1 possessive instinct
собственнический инстинкт.* * *собственнический инстинкт. -
2 possessive instinct
1) Психология: инстинкт обладания2) Реклама: собственнический инстинкт -
3 possessive instinct
Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > possessive instinct
4 possessive instinct
инстинкт обладанияEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > possessive instinct
5 possessive instinct
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > possessive instinct
6 possessive
1. [pəʹzesıv] n1. 1) притяжательный падеж2) притяжательное местоимение2. родительный (падеж) принадлежности2. [pəʹzesıv] a1. 1) относящийся к собственности2) собственническийpossessive wife [mother] - жена-собственница [мать-собственница]
2. грам. притяжательный -
7 instinct
1. n инстинкт2. n внутреннее чутьё, интуиция; природная, врождённая способностьhe has an instinct for always saying the right thing — он всегда чувствует, что именно нужно сказать
3. a predic книжн. полный, преисполненныйСинонимический ряд:1. head (noun) ability; aptitude; aptness; bent; faculty; flair; genius; gift; head; inclination; knack; sense; talent2. impulse (noun) impulse; nature; predisposition3. insight (noun) insight; intuition; intuitiveness -
8 possessive
[pə'zesɪv]adjсобственнический, относящийся к собственности, неохотно делящийся с другими (чем-либо), ревниво относящийся к собственным вещамHe is so possessive about his new car, I don't think there is any chance of borrowing it even for an hour. — Он так ревностно относится к своей новой машине, что я думаю, он не одолжит ее даже на один час.
- be possessive about smb, smthFathers are very protective and ovter possessive about their daughters. — Отцы всегда защищают и часто ревниво относятся к своим дочерям
9 possessive
1. n притяжательный падеж2. n притяжательное местоимение3. n родительный принадлежности4. a относящийся к собственности5. a собственнический6. a грам. притяжательныйСинонимический ряд:1. acquisitive (adj.) acquisitive; hoarding; niggardly; selfish; stingy2. clinging (adj.) clinging; clutching; jealous; overprotective; possessory3. watchful (adj.) solicitous; suspicious; vigilant; watchfulАнтонимический ряд:generous; permissive -
10 possessive
pəˈzesɪv прил.
1) собственнический;
относящийся к собственности
2) грам. притяжательный possessive case ≈ притяжательный падеж possessive pronoun ≈ притяжательное местоимение притяжательный падеж притяжательное местоимение родительный( падеж) принадлежности относящийся к собственности - * rights права собственности собственнический - * instinct собственнический инстинкт - * wife жена-собственница (грамматика) притяжательный - * case притяжательный падеж - * pronoun притяжательное местоимение possessive грам. притяжательный;
possessive case притяжательный падеж;
possessive pronoun притяжательное местоимение ~ собственнический possessive грам. притяжательный;
possessive case притяжательный падеж;
possessive pronoun притяжательное местоимение possessive грам. притяжательный;
possessive case притяжательный падеж;
possessive pronoun притяжательное местоимениеБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > possessive
11 herd instinct
12 homing instinct
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > homing instinct
13 parental instinct
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > parental instinct
14 predatory instinct
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > predatory instinct
15 reproductive instinct
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > reproductive instinct
16 self-preservative instinct
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > self-preservative instinct
17 sex instinct
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > sex instinct
18 alliteration
the repetition of consonants, usually in the beginning of words... silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain (E.A.Poe)
The furrow followed free. (S.T.Coleridge)
The Italian trio tut-tuted their tongues at me. (T.Capote)
Nothing so exciting, so scandalous, so savouring of the black arts had startled Aberlaw since Trevor Day, the solicitor was suspected of killing his wife with arsenic. (A.Cronin - Citadel)
Source: V.A.K.••a) a phonetic stylistic device, which aims at imparting a melodic effect to the utteranceb) repetition of similar sounds, in particular consonant sounds, in close succession, particularly at the beginning of successive words"Gaunt as the ghastliest of glimpses that gleam through the gloom of the gloaming when ghosts go aghast"(poet parodies his own style. (Swinburne ( Nephelidia)
The possessive instinct never stands still. Through florescence and fend, frosts and fires it follows the laws of progression". (J.Galsworthy)
Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, // Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before". (E.A.Poe)
Source: I.R.G.••1) повтор согласных или гласных звуков в начале близко расположенных ударных слоговDoom is dark and deeper than any sea dingle. (W.Auden)
2) повтор начальных буквApt Alliteration's artful aid. (W.Auden)
Source: I.V.A.English-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) > alliteration
19 shoot one's bolt
1) приложить все усилия, не щадить сил, сделать всё возможноеHe had shot his bolt, and shot it hard, and now he was down on his back. If he hadn't starved himself, he wouldn't have been caught by la grippe. (J. London, ‘Martin Eden’, ch. XXVI) — Он слишком сильно натягивал тетиву, и она в конце концов лопнула. Если б он не изнурял себя так голодом и лишениями, болезнь не одолела бы его.
‘You've shot your bolt here... Go away and do some work, and see some things.’ (R. Kipling, ‘The Light That Failed’, ch. VIII) — Вы здесь больше ничего уже не добьетесь... Поезжайте куда-нибудь, побродите по белу свету, поработайте.
And yet he sometimes felt as if the family bolt was shot, their possessive instinct dying out. (J. Galsworthy, ‘To Let’, part III, ch. XI) — Тем не менее Сомсу казалось иногда, что его семья расстреляла все свои заряды, что ее собственнический инстинкт выдыхается.
20 shoot one's bolt
иcпытaть cвoи вoзмoжнocтиYou've shot your bolt here... Go away and do some work, and see some things (R. Kipling). And yet he sometimes felt as if the family bolt was shot, their possessive instinct dying out (J. Galsworthy)
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
excess — n Excess, superfluity, surplus, surplusage, overplus denote something which goes beyond a limit or bound. Excess applies to whatever exceeds a limit, measure, bound, or accustomed degree {in measure rein thy joy; scant this excess Shak.} {the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
ruin — n Ruin, havoc, devastation, destruction are comparable when they mean the bringing about of disaster or what is left by a disaster. They are general terms which do not definitely indicate the cause or the effect yet suggest the kind of force… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Apostrophe — redirects here. For other uses, see (disambiguation). Apostrophes redirects here. For the music book, see Apostrophes: A Book of Tributes to Masters of Music. For other uses, see Apostrophe (disambiguation). ’ Apostrophe … Wikipedia
possessif — possessif, ive [ pɔsesif, iv ] adj. et n. m. • 1380; lat. possessivus, de possidere → posséder I ♦ Gramm. 1 ♦ Qui marque une relation d appartenance, un rapport (de possession, de dépendance, etc.). Adjectifs possessifs (forme atone, faible). ⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle
English personal pronouns — For further archaic forms, and information on the evolution of the personal pronouns of English, see Old English pronouns. English grammar series English grammar Contraction Disputes in English grammar English compound English honorifics English… … Wikipedia
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me vs my — As in I vs me we usually choose the correct form by instinct. Me is used as the object of a verb or preposition. You use me to refer to yourself. In short answers, we usually use this form. For example: • Knock at the door Who s there?… … English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words
me vs my — As in I vs me we usually choose the correct form by instinct. Me is used as the object of a verb or preposition. You use me to refer to yourself. In short answers, we usually use this form. For example: • Knock at the door Who s there?… … English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words
List of commonly misused English words — This is a list of English words which are commonly misused. It is meant to include only words whose misuse is deprecated by most usage writers, editors, and other professional linguists of Standard English. It is possible that some of the… … Wikipedia