1 pre-production aircraft
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > pre-production aircraft
2 pre-production aircraft
Англо русский политехнический словарь > pre-production aircraft
3 pre-production aircraft
ЛА головной серии, предсерийный ЛАEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > pre-production aircraft
4 pre-production
n тех. подготовка к серийному производству; выпуск опытной, головной серии -
5 aircraft
воздушное судно [суда], атмосферный летательный аппарат [аппараты]; самолёт (ы) ; вертолёты); авиация; авиационный; см. тж. airplane, boostaircraft in the barrier — самолёт, задержанный аварийной (аэродромной) тормозной установкой
aircraft off the line — новый [только что построенный] ЛА
B through F aircraft — самолёты модификаций B, C, D, E и F
carrier(-based, -borne) aircraft — палубный ЛА; авианосная авиация
conventional takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт с обычными взлетом и посадкой (в отличие от укороченного или вертикального)
keep the aircraft (headed) straight — выдерживать направление полёта ЛА (при выполнении маневра); сохранять прямолинейный полет ЛА
keep the aircraft stalled — сохранять режим срыва [сваливания] самолёта, оставлять самолёт в режиме срыва [сваливания]
nearly wing borne aircraft — верт. ЛА в конце режима перехода к горизонтальному полёту
pull the aircraft off the deck — разг. отрывать ЛА от земли (при взлете)
put the aircraft nose-up — переводить [вводить] ЛА на кабрирование [в режим кабрирования]
put the aircraft through its paces — определять предельные возможности ЛА, «выжимать все из ЛА»
reduced takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт укороченного взлета и посадки (с укороченным разбегом и пробегом)
rocket(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ракетный ЛА, ЛА с ракетным двигателем
roll the aircraft into a bank — вводить ЛА в крен, накренять ЛА
rotate the aircraft into the climb — увеличивать угол тангажа ЛА для перехода к набору высоты, переводить ЛА в набор высоты
short takeoff and landing aircraft — самолёт короткого взлета и посадки (с коротким разбегом и пробегом)
single vertical tail aircraft — ЛА с одинарным [центральным] вертикальным оперением
strategic(-mission, -purpose) aircraft — ЛА стратегического назначения; стратегический самолёт
take the aircraft throughout its entire envelope — пилотировать ЛА во всем диапазоне полётных режимов
trim the aircraft to fly hands-and-feet off — балансировать самолёт для полёта с брошенным управлением [с брошенными ручкой и педалями]
turbofan(-engined, -powered) aircraft — ЛА с турбовентиляторными двигателями, ЛА с ТРДД
turbojet(-powered, -propelled) aircraft — ЛА с ТРД
undergraduate navigator training aircraft — учебно-тренировочный самолёт для повышенной лётной подготовки штурманов
water(-based, takeoff and landing) aircraft — гидросамолёт
6 aircraft
летательный аппарат, ЛА; самолет(ы); вертолет(ы); авиация; авиационный; бортовой ( об оборудовании ЛА)C2 aircraft — воздушный КП, ВКП; ЛА для оперативного управления
electronic surveillance, reconnaissance and warning aircraft — самолет РЭР, наблюдения и оповещения
short takeoff, vertical landing aircraft — самолет укороченного взлета и вертикальной посадки
— high-penetration attack aircraft— shadowing aircraft— spotting aircraft— tiltable-wing aircraft -
7 development aircraft
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > development aircraft
8 developmental aircraft
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > developmental aircraft
9 configuration
1. конфигурация; схема; компоновка; форма; комбинация2. структура3. вариант <ЛА>10x8 configuration15% unstable configurationactuator configurationaero-balanced configurationaeroelastic configurationaeromedical configurationaft CG configurationair defence configurationair-combat configurationair-to-air configurationaircraft configurationaircraft-like configurationairfoil-spoiler-flap configurationairframe-inlet configurationall-cargo configurationall-economy configurationall-freight configurationall-wing configurationanti-ice configurationapproach-flap configurationarrow-wing configurationas delivered configurationas-built configurationasymmetrical missile configurationback-staggered configurationbaseline configurationbenchmark configurationblade configurationblade/hub configurationblowing configurationbroad-brush configurationbutterfly configurationcabin configurationcanard configurationcanard-tail configurationcanard-wing configurationcanard-wing-body configurationcanardless configurationcargo-loading configurationchine configurationchined configurationcircular configurationclean configurationclose-coupled canard configurationclose-coupled wing-canard configurationclosed-loop configurationcoaxial configurationcockpit configurationconstant gain configurationcontrol configurationcontrol law configurationcontrol surface configurationcontrol system configurationcritical configurationcruise configurationdelta-canard configurationdelta-winged configurationdeparture resistant configurationdeployed configurationdisplay configurationdouble-delta configurationdownstop configurationdual cargo-hook configurationdual-console configurationeconomy class configurationejector-lift and vectored-thrust configurationelectronic reconnaissance configurationempennage configurationenergy-conservative configurationengine configurationevaluation configurationfairing configurationfighter-like configurationfilter configurationfinned configurationflap configurationflapped configurationflaps-up configurationflying boom configurationforebody configurationforebody off configurationforebody removed configurationforward-swept configurationforward-swept-wing configurationfour-blade configurationfour-engine configurationfree-turbine configurationgeometric configurationglide configurationglove-fuselage configurationgo-around configurationheavy store configurationhigh-angle-of-attack configurationhigh-control-effectiveness configurationhigh-altitude configurationhigh-density configurationhigh-fineness-ratio configurationhigh-lift configurationhigh-overshoot configurationhigh-wing configurationhorizontal ellipse configurationhypersonic configurationin-flight configurationin-line configurationinboard-jointed configurationinertially slender configurationinlet configurationinversely derived configurationiron bird configurationjet balanced configurationjoined wing configurationlanding configurationLEX configurationlifting body configurationlighting configurationlow-bypass configurationlow-drag configurationlow-fineness-ratio configurationlow-overshoot configurationlow-signature configurationlow-speed configurationmaneuver configurationmidwing configurationminimum drag configurationmixed-class configurationmultisurface configurationmultibody configurationmultiengine configurationmultiple-jet configurationnormal-shock configurationnose-boom-off configurationnose-boom-on configurationoblique-wing configurationopen-loop configurationordnance configurationover-the-wing configurationpanelized configurationparcel-freighter configurationpartial-freight configurationpassenger configurationpayload configurationpitch control configurationpitch attitude-tracking configurationpitch-only configurationpitch rate command configurationpodded configurationpole-zero configurationpoor RSS configurationpower approach configurationpower-on aircraft configurationpowered configurationpowerplant configurationpre-production configurationproduction configurationpropulsor configurationpusher configurationratchet configurationreal configurationrear-loading configurationrotor plus wing configurationrotor-airframe configurationrotor-fuselage configurationrotor-winglet configurationrotorcraft configurationseating configurationsensor configurationside-by-side configurationsimulation configurationsingle-jet configurationsingle-body configurationsingle-engine configurationsingle-fuselage configurationsingle-pilot configurationsingle-rotor configurationsingle-shaft configurationsized configurationslat configurationsoft in-plane configurationspoiler configurationstable configurationstall-resistant configurationstarting configurationsteady flight configurationstiff in-plane configurationSTOL configurationstore configurationSTOVL configurationstraight-wing configurationstrake off configurationstrake-wing configurationsupersonic cruise configurationsymmetrical missile configurationT-tail configurationtail configurationtail control configurationtail-aft configurationtailed configurationtailed-delta configurationtailless configurationtakeoff configurationtandem configurationtandem-wing configurationtandem-rotor configurationtest configurationthree shaft configurationthree-engine configurationthree-shock configurationthrust-down configurationthrust-up configurationthrust-vectored configurationtilt-rotor configurationtilting engine configurationtip-jointed configurationtractor configurationtrailing-edge configurationTrefftz-plane configurationtunnel-supported configurationturbojet-powered configurationturboprop configurationturboshaft configurationturning configurationtwin-lift helicopter configurationtwo-bladed configurationtwo-cabin configurationtwo-engine configurationtwo-shaft configurationtwo-stage configurationtwo-surface configurationunder-the-wing configurationunslatted configurationunstable configurationunstick configurationup and away configurationupper-surface-blowing configurationupper-surface-blown configurationUSB configurationV/STOL configurationvariable-bypass-ratio configurationvariable-geometry configurationVATOL configurationvectored-engine-over-wing configurationVEO-wing configurationvertical ellipse configurationVTOL configurationwidely spaced pod configurationWild Weasel configurationwing configurationwing mounted configurationwing-body-nacelle configurationwing-body-tail configurationwing-canard configurationwing-fence configurationwing-flap configurationwing-spoiler-flap configurationwing-tail-fuselage configurationwing-store configurationyaw vane configurationzig-zag configuration -
10 IPA
1) Общая лексика: instrument for pre-accession assistance2) Компьютерная техника: Intelligent Peripheral Adapter3) Медицина: Independent Physicians Association4) Спорт: Individual Practice Association5) Военный термин: Imagery Product Archive, Integrated Program Assessment, Intelligence Production Activity, Intergovernmental Personnel Act, International Programs Acquisition, Issue Position Argument, initiation of procurement action6) Техника: inositephosphoric acid, iterative performance assessment7) Страхование: independent practice association8) Биржевой термин: Investment Promotion Agencies, Investment Promotion Agency9) Психология: International psychoanalytic association10) Радио: International Phonetic Alphabet11) Сокращение: Independent Publishers Association, Institute for the Physics of the Atmosphere, Instrumented Production Aircraft, International Peace Academy, International Pediatric Association, International Phonetic Association, International Pilot's Association, International Police Association, International Press Association, International Priority Airmail service, International Publishers Association12) Физиология: Independent Practitioner Association13) Вычислительная техника: Information Processing promotion Agency (organization, MITI, Japan)14) Пищевая промышленность: Indian Pale Ale, Infidel Pale Ale16) СМИ: In Person Autograph17) Деловая лексика: Independent Participation Agreement, Innovation Passion Automation, Innovative Positive Actions18) Образование: Integrated Practical Activities, Interactive Pedagogical Agents19) Сетевые технологии: Information Processing Architecture, Integrated Printer Adapter20) Полимеры: isopropanol21) Сахалин Ю: Independent Project Analysis, Inc., independent project analysis22) Химическое оружие: Isopropyl alcohol23) Административное право: ИПС, индивидуальный пенсионный счёт24) Макаров: integrated plant assessment, intermediate power amplifier25) Должность: Independent Public Accountant, Individual Pension Account26) НАСА: Instructions Per Second27) Библиотечное дело: International Persian Alphabet -
11 ipa
1) Общая лексика: instrument for pre-accession assistance2) Компьютерная техника: Intelligent Peripheral Adapter3) Медицина: Independent Physicians Association4) Спорт: Individual Practice Association5) Военный термин: Imagery Product Archive, Integrated Program Assessment, Intelligence Production Activity, Intergovernmental Personnel Act, International Programs Acquisition, Issue Position Argument, initiation of procurement action6) Техника: inositephosphoric acid, iterative performance assessment7) Страхование: independent practice association8) Биржевой термин: Investment Promotion Agencies, Investment Promotion Agency9) Психология: International psychoanalytic association10) Радио: International Phonetic Alphabet11) Сокращение: Independent Publishers Association, Institute for the Physics of the Atmosphere, Instrumented Production Aircraft, International Peace Academy, International Pediatric Association, International Phonetic Association, International Pilot's Association, International Police Association, International Press Association, International Priority Airmail service, International Publishers Association12) Физиология: Independent Practitioner Association13) Вычислительная техника: Information Processing promotion Agency (organization, MITI, Japan)14) Пищевая промышленность: Indian Pale Ale, Infidel Pale Ale16) СМИ: In Person Autograph17) Деловая лексика: Independent Participation Agreement, Innovation Passion Automation, Innovative Positive Actions18) Образование: Integrated Practical Activities, Interactive Pedagogical Agents19) Сетевые технологии: Information Processing Architecture, Integrated Printer Adapter20) Полимеры: isopropanol21) Сахалин Ю: Independent Project Analysis, Inc., independent project analysis22) Химическое оружие: Isopropyl alcohol23) Административное право: ИПС, индивидуальный пенсионный счёт24) Макаров: integrated plant assessment, intermediate power amplifier25) Должность: Independent Public Accountant, Individual Pension Account26) НАСА: Instructions Per Second27) Библиотечное дело: International Persian Alphabet -
12 PA
1) Общая лексика: portable audio, passport agency, персональный ассистент, личный помощник (personal assistant)2) Компьютерная техника: Precision Architecture3) Биология: protective agent4) Медицина: posterior-anterior5) Американизм: Palestinian Authority, Past Action, People Authority, Personal Assassin, Post Apocalyptic, Process The Acronym, Public Address7) Латинский язык: physiotherapy aid8) Военный термин: Performance Accountability, Personal Authority, Physician Assistant, Picatinny Arsenal (СВ), Powered Armor, Precautionary Approach, Probability of Arrival, Processing Activities, Procurement Agency, Procurement Army, Procurement, Army, Product Assurance, Public Affairs, Pulse Amplitude, pack artillery, participating activity, patient, patrol aircraft, pattern analysis, penetration aircraft, permanent appointment, personal affairs, personal assistant, personnel allocation, phased antenna, physician's assistant, pilot's associate, point of aim, port agency, position area, position of assembly, post adjutant, practice ammunition, preavailability, prelaunch area, preliminary acceptance, primary armament, probability of acceptance, procurement appropriations, program account, program administrator, program analyst, program assessment, program authorization, project administration, proper authority, property administrator, proponent agency, protected area, prototype aircraft, provision allowance, purchasing authority, ЭКЛ, электронный ассистент лётчика, электронный консультант лётчика, электронный помощник лётчика9) Техника: page address, paging amplifier, parametric amplifier, particular average, performance analysis, personnel area, phase angle, phosphorus per acre, phthalic anhydride, physiotherapy aid, picric acid, polarizer-analyzer, polyacrylamide, polyacrylate, position approximate, postulated accident, power amplification, preamble, precomputed altitude, preliminary amplifier, present altitude, pressure alarm, primary air, probability of acceptance, process average, processor architecture, procurement authorization, production association, program address, program authority, protected area, protective agent, pseudoatom, pulse amplifier, pulse amplitude, purge alarm10) Шутливое выражение: Palestinian Assassins, Pathetic Australian, Pokey Award11) Химия: Protactinium, Proton Affinity, ПА, Pro Analyse (чистый для анализа)12) Математика: вероятностный автомат (probabilistic automaton)13) Британский английский: личный секретарь (he is my PA)14) Железнодорожный термин: Physicians Assistant15) Юридический термин: Personnel Administration, Polar Angle, Prevention Advocate, Private Action, Public Act16) Бухгалтерия: Pre Approved, Public Administration, personal allowance17) Автомобильный термин: power antenna, pressure air (Honda)18) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Artifact19) Грубое выражение: Pigs Arse, Piss Ant, Pissed Asshole, Pretty Arse, Private Actress20) География: штат Пенсильвания, США (Pennsylvania)21) Кино: Parental Advisory22) Музыка: сценическое звуковое оборудование23) Телевидение: pulse amplifier24) Телекоммуникации: Pointer Adjustment, Preamble (LAN)25) Сокращение: Panama, Paraguay (NATO country code), Pennsylvania (US state), Per Annum, Phased Array, Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Preparing Activity, Press Agent, Press Association, Limited, Private Account, Publishers Association, Punjabi, passenger agent, prearm, price and availability, procurement authorization, purchasing agent, Program Access, Program Attention, particular average loss, posteroanterior, pulmonary artery, Pennsylvania (штат Пенсильвания (США)), Bureau of Public Affairs, Pakistan Army, Pale Ale, Palermo, Sicilia (Italian province), Palestinian Authority, Pali (linguistics), Palo Alto (California), Pan Am (airline), Panama, Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Paniagua y Asociados (Guatemala, consulting agency), Pantothenic Acid, Paper Advance, Para (Brazil), Paraguay, Paralegal, Paralyzed Age (band), Paramedic's Assistant, Parapsychological Association, Inc (Petaluma, California), Parental Advisory, Parents Association, Parliamentary Assistant (Ontario Government), Parti de l'Action (French: Action Party, Morocco), Partial Agreement, Participatory Appraisal, Particle Accelerator, Partido Arnulfista (Arnulfista Party, Panama), Partner Association, Party Animal, Pass Along, Pass-through Applications, Passenger Address, Passenger Announcement (airlines), Pastoral Administrator, Pastoral Assistant, Pathologists' Assistant, Patients Association (UK), Patronato Antialcoho'lico (Guatemala), Paulus Apostolus (Apostol Paul), Pax Americana, Pay Attention, Paying Agent, Payload Accommodations, Payroll Area, Peace Agreement, Peace Arch (US/Canada border), Peano Arithmetics, Peer Advisor, Pending Availability, Pennsylvania (US postal abbreviation), Penny Arcade (comic strip), Pension Adjustment, People's Alliance, People's Association (Singapore), Pepper-Ann (TV show), Perfect Attack (gaming, Dance Dance Revolution), Perfect Attendance, Perforate Artery (Darke Age of Camelot game), Performance Appraisal, Performance Assurance, Performing Activity (CEFMS), Permit Authority, Persistent Asthma, Persisting to an Older Age, Personal Accident (insurance), Personal Adviser, Personal Agent, Personal Alarm, Personal Appearance, Personalausweis (German: identity card), Personnel Action, Perverted Ass, Perverts Anonymous, Philippine Army, Phillips Academy (Andover), Photoinduced Absorption, Physical Abuse/Assault, Physical Affair, Physician's Association, Picatinny Arsenal, Pierce Armor (Age of Kings game), Pilote Automatique (French: Autopilot), Pinkerton Academy (New Hampshire), Planet of the Apes (movie), Planetarion (online game), Planning Authority, Plant Air, Plate Appearance (Baseball), Platinum Aero (band), Playahead (Internet community), Plaza Automotriz (Guatemala car dealer), Plein Air (Quebec), Point A, Point Analysis, Points Against, Poke'mon Aaah! (website), Police Academy, Policy Analyst, Political Affairs (journal of the Communist Party of the United States of America), Political Agent (Pakistan), Polk Audio, Pollution Abatement, Polyacryl, Pooling Administrator, Port Adapter (Cisco), Port Angeles (Washington), Port Authority (of NY and NJ), Porte-Avions (French, aircraft carrier), Position Adaptivity, Position Angle (astronomy), Post-Apocalyptic, Posterior Anterior (radiology), Power Act (gaming), Power Automation, Pre-Arbitrated, Pre-Auditing, Precision Approach (avionics), Precision Attack, Prednisolone Acetate (eye medication; usually followed by %), Preferred Address, Preferred Alternative, Premier Agendas, Inc. (US), Preplaced-Aggregate (concrete), Press Association (British National News Agency), Pressure Alarm, Pressure Altitude, Preventative Action, Prince Albert (Canada), Princess Anne (high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia), Principal Administrator, Prior Authorization (Pharmacy Benefits), Privacy Act, Privacy Advocate, Privatization Agency, Problem Analysis, Process Allocator, Process Analysis, Process Area, Processing Activities, Procurement Aide/Assistant, Producing Ability (breeding), Product Accumulate (linear code), Production Acceptance, Production Agency, Production Assistant, Produktaansprakelijkheid (Dutch: product responsibility), Professional Association, Professional Audio System, Professor's Assistant, Program Account/Allocation, Program Announcement, Program Assistant, Programmatic Agreement (USACE), Programmed Amount (USACE), Programmer/Analyst, Programming Assistant (campus residential officer), Progressa\PAo Aritme'tica, Prohibited Areas, Project Administrator, Project Agreement, Project Analyst, Project Architect, Project Arrangement, Project Audit, Project Authorization, Propionic Acidemia, Prosecution Attorney, Protected Area (conservation), Protective Antigen (microbiology), Protocol Analyzer, Proton Affinity, Proxy Agreement, Prune Agar, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria), Psoriatic Arthritis, Psychoanalysis, Public Accounting, Public Administration, Public Aid (Medicaid), Public Announcement, Public Appearance, Public Assistance, Public Attorney, Public Audio, Publish America (book publisher), Punk Ass, Purchasing Aide/Assistant, Put Away, Putt and Approach (disc golf)26) Университет: Papers Applied, Partial Accreditation, Performing Arts, Psychology Annex27) Физиология: Passive Aggressive, Pernicious Anemia, Physician's Assistant, Posterio Anterior, Postero Anterior, Pulmonary Artery28) Электроника: Power Adaptor, Preamplifier29) Вычислительная техника: Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Precision Architecture, Press Agent, Private Account, Purchasing Agent, printer agent, program address, Precision Architecture (HP)30) Нефть: pressure drop per annulus section, Пильтун-Астохское месторождение, анализ технических характеристик (performance analysis), среднее качество изделий при данном процессе изготовления31) Стоматология: PA mode, photoablative mode, режим фотоабляции, фотоабляция32) Картография: position approximate33) Банковское дело: аудитор (public accountant), присяжный бухгалтер (public accountant)34) Биотехнология: photoactivatable35) Организация производства: provisional acceptance, временная приёмка36) Фирменный знак: Physical Agents, Professional Association37) Экология: preferential adsorption38) СМИ: Performance Audio40) Бурение: Piltun-Astokhskoye41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Piltun-Astokhskoye field, Plug and abandoned, peak amplitude, plugged and abandoned, procurement assistance, public address42) Менеджмент: product assurance43) Образование: Paranoids Anonymous, Performance Assessment, Phonemic Awareness, Pretty Average, Public Accountant44) Инвестиции: public accountant45) Сетевые технологии: Port Adapter, performance analysis, анализ производительности, анализ рабочих характеристик46) Полимеры: phthalic anhydride, polyacrylate, polyamide, pressure absolute47) Программирование: Printable Ascii48) Автоматика: pressure angle49) Контроль качества: process average51) Сахалин Р: Piltun Astokhskoye, Piltun-Astokhskoye, public address system52) Химическое оружие: Picatinny Arsenal [NJ], Procurement Appropriation, Public affairs, performance analyzer, performance assessment, pinacolyl alcohol, pinacolyn alcohol, preliminary assessment, program analyzer, programmed amount, Public address (system)53) Авиационная медицина: perceptual asymmetry54) Безопасность: Privacy Act55) Нефть и газ: plant air, proportional band calculation value56) Военно-политический термин: Division of Political Affairs57) США: Pennsylvania58) Имена и фамилии: Prince Albert59) Общественная организация: Peace Action, Push America60) Должность: Per Annum, Performance Artist, Personal Accident, Personal Assistant, Personal Author, Physical Aptitude, Production Assistant, Psychological Associate61) Правительство: Palo Alto, California, Punta Arenas62) Федеральное бюро расследований: Privacy Act of 1974 -
13 Pa
1) Общая лексика: portable audio, passport agency, персональный ассистент, личный помощник (personal assistant)2) Компьютерная техника: Precision Architecture3) Биология: protective agent4) Медицина: posterior-anterior5) Американизм: Palestinian Authority, Past Action, People Authority, Personal Assassin, Post Apocalyptic, Process The Acronym, Public Address7) Латинский язык: physiotherapy aid8) Военный термин: Performance Accountability, Personal Authority, Physician Assistant, Picatinny Arsenal (СВ), Powered Armor, Precautionary Approach, Probability of Arrival, Processing Activities, Procurement Agency, Procurement Army, Procurement, Army, Product Assurance, Public Affairs, Pulse Amplitude, pack artillery, participating activity, patient, patrol aircraft, pattern analysis, penetration aircraft, permanent appointment, personal affairs, personal assistant, personnel allocation, phased antenna, physician's assistant, pilot's associate, point of aim, port agency, position area, position of assembly, post adjutant, practice ammunition, preavailability, prelaunch area, preliminary acceptance, primary armament, probability of acceptance, procurement appropriations, program account, program administrator, program analyst, program assessment, program authorization, project administration, proper authority, property administrator, proponent agency, protected area, prototype aircraft, provision allowance, purchasing authority, ЭКЛ, электронный ассистент лётчика, электронный консультант лётчика, электронный помощник лётчика9) Техника: page address, paging amplifier, parametric amplifier, particular average, performance analysis, personnel area, phase angle, phosphorus per acre, phthalic anhydride, physiotherapy aid, picric acid, polarizer-analyzer, polyacrylamide, polyacrylate, position approximate, postulated accident, power amplification, preamble, precomputed altitude, preliminary amplifier, present altitude, pressure alarm, primary air, probability of acceptance, process average, processor architecture, procurement authorization, production association, program address, program authority, protected area, protective agent, pseudoatom, pulse amplifier, pulse amplitude, purge alarm10) Шутливое выражение: Palestinian Assassins, Pathetic Australian, Pokey Award11) Химия: Protactinium, Proton Affinity, ПА, Pro Analyse (чистый для анализа)12) Математика: вероятностный автомат (probabilistic automaton)13) Британский английский: личный секретарь (he is my PA)14) Железнодорожный термин: Physicians Assistant15) Юридический термин: Personnel Administration, Polar Angle, Prevention Advocate, Private Action, Public Act16) Бухгалтерия: Pre Approved, Public Administration, personal allowance17) Автомобильный термин: power antenna, pressure air (Honda)18) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Artifact19) Грубое выражение: Pigs Arse, Piss Ant, Pissed Asshole, Pretty Arse, Private Actress20) География: штат Пенсильвания, США (Pennsylvania)21) Кино: Parental Advisory22) Музыка: сценическое звуковое оборудование23) Телевидение: pulse amplifier24) Телекоммуникации: Pointer Adjustment, Preamble (LAN)25) Сокращение: Panama, Paraguay (NATO country code), Pennsylvania (US state), Per Annum, Phased Array, Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Preparing Activity, Press Agent, Press Association, Limited, Private Account, Publishers Association, Punjabi, passenger agent, prearm, price and availability, procurement authorization, purchasing agent, Program Access, Program Attention, particular average loss, posteroanterior, pulmonary artery, Pennsylvania (штат Пенсильвания (США)), Bureau of Public Affairs, Pakistan Army, Pale Ale, Palermo, Sicilia (Italian province), Palestinian Authority, Pali (linguistics), Palo Alto (California), Pan Am (airline), Panama, Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Paniagua y Asociados (Guatemala, consulting agency), Pantothenic Acid, Paper Advance, Para (Brazil), Paraguay, Paralegal, Paralyzed Age (band), Paramedic's Assistant, Parapsychological Association, Inc (Petaluma, California), Parental Advisory, Parents Association, Parliamentary Assistant (Ontario Government), Parti de l'Action (French: Action Party, Morocco), Partial Agreement, Participatory Appraisal, Particle Accelerator, Partido Arnulfista (Arnulfista Party, Panama), Partner Association, Party Animal, Pass Along, Pass-through Applications, Passenger Address, Passenger Announcement (airlines), Pastoral Administrator, Pastoral Assistant, Pathologists' Assistant, Patients Association (UK), Patronato Antialcoho'lico (Guatemala), Paulus Apostolus (Apostol Paul), Pax Americana, Pay Attention, Paying Agent, Payload Accommodations, Payroll Area, Peace Agreement, Peace Arch (US/Canada border), Peano Arithmetics, Peer Advisor, Pending Availability, Pennsylvania (US postal abbreviation), Penny Arcade (comic strip), Pension Adjustment, People's Alliance, People's Association (Singapore), Pepper-Ann (TV show), Perfect Attack (gaming, Dance Dance Revolution), Perfect Attendance, Perforate Artery (Darke Age of Camelot game), Performance Appraisal, Performance Assurance, Performing Activity (CEFMS), Permit Authority, Persistent Asthma, Persisting to an Older Age, Personal Accident (insurance), Personal Adviser, Personal Agent, Personal Alarm, Personal Appearance, Personalausweis (German: identity card), Personnel Action, Perverted Ass, Perverts Anonymous, Philippine Army, Phillips Academy (Andover), Photoinduced Absorption, Physical Abuse/Assault, Physical Affair, Physician's Association, Picatinny Arsenal, Pierce Armor (Age of Kings game), Pilote Automatique (French: Autopilot), Pinkerton Academy (New Hampshire), Planet of the Apes (movie), Planetarion (online game), Planning Authority, Plant Air, Plate Appearance (Baseball), Platinum Aero (band), Playahead (Internet community), Plaza Automotriz (Guatemala car dealer), Plein Air (Quebec), Point A, Point Analysis, Points Against, Poke'mon Aaah! (website), Police Academy, Policy Analyst, Political Affairs (journal of the Communist Party of the United States of America), Political Agent (Pakistan), Polk Audio, Pollution Abatement, Polyacryl, Pooling Administrator, Port Adapter (Cisco), Port Angeles (Washington), Port Authority (of NY and NJ), Porte-Avions (French, aircraft carrier), Position Adaptivity, Position Angle (astronomy), Post-Apocalyptic, Posterior Anterior (radiology), Power Act (gaming), Power Automation, Pre-Arbitrated, Pre-Auditing, Precision Approach (avionics), Precision Attack, Prednisolone Acetate (eye medication; usually followed by %), Preferred Address, Preferred Alternative, Premier Agendas, Inc. (US), Preplaced-Aggregate (concrete), Press Association (British National News Agency), Pressure Alarm, Pressure Altitude, Preventative Action, Prince Albert (Canada), Princess Anne (high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia), Principal Administrator, Prior Authorization (Pharmacy Benefits), Privacy Act, Privacy Advocate, Privatization Agency, Problem Analysis, Process Allocator, Process Analysis, Process Area, Processing Activities, Procurement Aide/Assistant, Producing Ability (breeding), Product Accumulate (linear code), Production Acceptance, Production Agency, Production Assistant, Produktaansprakelijkheid (Dutch: product responsibility), Professional Association, Professional Audio System, Professor's Assistant, Program Account/Allocation, Program Announcement, Program Assistant, Programmatic Agreement (USACE), Programmed Amount (USACE), Programmer/Analyst, Programming Assistant (campus residential officer), Progressa\PAo Aritme'tica, Prohibited Areas, Project Administrator, Project Agreement, Project Analyst, Project Architect, Project Arrangement, Project Audit, Project Authorization, Propionic Acidemia, Prosecution Attorney, Protected Area (conservation), Protective Antigen (microbiology), Protocol Analyzer, Proton Affinity, Proxy Agreement, Prune Agar, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria), Psoriatic Arthritis, Psychoanalysis, Public Accounting, Public Administration, Public Aid (Medicaid), Public Announcement, Public Appearance, Public Assistance, Public Attorney, Public Audio, Publish America (book publisher), Punk Ass, Purchasing Aide/Assistant, Put Away, Putt and Approach (disc golf)26) Университет: Papers Applied, Partial Accreditation, Performing Arts, Psychology Annex27) Физиология: Passive Aggressive, Pernicious Anemia, Physician's Assistant, Posterio Anterior, Postero Anterior, Pulmonary Artery28) Электроника: Power Adaptor, Preamplifier29) Вычислительная техника: Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Precision Architecture, Press Agent, Private Account, Purchasing Agent, printer agent, program address, Precision Architecture (HP)30) Нефть: pressure drop per annulus section, Пильтун-Астохское месторождение, анализ технических характеристик (performance analysis), среднее качество изделий при данном процессе изготовления31) Стоматология: PA mode, photoablative mode, режим фотоабляции, фотоабляция32) Картография: position approximate33) Банковское дело: аудитор (public accountant), присяжный бухгалтер (public accountant)34) Биотехнология: photoactivatable35) Организация производства: provisional acceptance, временная приёмка36) Фирменный знак: Physical Agents, Professional Association37) Экология: preferential adsorption38) СМИ: Performance Audio40) Бурение: Piltun-Astokhskoye41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Piltun-Astokhskoye field, Plug and abandoned, peak amplitude, plugged and abandoned, procurement assistance, public address42) Менеджмент: product assurance43) Образование: Paranoids Anonymous, Performance Assessment, Phonemic Awareness, Pretty Average, Public Accountant44) Инвестиции: public accountant45) Сетевые технологии: Port Adapter, performance analysis, анализ производительности, анализ рабочих характеристик46) Полимеры: phthalic anhydride, polyacrylate, polyamide, pressure absolute47) Программирование: Printable Ascii48) Автоматика: pressure angle49) Контроль качества: process average51) Сахалин Р: Piltun Astokhskoye, Piltun-Astokhskoye, public address system52) Химическое оружие: Picatinny Arsenal [NJ], Procurement Appropriation, Public affairs, performance analyzer, performance assessment, pinacolyl alcohol, pinacolyn alcohol, preliminary assessment, program analyzer, programmed amount, Public address (system)53) Авиационная медицина: perceptual asymmetry54) Безопасность: Privacy Act55) Нефть и газ: plant air, proportional band calculation value56) Военно-политический термин: Division of Political Affairs57) США: Pennsylvania58) Имена и фамилии: Prince Albert59) Общественная организация: Peace Action, Push America60) Должность: Per Annum, Performance Artist, Personal Accident, Personal Assistant, Personal Author, Physical Aptitude, Production Assistant, Psychological Associate61) Правительство: Palo Alto, California, Punta Arenas62) Федеральное бюро расследований: Privacy Act of 1974 -
14 pA
1) Общая лексика: portable audio, passport agency, персональный ассистент, личный помощник (personal assistant)2) Компьютерная техника: Precision Architecture3) Биология: protective agent4) Медицина: posterior-anterior5) Американизм: Palestinian Authority, Past Action, People Authority, Personal Assassin, Post Apocalyptic, Process The Acronym, Public Address7) Латинский язык: physiotherapy aid8) Военный термин: Performance Accountability, Personal Authority, Physician Assistant, Picatinny Arsenal (СВ), Powered Armor, Precautionary Approach, Probability of Arrival, Processing Activities, Procurement Agency, Procurement Army, Procurement, Army, Product Assurance, Public Affairs, Pulse Amplitude, pack artillery, participating activity, patient, patrol aircraft, pattern analysis, penetration aircraft, permanent appointment, personal affairs, personal assistant, personnel allocation, phased antenna, physician's assistant, pilot's associate, point of aim, port agency, position area, position of assembly, post adjutant, practice ammunition, preavailability, prelaunch area, preliminary acceptance, primary armament, probability of acceptance, procurement appropriations, program account, program administrator, program analyst, program assessment, program authorization, project administration, proper authority, property administrator, proponent agency, protected area, prototype aircraft, provision allowance, purchasing authority, ЭКЛ, электронный ассистент лётчика, электронный консультант лётчика, электронный помощник лётчика9) Техника: page address, paging amplifier, parametric amplifier, particular average, performance analysis, personnel area, phase angle, phosphorus per acre, phthalic anhydride, physiotherapy aid, picric acid, polarizer-analyzer, polyacrylamide, polyacrylate, position approximate, postulated accident, power amplification, preamble, precomputed altitude, preliminary amplifier, present altitude, pressure alarm, primary air, probability of acceptance, process average, processor architecture, procurement authorization, production association, program address, program authority, protected area, protective agent, pseudoatom, pulse amplifier, pulse amplitude, purge alarm10) Шутливое выражение: Palestinian Assassins, Pathetic Australian, Pokey Award11) Химия: Protactinium, Proton Affinity, ПА, Pro Analyse (чистый для анализа)12) Математика: вероятностный автомат (probabilistic automaton)13) Британский английский: личный секретарь (he is my PA)14) Железнодорожный термин: Physicians Assistant15) Юридический термин: Personnel Administration, Polar Angle, Prevention Advocate, Private Action, Public Act16) Бухгалтерия: Pre Approved, Public Administration, personal allowance17) Автомобильный термин: power antenna, pressure air (Honda)18) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Artifact19) Грубое выражение: Pigs Arse, Piss Ant, Pissed Asshole, Pretty Arse, Private Actress20) География: штат Пенсильвания, США (Pennsylvania)21) Кино: Parental Advisory22) Музыка: сценическое звуковое оборудование23) Телевидение: pulse amplifier24) Телекоммуникации: Pointer Adjustment, Preamble (LAN)25) Сокращение: Panama, Paraguay (NATO country code), Pennsylvania (US state), Per Annum, Phased Array, Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Preparing Activity, Press Agent, Press Association, Limited, Private Account, Publishers Association, Punjabi, passenger agent, prearm, price and availability, procurement authorization, purchasing agent, Program Access, Program Attention, particular average loss, posteroanterior, pulmonary artery, Pennsylvania (штат Пенсильвания (США)), Bureau of Public Affairs, Pakistan Army, Pale Ale, Palermo, Sicilia (Italian province), Palestinian Authority, Pali (linguistics), Palo Alto (California), Pan Am (airline), Panama, Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Paniagua y Asociados (Guatemala, consulting agency), Pantothenic Acid, Paper Advance, Para (Brazil), Paraguay, Paralegal, Paralyzed Age (band), Paramedic's Assistant, Parapsychological Association, Inc (Petaluma, California), Parental Advisory, Parents Association, Parliamentary Assistant (Ontario Government), Parti de l'Action (French: Action Party, Morocco), Partial Agreement, Participatory Appraisal, Particle Accelerator, Partido Arnulfista (Arnulfista Party, Panama), Partner Association, Party Animal, Pass Along, Pass-through Applications, Passenger Address, Passenger Announcement (airlines), Pastoral Administrator, Pastoral Assistant, Pathologists' Assistant, Patients Association (UK), Patronato Antialcoho'lico (Guatemala), Paulus Apostolus (Apostol Paul), Pax Americana, Pay Attention, Paying Agent, Payload Accommodations, Payroll Area, Peace Agreement, Peace Arch (US/Canada border), Peano Arithmetics, Peer Advisor, Pending Availability, Pennsylvania (US postal abbreviation), Penny Arcade (comic strip), Pension Adjustment, People's Alliance, People's Association (Singapore), Pepper-Ann (TV show), Perfect Attack (gaming, Dance Dance Revolution), Perfect Attendance, Perforate Artery (Darke Age of Camelot game), Performance Appraisal, Performance Assurance, Performing Activity (CEFMS), Permit Authority, Persistent Asthma, Persisting to an Older Age, Personal Accident (insurance), Personal Adviser, Personal Agent, Personal Alarm, Personal Appearance, Personalausweis (German: identity card), Personnel Action, Perverted Ass, Perverts Anonymous, Philippine Army, Phillips Academy (Andover), Photoinduced Absorption, Physical Abuse/Assault, Physical Affair, Physician's Association, Picatinny Arsenal, Pierce Armor (Age of Kings game), Pilote Automatique (French: Autopilot), Pinkerton Academy (New Hampshire), Planet of the Apes (movie), Planetarion (online game), Planning Authority, Plant Air, Plate Appearance (Baseball), Platinum Aero (band), Playahead (Internet community), Plaza Automotriz (Guatemala car dealer), Plein Air (Quebec), Point A, Point Analysis, Points Against, Poke'mon Aaah! (website), Police Academy, Policy Analyst, Political Affairs (journal of the Communist Party of the United States of America), Political Agent (Pakistan), Polk Audio, Pollution Abatement, Polyacryl, Pooling Administrator, Port Adapter (Cisco), Port Angeles (Washington), Port Authority (of NY and NJ), Porte-Avions (French, aircraft carrier), Position Adaptivity, Position Angle (astronomy), Post-Apocalyptic, Posterior Anterior (radiology), Power Act (gaming), Power Automation, Pre-Arbitrated, Pre-Auditing, Precision Approach (avionics), Precision Attack, Prednisolone Acetate (eye medication; usually followed by %), Preferred Address, Preferred Alternative, Premier Agendas, Inc. (US), Preplaced-Aggregate (concrete), Press Association (British National News Agency), Pressure Alarm, Pressure Altitude, Preventative Action, Prince Albert (Canada), Princess Anne (high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia), Principal Administrator, Prior Authorization (Pharmacy Benefits), Privacy Act, Privacy Advocate, Privatization Agency, Problem Analysis, Process Allocator, Process Analysis, Process Area, Processing Activities, Procurement Aide/Assistant, Producing Ability (breeding), Product Accumulate (linear code), Production Acceptance, Production Agency, Production Assistant, Produktaansprakelijkheid (Dutch: product responsibility), Professional Association, Professional Audio System, Professor's Assistant, Program Account/Allocation, Program Announcement, Program Assistant, Programmatic Agreement (USACE), Programmed Amount (USACE), Programmer/Analyst, Programming Assistant (campus residential officer), Progressa\PAo Aritme'tica, Prohibited Areas, Project Administrator, Project Agreement, Project Analyst, Project Architect, Project Arrangement, Project Audit, Project Authorization, Propionic Acidemia, Prosecution Attorney, Protected Area (conservation), Protective Antigen (microbiology), Protocol Analyzer, Proton Affinity, Proxy Agreement, Prune Agar, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria), Psoriatic Arthritis, Psychoanalysis, Public Accounting, Public Administration, Public Aid (Medicaid), Public Announcement, Public Appearance, Public Assistance, Public Attorney, Public Audio, Publish America (book publisher), Punk Ass, Purchasing Aide/Assistant, Put Away, Putt and Approach (disc golf)26) Университет: Papers Applied, Partial Accreditation, Performing Arts, Psychology Annex27) Физиология: Passive Aggressive, Pernicious Anemia, Physician's Assistant, Posterio Anterior, Postero Anterior, Pulmonary Artery28) Электроника: Power Adaptor, Preamplifier29) Вычислительная техника: Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Precision Architecture, Press Agent, Private Account, Purchasing Agent, printer agent, program address, Precision Architecture (HP)30) Нефть: pressure drop per annulus section, Пильтун-Астохское месторождение, анализ технических характеристик (performance analysis), среднее качество изделий при данном процессе изготовления31) Стоматология: PA mode, photoablative mode, режим фотоабляции, фотоабляция32) Картография: position approximate33) Банковское дело: аудитор (public accountant), присяжный бухгалтер (public accountant)34) Биотехнология: photoactivatable35) Организация производства: provisional acceptance, временная приёмка36) Фирменный знак: Physical Agents, Professional Association37) Экология: preferential adsorption38) СМИ: Performance Audio40) Бурение: Piltun-Astokhskoye41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Piltun-Astokhskoye field, Plug and abandoned, peak amplitude, plugged and abandoned, procurement assistance, public address42) Менеджмент: product assurance43) Образование: Paranoids Anonymous, Performance Assessment, Phonemic Awareness, Pretty Average, Public Accountant44) Инвестиции: public accountant45) Сетевые технологии: Port Adapter, performance analysis, анализ производительности, анализ рабочих характеристик46) Полимеры: phthalic anhydride, polyacrylate, polyamide, pressure absolute47) Программирование: Printable Ascii48) Автоматика: pressure angle49) Контроль качества: process average51) Сахалин Р: Piltun Astokhskoye, Piltun-Astokhskoye, public address system52) Химическое оружие: Picatinny Arsenal [NJ], Procurement Appropriation, Public affairs, performance analyzer, performance assessment, pinacolyl alcohol, pinacolyn alcohol, preliminary assessment, program analyzer, programmed amount, Public address (system)53) Авиационная медицина: perceptual asymmetry54) Безопасность: Privacy Act55) Нефть и газ: plant air, proportional band calculation value56) Военно-политический термин: Division of Political Affairs57) США: Pennsylvania58) Имена и фамилии: Prince Albert59) Общественная организация: Peace Action, Push America60) Должность: Per Annum, Performance Artist, Personal Accident, Personal Assistant, Personal Author, Physical Aptitude, Production Assistant, Psychological Associate61) Правительство: Palo Alto, California, Punta Arenas62) Федеральное бюро расследований: Privacy Act of 1974 -
15 pa
1) Общая лексика: portable audio, passport agency, персональный ассистент, личный помощник (personal assistant)2) Компьютерная техника: Precision Architecture3) Биология: protective agent4) Медицина: posterior-anterior5) Американизм: Palestinian Authority, Past Action, People Authority, Personal Assassin, Post Apocalyptic, Process The Acronym, Public Address7) Латинский язык: physiotherapy aid8) Военный термин: Performance Accountability, Personal Authority, Physician Assistant, Picatinny Arsenal (СВ), Powered Armor, Precautionary Approach, Probability of Arrival, Processing Activities, Procurement Agency, Procurement Army, Procurement, Army, Product Assurance, Public Affairs, Pulse Amplitude, pack artillery, participating activity, patient, patrol aircraft, pattern analysis, penetration aircraft, permanent appointment, personal affairs, personal assistant, personnel allocation, phased antenna, physician's assistant, pilot's associate, point of aim, port agency, position area, position of assembly, post adjutant, practice ammunition, preavailability, prelaunch area, preliminary acceptance, primary armament, probability of acceptance, procurement appropriations, program account, program administrator, program analyst, program assessment, program authorization, project administration, proper authority, property administrator, proponent agency, protected area, prototype aircraft, provision allowance, purchasing authority, ЭКЛ, электронный ассистент лётчика, электронный консультант лётчика, электронный помощник лётчика9) Техника: page address, paging amplifier, parametric amplifier, particular average, performance analysis, personnel area, phase angle, phosphorus per acre, phthalic anhydride, physiotherapy aid, picric acid, polarizer-analyzer, polyacrylamide, polyacrylate, position approximate, postulated accident, power amplification, preamble, precomputed altitude, preliminary amplifier, present altitude, pressure alarm, primary air, probability of acceptance, process average, processor architecture, procurement authorization, production association, program address, program authority, protected area, protective agent, pseudoatom, pulse amplifier, pulse amplitude, purge alarm10) Шутливое выражение: Palestinian Assassins, Pathetic Australian, Pokey Award11) Химия: Protactinium, Proton Affinity, ПА, Pro Analyse (чистый для анализа)12) Математика: вероятностный автомат (probabilistic automaton)13) Британский английский: личный секретарь (he is my PA)14) Железнодорожный термин: Physicians Assistant15) Юридический термин: Personnel Administration, Polar Angle, Prevention Advocate, Private Action, Public Act16) Бухгалтерия: Pre Approved, Public Administration, personal allowance17) Автомобильный термин: power antenna, pressure air (Honda)18) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Artifact19) Грубое выражение: Pigs Arse, Piss Ant, Pissed Asshole, Pretty Arse, Private Actress20) География: штат Пенсильвания, США (Pennsylvania)21) Кино: Parental Advisory22) Музыка: сценическое звуковое оборудование23) Телевидение: pulse amplifier24) Телекоммуникации: Pointer Adjustment, Preamble (LAN)25) Сокращение: Panama, Paraguay (NATO country code), Pennsylvania (US state), Per Annum, Phased Array, Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Preparing Activity, Press Agent, Press Association, Limited, Private Account, Publishers Association, Punjabi, passenger agent, prearm, price and availability, procurement authorization, purchasing agent, Program Access, Program Attention, particular average loss, posteroanterior, pulmonary artery, Pennsylvania (штат Пенсильвания (США)), Bureau of Public Affairs, Pakistan Army, Pale Ale, Palermo, Sicilia (Italian province), Palestinian Authority, Pali (linguistics), Palo Alto (California), Pan Am (airline), Panama, Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, Paniagua y Asociados (Guatemala, consulting agency), Pantothenic Acid, Paper Advance, Para (Brazil), Paraguay, Paralegal, Paralyzed Age (band), Paramedic's Assistant, Parapsychological Association, Inc (Petaluma, California), Parental Advisory, Parents Association, Parliamentary Assistant (Ontario Government), Parti de l'Action (French: Action Party, Morocco), Partial Agreement, Participatory Appraisal, Particle Accelerator, Partido Arnulfista (Arnulfista Party, Panama), Partner Association, Party Animal, Pass Along, Pass-through Applications, Passenger Address, Passenger Announcement (airlines), Pastoral Administrator, Pastoral Assistant, Pathologists' Assistant, Patients Association (UK), Patronato Antialcoho'lico (Guatemala), Paulus Apostolus (Apostol Paul), Pax Americana, Pay Attention, Paying Agent, Payload Accommodations, Payroll Area, Peace Agreement, Peace Arch (US/Canada border), Peano Arithmetics, Peer Advisor, Pending Availability, Pennsylvania (US postal abbreviation), Penny Arcade (comic strip), Pension Adjustment, People's Alliance, People's Association (Singapore), Pepper-Ann (TV show), Perfect Attack (gaming, Dance Dance Revolution), Perfect Attendance, Perforate Artery (Darke Age of Camelot game), Performance Appraisal, Performance Assurance, Performing Activity (CEFMS), Permit Authority, Persistent Asthma, Persisting to an Older Age, Personal Accident (insurance), Personal Adviser, Personal Agent, Personal Alarm, Personal Appearance, Personalausweis (German: identity card), Personnel Action, Perverted Ass, Perverts Anonymous, Philippine Army, Phillips Academy (Andover), Photoinduced Absorption, Physical Abuse/Assault, Physical Affair, Physician's Association, Picatinny Arsenal, Pierce Armor (Age of Kings game), Pilote Automatique (French: Autopilot), Pinkerton Academy (New Hampshire), Planet of the Apes (movie), Planetarion (online game), Planning Authority, Plant Air, Plate Appearance (Baseball), Platinum Aero (band), Playahead (Internet community), Plaza Automotriz (Guatemala car dealer), Plein Air (Quebec), Point A, Point Analysis, Points Against, Poke'mon Aaah! (website), Police Academy, Policy Analyst, Political Affairs (journal of the Communist Party of the United States of America), Political Agent (Pakistan), Polk Audio, Pollution Abatement, Polyacryl, Pooling Administrator, Port Adapter (Cisco), Port Angeles (Washington), Port Authority (of NY and NJ), Porte-Avions (French, aircraft carrier), Position Adaptivity, Position Angle (astronomy), Post-Apocalyptic, Posterior Anterior (radiology), Power Act (gaming), Power Automation, Pre-Arbitrated, Pre-Auditing, Precision Approach (avionics), Precision Attack, Prednisolone Acetate (eye medication; usually followed by %), Preferred Address, Preferred Alternative, Premier Agendas, Inc. (US), Preplaced-Aggregate (concrete), Press Association (British National News Agency), Pressure Alarm, Pressure Altitude, Preventative Action, Prince Albert (Canada), Princess Anne (high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia), Principal Administrator, Prior Authorization (Pharmacy Benefits), Privacy Act, Privacy Advocate, Privatization Agency, Problem Analysis, Process Allocator, Process Analysis, Process Area, Processing Activities, Procurement Aide/Assistant, Producing Ability (breeding), Product Accumulate (linear code), Production Acceptance, Production Agency, Production Assistant, Produktaansprakelijkheid (Dutch: product responsibility), Professional Association, Professional Audio System, Professor's Assistant, Program Account/Allocation, Program Announcement, Program Assistant, Programmatic Agreement (USACE), Programmed Amount (USACE), Programmer/Analyst, Programming Assistant (campus residential officer), Progressa\PAo Aritme'tica, Prohibited Areas, Project Administrator, Project Agreement, Project Analyst, Project Architect, Project Arrangement, Project Audit, Project Authorization, Propionic Acidemia, Prosecution Attorney, Protected Area (conservation), Protective Antigen (microbiology), Protocol Analyzer, Proton Affinity, Proxy Agreement, Prune Agar, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria), Psoriatic Arthritis, Psychoanalysis, Public Accounting, Public Administration, Public Aid (Medicaid), Public Announcement, Public Appearance, Public Assistance, Public Attorney, Public Audio, Publish America (book publisher), Punk Ass, Purchasing Aide/Assistant, Put Away, Putt and Approach (disc golf)26) Университет: Papers Applied, Partial Accreditation, Performing Arts, Psychology Annex27) Физиология: Passive Aggressive, Pernicious Anemia, Physician's Assistant, Posterio Anterior, Postero Anterior, Pulmonary Artery28) Электроника: Power Adaptor, Preamplifier29) Вычислительная техника: Play Aid, Power of Attorney, Precision Architecture, Press Agent, Private Account, Purchasing Agent, printer agent, program address, Precision Architecture (HP)30) Нефть: pressure drop per annulus section, Пильтун-Астохское месторождение, анализ технических характеристик (performance analysis), среднее качество изделий при данном процессе изготовления31) Стоматология: PA mode, photoablative mode, режим фотоабляции, фотоабляция32) Картография: position approximate33) Банковское дело: аудитор (public accountant), присяжный бухгалтер (public accountant)34) Биотехнология: photoactivatable35) Организация производства: provisional acceptance, временная приёмка36) Фирменный знак: Physical Agents, Professional Association37) Экология: preferential adsorption38) СМИ: Performance Audio40) Бурение: Piltun-Astokhskoye41) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Piltun-Astokhskoye field, Plug and abandoned, peak amplitude, plugged and abandoned, procurement assistance, public address42) Менеджмент: product assurance43) Образование: Paranoids Anonymous, Performance Assessment, Phonemic Awareness, Pretty Average, Public Accountant44) Инвестиции: public accountant45) Сетевые технологии: Port Adapter, performance analysis, анализ производительности, анализ рабочих характеристик46) Полимеры: phthalic anhydride, polyacrylate, polyamide, pressure absolute47) Программирование: Printable Ascii48) Автоматика: pressure angle49) Контроль качества: process average51) Сахалин Р: Piltun Astokhskoye, Piltun-Astokhskoye, public address system52) Химическое оружие: Picatinny Arsenal [NJ], Procurement Appropriation, Public affairs, performance analyzer, performance assessment, pinacolyl alcohol, pinacolyn alcohol, preliminary assessment, program analyzer, programmed amount, Public address (system)53) Авиационная медицина: perceptual asymmetry54) Безопасность: Privacy Act55) Нефть и газ: plant air, proportional band calculation value56) Военно-политический термин: Division of Political Affairs57) США: Pennsylvania58) Имена и фамилии: Prince Albert59) Общественная организация: Peace Action, Push America60) Должность: Per Annum, Performance Artist, Personal Accident, Personal Assistant, Personal Author, Physical Aptitude, Production Assistant, Psychological Associate61) Правительство: Palo Alto, California, Punta Arenas62) Федеральное бюро расследований: Privacy Act of 1974 -
16 APS
1) Компьютерная техника: Active Pixel Sensor, Active Pixel Sensors, Advanced Production System, All Processes Suspended, Application Print Services, Application Protection System, adaptive polarization shaping, Advances Planning and Scheduling, система оптимизационного планирования производства2) Биология: adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate3) Авиация: рейтинг контроля подхода по средствам наблюдения4) Морской термин: (Arrival Pilot Station) Пункт (порт) начала лоцманской проводки5) Медицина: autoimmune polyglandular syndrome, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, антитромбоцитарная иммунная сыворотка6) Спорт: Air Precision Shooting7) Военный термин: ASARS Processing Segment, ASARS-II Processing Segment, Advanced Power System, Afloat Pre-positioning Ship, Air Pictorial Service, Air Planning System, Allied publications, Army Pictorial Service, Army Pilot School, Army Postal Service, Automatic Point And Shoot, Automatic Provisioning System, accessory power supply, active protection system, actual parade state, advanced personnel system, aerial port squadron, airborne pulse search, antenna pointing subsystem, armor-piercing shell, assistant private secretary, automatic programming system, auxiliary power supply, auxiliary propulsion system8) Техника: American Physic Society, accident-prone situation, acoustical protection system, adaptive processor sonar, aft propulsion system, air breathing propulsion system, airborne pulse search radar, ammonium polysulfide, amplifier power supply, angular position sensor, arc-plasma spraying, automatic positioning system, automatic protection switch9) Химия: аммония персульфат (Ammonium PerSulphate), полисульфид аммония (ammonium polysulfide)10) Юридический термин: Adult Protective Services, Attending Physicians Statements11) Автомобильный термин: absolute pressure sensor (GM), atmospheric pressure sensor (Mazda), Acoustic Parking System12) Ветеринария: American Physiological Society13) Оптика: advanced photon source14) Телевидение: automatic program search15) Телекоммуникации: Affordable Portable Services, Automatic Protection Switching (SONET)16) Сокращение: Academy of Political Science, Adaptive Processor System (sonar), Address Program Support Office (Office of Operations Support), Adjustment Processing System, Advanced Fighter Crew Protection System, Advanced Planning System, Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Advanced Propulsion System, Aerial Post Squadron (USAF), Afloat Planning System (USA), Afloat Planning System, Aiming & Pointing System, Aiming and Pointing System (USMC), Aircraft Position Sensor, Aircraft Prepared for Service, American Peace Society, American Peat Society, American Pediatric Society, American Philatelic Society, American Philosophical Society, American Physical Society, American Protestant Society, Artillery Pointing System, Associate of the Pharmaceutical Society, Atomic Power Station, Automatic Pointing System, Auxiliary Power System, Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome, advanced planning/scheduling17) Университет: Academic Program Summary, Applied Problem Solving18) Физиология: Absolutely Precious Skin, Active Positive Symbiosis19) Электроника: Advanced Power Stability, Analog Protection System, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Antennas and Propagation Society20) Вычислительная техника: Application Page Server, Automated Patent System, Automatic Protection Switching, attached processor system, Application Service Provider (WAN), автоматизированная патентная система21) Нефть: abandon platform shutdown22) Иммунология: Advance Photo System23) Банковское дело: средняя доля сбережений в доходе (average propensity to save)24) Транспорт: Active Point System, Airway Planning Standard, Asset Positioning System, Auto Pilot System25) Фирменный знак: Academic Publishing Service, Amateur Pageantry Systems26) Экология: accelerated photosynthetic system27) Реклама: Общество Артура Пейджа28) СМИ: Advanced Photo System, All Programs And Sounds29) Деловая лексика: Administration Planning And Statistics, Advanced Planning Systems, Analytical Planning Scheduling, Approved Program Sequence, Automated Planning And Scheduling, Automated Process Scheduler30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: abandon platform shutdown (Orlan platform)31) Образование: Ability Point Skill32) Инвестиции: average propensity to save33) Сетевые технологии: Aol Password Stealer, Application Provider Services, Asynchronous Port Switch, Asynchronous Protocol Specification, спецификация асинхронного протокола34) Полимеры: American Petroleum Society, average particle size( фракционный состав)35) Общая лексика: auto priming system36) Химическое оружие: Army Planning System37) Безопасность: auto polarity switching38) Расширение файла: Advanced Printing Service (IBM)39) Нефть и газ: Индукционный зонд, Надтепловой каротаж, Accelerated Porosity Sonde40) Электротехника: Arizona Public Service Company (название компании)41) Нанотехнологии: воздушно-плазменное напыление, air plasma spray, air plasma spraying42) Общественная организация: Association For Practical Shooting43) Должность: Agricultural Production Specialist45) Программное обеспечение: Agenda Productivity Suite -
17 APs
1) Компьютерная техника: Active Pixel Sensor, Active Pixel Sensors, Advanced Production System, All Processes Suspended, Application Print Services, Application Protection System, adaptive polarization shaping, Advances Planning and Scheduling, система оптимизационного планирования производства2) Биология: adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate3) Авиация: рейтинг контроля подхода по средствам наблюдения4) Морской термин: (Arrival Pilot Station) Пункт (порт) начала лоцманской проводки5) Медицина: autoimmune polyglandular syndrome, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, антитромбоцитарная иммунная сыворотка6) Спорт: Air Precision Shooting7) Военный термин: ASARS Processing Segment, ASARS-II Processing Segment, Advanced Power System, Afloat Pre-positioning Ship, Air Pictorial Service, Air Planning System, Allied publications, Army Pictorial Service, Army Pilot School, Army Postal Service, Automatic Point And Shoot, Automatic Provisioning System, accessory power supply, active protection system, actual parade state, advanced personnel system, aerial port squadron, airborne pulse search, antenna pointing subsystem, armor-piercing shell, assistant private secretary, automatic programming system, auxiliary power supply, auxiliary propulsion system8) Техника: American Physic Society, accident-prone situation, acoustical protection system, adaptive processor sonar, aft propulsion system, air breathing propulsion system, airborne pulse search radar, ammonium polysulfide, amplifier power supply, angular position sensor, arc-plasma spraying, automatic positioning system, automatic protection switch9) Химия: аммония персульфат (Ammonium PerSulphate), полисульфид аммония (ammonium polysulfide)10) Юридический термин: Adult Protective Services, Attending Physicians Statements11) Автомобильный термин: absolute pressure sensor (GM), atmospheric pressure sensor (Mazda), Acoustic Parking System12) Ветеринария: American Physiological Society13) Оптика: advanced photon source14) Телевидение: automatic program search15) Телекоммуникации: Affordable Portable Services, Automatic Protection Switching (SONET)16) Сокращение: Academy of Political Science, Adaptive Processor System (sonar), Address Program Support Office (Office of Operations Support), Adjustment Processing System, Advanced Fighter Crew Protection System, Advanced Planning System, Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Advanced Propulsion System, Aerial Post Squadron (USAF), Afloat Planning System (USA), Afloat Planning System, Aiming & Pointing System, Aiming and Pointing System (USMC), Aircraft Position Sensor, Aircraft Prepared for Service, American Peace Society, American Peat Society, American Pediatric Society, American Philatelic Society, American Philosophical Society, American Physical Society, American Protestant Society, Artillery Pointing System, Associate of the Pharmaceutical Society, Atomic Power Station, Automatic Pointing System, Auxiliary Power System, Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome, advanced planning/scheduling17) Университет: Academic Program Summary, Applied Problem Solving18) Физиология: Absolutely Precious Skin, Active Positive Symbiosis19) Электроника: Advanced Power Stability, Analog Protection System, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Antennas and Propagation Society20) Вычислительная техника: Application Page Server, Automated Patent System, Automatic Protection Switching, attached processor system, Application Service Provider (WAN), автоматизированная патентная система21) Нефть: abandon platform shutdown22) Иммунология: Advance Photo System23) Банковское дело: средняя доля сбережений в доходе (average propensity to save)24) Транспорт: Active Point System, Airway Planning Standard, Asset Positioning System, Auto Pilot System25) Фирменный знак: Academic Publishing Service, Amateur Pageantry Systems26) Экология: accelerated photosynthetic system27) Реклама: Общество Артура Пейджа28) СМИ: Advanced Photo System, All Programs And Sounds29) Деловая лексика: Administration Planning And Statistics, Advanced Planning Systems, Analytical Planning Scheduling, Approved Program Sequence, Automated Planning And Scheduling, Automated Process Scheduler30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: abandon platform shutdown (Orlan platform)31) Образование: Ability Point Skill32) Инвестиции: average propensity to save33) Сетевые технологии: Aol Password Stealer, Application Provider Services, Asynchronous Port Switch, Asynchronous Protocol Specification, спецификация асинхронного протокола34) Полимеры: American Petroleum Society, average particle size( фракционный состав)35) Общая лексика: auto priming system36) Химическое оружие: Army Planning System37) Безопасность: auto polarity switching38) Расширение файла: Advanced Printing Service (IBM)39) Нефть и газ: Индукционный зонд, Надтепловой каротаж, Accelerated Porosity Sonde40) Электротехника: Arizona Public Service Company (название компании)41) Нанотехнологии: воздушно-плазменное напыление, air plasma spray, air plasma spraying42) Общественная организация: Association For Practical Shooting43) Должность: Agricultural Production Specialist45) Программное обеспечение: Agenda Productivity Suite -
18 ApS
1) Компьютерная техника: Active Pixel Sensor, Active Pixel Sensors, Advanced Production System, All Processes Suspended, Application Print Services, Application Protection System, adaptive polarization shaping, Advances Planning and Scheduling, система оптимизационного планирования производства2) Биология: adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate3) Авиация: рейтинг контроля подхода по средствам наблюдения4) Морской термин: (Arrival Pilot Station) Пункт (порт) начала лоцманской проводки5) Медицина: autoimmune polyglandular syndrome, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, антитромбоцитарная иммунная сыворотка6) Спорт: Air Precision Shooting7) Военный термин: ASARS Processing Segment, ASARS-II Processing Segment, Advanced Power System, Afloat Pre-positioning Ship, Air Pictorial Service, Air Planning System, Allied publications, Army Pictorial Service, Army Pilot School, Army Postal Service, Automatic Point And Shoot, Automatic Provisioning System, accessory power supply, active protection system, actual parade state, advanced personnel system, aerial port squadron, airborne pulse search, antenna pointing subsystem, armor-piercing shell, assistant private secretary, automatic programming system, auxiliary power supply, auxiliary propulsion system8) Техника: American Physic Society, accident-prone situation, acoustical protection system, adaptive processor sonar, aft propulsion system, air breathing propulsion system, airborne pulse search radar, ammonium polysulfide, amplifier power supply, angular position sensor, arc-plasma spraying, automatic positioning system, automatic protection switch9) Химия: аммония персульфат (Ammonium PerSulphate), полисульфид аммония (ammonium polysulfide)10) Юридический термин: Adult Protective Services, Attending Physicians Statements11) Автомобильный термин: absolute pressure sensor (GM), atmospheric pressure sensor (Mazda), Acoustic Parking System12) Ветеринария: American Physiological Society13) Оптика: advanced photon source14) Телевидение: automatic program search15) Телекоммуникации: Affordable Portable Services, Automatic Protection Switching (SONET)16) Сокращение: Academy of Political Science, Adaptive Processor System (sonar), Address Program Support Office (Office of Operations Support), Adjustment Processing System, Advanced Fighter Crew Protection System, Advanced Planning System, Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Advanced Propulsion System, Aerial Post Squadron (USAF), Afloat Planning System (USA), Afloat Planning System, Aiming & Pointing System, Aiming and Pointing System (USMC), Aircraft Position Sensor, Aircraft Prepared for Service, American Peace Society, American Peat Society, American Pediatric Society, American Philatelic Society, American Philosophical Society, American Physical Society, American Protestant Society, Artillery Pointing System, Associate of the Pharmaceutical Society, Atomic Power Station, Automatic Pointing System, Auxiliary Power System, Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome, advanced planning/scheduling17) Университет: Academic Program Summary, Applied Problem Solving18) Физиология: Absolutely Precious Skin, Active Positive Symbiosis19) Электроника: Advanced Power Stability, Analog Protection System, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Antennas and Propagation Society20) Вычислительная техника: Application Page Server, Automated Patent System, Automatic Protection Switching, attached processor system, Application Service Provider (WAN), автоматизированная патентная система21) Нефть: abandon platform shutdown22) Иммунология: Advance Photo System23) Банковское дело: средняя доля сбережений в доходе (average propensity to save)24) Транспорт: Active Point System, Airway Planning Standard, Asset Positioning System, Auto Pilot System25) Фирменный знак: Academic Publishing Service, Amateur Pageantry Systems26) Экология: accelerated photosynthetic system27) Реклама: Общество Артура Пейджа28) СМИ: Advanced Photo System, All Programs And Sounds29) Деловая лексика: Administration Planning And Statistics, Advanced Planning Systems, Analytical Planning Scheduling, Approved Program Sequence, Automated Planning And Scheduling, Automated Process Scheduler30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: abandon platform shutdown (Orlan platform)31) Образование: Ability Point Skill32) Инвестиции: average propensity to save33) Сетевые технологии: Aol Password Stealer, Application Provider Services, Asynchronous Port Switch, Asynchronous Protocol Specification, спецификация асинхронного протокола34) Полимеры: American Petroleum Society, average particle size( фракционный состав)35) Общая лексика: auto priming system36) Химическое оружие: Army Planning System37) Безопасность: auto polarity switching38) Расширение файла: Advanced Printing Service (IBM)39) Нефть и газ: Индукционный зонд, Надтепловой каротаж, Accelerated Porosity Sonde40) Электротехника: Arizona Public Service Company (название компании)41) Нанотехнологии: воздушно-плазменное напыление, air plasma spray, air plasma spraying42) Общественная организация: Association For Practical Shooting43) Должность: Agricultural Production Specialist45) Программное обеспечение: Agenda Productivity Suite -
19 Aps
1) Компьютерная техника: Active Pixel Sensor, Active Pixel Sensors, Advanced Production System, All Processes Suspended, Application Print Services, Application Protection System, adaptive polarization shaping, Advances Planning and Scheduling, система оптимизационного планирования производства2) Биология: adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate3) Авиация: рейтинг контроля подхода по средствам наблюдения4) Морской термин: (Arrival Pilot Station) Пункт (порт) начала лоцманской проводки5) Медицина: autoimmune polyglandular syndrome, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, антитромбоцитарная иммунная сыворотка6) Спорт: Air Precision Shooting7) Военный термин: ASARS Processing Segment, ASARS-II Processing Segment, Advanced Power System, Afloat Pre-positioning Ship, Air Pictorial Service, Air Planning System, Allied publications, Army Pictorial Service, Army Pilot School, Army Postal Service, Automatic Point And Shoot, Automatic Provisioning System, accessory power supply, active protection system, actual parade state, advanced personnel system, aerial port squadron, airborne pulse search, antenna pointing subsystem, armor-piercing shell, assistant private secretary, automatic programming system, auxiliary power supply, auxiliary propulsion system8) Техника: American Physic Society, accident-prone situation, acoustical protection system, adaptive processor sonar, aft propulsion system, air breathing propulsion system, airborne pulse search radar, ammonium polysulfide, amplifier power supply, angular position sensor, arc-plasma spraying, automatic positioning system, automatic protection switch9) Химия: аммония персульфат (Ammonium PerSulphate), полисульфид аммония (ammonium polysulfide)10) Юридический термин: Adult Protective Services, Attending Physicians Statements11) Автомобильный термин: absolute pressure sensor (GM), atmospheric pressure sensor (Mazda), Acoustic Parking System12) Ветеринария: American Physiological Society13) Оптика: advanced photon source14) Телевидение: automatic program search15) Телекоммуникации: Affordable Portable Services, Automatic Protection Switching (SONET)16) Сокращение: Academy of Political Science, Adaptive Processor System (sonar), Address Program Support Office (Office of Operations Support), Adjustment Processing System, Advanced Fighter Crew Protection System, Advanced Planning System, Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Advanced Propulsion System, Aerial Post Squadron (USAF), Afloat Planning System (USA), Afloat Planning System, Aiming & Pointing System, Aiming and Pointing System (USMC), Aircraft Position Sensor, Aircraft Prepared for Service, American Peace Society, American Peat Society, American Pediatric Society, American Philatelic Society, American Philosophical Society, American Physical Society, American Protestant Society, Artillery Pointing System, Associate of the Pharmaceutical Society, Atomic Power Station, Automatic Pointing System, Auxiliary Power System, Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome, advanced planning/scheduling17) Университет: Academic Program Summary, Applied Problem Solving18) Физиология: Absolutely Precious Skin, Active Positive Symbiosis19) Электроника: Advanced Power Stability, Analog Protection System, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Antennas and Propagation Society20) Вычислительная техника: Application Page Server, Automated Patent System, Automatic Protection Switching, attached processor system, Application Service Provider (WAN), автоматизированная патентная система21) Нефть: abandon platform shutdown22) Иммунология: Advance Photo System23) Банковское дело: средняя доля сбережений в доходе (average propensity to save)24) Транспорт: Active Point System, Airway Planning Standard, Asset Positioning System, Auto Pilot System25) Фирменный знак: Academic Publishing Service, Amateur Pageantry Systems26) Экология: accelerated photosynthetic system27) Реклама: Общество Артура Пейджа28) СМИ: Advanced Photo System, All Programs And Sounds29) Деловая лексика: Administration Planning And Statistics, Advanced Planning Systems, Analytical Planning Scheduling, Approved Program Sequence, Automated Planning And Scheduling, Automated Process Scheduler30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: abandon platform shutdown (Orlan platform)31) Образование: Ability Point Skill32) Инвестиции: average propensity to save33) Сетевые технологии: Aol Password Stealer, Application Provider Services, Asynchronous Port Switch, Asynchronous Protocol Specification, спецификация асинхронного протокола34) Полимеры: American Petroleum Society, average particle size( фракционный состав)35) Общая лексика: auto priming system36) Химическое оружие: Army Planning System37) Безопасность: auto polarity switching38) Расширение файла: Advanced Printing Service (IBM)39) Нефть и газ: Индукционный зонд, Надтепловой каротаж, Accelerated Porosity Sonde40) Электротехника: Arizona Public Service Company (название компании)41) Нанотехнологии: воздушно-плазменное напыление, air plasma spray, air plasma spraying42) Общественная организация: Association For Practical Shooting43) Должность: Agricultural Production Specialist45) Программное обеспечение: Agenda Productivity Suite -
20 aps
1) Компьютерная техника: Active Pixel Sensor, Active Pixel Sensors, Advanced Production System, All Processes Suspended, Application Print Services, Application Protection System, adaptive polarization shaping, Advances Planning and Scheduling, система оптимизационного планирования производства2) Биология: adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate3) Авиация: рейтинг контроля подхода по средствам наблюдения4) Морской термин: (Arrival Pilot Station) Пункт (порт) начала лоцманской проводки5) Медицина: autoimmune polyglandular syndrome, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, антитромбоцитарная иммунная сыворотка6) Спорт: Air Precision Shooting7) Военный термин: ASARS Processing Segment, ASARS-II Processing Segment, Advanced Power System, Afloat Pre-positioning Ship, Air Pictorial Service, Air Planning System, Allied publications, Army Pictorial Service, Army Pilot School, Army Postal Service, Automatic Point And Shoot, Automatic Provisioning System, accessory power supply, active protection system, actual parade state, advanced personnel system, aerial port squadron, airborne pulse search, antenna pointing subsystem, armor-piercing shell, assistant private secretary, automatic programming system, auxiliary power supply, auxiliary propulsion system8) Техника: American Physic Society, accident-prone situation, acoustical protection system, adaptive processor sonar, aft propulsion system, air breathing propulsion system, airborne pulse search radar, ammonium polysulfide, amplifier power supply, angular position sensor, arc-plasma spraying, automatic positioning system, automatic protection switch9) Химия: аммония персульфат (Ammonium PerSulphate), полисульфид аммония (ammonium polysulfide)10) Юридический термин: Adult Protective Services, Attending Physicians Statements11) Автомобильный термин: absolute pressure sensor (GM), atmospheric pressure sensor (Mazda), Acoustic Parking System12) Ветеринария: American Physiological Society13) Оптика: advanced photon source14) Телевидение: automatic program search15) Телекоммуникации: Affordable Portable Services, Automatic Protection Switching (SONET)16) Сокращение: Academy of Political Science, Adaptive Processor System (sonar), Address Program Support Office (Office of Operations Support), Adjustment Processing System, Advanced Fighter Crew Protection System, Advanced Planning System, Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Advanced Propulsion System, Aerial Post Squadron (USAF), Afloat Planning System (USA), Afloat Planning System, Aiming & Pointing System, Aiming and Pointing System (USMC), Aircraft Position Sensor, Aircraft Prepared for Service, American Peace Society, American Peat Society, American Pediatric Society, American Philatelic Society, American Philosophical Society, American Physical Society, American Protestant Society, Artillery Pointing System, Associate of the Pharmaceutical Society, Atomic Power Station, Automatic Pointing System, Auxiliary Power System, Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome, advanced planning/scheduling17) Университет: Academic Program Summary, Applied Problem Solving18) Физиология: Absolutely Precious Skin, Active Positive Symbiosis19) Электроника: Advanced Power Stability, Analog Protection System, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Antennas and Propagation Society20) Вычислительная техника: Application Page Server, Automated Patent System, Automatic Protection Switching, attached processor system, Application Service Provider (WAN), автоматизированная патентная система21) Нефть: abandon platform shutdown22) Иммунология: Advance Photo System23) Банковское дело: средняя доля сбережений в доходе (average propensity to save)24) Транспорт: Active Point System, Airway Planning Standard, Asset Positioning System, Auto Pilot System25) Фирменный знак: Academic Publishing Service, Amateur Pageantry Systems26) Экология: accelerated photosynthetic system27) Реклама: Общество Артура Пейджа28) СМИ: Advanced Photo System, All Programs And Sounds29) Деловая лексика: Administration Planning And Statistics, Advanced Planning Systems, Analytical Planning Scheduling, Approved Program Sequence, Automated Planning And Scheduling, Automated Process Scheduler30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: abandon platform shutdown (Orlan platform)31) Образование: Ability Point Skill32) Инвестиции: average propensity to save33) Сетевые технологии: Aol Password Stealer, Application Provider Services, Asynchronous Port Switch, Asynchronous Protocol Specification, спецификация асинхронного протокола34) Полимеры: American Petroleum Society, average particle size( фракционный состав)35) Общая лексика: auto priming system36) Химическое оружие: Army Planning System37) Безопасность: auto polarity switching38) Расширение файла: Advanced Printing Service (IBM)39) Нефть и газ: Индукционный зонд, Надтепловой каротаж, Accelerated Porosity Sonde40) Электротехника: Arizona Public Service Company (название компании)41) Нанотехнологии: воздушно-плазменное напыление, air plasma spray, air plasma spraying42) Общественная организация: Association For Practical Shooting43) Должность: Agricultural Production Specialist45) Программное обеспечение: Agenda Productivity Suite
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См. также в других словарях:
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