1 preposterously
НелепоБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > preposterously
2 preposterously
Общая лексика: нелепо -
3 preposterously
[prɪ'pɑstrəslɪ /-'pɒs-] adv. абсурдный, нецелесообразный* * *бессмысленнобестолковонелепонесообразнотрогательно-нелепо -
4 preposterously
5 preposterously
бессмысленнобестолковонелепонесообразнотрогательно-нелепо -
6 absurdly
adv нелепо; глупо; до смешногоСинонимический ряд:1. foolishly (other) crazily; fantastically; foolishly; idiotically; insanely; madly; mindlessly; senselessly; sillily; stupidly2. obscenely (other) obscenely; outrageously; preposterously; scandalously; shockingly; unconscionably -
7 crazily
Синонимический ряд:1. foolishly (other) absurdly; fantastically; foolishly; madly; preposterously; sillily2. insanely (other) daftly; dementedly; disorderedly; distraughtly; insanely; maniacally; mindlessly; reasonlessly; unsoundly; witlessly; wrongly -
8 fantastically
1. adv причудливо, фантастически2. adv нереально, фантастично3. adv эмоц. -усил. изумительно, поразительно; сногсшибательноСинонимический ряд:1. bizarrely (other) bizarrely; grotesquely2. extravagantly (other) extravagantly; preposterously; wildly3. fictitiously (other) chimerically; fancifully; fictionally; fictitiously; fictively; illusorily; imaginarily4. foolishly (other) absurdly; crazily; foolishly; insanely; madly; sillily5. marvellously (other) amazingly; astonishlingly; astoundingly; awesomely; fabulously; incredibly; marvellously; miraculously; phenomenally; sensationally; smashingly; spectacularly; superbly; wonderfully; wondrously6. monstrously (other) massively; monstrously; monumentally; mortally; prodigiously; stupendously; tremendously -
9 foolishly
Синонимический ряд:1. absurdly (other) absurdly; crazily; fantastically; idiotically; insanely; madly; preposterously; sillily; stupidly2. brainlessly (other) brainlessly; fatuously; insensately; mindlessly; senselessly; softly; witlessly -
10 insanely
adv безумно, как сумасшедшийСинонимический ряд:1. crazily (other) crazily; daftly; dementedly; disorderedly; distraughtly; maniacally; mindlessly; reasonlessly; unsoundly; witlessly; wrongly2. foolishly (other) absurdly; fantastically; foolishly; madly; preposterously; sillily3. hysterically (other) distractedly; frenziedly; hysterically; irrationally; wildly -
11 obscenely
adv неприлично, непристойно; непотребно, бесстыдноСинонимический ряд:1. absurdly (other) absurdly; outrageously; preposterously; scandalously; shockingly; unconscionably2. coarsely (other) bawdily; coarsely; crudely; crustily; dirtily; filthily; foully; grossly; indecently; nastily; profanely; rankly; raunchily; scurrilously; smuttily; vulgarly3. offensively (other) atrociously; disgustingly; evilly; hideously; horribly; horridly; nauseatingly; noisomely; offensively; repellently; repugnantly; repulsively; revoltingly; sickeningly; ungratefully; unwholesomely; vilely -
12 scandalously
Синонимический ряд:1. absurdly (other) absurdly; obscenely; preposterously; unconscionably2. calumniously (other) calumniously; detractingly; detractively; invidiously; slanderously3. outrageously (other) atrociously; desperately; heinously; monstrously; outrageously; shockingly -
13 shockingly
Синонимический ряд:1. absurdly (other) absurdly; obscenely; preposterously; unconscionably2. fearfully (other) awfully; direfully; direly; dreadfully; fearfully; formidably; frightfully; redoubtably; terribly; terrifically; tremendously3. horribly (other) barbarically; barbarously; horribly; horrifically4. outrageously (other) atrociously; desperately; heinously; monstrously; outrageously; scandalously -
14 unconscionably
adv разг. чрезмерно; неумеренно; чересчур многоСинонимический ряд:1. absurdly (other) absurdly; obscenely; preposterously; scandalously; shockingly2. excessively (other) dizzily; excessively; exorbitantly; extravagantly; extremely; immoderately; inordinately; steeply; stiffly; supernaturally3. outrageously (other) barbarously; outrageously; wickedly4. unreasonably (other) unjustifiably; unreasonably5. unscrupulously (other) unscrupulously
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preposterously — preposterous ► ADJECTIVE ▪ utterly absurd or ridiculous. DERIVATIVES preposterously adverb preposterousness noun. ORIGIN Latin praeposterus reversed, absurd … English terms dictionary
Preposterously — Preposterous Pre*pos ter*ous, a. [L. praeposterus; prae before + posterus coming after, latter. See {Posterior}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Having that first which ought to be last; inverted in order. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The method I take may be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
preposterously — adverb see preposterous … New Collegiate Dictionary
preposterously — See preposterous. * * * … Universalium
preposterously — adverb In a preposterous manner … Wiktionary
preposterously — prɪ pÉ‘strÉ™slɪ / pÉ’s adv. ridiculously, in a ludicrous manner; absurdly, foolishly, nonsensically … English contemporary dictionary
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preposterously — See: preposterous … English dictionary
preposterously — adverb so as to arouse or deserve laughter her income was laughably small, but she managed to live well • Syn: ↑laughably, ↑ridiculously, ↑ludicrously • Derived from adjective: ↑ludicrous (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
preposterous — preposterously, adv. preposterousness, n. /pri pos teuhr euhs, treuhs/, adj. completely contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd; senseless; utterly foolish: a preposterous tale. [1535 45; < L praeposterus with the hinder part foremost … Universalium
queeby — Preposterously dorky in deed or act; so nerdy as to be painfully embarrasing even in recollection. I walked into his office and there he was talking to himself in a fake lordly English accent .He s so queeby … Dictionary of american slang