1 preferred-orientation alloy
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > preferred-orientation alloy
2 preferred-orientation alloy
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > preferred-orientation alloy
3 preferred-orientation alloy
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > preferred-orientation alloy
4 preferred-orientation alloy
Англо-русский металлургический словарь > preferred-orientation alloy
5 preferred-orientation alloy
1) Техника: текстурированный сплав2) Металлургия: текстурованный сплавУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > preferred-orientation alloy
6 preferred-orientation alloy
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > preferred-orientation alloy
7 preferred-orientation alloy
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > preferred-orientation alloy
8 alloy
1) сплав || сплавлять2) легирующий элемент || легировать•- abrasion-resisting alloy
- acid-resistant alloy
- addition alloy
- age-hardening alloy
- aging alloy
- air-hardening alloy
- air-melted alloy
- alkali metal alloy
- alkaline earth alloy
- alkaline earth metal-aluminum alloy
- alkali-resistant alloy
- alkali-resisting alloy
- all-alpha alloy
- all-beta alloy
- alpha alloy
- alpha iron alloy
- alpha+beta alloy
- alpha-beta alloy
- alpha-phase alloy
- alpha-titanium alloy
- aluminum alloy of iron
- aluminum alloy
- aluminum casting alloy
- aluminum piston alloy
- aluminum-base alloy
- aluminum-bearing alloy
- aluminum-copper alloy
- aluminum-copper-magnesium alloy
- aluminum-copper-magnesium-nickel alloy
- aluminum-copper-silicon alloy
- aluminum-copper-silicon-magnesium alloy
- aluminum-magnesium alloy
- aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy
- aluminum-manganese alloy
- aluminum-manganese-magnesium alloy
- aluminum-nickel-iron alloy
- aluminum-silicon alloy
- aluminum-zinc-silicon alloy
- anticorrosion alloy
- antifriction alloy
- as-cast alloy
- austenitic alloy
- barium-aluminum alloy
- bearing alloy
- beryllium alloy of iron
- beryllium-copper alloy
- beryllium-copper-aluminum alloy
- beta alloy
- beta-phase alloy
- beta-titanium alloy
- binary alloy
- bismuth alloy
- body-centered cubic alloy
- boron-bearing alloy
- brass brazing alloy
- brazing alloy
- cadmium alloy
- cadmium-nickel alloy
- cadmium-silver alloy
- carbide-strengthened alloy
- carbon-bearing alloy
- carbon-free alloy
- cast alloy
- castable alloy
- casting alloy
- chrome alloy
- chrome-base alloy
- chrome-bearing alloy
- chrome-nickel alloy
- chromium-nickel-tungsten alloy
- chromium-rich alloy
- chromium-tantalum alloy
- chromium-titanium alloy
- chromium-tungsten-zirconium alloy
- chromium-yttrium alloy
- close-packed alloy
- cobalt alloy
- cobalt-base alloy
- cobalt-bearing alloy
- cobalt-chromium alloy
- cobalt-chromium-nickel alloy
- cobalt-chromium-tungsten-molybdenum alloy
- coinage alloy
- columbium alloy
- columbium-base alloy
- columbium-molybdenum-titanium alloy
- column's alloys
- commercial alloy
- complex alloy
- constant-modulus alloy
- constructional alloy
- controlled-expansion alloy
- copper alloy
- copper-base alloy
- copper-bearing alloy
- copper-free alloy
- copper-gold alloy
- copper-lead alloy
- copper-silver alloy
- copper-tin alloy
- copper-zinc alloy
- corrosion-resistant alloy
- corrosion-resisting alloy
- creep-resistant alloy
- cupronickel alloy
- die-casting alloy
- difficult-to-extrude alloy
- dilute alloy
- disordered alloy
- dispersion-hardened alloy
- dispersion-strengthened alloy
- ductile alloy
- duplex alloy
- electrically conductive alloy
- electrically superconducting alloy
- electrical-resistance alloy
- electrical-resistant alloy
- embrittlement-resistant alloy
- eutectic alloy
- eutectoid alloy
- extra-hard alloy
- extrahigh tensile alloy
- face-centered cubic alloy
- ferrite alloy
- ferromagnetic alloy
- ferrous alloy
- fine-grained alloy
- forging alloy
- foundry alloy
- four-component alloy
- four-part alloy
- free-cutting alloy
- free-machining alloy
- fusible alloy
- G.-P. zone alloy
- gamma-iron alloy
- gamma-phase alloy
- gold-base alloy
- graphitized alloy
- Guthrie's alloy
- hard alloy
- hard magnetic alloy
- hard superconducting alloy
- hard-facing alloy
- heat-resistant alloy
- heat-resisting alloy
- heat-sensitive alloy
- heat-treatable alloy
- heat-treated alloy
- heavy alloy
- heterogeneous alloy
- Heusler alloy
- hexagonal alloy
- high alloy
- high-carbon alloy
- high-chrome alloy
- high-cobalt alloy
- high-coercivity alloy
- high-damping alloy
- high-density alloy
- high-ductile alloy
- high-expansion alloy
- high-initial-permeability alloy
- high-melting alloy
- high-melting point alloy
- high-melting-temperature alloy
- high-nickel alloy
- high-permeability alloy
- high-resistance alloy
- high-strength alloy
- high-temperature alloy
- high-tensile alloy
- high-yield alloy
- homogeneous alloy
- homogenized alloy
- hot-strength alloy
- hypereutectic alloy
- hypereutectoid alloy
- hypoeutectic alloy
- hypoeutectoid alloy
- ignition alloy
- industrial alloy
- intermediate-strength alloy
- intermetallic alloy
- internally oxidized alloy
- iron alloy
- iron-aluminum-nickel alloy
- iron-bearing alloy
- iron-carbon alloy
- iron-chrome alloy
- iron-chromium-aluminum alloy
- iron-chromium-nickel alloy
- iron-cobalt alloy
- iron-cobalt-molybdenum alloy
- iron-cobalt-nickel alloy
- iron-cobalt-tungsten alloy
- iron-manganese alloy
- iron-nickel alloy
- iron-nickel-aluminum alloy
- iron-nickel-chromium alloy
- iron-nickel-cobalt alloy
- jet alloy
- lead alloy
- lead-antimony alloy
- lead-antimony-tin alloy
- lead-base alloy
- lead-bearing alloy
- lead-bismuth alloy
- lead-calcium alloy
- lead-tin alloy
- lean alloy
- Lichtenberg's alloy
- light alloy
- low alloy
- low-carbon alloy
- low-chrome alloy
- low-density alloy
- low-ductile alloy
- low-expansion alloy
- low-melting alloy
- low-nickel alloy
- low-permeability alloy
- low-quality alloy
- low-resistance alloy
- low-strength alloy
- low-temperature alloy
- low-tensile alloy
- low-yield alloy
- magnesium alloy
- magnesium-aluminum alloy
- magnesium-aluminum-zinc alloy
- magnesium-bearing alloy
- magnesium-manganese alloy
- magnesium-manganese-thorium alloy
- magnesium-thorium-zirconium alloy
- magnesium-zinc-zirconium alloy
- magnetic alloy
- magnetically hard alloy
- magnetically soft alloy
- master alloy
- medium alloy
- medium-carbon alloy
- medium-chrome alloy
- medium-nickel alloy
- medium-strength alloy
- memory alloy
- Mishima alloy
- molybdenum-titanium alloy
- multilayer brazing alloy
- multiphase alloy
- natural aging alloy
- nickel alloy
- nickel aluminide alloy
- nickel-base alloy
- nickel-based alloy
- nickel-cadmium alloy
- nickel-chrome-molybdenum alloy
- nickel-chromium alloy
- nickel-cobalt alloy
- nickel-copper alloy
- nickel-iron alloy
- nickel-molybdenum alloy
- nickel-molybdenum-iron alloy
- nickel-rich alloy
- nickel-silicon alloy
- noble metal alloy
- no-coolant alloy
- nonaging alloy
- noncorrosive alloy
- nonferrous metal alloy
- non-heat-treatable alloy
- nonmagnetic alloy
- nonordered alloy
- nonoxidizable alloy
- nonscaling alloy
- nonsparking alloy
- one-phase alloy
- ordered alloy
- oxidation-resistant alloy
- oxidation-resisting alloy
- palladium-silver alloy
- peritectic alloy
- peritectoid alloy
- permanent-magnet alloy
- phosphorous-copper alloy
- piston alloy
- plating alloy
- platinum alloy
- platinum-cobalt alloy
- platinum-metal alloy
- platinum-rhodium alloy
- plural-phase alloy
- polyphase alloy
- powder metallurgical alloy
- powder-brazing alloy
- precipitation hardening alloy
- preferred-orientation alloy
- preformed brazing alloy
- preliminary alloy
- process alloy
- pyrophoric alloy
- quasi-binary alloy
- quasi-eutectic alloy
- quasi-eutectoid alloy
- quaternary alloy
- quinary alloy
- random alloy
- random-orientation alloy
- rare-earth alloy
- rare-earth metal master alloy
- reduction alloy
- refractory alloy
- resistance alloy
- rich alloy
- Rose's alloy
- ruthenium-palladium alloy
- sand-cast alloy
- scale-resisting alloy
- self-fluxing brazing alloy
- semicommercial alloy
- semiconducting alloy
- shape memory alloy
- sheet alloy
- silicon alloy
- silicon-aluminum alloy
- silver brazing alloy
- single-phase alloy
- sintered alloy
- sintered hard alloy
- soft-magnetic alloy
- solder alloy
- solid solution alloy
- solution-treated alloy
- sparking alloy
- spelter-brazing alloy
- spring alloy
- stable alloy
- steam corrosion-resistant alloy
- steel alloy
- strain-hardened alloy
- structural alloy
- substitute alloy
- substitutional alloy
- superconducting alloy
- superconductive alloy
- superconductor alloy
- supercooled alloy
- superhard alloy
- superplastic alloy
- supersaturated alloy
- supersaturated substitutional alloy
- tailored alloy
- tantalum alloy of iron
- tantalum alloy
- tantalum-base alloy
- tantalum-tungsten alloy
- temperature compensation alloy
- ternary alloy
- thallium-lead alloy
- thermomagnetic alloy
- three-component alloy
- three-part alloy
- three-phase alloy
- tin-base alloy
- tin-bearing alloy
- titanium alloy
- titanium-aluminum-manganese alloy
- titanium-aluminum-molybdenum alloy
- titanium-aluminum-tin alloy
- titanium-aluminum-vanadium alloy
- titanium-base alloy
- tough alloy
- transition alloy
- tungsten alloy
- two-component alloy
- two-phase alloy
- type-metal alloy
- unsaturated alloy
- untarnishable alloy
- vacuum alloy
- vacuum annealed alloy
- vacuum-arc-refining alloy
- vacuum-induction-melting alloy
- vacuum-remelted alloy
- virgin alloy
- wear-resistant alloy
- wear-resisting alloy
- welding alloy
- Wood's alloy
- work-hardening alloy
- wrought alloy
- zinc alloy
- zinc-aluminum alloy
- zinc-base alloy
- zinc-bearing alloy
- zinc-copper alloy
- zirconium alloy of ironEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > alloy
9 alloy
1) сплав || сплавлять2) вплавлять3) легирующий элемент || легировать•-
abrasion-resistant alloy
acidproof alloy
addition alloy
aged alloy
age-hardening alloy
aging alloy
air-hardening alloy
alkali-resistant alloy
alpha alloy
- alpha iron alloy -
aluminum alloy
aluminum paste alloy
aluminum-base alloy
antifriction alloy
artificial-interstitial alloy
backing alloy
beryllium-copper-aluminum alloy
beta alloy
binary alloy
body-centered cubic alloy
brass brazing alloy
brazing metal alloy
brazing alloy
castable alloy
cold-worked alloy
columbium alloy
commercial alloy
copper alloy
copper-base alloy
copper-bearing alloy
corrosion-resistant alloy
creep-resistant alloy
difficalt-to-extrude alloy
directionally solidified alloy
disordered alloy
doped alloy
EBM alloy
EBR alloy
electrical-resistance alloy
electron-beam-melting alloy
electron-beam-refining alloy
electroslag refining alloy
eutectic alloy
eutectoid alloy
face-centered cubic alloy
fancy alloy
fastener alloy
fernico alloy
ferromagnetic alloy
foundry alloy
four-component alloy
free-cutting alloy
gamma-phase alloy
general-purpose alloy
hard-magnetic alloy
hard-superconducting alloy
heat-resistant alloy
heat-treatable alloy
hexagonal close-packed alloy
high alloy
high-carbon alloy
high-coercitivity alloy
high-density alloy
high-melting-temperature alloy
high-permeability alloy
high-resistance alloy
high-strength alloy
high-temperature alloy
high-tensile alloy
high-yield alloy
homogenized alloy
hypercutectic alloy
hypereutectoid alloy
hypoeutectic alloy
hypoeutectoid alloy
interstitial alloy
iron-aluminum alloy
iron-base alloy
iron-bearing alloy
iron-carbon alloy
iron-chromium-cobalt alloy
iron-cobalt alloy
iron-manganese alloy
iron-tin alloy
iron-tungsten alloy
lead alloy
lead-antimony alloy
lead-antimony-tin alloy
light-metal alloy
light alloy
linotype alloy
low alloy
low-carbon alloy
low-ductile alloy
low-expansion alloy
low-melting-point alloy
low-permeability alloy
low-temperature alloy
low-tensile alloy
low-yield alloy
magnesium-base alloy
magnesium-rare earth-zirconium alloy
magnetic alloy
magnetically hard alloy
magnetically soft alloy
magnetic-hardening alloy
mushy alloy
native alloy
nickel-base alloy
nickel-chromium alloy
noble metal alloy
noncorrosive alloy
nonferrous metal alloy
nonferrous alloy
nonheat-treatable alloy
nonrefractory alloy
nonscaling alloy
ordered alloy
peritectic alloy
permanent magnet alloy
powder metallurgical alloy
precipitation hardened alloy
preferred-orientation alloy
process alloy
quinary alloy
random alloy
random-orientation alloy
rare-earth alloy
reduction alloy
refractory alloy
resistance alloy
resistance-clement alloy
resistor alloy
row alloys
self-lubricating alloy
semiaustenitic alloy
semiconducting alloy
semiferritic alloy
semihard magnetic alloy
shape-metal alloy
silver brazing alloy
soft magnetic alloy
solder alloy
solid solution alloy
solution-treated alloy
stereotype alloy
strain-hardened alloy
substitutional alloy
substitution alloy
superconducting alloy
tailored alloy
tantalum-base alloy
textured alloy
thermocouple alloy
thermomagnetic alloy
tin-base alloy
type-metal alloy
type alloy
vacuum melted alloy
vacuum-arc-refining alloy
vacuum-induction-melting alloy
VAR alloy
VIM alloy
virgin alloy
wear-resistant alloy
whisker-reinforced alloy
white alloy
work-hardening alloy
wrought alloy
zinc-base alloy -
10 preferred
предпочтительный; привилегированный; целесообразный- preferred axis of magnetization - preferred customer - preferred dimensions - preferred direction - preferred embodiment - preferred route - preferred size - preferred treatment -
11 aluminum paste alloy
сплав на основе алюминиевой пасты (напр. идёт на изготовление элементов для солнечных батарей)- artificial-interstitial alloy - backing alloy - bearing alloy - beryllium-copper-aluminum alloy - body-centered cubic alloy - brass brazing alloy - brazing alloy - metal alloy - castable alloy - casting alloy - cold-worked alloy - columbium alloy - commercial alloy - copper alloy - copper-base alloy - copper-bearing alloy - corrosion-resistant alloy - creep-resistant alloy - difficalt-to-extrude alloy - directionally solidified alloy - disordered alloy - doped alloy - electron-beam-melting alloy - EBM alloy - electron-beam-refining alloy - EBF alloy - electrical-resistance alloy - electroslag refining alloy - ESR alloy - eutectic alloy - face-centered cubic alloy - fancy alloy - fastener alloy - fernico alloy - ferromagnetic alloy - foundry alloy - four-component alloy - free-cutting alloy - free-machining alloy - fusible alloy - gamma-phase alloy - general-purpose alloy - hard-facing alloy - hard-magnetic alloy - hard-superconducting alloy - heat-resisting alloy - heat-treatable alloy - heavy alloy - hexagonal close-packed alloy - high alloy - high-carbon alloy - high-coercitivity alloy - high-density alloy - high-melting-temperature alloy - high-permeability alloy - high-resistance alloy - high-strength alloy - high-temperature alloy - high-tensile alloy - high-yield alloy - homogenized alloy - hypercutectic alloy - hypoeutectoid alloy - interstitial alloy - iron-aluminum alloy - iron-base alloy - iron-bearing alloy - iron-carbon alloy - iron-chromium-cobalt alloy - iron-cobalt alloy - iron-manganese alloy - iron-tin alloy - iron-tungsten alloy - lead alloy - lead-antimony alloy - lead-antimony-tin alloy - light alloy - light alloy disk - light-metal alloy - low alloy - low-carbon alloy - low-ductile alloy - low-expansion alloy - low-melting-point alloy - low-permeability alloy - low-temperature alloy - low-tensile alloy - low-yield alloy - magnesium-base alloy - magnesium-rare earth-zirconium alloy - magnetic alloy - magnetically hard alloy - magnetically soft alloy - magnetic-hardening alloy - master alloy - mushy alloy - nickel-base alloy - nickel-chromium alloy - noncorrosive alloy - non-ferrous alloy - nonheat-treatable alloy - non-refractory alloy - nonscaling alloy - ordered alloy - peritectic alloy - permanent magnet alloy - powder metallurgical alloy - precipitation hardened alloy - preferred-orientation alloy - process alloy - quinary alloy - random alloy - random-orientation alloy - rare-earth alloy - reduction alloy - refractory alloy - resistance alloy - resistance-clement alloy - resistor alloy - row alloys - self-lubricating alloy - semiaustenitic alloy - semiconducting alloy - semiferritic alloy - semihard magnetic alloy - shape-metal alloy - silver brazing alloy - soft magnetic alloy - solder alloy - solid solution alloy - solution-treated alloy - stereotype alloy - strain-hardened alloy - substitution alloy - substitutional alloy - super alloy - superconducting alloy - tailored alloy - tantalum-base alloy - textured alloy - thermocouple alloy - thermomagnetic alloy - tin-base alloy - vacuum-arc-refining alloy - vacuum melted alloy - vacuum-induction-melting alloy - VAR alloy - VIM alloy - virgin alloy - wear-resistant alloy - whisker-reinforced alloy - white alloy - work-hardening alloy - wrought alloy - zinc-base alloyАнгло-русский словарь по машиностроению > aluminum paste alloy
12 текстурированный сплав
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > текстурированный сплав
13 текстурированный сплав
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > текстурированный сплав
См. также в других словарях:
magnet — /mag nit/, n. 1. a body, as a piece of iron or steel, that possesses the property of attracting certain substances, as iron. 2. a lodestone. 3. a thing or person that attracts: The park was a magnet for pickpockets and muggers. [1400 50; late ME… … Universalium
rare-earth element — /rair errth /, Chem. any of a group of closely related metallic elements, comprising the lanthanides, scandium, and yttrium, that are chemically similar by virtue of having the same number of valence electrons. Also called rare earth metal. [1955 … Universalium
Glass transition — The liquid glass transition (or glass transition for short) is the reversible transition in amorphous materials (or in amorphous regions within semicrystalline materials) from a hard and relatively brittle state into a molten or rubber like state … Wikipedia
Ceramography — is the art and science of preparation, examination and evaluation of ceramic microstructures.[1] Ceramography can be thought of as the metallography of ceramics. The microstructure is the structure level of approximately 0.1 to 100 µm, between… … Wikipedia
crystal — crystallike, adj. /kris tl/, n., adj., v., crystaled, crystaling or (esp. Brit.) crystalled, crystalling. n. 1. a clear, transparent mineral or glass resembling ice. 2. the transparent form of crystallized quartz. 3. Chem., Mineral. a solid body… … Universalium
Crystal — /kris tl/, n. 1. a city in SE Minnesota, near Minneapolis. 25,543. 2. a female given name. * * * I Any solid material whose atoms are arranged in a definite pattern and whose surface regularity reflects its internal symmetry. Each of a crystal s… … Universalium
metallurgy — metallurgic, metallurgical, adj. metallurgically, adv. metallurgist /met l err jist/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jist/, n. /met l err jee/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jee/, n. 1. the technique or science of working or heating metals so as… … Universalium
sculpture — sculptural, adj. sculpturally, adv. /skulp cheuhr/, n., v., sculptured, sculpturing. n. 1. the art of carving, modeling, welding, or otherwise producing figurative or abstract works of art in three dimensions, as in relief, intaglio, or in the… … Universalium
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium
Europe, history of — Introduction history of European peoples and cultures from prehistoric times to the present. Europe is a more ambiguous term than most geographic expressions. Its etymology is doubtful, as is the physical extent of the area it designates.… … Universalium
Copper indium gallium selenide solar cells — Copper indium gallium selenide (CuIn1 xGaxSe2 or CIGS) is a direct bandgap semiconductor useful for the manufacture of solar cells. Because the material strongly absorbs sunlight, a much thinner film is required than of other semiconductor… … Wikipedia