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price war

См. также в других словарях:

  • Price war — is a term used in business to indicate a state of intense competitive rivalry accompanied by a multi lateral series of price reductions. One competitor will lower its price, then others will lower their prices to match. If one of the reactors… …   Wikipedia

  • price war — ➔ war * * * price war UK US noun [C] ► COMMERCE a situation in which companies compete with each other by reducing prices: a fierce/vicious price war »A fierce price war has buffeted the US car business and caused deep unease in Detroit, the home …   Financial and business terms

  • price war — price wars N COUNT If competing companies are involved in a price war, they each try to gain an advantage by lowering their prices as much as possible in order to sell more of their products and damage their competitors financially. Their loss… …   English dictionary

  • price war — n a situation in which several companies reduce the prices of what they sell, because they are all trying to get the most customers …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • price war — price ,war noun count a situation in which businesses compete to attract customers by lowering prices …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • price war — price′ war n. intensive competition, esp. among retailers, in which prices are repeatedly cut in order to undersell competitors or force competitors out of business • Etymology: 1925–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • price war — n. a situation in which competitors selling a certain commodity successively lower prices, as to force one or more out of business …   English World dictionary

  • price war — noun intense competition in which competitors cut retail prices to gain business • Syn: ↑price competition • Hypernyms: ↑competition * * * noun : a period of intensive industrial or commercial competition characterized by repeated price cutting… …   Useful english dictionary

  • price war — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms price war : singular price war plural price wars a situation in which businesses compete to attract customers by making their prices lower …   English dictionary

  • Price War — When companies continuously lower prices to undercut the competition. A price war may be used to increase revenue in the short term or as a longer term strategy to gain market share. Price wars can be prevented through strategic price management… …   Investment dictionary

  • price war — / praɪs wɔ:/ noun a competition between companies to get a larger market share by cutting prices. Also called price cutting war …   Dictionary of banking and finance

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