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1) General subject: keep head above ground, live out, make a place too hot for (кого-л., откуда-л.), make it warm for (кого-л.), make things warm for (кого-л.), outlive, overlive, preserve one's existence, pull through, supplant, survive, worm out, worry along, put nose out of joint (кого-л.), drive out (выгонять), hound out (выгонять), oust (выгонять), perdure2) Jargon: freeze out (кого-л.)3) Makarov: come through an illness, keep ( one's) head above ground, escape with life, drive out (откуда-л.) -
2 выстоять
1) General subject: outstay, preserve one's existence, stand, stand out, tough it out, withstand2) Colloquial: take heat (перед лицом неприятностей, как напр., жалоб, критики и др.)3) Dialect: outstand4) Military: hold out, stay out, stick it out5) Engineering: stand up6) Jargon: (перед лицом неприятностей, как напр. жалоб, критики и др take heat -
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4 выстоять
См. также в других словарях:
preserve — pre·serve /pri zərv/ vt pre·served, pre·serv·ing 1: to keep safe from injury, harm, or destruction expenses necessary to preserve the property 2 a: to keep valid, intact, or in existence (as pending a proceeding) the right of a trial by jury… … Law dictionary
preserve — preservable, adj. preservability, n. preservation /prez euhr vay sheuhn/, n. preserver, n. /pri zerrv /, v., preserved, preserving, n. v.t. 1. to keep alive or in existence; make lasting: to preserve our liberties as free citizens … Universalium
preserve — pre•serve [[t]prɪˈzɜrv[/t]] v. served, serv•ing, n. 1) to keep alive or in existence; make lasting: to preserve our liberties as free citizens[/ex] 2) to keep safe from harm or injury; protect or spare 3) to keep up; maintain: to preserve… … From formal English to slang
preserve — [c]/prəˈzɜv / (say pruh zerv) verb (preserved, preserving) –verb (t) 1. to keep alive or in existence; make lasting. 2. to keep safe from harm or injury; save. 3. to keep up; maintain. 4. to keep possession of; retain: to preserve one s composure …
Existence of God — The Existence of God † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Existence of God The topic will be treated as follows: I. As Known Through Natural Reason A. The Problem Stated 1. Formal Anti Theism 2. Types of Theism B.… … Catholic encyclopedia
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Abraham Lincoln: A War to Preserve the Union — ▪ Primary Source After the surrender of Fort Sumter on April 14, 1861, Lincoln immediately issued a proclamation calling for 75,000 soldiers to suppress the insurrection. At the same time he called for a special session of Congress to… … Universalium
List of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers monsters (Season One) — This is a list of fictional monsters from the Power Rangers universe, specifically those that first appeared in the television series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers . Monsters from later series can be found in the List of Power Rangers monsters… … Wikipedia
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