒekt\/, \/ˈsʌbdʒɪkt\/bare i uttrykksubject to under forutsetning av, avhengig av med forbehold omsubject to certain restrictions med visse begrensningersubject to contract ( jus) under forutsetning av at kontrakt opprettessubject to correction med forbehold om eventuelle feilsubject to such conditions as på (slike) betingelser somsubject to your consent,... forutsatt at du går med på det,...• subject to your consent, I propose to try againforutsatt at du går med på det, foreslår jeg at vi prøver igjen
См. также в других словарях:
price control — ➔ control1 * * * price control UK US noun [C or U] ► ECONOMICS, GOVERNMENT a limit set by a government on the price that can be charged by companies for particular products or services: »On several occasions in recent years, price controls have… … Financial and business terms
price control — n. the setting of ceiling prices on basic goods and services by a government, as to fight inflation … English World dictionary
price control — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms price control : singular price control plural price controls economics control by the government over prices of goods and services … English dictionary
price control — price con,trol noun count or uncount control by the government over prices of goods and services … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
price control — price con.trol n [U and C] a system in which the government decides the prices of things … Dictionary of contemporary English
price control — The control and regulation by the government, state, or federal, of the prices at which commodities may be marketed. Charles Uhden, Inc. v Greenough, 181 Wash 412, 43 P2d 983, 98 ALR 1181. Relieving farmers from unfavorable economic conditions by … Ballentine's law dictionary
price control — government regulation of prices by establishing maximum price levels for goods or services, as during a period of inflation. [1910 15] * * * … Universalium
price control — Restrictions by a government on the prices of consumer goods, usually imposed on a short term basis as a measure to control inflation. See also prices and income policy … Big dictionary of business and management
price control — noun restriction on maximum prices that is established and maintained by the government (as during periods of war or inflation) • Hypernyms: ↑control … Useful english dictionary
price control — fixing of prices (often by government agencies) … English contemporary dictionary
price control — noun (U) a system in which the government sets the prices of things; … Longman dictionary of contemporary English