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  • 1 prayer

    noun (an) act of praying: a book of prayer; The child said his prayers; My prayers have been answered (=I've got what I desired). malda, poteriai

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > prayer

  • 2 chant

    1. verb
    1) (to recite in a singing manner: The monks were chanting their prayers.) giedoti
    2) (to repeat (a phrase, slogan etc) over and over out loud: The crowd was chanting `We want more!') skanduoti
    2. noun
    1) (a kind of sacred song.) giesmė
    2) (a phrase or slogan constantly repeated: `Stop the cuts!' was the chant.) šūkis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > chant

  • 3 rosary

    plural - rosaries; noun
    ((a string of beads representing) a group of prayers, used by Roman Catholics.) rožančius, rožinis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > rosary

  • 4 say

    [sei] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - says; verb
    1) (to speak or utter: What did you say?; She said `Yes'.) sakyti
    2) (to tell, state or declare: She said how she had enjoyed meeting me; She is said to be very beautiful.) (pa)sakyti
    3) (to repeat: The child says her prayers every night.) kalbėti, kartoti
    4) (to guess or estimate: I can't say when he'll return.) pasakyti
    2. noun
    (the right or opportunity to state one's opinion: I haven't had my say yet; We have no say in the decision.) teisė/galimybė pareikšti nuomonę
    - have
    - I wouldn't say no to
    - let's say
    - say
    - say the word
    - that is to say

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > say

См. также в других словарях:

  • prayer book — noun a book containing prayers • Syn: ↑prayerbook • Hypernyms: ↑book • Hyponyms: ↑breviary, ↑missal, ↑Psalter, ↑Book of Psalms * * * …   Useful english dictionary

  • prayer wheel — noun a cylinder with prayers written on it; each revolution counts as uttering the prayers; used especially by Buddhists in Tibet • Hypernyms: ↑prayer, ↑petition, ↑orison * * * noun : a cylinder of wood or metal revolving on an axis and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • prayer — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ little, quick, short ▪ She whispered a little prayer. ▪ private, quiet, silent ▪ S …   Collocations dictionary

  • prayer — noun 1 (C) words that you say when praying to God, especially a fixed form of words: We all had to say our prayers before going to bed. (+ for): a prayer for the deceased 2 (U) the act of praying or the regular habit of praying: the power of… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • prayer flag — noun : a flag on which a Buddhist prayer is printed that is flown in the belief that the prayer is wafted continuously as the flag flutters in the breeze * * * /prair/ a flag stamped with printed prayers, used by Himalayan Buddhists, who believe… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rosary — noun /ˈroʊzəri/ a) A series of Roman Catholic prayers, usually made up of five, fifteen, or twenty decades of Hail Marys, each decade beginning with Our Father and ending with a Gloria Be to the Father. Other prayers are also incorporated into… …   Wiktionary

  • prayer beads — noun a string of beads used in counting prayers (especially by Catholics) • Syn: ↑rosary • Hypernyms: ↑beads, ↑string of beads * * * /prair/ a rosary. [1620 30] * * * prayer beads UK US noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stations of the Cross — noun (Roman Catholic Church) a devotion consisting of fourteen prayers said before a series of fourteen pictures or carvings representing successive incidents during Jesus passage from Pilate s house to his crucifixion at Calvary • Syn: ↑Stations …   Useful english dictionary

  • canonical hour — noun a) Any of certain times of day at which specified prayers are said according to canon law b) The prayers said at these times …   Wiktionary

  • canonical hours — noun a) The times of day at which canon law prescribes certain prayers to be said; matins with lauds, prime, tierce, sext, nones, vespers, and complin b) …   Wiktionary

  • rosary — noun 1 (C) a string of beads used by Roman Catholics for counting prayers 2 the Rosary the set of prayers that are said by Roman Catholics while counting rosary beads …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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