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  • 1 postpone

    (to cancel until a future time: The football match has been postponed (till tomorrow).) αναβάλλω

    English-Greek dictionary > postpone

  • 2 Postpone

    v. trans.
    P. and V. ναβάλλεσθαι (Eur., Alc. 526), εἰς αὖθις ποτθεσθαι; see also Delay.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Postpone

  • 3 postpone


    English-Greek new dictionary > postpone

  • 4 put off

    1) (to switch off (a light etc): Please put the light off!) σβήνω
    2) (to delay; to postpone: He put off leaving / his departure till Thursday.) αναβάλλω
    3) (to cancel an arranged meeting etc with (a person): I had to put the Browns off because I had 'flu.) ακυρώνω
    4) (to cause (a person) to feel disgust or dislike (for): The cheese looked nice but the smell put me off; The conversation about illness put me off my dinner.) απωθώ,κόβω τη όρεξη

    English-Greek dictionary > put off

  • 5 Put

    v. trans.
    P. and V. τιθέναι.
    Setup: P. and V. καθίζειν.
    Appoint: P. and V. καθιστναι, τάσσειν, προστάσσειν.
    Be put: P. and V. κεῖσθαι.
    Put ( a question): P. and V. προτιθέναι.
    Put around: P. and V. περιβάλλειν, Ar. and P περιτιθέναι, V. ἀμφιβάλλειν, Ar. and V. ἀμφιτιθέναι.
    Put aside: see put off, put away.
    Put aside a garment: Ar. κατατθεσθαι.
    met., put aside a feeling: P. and V. φιέναι, μεθιέναι, V. παριέναι.
    Put away: Ar. and P. ποτθεσθαι.
    Set aside as reserve: P. χωρὶς τίθεσθαι. Ar. and P. ποτθεσθαι.
    Divorce: P. ἐκπέμπειν, ἐκβάλλειν.
    Put away ( in eating): Ar. ποτθεσθαι (Eq. 1219).
    met., dismiss a feeling: P. and V. φιέναι. μεθιέναι, V. παριέναι.
    Put before: P. and V. προτιθέναι; see lay before.
    Put by: see put aside.
    Put by one: P. and V. παρατθεσθαι (Eur., Cycl. 390).
    Put down, lit.: P. and V. κατατιθέναι (Eur., Cycl. 547).
    As payment on deposit: Ar. and P. κατατιθέναι.
    Put down to anyone's account: P. and V. ναφέρειν (τι εἰς τινά); see Impute.
    I volunlarily gave the sums spent and did not put them down ( to the states account): P. τἀνηλωμένα ἐπέδωκα καὶ οὐκ ἐλογιζόμην (Dem. 264).
    Put an end to: P. and V. καθαιρεῖν, παύειν, λειν, Ar. and P. καταπαύειν, καταλειν.
    Help to put down: P. συγκαταλύειν (acc.)
    Subdue: P. and V. καταστρέφεσθαι, κατεργάζεσθαι.
    Put forth, germinate: P. and V. φειν; see Yield.
    Exert: P. and V. χρῆσθαι (dat.); see Show.
    Put out to sea: see put out.
    Put forward as spokesman: P. προτάσσειν.
    Put forward for election: P. προβάλλειν (Dem. 276).
    Introduce: P. and V. ἐπάγειν, εἰσάγειν, εἰσφέρειν, προσφέρειν, προτιθέναι.
    Put forward as an excuse: P. and V. προβάλλειν (mid. also P.), προὔχεσθαι, προΐστασθαι (Eur., Cycl. 319), V. προτείνειν.
    Put in: P. and V. εἰστιθέναι, ἐντιθέναι, ἐμβάλλειν.
    Put in, introduce ( evidence): P. ἐμβάλλειν.
    Put in the witness box: P. ἀναβιβάζειν (τινά).
    V. intrans. In nautical sense: P. and V. κατγεσθαι, P. σχεῖν ( 2nd aor. of ἔχειν), καταίρειν, προσβάλλειν.
    Put in at: P. σχεῖν (dat. or πρός, acc.) ( 2nd aor. of ἔχειν), προσβάλλειν (dat. or πρός, acc. or εἰς, acc.), ναῦν κατάγειν (εἰς, acc.), προσίσχειν (dat.), προσμίσγειν (dat.), καταίρειν (εἰς, acc.), κατίσχειν (εἰς, acc.), P. and V. προσσχεῖν ( 2nd aor. προσέχειν) (dat. or εἰς acc., V. also acc., alone), κατγεσθαι (εἰς, acc., V. acc. alone), V. κέλλειν (εἰς, acc., πρός, acc., ἐπ, acc., or acc. alone); see touch at.
    Whose puts in at this land: V. ὃς ἂν κατέλθῃ τήνδε γῆν (Eur., I.T. 39).
    Putting in at Malea: V. Μαλέᾳ προσίσχων πρῷραν (Eur., Or. 362).
    Put in mind: see Remind.
    Put in practice: P. and V. χρῆσθαι (dat.).
    Put off ( clothes): P. and V. ἐκδεσθαι, Ar. and P. ποδεσθαι.
    Postpone: P. and V. ναβάλλεσθαι (Eur., Alc. 526), εἰς αὖθις ποτθεσθαι.
    If a man sins against you in any way you put off till another time your anger against him: κἂν ὁτιοῦν τις εἰς ὑμᾶς ἐξαμάρτῃ τούτῳ τὴν ὀργὴν εἰς τἆλλα ἔχετε (Dem. 259).
    Put out to sea: see put out.
    Evade: P. ἐκκρούειν, διακρούεσθαι; see Evade.
    They put you off by saying he is not making war on the city: P. ἀναβάλλουσιν ὑμᾶς λέγοντες ὡς ἐκεῖνός γε οὐ πολεμεῖ τῇ πόλει (Dem. 114).
    I put them off, speaking them fair in word: V. ἐγὼ δὲ διαφέρω λόγοισι μυθεύουσα (Eur., H.F. 76).
    Put on: P. and V. ἐπιτιθέναι, προστιθέναι.
    Put on (clothes, etc.): P. and V. ἐνδειν, περιβάλλειν, Ar. and P. ἀμφιεννναι, V. ἀμφιβάλλειν, ἀμφιδεσθαι, Ar. and V. ἀμφιτιθέναι, ἀμπίσχειν.
    Feign: Ar. and P. προσποιεῖσθαι.
    Put on, adj.: P. προσποιητός.
    Sham: P. and V. πλαστός (Xen.), V. ποιητός.
    Put out, cast out: P. and V. ἐκβάλλειν.
    Stretch out: P. and V. ἐκτείνειν, προτείνειν.
    Extinguish: P. and V. σβεννναι (Thuc. 2, 77), ποσβεννναι, κατασβεννναι; see Quench.
    Put out ( the eyes): V. ἐκτρβειν (Eur., Cycl. 475); see Blind.
    Put out ( at interest or on cuntract): P. ἐκδιδόναι.
    Put out of the way: P. and V. πεξαιρεῖν, φανίζειν, P. ἐκποδὼν ποιεῖσθαι.
    Annoy: P. and V. ὄχλον παρέχειν (dat.), Ar. and P. πράγματα παρέχειν (dat.), ἐνοχλεῖν (acc. or dat.), V. ὀχλεῖν.
    Disconcert: P. and V. ταράσσειν, ἐκπλήσσειν.
    Put out to sea: P. and V. παίρειν, νγεσθαι, ἐξανγεσθαι, P. ἐπανάγεσθαι, ἀναγωγὴν ποιεῖσθαι, ἀναπλεῖν, αἴρειν.
    Put out ( against an enemy): P. ἀντανάγεσθαι (absol.), ἀντανάγειν (absol.).
    Put out in advance: P. προανάγεσθαι.
    Put out secretly: P. ὑπεξανάγεσθαι.
    Put out with others: P. συνανάγεσθαι (absol.).
    Put over, set in command: P. and V. ἐφιστναι (τινά τινι).
    Put round: see put around.
    Put to: see Shut.
    Though hard put to it, he got round unobserved: P. χαλεπῶς τε καὶ μόλις περιελθὼν ἔλαθε (Thuc. 4, 36).
    Put to sea: see put out.
    Put together: P. and V. συντιθέναι.
    Put under: P. and V. ποβάλλειν (τί τινι) (Xen.).
    Put up ( to auction): P. ἀποκηρύσσειν.
    Put up ( a person to speak): P. ἐνιέναι (ἐνίημι) (Thuc. 6, 29).
    Put forward: P. προτάσσειν.
    Put a person up to a thing: use encourage, suggest.
    Put up ( for the night): Ar. and P. καταλύειν.
    Put up (a house, etc.): P. καταλύειν (εἰς, acc.); see Lodge.
    Put up with: P. and V. φέρειν, νέχεσθαι, πέχειν, φίστασθαι; see Endure.
    Acquiesce in: P. and V. στέργειν (acc. or dat.), P. ἀγαπᾶν (acc. or dat.), V. αἰνεῖν (acc.).
    Put upon: see put on.
    met., oppress: P. and V. δικεῖν, κακοῦν.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Put

  • 6 Stave

    Pole: P. and V. κοντός, ὁ; see also stick.
    Stave in, v.: P. and V. συντρβειν; see Break.
    Stave off: P. and V. πέχειν, ποτρέπειν, ποστρέφειν, πωθεῖν.
    Ward off: P. and V. μνειν, εἴργειν.
    Get rid of: P. and V. παλλάσσεσθαι (gen.); see also Postpone.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Stave

  • 7 Stay

    Support, prop: P. and V. ἔρεισμα, τό.
    met., V. ἔρεισμα, τό, στῦλος, ὁ; see also Bulwark.
    Well, this too is a pleasant stay against hunger: V. ἀλλʼ ἡδὺ λιμοῦ καὶ τόδε σχετήριον (Eur., Cycl. 135).
    Rope, forestay: V. πρότονος, ὁ.
    Sojourn: P. ἐπιδημία, ἡ.
    Spending one's time: P. and V. μονή, ἡ, διατριβή, ἡ.
    Putting off: P. and V. ναβολή, ἡ, V. ἀμβολή, ἡ; see Delay.
    Hindrance: P. κώλυμα, τό, ἐμπόδισμα, τό; see Hindrance.
    v. trans.
    Halt: P. and V. ἱστναι.
    Hinder: P. and V. κωλειν, ἐμποδίζειν, ἐπικωλειν; see Hinder.
    Check: P. and V. κατέχειν, ἐπέχειν, Ar. and V. ἴσχειν (rare P.); see Check.
    Put an end to: P. and V. παύειν, περαίνειν; see End.
    Postpone: P. and V. ναβάλλεσθαι, εἰς αὖθις ποτθεσθαι.
    Stay one's hand: P. and V. πέχεσθαι, φίστασθαι.
    V. intrans.
    Halt: P. and V. ἵστασθαι.
    Wait: P. and V. ἐπέχειν; see also Delay.
    Sojourn: Ar. and P. ἐπιδημεῖν.
    Dwell: P. and V. οἰκεῖν, κατοικεῖν; see Dwell.
    Lodge: Ar. and P. καταλειν, P. κατάγεσθαι.
    Remain: P. and V. μένειν, παραμένειν, ναμένειν, περιμένειν, Ar. and P. καταμένειν, P. διαμένειν, ὑπομένειν, V. μίμνειν, προσμένειν, ἀμμένειν.
    P. and V. παῦε, ἐπίσχες, Ar. and P. ἔχε, V. παῦσαι, ἴσχε, σχές.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Stay

См. также в других словарях:

  • postpone — post·pone vt post·poned, post·pon·ing 1: to put off to a later time 2: to place later in precedence, preference, or importance; specif: to subordinate (a lien) to a later lien post·pon·able adj post·pone·ment n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary …   Law dictionary

  • postpone — post‧pone [pəæʊstˈpəʊn ǁ poʊsˈpoʊn] verb [transitive] to change the date or time of a planned event to a later one: • The meeting has been postponed until next Tuesday. * * * postpone UK US /pəʊstˈpəʊn/ verb [T] ► to decide that an event should… …   Financial and business terms

  • Postpone — Post*pone , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Postponed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Postponing}.] [L. postponere, postpositum; post after + ponere to place, put. See {Post }, and {Position}.] 1. To defer to a future or later time; to put off; also, to cause to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • postpone — c.1500, from L. postponere put after, neglect, postpone, from post after + ponere put, place (see POSITION (Cf. position)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • postpone — *defer, suspend, stay, intermit Analogous words: *delay, retard, slow, slacken …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • postpone — [v] put off till later time adjourn, cool it*, defer, delay, give a rain check*, hang fire*, hold off, hold over, hold up, lay over, pigeonhole*, prorogue, put back, put on back burner*, put on hold, shelve, suspend, table; concept 130 Ant. carry …   New thesaurus

  • postpone — ► VERB ▪ arrange for (something) to take place at a time later than that first scheduled. DERIVATIVES postponement noun. ORIGIN Latin postponere, from post after + ponere to place …   English terms dictionary

  • postpone — [pōst pōn′] vt. postponed, postponing [L postponere < post , POST + ponere, to put: see POSITION] 1. to put off until later; defer; delay 2. to put at or near the end of the sentence [the German verb is postponed] 3. Rare to subordinate …   English World dictionary

  • postpone — 01. We ve had to [postpone] the picnic because a number of people are busy that day. 02. The search for the plane that crashed in the mountains has been [postponed] due to bad weather. 03. I m afraid that if we decide to [postpone] our wedding,… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • postpone — verb sorry, we ll have to postpone the relay race Syn: put off/back, delay, defer, reschedule, adjourn, shelve, put over, take a rain check on; informal put on ice, put on the back burner; rare remit Ant: bring forward •• postpone, adjourn, defer …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • postpone — verb ADVERB ▪ indefinitely ▪ The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest. ▪ merely, only ▪ The inevitable conflict was merely postponed till the next meeting …   Collocations dictionary

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