1 precedence rule
правило старшинства
[Л.Г.Суменко. Англо-русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > precedence rule
2 precedence rule
правило предшествования; правило старшинства; порядок действийletter-into-sound rule — правило соответствия "буква-звук"
3 precedence rule
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > precedence rule
4 precedence rule
правило предшествования; порядок действийАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > precedence rule
5 precedence rule
1) Техника: порядок действий, правило предшествования2) Вычислительная техника: правило старшинства -
6 precedence rule
правило предшествования; правило старшинства; порядок действийEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > precedence rule
7 precedence rule
8 precedence rule
мат.правило предшествования; порядок действий -
9 precedence rule
10 Highest Takes Precedence rule
освещ. Highest Takes Precedence (HTP)правило «наивысшее превосходит по важности» (НПВ)The behavior of a pile-on channel is defined by the Highest Takes Precedence (HTP) rule.
Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Highest Takes Precedence rule
11 Latest Takes Precedence rule
освещ. Latest Takes Precedence (LTP)правило «последнее превосходит по важности» (ППВ)Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Latest Takes Precedence rule
12 precedence
1. n предшествование2. n первоочерёдность; предпочтение; приоритет3. n вчт. старшинство операций, приоритет операций4. n старшинство; первенство, более высокое положениеthe order of precedence, rules for precedence — порядок соблюдения старшинства в официальных случаях
precedence rule — правило предшествования; правило старшинства; порядок действий
5. n дип. градация ранговСинонимический ряд:1. dominance (noun) advantage; dominance; leverage; prevalence; superiority; supremacy2. preference (noun) preference; prerogative; primacy; privilege; rank; seniority; the lead3. priority (noun) antecedence; precedency; previousness; priority -
13 rule
1) правило, норма; норматив || устанавливать правила или нормы2) строит. прав'ило3) линейка || линовать, разлиновывать4) правление || управлять, руководить, командовать5) мат. закон6) графить, разграфлять•set closed under rule — множество, замкнутое относительно операции
- blind man's ruleto lay down the rule — формулировать [устанавливать] правило
- box rule- cut rule- em rule- slow-in- sum rule- three sigma rule -
14 rule
1) правило2) правило ( для штукатурных работ)3) линейка; (масштабная) линейка || линовать4) мн. ч. проектные нормы; инструкция5) полигр. шпон; линейка6) полигр. графить•-
aerodrome rules
air rules
air safety rules
Ampere's rule
chain rule
code rule
contact flight rules
copyfitting rule
corkscrew rule
cosine rule
creasing rule
cutting rule
cutting-practice rules
decision rule
derivation rule
design rules
dotted rule
double-sided slide rule
draughtsman's rule
fare construction rules
Fleming's rule
flight rules
floating rule
folding rule
food inspection rules
geometry design rules
geometry rules
hand rule
hedging rules
instrument flight rules
interchange rules
joint rule
layout rules
left-hand rule
Lenz's rule
leveling rule
log rule
marking rule
mask rules
middle-quarter rule
middle-third rule
minimax rule
navigation slide rule
nib rule
operating rules
pack rules
parallelogram rule
Paschen's rule
perforating rule
pivoting drawing rule
plumb rule
pocket slide rule
precedence rule
precision slide rule
priority rule
production rule
push-pull rule
random rule
retractable pocket rule
rewrite rule
right-hand rule
right-hand screw rule
rule of inference
rule of parallelogram
rule of three
rule of thumb
running rule
scale rule
scaling rules
screwdriver rule
sight rule
Simpson's 1/3 rule
sine rule
slide rule
space rules
substitution rule
summation rule
tangent-trapezoidal rule
tangent rule
thumb rule
trapezium rule
triangular scale rule
visual flight rules -
15 rule
1) правило; норматив2) масштабная линейка; масштаб•- chain rule
- code rule
- cognitive rule
- complement rule
- composition rule
- condition-action rule
- context-free rule
- context-sensitive rule
- decision rule
- default rule
- design rule
- dialog format rules
- empty rule
- fault-avoiding layout rules
- firing rule
- formation rule
- inconsistent rule
- inheritance rule
- inhibition rule
- lambda design rule
- last association rule
- left recursive rule
- letter-into-sound rule
- linking rule
- majority rule
- maxmin rule
- midpoint rule
- minimax rule
- nearest neighbor rule
- operational rules
- precedence rule
- priority rule
- product rule
- production rule
- quadrature rule
- queueing rules
- random rule
- recursive rule
- reduction rule
- release reject rules
- rewrite rule
- rewriting rule
- right recursive rule
- rough-and-ready rule
- rule of inference
- rule of thumb
- scoping rule
- Simpson's rule
- statement rule
- stopping rules
- substitution rule
- sum rule
- traffic rule
- transformation rule
- trapezium rule
- underlying rule
- variable binding ruleEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > rule
16 precedence
precedence rule — правило предшествования; правило старшинства; порядок действий
the order of precedence, rules for precedence — порядок соблюдения старшинства в официальных случаях
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > precedence
17 precedence
18 rule
1) правило | устанавливать правило2) норма права | устанавливать правовую норму3) постановление; предписание; приказ | постановлять, решать4) правление; господство; власть | править•rule against hearsay — правило об исключении показаний с чужих слов;
but for rule — правило "если бы не" ("вред не имел бы места, если бы с самого начала не было вины ответчика");
rule discharged — приказ отменён;
rule enforceable in a court of law — правовая норма, применимая в судебном порядке;
rule for the choice of law — коллизионная норма;
rule nisi — условно-окончательное предписание суда; предписание суда, имеющее неокончательную силу (вступающее в силу с определённого срока, если не будет оспорено и отменено до этого срока);
to rule by decree — 1. установить правовую норму судебным постановлением 2. править на основе чрезвычайных полномочий;
to rule by law — 1. постановлять, решать на основе права 2. править на основе права;
to rule constitutional — признать конституционным;
to rule in its own right — вынести постановление, решение в пределах предоставленной юрисдикции;
to rule insane — признать невменяемым;
to rule not responsible — признать не несущим ответственности;
to rule out — исключать;
rule to plead — судебный приказ о представлении возражений по иску ( исходит от суда и адресуется ответчику);
to rule responsible — признать несущим ответственность;
to rule sane — признать вменяемым;
rule to show cause — условно-окончательное постановление суда (вступающее в силу с определённого срока, если до этого срока оно не будет оспорено и отменено);
to rule the Administration — возглавлять администрацию, управлять страной ( о президенте США);
to rule the law — устанавливать нормы права;
- rule of compulsionharmless constitutional error rule — амер. доктрина не повлёкшего вредных последствий нарушения конституции
- rule of course
- rule of court
- rule of decision
- rule of doubt
- rule of evidence
- rules of exchange
- rule of general effect
- rule of law
- rules of navigation
- rule of parol evidence
- rules of practice
- rules of precedence
- rules of prison
- rule of privilege
- rules of procedure
- rules of proceedings
- rule of reason
- rule of restraint
- rules of succession
- rules of the road
- rules of the warfare
- rule of thumb
- rule of unanimity
- ab-initio rule
- absolute rule
- administrative rule
- administrative agency rule
- admiralty rules
- appelate rules
- applicable rule
- bankruptcy rules
- best evidence rule
- beyond question rule
- blanket rule
- cannon-shot rule
- challenge rule
- circuit rules
- clear and present danger rule
- common rule
- compulsory rule
- conflict rule
- conflict-of-interest rule
- congressional rules
- consolidation rule
- conventional rule
- court rules
- current rule
- dangerous felony rule
- direct rule
- disclosure rule
- discretionary rule
- enforceable rule
- equitable rule
- established rule of law
- evidentiary rules
- exclusionary rule
- federally evolved rule
- felony rule
- felony-murder rule
- felonymurder rule
- fellow-servant rule
- firm rule
- first-to-file rule
- general rule
- governmental rule
- ground rule
- guide rules
- hard rule
- hard and fast rule
- hearsay rule
- home rule
- House rules
- House-passed rule
- inapplicable rule
- indirect rule
- inherently dangerous rule
- international rule
- interpretative rule
- joint rules
- legal rule
- legislative rule
- legislatively mandated rule
- local rule
- majority rule
- mandated rule
- mandatory rule
- Miranda rule
- non-governmental rule
- obsolete rule
- old rule
- one-year rule
- operative rule
- optional rule
- parliamentary rules
- peremptory rule
- permissive rule
- possession rule
- prison rules
- prohibitive rule
- reference rule
- renunciation rule
- repealed rule
- requiring rule
- restrictive rule
- selective rule
- Senate rules
- Senate-passed rule
- seniority rule
- shop book rule
- side-bar rule
- slip rule
- special rule
- standing rule
- statutory rule
- statutory rules and orders
- stringent rule
- tough rule
- unanimity rule
- unit rule
- veto rule
- withdrawn rule
- working rule
- prohibitory rule
- senatorial rules -
19 rule
1. n1) правило; норма; принцип2) правление, владычество, господство•2. v1) управлять, править; господствовать2) постановлять, устанавливать3) юр. разрешать (дело); постановлять; выносить определение; устанавливать порядок судебного производства4) стоять на уровне, действовать, преобладать (о ценах, курсах, ставках и т.п.); котироваться -
20 rule precedence
иерархия применения правил трассировки и размещения компонентов в системе SPECCTRAEnglish-Russian dictionary of radionics (OrCAD) > rule precedence
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
precedence rule — pirmumo taisyklė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. precedence rule vok. Präzedenzregel, f rus. правило предшествования, n pranc. règle de priorité, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Precedence — • The right to enjoy a prerogative of honour before other persons Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Precedence Precedence † … Catholic encyclopedia
Rule of St. Benedict — • Lengthy article on the text of the Rule and its composition, some analysis, and practical application Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Rule of St. Benedict Rule of St. Benedict … Catholic encyclopedia
Rule of St. Augustine — • Names the five documents sometimes identified as the Rule of Augustine, quickly narrows the field to two contenders, settles on Letter 211. Also deals with Augustine s relation to monasticism Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Rule of… … Catholic encyclopedia
Precedence (solitaire) — Precedence (also known as Order of Precedence) is a solitaire card game which uses two decks of playing cards. It is a building game where the playing does not have to worry about a tableau or playing area. In the book 100 Solitaire Games by… … Wikipedia
Rule of Saint Benedict — The Rule of Saint Benedict ( Regula Benedicti ) is a book of precepts written by St. Benedict of Nursia for monks living in community under the authority of an abbot. Since about the 7th century it has also been adopted by communities of women.… … Wikipedia
precedence — prec·e·dence || prɪ sɪËdns / presɪdÉ™ns n. priority in time or importance; superiority, supremacy; previous legal decision serving as an authoritative rule … English contemporary dictionary
Yeomanry order of precedence — Unlike the British Army, the Territorial Army and with respect to this page, the Yeomanry, has frequently been the subject of amalgamations and absorptions in its history. The subject of precedence within the Yeomanry can sometimes be contentious … Wikipedia
Operator-precedence parser — An operator precedence parser is a bottom up parser that interprets an operator precedence grammar. For example, most calculators use operator precedence parsers to convert from the human readable infix notation with order of operations format… … Wikipedia
Social rule system theory — is an attempt to formally approach different kinds of social rule systems in a unified manner. Social rules systems include institutions such as norms, laws, regulations, taboos, customs, and a variety of related concepts and are important in the … Wikipedia
Away goals rule — The away goals rule is a method of breaking ties in association football and other sports when teams play each other twice, once at each team s home ground. By the away goals rule, the team that has scored more goals (points, baskets) away from… … Wikipedia