1 preferred treatment
Юридический термин: льготный режим -
2 preferred treatment
3 preferred treatment
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > preferred treatment
4 preferred
предпочтительный; привилегированный; целесообразный- preferred axis of magnetization - preferred customer - preferred dimensions - preferred direction - preferred embodiment - preferred route - preferred size - preferred treatment -
5 treatment
1) режим, обращение, обхождение2) лечение3) некарательное воздействие на преступников; исправление преступников•treatment and correction — некарательное воздействие и исправление;
treatment as an involuntary patient — принудительное лечение;
treatment as a non-resident patient — лечение в качестве нестационарного пациента;
- absent treatmenttreatment as a resident patient — лечение в качестве стационарного пациента;
- abusive treatment
- brutal treatment
- community-based treatment
- community treatment
- compulsory treatment
- correctional treatment
- criminal treatment
- cruel treatment
- day treatment
- discriminatory treatment
- equivalent treatment
- group treatment
- improper treatment
- in-patient treatment
- institutionalized treatment
- institutional treatment
- legal treatment
- mental treatment
- mental treatment under probation order
- most-favoured-nation treatment
- mostfavoured-nation treatment
- most-favourednation treatment
- mostfavourednation treatment
- national treatment
- non-institutional treatment
- out-patient treatment
- particular treatment
- penal treatment
- penitentiary treatment
- post-trial treatment
- preferential treatment
- preferred treatment
- pre-release treatment
- probationary treatment
- psychiatric treatment
- punitive treatment
- reformatory treatment
- rehabilitative treatment
- residential treatment
- residential community treatment
- secure treatment
- social treatment
- special treatment
- tax treatment
- ward treatment
- corrective treatment -
6 preferred country
межд. эк. привилегированная страна* (в контексте международной торговли: страна, товары из которой в стране-импортере облагаются импортными пошлинами по преференциальным ставкам, т. е. ставкам более низким, чем ставки на основе режима наибольшего благоприятствования)Syn:See: -
7 most favoured nation treatment
English-Russian base dictionary > most favoured nation treatment
8 most-favored-nation treatment
English-Russian big medical dictionary > most-favored-nation treatment
9 preference-receiving country
межд. эк. страна, пользующаяся преференциями*; страна, получающая преференции* (страна, товары из которой в стране-импортере облагаются импортными пошлинами по преференциальным ставкам, т. е. ставкам более низким, чем ставки на основе режима наибольшего благоприятствования)Syn:Ant:tariff preferences, Generalized System of Preferences, most favoured nation tariff, most favoured nation treatmentSee:Англо-русский экономический словарь > preference-receiving country
10 PET
1) Компьютерная техника: Pattern Editing Toolkit, Performance Evaluation Tool, Perl Embedded Templates, Personal Electronic Transactor, performance evaluation toll2) Медицина: positron emission tomography (позитронно-эмиссионная томография)3) Военный термин: performance evaluation test, periodic environmental test, periodic evaluation test, portable earth terminal, portable electronic telephone, portable executive telephone, preliminary evaluation team, preliminary examination team, production evaluation test4) Техника: performance evaluation team, peripheral equipment test, permanent equipment transfer, proposal evaluation team, pulsed electro thermal thruster5) Шутливое выражение: Personal Electronic Thing7) Метеорология: испаряемость (potential evapotranspiration)8) Юридический термин: PEDOPHILE ERADICATION Team9) Астрономия: Pentaerythrital10) Биржевой термин: Potentially Exempt Transfer, Preferred Equity Traded11) Оптика: pulse energy thermography12) Сокращение: Positron Emission Tomography, Post Endurance Test, petition, petroleum, polyethylene terephthalate, Pentaerythritol (organic crystal used as an analyser in X-ray spectrography), позитронно-эмиссионная томография. (Positron emission tomography)13) Физиология: Petrolatum14) Электроника: Post-etch treatment15) Вычислительная техника: Personal Electronic Translator, Progressive Educational Technology, performance evaluation tools, средства анализа производительности, средства для оценки характеристик, Print Enhancement Technology (Compaq)17) Онкология: Pancreatic Endocrine Tumor18) Биотехнология: polyethylene terephthalate (membrane), Paired-end ditag19) Парфюмерия: полиэтилентерефталат20) СМИ: Personal Terminal21) Деловая лексика: People Events And Technologies, Planning Engineering And Testing22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Project Execution Team23) Образование: Parent Effectiveness Training, Prevention Education And Treatment, Program for Effective Teaching, Сертификат UCLES 2 уровня общего владения ( пороговый уровень) (Preliminary English Test)24) Пластмассы: Poly Ethylene Terephthalate, Polyethylene25) Медицинская техника: positron emission tomograph26) Макаров: фотохимический электронный перенос27) Расширение файла: Program Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library)28) Фармация: preservative efficacy test29) Аэропорты: Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil30) НАСА: Planetary Exploration Team -
11 pet
1) Компьютерная техника: Pattern Editing Toolkit, Performance Evaluation Tool, Perl Embedded Templates, Personal Electronic Transactor, performance evaluation toll2) Медицина: positron emission tomography (позитронно-эмиссионная томография)3) Военный термин: performance evaluation test, periodic environmental test, periodic evaluation test, portable earth terminal, portable electronic telephone, portable executive telephone, preliminary evaluation team, preliminary examination team, production evaluation test4) Техника: performance evaluation team, peripheral equipment test, permanent equipment transfer, proposal evaluation team, pulsed electro thermal thruster5) Шутливое выражение: Personal Electronic Thing7) Метеорология: испаряемость (potential evapotranspiration)8) Юридический термин: PEDOPHILE ERADICATION Team9) Астрономия: Pentaerythrital10) Биржевой термин: Potentially Exempt Transfer, Preferred Equity Traded11) Оптика: pulse energy thermography12) Сокращение: Positron Emission Tomography, Post Endurance Test, petition, petroleum, polyethylene terephthalate, Pentaerythritol (organic crystal used as an analyser in X-ray spectrography), позитронно-эмиссионная томография. (Positron emission tomography)13) Физиология: Petrolatum14) Электроника: Post-etch treatment15) Вычислительная техника: Personal Electronic Translator, Progressive Educational Technology, performance evaluation tools, средства анализа производительности, средства для оценки характеристик, Print Enhancement Technology (Compaq)17) Онкология: Pancreatic Endocrine Tumor18) Биотехнология: polyethylene terephthalate (membrane), Paired-end ditag19) Парфюмерия: полиэтилентерефталат20) СМИ: Personal Terminal21) Деловая лексика: People Events And Technologies, Planning Engineering And Testing22) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Project Execution Team23) Образование: Parent Effectiveness Training, Prevention Education And Treatment, Program for Effective Teaching, Сертификат UCLES 2 уровня общего владения ( пороговый уровень) (Preliminary English Test)24) Пластмассы: Poly Ethylene Terephthalate, Polyethylene25) Медицинская техника: positron emission tomograph26) Макаров: фотохимический электронный перенос27) Расширение файла: Program Editor top overflow file (WordPerfect Library)28) Фармация: preservative efficacy test29) Аэропорты: Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil30) НАСА: Planetary Exploration Team -
12 PT
1) Компьютерная техника: Phase Transition, Powered Tower, Project Template2) Медицина: термины предпочтительного употребления ( preferred terms) (по системе кодирования MedDRA), протромбиновое время (ПВ)3) Американизм: Physical Torture4) Спорт: Physically Train, Pool Time, Power Tour, Pro Trajectory, Pure Tournament5) Военный термин: PLRS Terminal, Part Time, Peace Time, Personal Touch, Personal Training, Plain Text, Private Type, Torpedo Boat, parachute troop, penetration test, performance tests, physical training, picture telegraphy, plastic training, platoon truck, point of turn, potential target, powder temperature, preliminary test, primary target, primary task, priority target, priority telegram, production test, proof test, propellant tank, prototype, provisioning team6) Техника: parabolic telescope, penetrant test, penetrant testing, penetration testing, periodic test, periodic testing, phototransistor, plotting equipment, pointing telescope, pool temperature, preoperational test, preoperational testing, pressure and temperature, pressure at constant temperature, военное обозначение устройств и приборов, выполняющих графические операции, "нажмите и открутите" (push on and twist off)7) Шутливое выражение: Piece Of Trash8) Железнодорожный термин: Peninsula Terminal Company9) Юридический термин: Police Training, Punch Through10) Оптика: photoconductive thermoplastic11) Сокращение: Peacetime (Level of Conflict), Penetrant, Peptidyl Transfer, Perseroan Terbetas (Indonesia), Physical Therapy, Portugal, Portuguese, Power Turbine, passenger train, pipe tap, pneumatic tube, post town, postal telegraph, posts and timbers, pulse time, punched tape, purchase tax, Pacific Time (GMT - 0800), Patrol Torpedo (as in PT boat), prothrombin time12) Текстиль: Pretty Tiny13) Университет: Practice Test, Prepared Thoroughly14) Физика: термобарический15) Физиология: Pain And Torture, Pencil Test, Permanent And Total, Pneumothorax, Post Traumatic, Posterior tibial pulse, Pre Thorax16) Электроника: Peak To Trough, Pivoting Tweeter, Positional Tolerance, Power Test17) Вычислительная техника: Pacific Time, paper tape, pencil tube, punch tape, Payload Type (ATM)18) Нефть: peak torque, potential test, pressure temperature, испытания для определения рабочих характеристик (performance test), испытания на потенциальный дебит (potential test)19) Связь: pass token20) Картография: point of tangency21) Транспорт: Panel Truck, Passenger Traffic, Performance Tuned, Personal Transport, Personal Transportation, Personal Truck, Personalised Transport, Procedure Turn22) Фирменный знак: Panorama Tools23) СМИ: Publication Type24) Деловая лексика: Production Technology25) Бурение: испытание на потенциальный дебит (potential test)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: partial time, датчик давления (pressure transmitter), pigment testing цветовая дефектоскопия27) Образование: Principals of Technology28) Сетевые технологии: Point And Talk, Protocol Translation, фототелеграфия29) Полимеры: penetrants test, premium tire30) Контроль качества: partially tested, performance test31) Пластмассы: Plastic Technology32) Сахалин Р: pressure transmitter33) Химическое оружие: proficiency testing34) Расширение файла: Page Table, Kodak Precision Color Management System (KPCMS palette file), Sound (Pitch Track), Game crack (Player Tools)35) Нефть и газ: перфорировано и испытано( perforated and tested)37) Электротехника: potential transformer, pressure transducer, pulse transformer38) Имена и фамилии: Phineas Taylor39) ООН: Plenary Talk40) Должность: Perpetual Traveler, Personal Trainer, Physical Terrorist, Physical Therapist, Physical Torturer, Preferential Treatment41) Чат: Pretty Tacky, Primary Thread42) NYSE. Portugal Telecom, S. A.43) Программное обеспечение: Process Tracker -
13 Pt
1) Компьютерная техника: Phase Transition, Powered Tower, Project Template2) Медицина: термины предпочтительного употребления ( preferred terms) (по системе кодирования MedDRA), протромбиновое время (ПВ)3) Американизм: Physical Torture4) Спорт: Physically Train, Pool Time, Power Tour, Pro Trajectory, Pure Tournament5) Военный термин: PLRS Terminal, Part Time, Peace Time, Personal Touch, Personal Training, Plain Text, Private Type, Torpedo Boat, parachute troop, penetration test, performance tests, physical training, picture telegraphy, plastic training, platoon truck, point of turn, potential target, powder temperature, preliminary test, primary target, primary task, priority target, priority telegram, production test, proof test, propellant tank, prototype, provisioning team6) Техника: parabolic telescope, penetrant test, penetrant testing, penetration testing, periodic test, periodic testing, phototransistor, plotting equipment, pointing telescope, pool temperature, preoperational test, preoperational testing, pressure and temperature, pressure at constant temperature, военное обозначение устройств и приборов, выполняющих графические операции, "нажмите и открутите" (push on and twist off)7) Шутливое выражение: Piece Of Trash8) Железнодорожный термин: Peninsula Terminal Company9) Юридический термин: Police Training, Punch Through10) Оптика: photoconductive thermoplastic11) Сокращение: Peacetime (Level of Conflict), Penetrant, Peptidyl Transfer, Perseroan Terbetas (Indonesia), Physical Therapy, Portugal, Portuguese, Power Turbine, passenger train, pipe tap, pneumatic tube, post town, postal telegraph, posts and timbers, pulse time, punched tape, purchase tax, Pacific Time (GMT - 0800), Patrol Torpedo (as in PT boat), prothrombin time12) Текстиль: Pretty Tiny13) Университет: Practice Test, Prepared Thoroughly14) Физика: термобарический15) Физиология: Pain And Torture, Pencil Test, Permanent And Total, Pneumothorax, Post Traumatic, Posterior tibial pulse, Pre Thorax16) Электроника: Peak To Trough, Pivoting Tweeter, Positional Tolerance, Power Test17) Вычислительная техника: Pacific Time, paper tape, pencil tube, punch tape, Payload Type (ATM)18) Нефть: peak torque, potential test, pressure temperature, испытания для определения рабочих характеристик (performance test), испытания на потенциальный дебит (potential test)19) Связь: pass token20) Картография: point of tangency21) Транспорт: Panel Truck, Passenger Traffic, Performance Tuned, Personal Transport, Personal Transportation, Personal Truck, Personalised Transport, Procedure Turn22) Фирменный знак: Panorama Tools23) СМИ: Publication Type24) Деловая лексика: Production Technology25) Бурение: испытание на потенциальный дебит (potential test)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: partial time, датчик давления (pressure transmitter), pigment testing цветовая дефектоскопия27) Образование: Principals of Technology28) Сетевые технологии: Point And Talk, Protocol Translation, фототелеграфия29) Полимеры: penetrants test, premium tire30) Контроль качества: partially tested, performance test31) Пластмассы: Plastic Technology32) Сахалин Р: pressure transmitter33) Химическое оружие: proficiency testing34) Расширение файла: Page Table, Kodak Precision Color Management System (KPCMS palette file), Sound (Pitch Track), Game crack (Player Tools)35) Нефть и газ: перфорировано и испытано( perforated and tested)37) Электротехника: potential transformer, pressure transducer, pulse transformer38) Имена и фамилии: Phineas Taylor39) ООН: Plenary Talk40) Должность: Perpetual Traveler, Personal Trainer, Physical Terrorist, Physical Therapist, Physical Torturer, Preferential Treatment41) Чат: Pretty Tacky, Primary Thread42) NYSE. Portugal Telecom, S. A.43) Программное обеспечение: Process Tracker -
14 pt
1) Компьютерная техника: Phase Transition, Powered Tower, Project Template2) Медицина: термины предпочтительного употребления ( preferred terms) (по системе кодирования MedDRA), протромбиновое время (ПВ)3) Американизм: Physical Torture4) Спорт: Physically Train, Pool Time, Power Tour, Pro Trajectory, Pure Tournament5) Военный термин: PLRS Terminal, Part Time, Peace Time, Personal Touch, Personal Training, Plain Text, Private Type, Torpedo Boat, parachute troop, penetration test, performance tests, physical training, picture telegraphy, plastic training, platoon truck, point of turn, potential target, powder temperature, preliminary test, primary target, primary task, priority target, priority telegram, production test, proof test, propellant tank, prototype, provisioning team6) Техника: parabolic telescope, penetrant test, penetrant testing, penetration testing, periodic test, periodic testing, phototransistor, plotting equipment, pointing telescope, pool temperature, preoperational test, preoperational testing, pressure and temperature, pressure at constant temperature, военное обозначение устройств и приборов, выполняющих графические операции, "нажмите и открутите" (push on and twist off)7) Шутливое выражение: Piece Of Trash8) Железнодорожный термин: Peninsula Terminal Company9) Юридический термин: Police Training, Punch Through10) Оптика: photoconductive thermoplastic11) Сокращение: Peacetime (Level of Conflict), Penetrant, Peptidyl Transfer, Perseroan Terbetas (Indonesia), Physical Therapy, Portugal, Portuguese, Power Turbine, passenger train, pipe tap, pneumatic tube, post town, postal telegraph, posts and timbers, pulse time, punched tape, purchase tax, Pacific Time (GMT - 0800), Patrol Torpedo (as in PT boat), prothrombin time12) Текстиль: Pretty Tiny13) Университет: Practice Test, Prepared Thoroughly14) Физика: термобарический15) Физиология: Pain And Torture, Pencil Test, Permanent And Total, Pneumothorax, Post Traumatic, Posterior tibial pulse, Pre Thorax16) Электроника: Peak To Trough, Pivoting Tweeter, Positional Tolerance, Power Test17) Вычислительная техника: Pacific Time, paper tape, pencil tube, punch tape, Payload Type (ATM)18) Нефть: peak torque, potential test, pressure temperature, испытания для определения рабочих характеристик (performance test), испытания на потенциальный дебит (potential test)19) Связь: pass token20) Картография: point of tangency21) Транспорт: Panel Truck, Passenger Traffic, Performance Tuned, Personal Transport, Personal Transportation, Personal Truck, Personalised Transport, Procedure Turn22) Фирменный знак: Panorama Tools23) СМИ: Publication Type24) Деловая лексика: Production Technology25) Бурение: испытание на потенциальный дебит (potential test)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: partial time, датчик давления (pressure transmitter), pigment testing цветовая дефектоскопия27) Образование: Principals of Technology28) Сетевые технологии: Point And Talk, Protocol Translation, фототелеграфия29) Полимеры: penetrants test, premium tire30) Контроль качества: partially tested, performance test31) Пластмассы: Plastic Technology32) Сахалин Р: pressure transmitter33) Химическое оружие: proficiency testing34) Расширение файла: Page Table, Kodak Precision Color Management System (KPCMS palette file), Sound (Pitch Track), Game crack (Player Tools)35) Нефть и газ: перфорировано и испытано( perforated and tested)37) Электротехника: potential transformer, pressure transducer, pulse transformer38) Имена и фамилии: Phineas Taylor39) ООН: Plenary Talk40) Должность: Perpetual Traveler, Personal Trainer, Physical Terrorist, Physical Therapist, Physical Torturer, Preferential Treatment41) Чат: Pretty Tacky, Primary Thread42) NYSE. Portugal Telecom, S. A.43) Программное обеспечение: Process Tracker -
15 preferential
1. a пользующийся предпочтением или дающий предпочтение; предпочтительный; преимущественный, дающий преимущественное правоpreferential claim — преимущественное требование, преимущественная претензия
2. a эк. льготный, преференциальный3. a фин. привилегированный4. a спец. избирательный, селективныйСинонимический ряд:1. favored (adj.) advantageous; favored; favorite; favoured; favourite; preferred; special2. partial (adj.) favourable; partial
См. также в других словарях:
preferred — I (favored) adjective adopted, approved, choice, chosen, decided upon, elected, endorsed, especially liked, fancied, favorite, handpicked, liked, picked out, preferable, preferential, selected, set apart, settled upon, singled out, special, taken … Law dictionary
Treatment of ulcerative colitis — This article concerns the treatment of ulcerative colitis, a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Ulcerative colitis is a form of colitis, a disease of the intestine, specifically the large intestine or colon, that includes characteristic… … Wikipedia
Preferred stock — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
Treatment of schizophrenia — The concept of a cure as such in the treatment of schizophrenia remains controversial, as there is no consensus on the definition of treatment in the case of schizophrenia, although some criteria for the remission of symptoms have recently been… … Wikipedia
preferred stock bailout — A procedure whereby the issuance, sale, and later redemption or a preferred stock dividend was used by a shareholder to obtain long term capital gains without any loss of voting control over the corporation. In effect, therefore, the shareholder… … Black's law dictionary
Breast cancer treatment — The mainstay of breast cancer treatment is surgery when the tumor is localized, with possible adjuvant hormonal therapy (with tamoxifen or an aromatase inhibitor), chemotherapy, and/or radiotherapy. At present, the treatment recommendations after … Wikipedia
Opioid agonist treatment — Opioid Agonist Treatment, or OAT, refers to the treatment of a narcotics addiction in humans via the administration of similar opioid drugs, agonists, and the resultant cross tolerance and physical dependence. Methadone and Buprenorphine are the… … Wikipedia
Tuberculosis treatment — Various pharmaceutical tuberculosis treatments their actions Tuberculosis treatment refers to the medical treatment of the infectious disease tuberculosis (TB). The standard short course treatment for TB is isoniazid, rifampicin (also known as… … Wikipedia
Trust-preferred security — A trust preferred security is a security possessing characteristics of both equity and debt issues. A company creates trust preferred securities by creating a trust and issuing debt to the new entity, while the trust issues the trust preferred… … Wikipedia
Taxable Preferred Securites — A type of preferred equity security that does not qualify for the dividends received deduction for corporations of typical preferred securities, defined in Section 243 of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code. Taxable preferred securities are… … Investment dictionary
Dynamic treatment regime — In medical research, a dynamic treatment regime (DTR) or adaptive treatment strategy is a set of rules for choosing effective treatments for individual patients. The treatment choices made for a particular patient are based on that individual s… … Wikipedia