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  • 1 pray

    1. моля се, чета молитви
    to PRAY forgiveness моля за прошка
    2. моля, умолявам
    (I) PRAY (you) моля (ви се)
    to PRAY in aid призовавам/моля за помощ
    to be past PRAYing for безнадеждно болен съм, загубен съм, безнадеждно глупав съм
    * * *
    {prei} v 1. моля се; чета молитви; to pray forgiveness моля за прош
    * * *
    * * *
    1. (i) pray (you) моля (ви се) 2. to be past praying for безнадеждно болен съм, загубен съм, безнадеждно глупав съм 3. to pray forgiveness моля за прошка 4. to pray in aid призовавам/моля за помощ 5. моля се, чета молитви 6. моля, умолявам
    * * *
    pray [prei] v 1. моля се; чета молитви; to \pray God's forgiveness моля Бог за прошка; 2. рядко моля, умолявам; (I) \pray ( you) моля (ви се); what good will that do, \pray? каква полза от това, моля ви се? to \pray in aid призовавам помощта на; to be past \praying for неизлечимо болен съм; непоправимо глупав съм; загубен съм.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > pray

См. также в других словарях:

  • pray in aid — phrasal or pray aid : to claim or call in aid (as when under English law calls are made upon another for assistance in proving one s title or right) see aid 4 * * * pray in aid (law; Shakespeare) To call in, or call for, help • • • Main Entry:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pray in aid — In old English practice, to call upon for assistance. In real actions, the tenant might pray in aid or call for assistance of another, to help him to plead, because of the feebleness or imbecility of his own estate. In current English practice,… …   Black's law dictionary

  • pray in aid — verb a) To resort to the help (of); to call on the support (of), especially to help prove an argument. Other, smaller craters in the North Sea and Ukraine have been prayed in aid of this theory. b) To ask for the help of (someone or something) in …   Wiktionary

  • To pray in aid — Pray Pray, v. t. 1. To address earnest request to; to supplicate; to entreat; to implore; to beseech. [1913 Webster] And as this earl was preyed, so did he. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] We pray you . . . by ye reconciled to God. 2 Cor. v. 20. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To pray in aid — Aid Aid, n. [F. aide, OF. a[ i]de, a[ i]e, fr. the verb. See {Aid}, v. t.] 1. Help; succor; assistance; relief. [1913 Webster] An unconstitutional mode of obtaining aid. Hallam. [1913 Webster] 2. The person or thing that promotes or helps in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pray — Pray, v. t. 1. To address earnest request to; to supplicate; to entreat; to implore; to beseech. [1913 Webster] And as this earl was preyed, so did he. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] We pray you . . . by ye reconciled to God. 2 Cor. v. 20. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Aid — Aid, n. [F. aide, OF. a[ i]de, a[ i]e, fr. the verb. See {Aid}, v. t.] 1. Help; succor; assistance; relief. [1913 Webster] An unconstitutional mode of obtaining aid. Hallam. [1913 Webster] 2. The person or thing that promotes or helps in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Aid prayer — Aid Aid, n. [F. aide, OF. a[ i]de, a[ i]e, fr. the verb. See {Aid}, v. t.] 1. Help; succor; assistance; relief. [1913 Webster] An unconstitutional mode of obtaining aid. Hallam. [1913 Webster] 2. The person or thing that promotes or helps in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pray aid — phrasal see pray in aid …   Useful english dictionary

  • aid-prayer — A prayer or demand that other parties shall be joined in the action and help defend his title, which a defendant tenant may make in a real action as a preliminary step before putting in his plea. He may thus call for assistance because of the… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • pray|er — prayer1 «prair», noun. 1. the act of praying: »Prayer as communion with the deity is not characteristic of Japanese Buddhism (Atlantic). 2. the thing prayed for: »Their prayer was for peace. Our prayers were granted. 3. a form of words to be used …   Useful english dictionary

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