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  • 1 server

    1) ((usually in plural) a utensil used in serving food: salad servers.) servírovací vozík
    2) (a person who serves (a ball).) podávajúci hráč, -ka

    English-Slovak dictionary > server

  • 2 time-server

    • oportunista

    English-Slovak dictionary > time-server

  • 3 serve

    [sə:v] 1. verb
    1) (to work for a person etc eg as a servant: He served his master for forty years.) slúžiť
    2) (to distribute food etc or supply goods: She served the soup to the guests; Which shop assistant served you (with these goods)?) podávať, obsluhovať
    3) (to be suitable for a purpose: This upturned bucket will serve as a seat.) slúžiť
    4) (to perform duties, eg as a member of the armed forces: He served (his country) as a soldier for twenty years; I served on the committee for five years.) slúžiť; pracovať
    5) (to undergo (a prison sentence): He served (a sentence of) six years for armed robbery.) odsedieť si (trest)
    6) (in tennis and similar games, to start the play by throwing up the ball etc and hitting it: He served the ball into the net; Is it your turn to serve?) podávať
    2. noun
    (act of serving (a ball).) podanie
    - serving
    - it serves you right
    - serve an apprenticeship
    - serve out
    - serve up
    * * *
    • servírovat
    • slúžit
    • obslúžit
    • odsediet si trest

    English-Slovak dictionary > serve

См. также в других словарях:

  • Server emulator — is a term that is used to refer to an internet server that mimics the behavior of another server that is usually more well known. This is implemented through cloning or reverse engineering of the original server. Other synonyms include server… …   Wikipedia

  • Server — may refer to:In computing: *Server (computing), a server application, operating system, computer, or appliance **Application server, a server dedicated to running certain software applications **Communications server, carrier grade computing… …   Wikipedia

  • Server Djeparov — Personal information Full name Server Resatovich Djeparov Date of birth 3 October 1982 ( …   Wikipedia

  • Server-side scripting — is a web server technology in which a user s request is fulfilled by running a script directly on the web server to generate dynamic HTML pages. It is usually used to provide interactive web sites, that interface to databases or other data stores …   Wikipedia

  • Server Side Includes — (SSI) is a simple interpreted server side scripting language used almost exclusively for the Web. The most frequent use of SSI is to include the contents of one or more files into a web page on a web server. For example, a web page containing a… …   Wikipedia

  • Server-side — refers to operations that are performed by the server in a client server relationship in computer networking.Typically, a server is a software program, such as a web server, that runs on a remote server, reachable from a user s local computer or… …   Wikipedia

  • server — serv‧er [ˈsɜːvə ǁ ˈsɜːrvər] also ˈfile ˌserver noun [countable] COMPUTING a powerful computer used to store large amounts of information and to connect other smaller computers in a network. The smaller computers are sometimes called client S …   Financial and business terms

  • Server Pages — are scripts that are embedded in HTML and processed on the server before the page is sent to the client s web browser. This concept is explained generally at Server side scripting.Examples of server pages implementations are:* Active Server Pages …   Wikipedia

  • Server Jung — Nawab Agha Mirza Beg Khan, Server Jung Bahadur (* 1848 in Delhi), war in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhundert im indischen Fürstenstaat Hyderabad Lehrmeister des zukünftigen Diwan Salar Jung II. und des Nizam Asaf Jah VI. E …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Server-side JavaScript — (SSJS) refers to JavaScript that runs on server side. This term was coined because the language is predominantly used on the client side, i.e. client side JavaScript (CSJS).The first implementation of SSJS was Netscape s LiveWire, included in… …   Wikipedia

  • Server side includes — Les Server Side Includes, abrégés SSI, sont un langage de programmation fait pour être interprété par un serveur HTTP lorsqu il sert un document HTML. Ce langage tire son nom de sa principale utilisation : inclure plusieurs fichiers pour… …   Wikipédia en Français

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