1 poplar gum
Австралийский сленг: эвкалипт белый (Eucalyptus alba; дерево со светлой гладкой корой) -
2 poplar gum
эвкалипт белый (Eucalyptus alba; дерево со светлой гладкой корой)Australia and New Zealand. English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > poplar gum
3 poplar
- angel-twig poplar
- Asiatic poplar
- balsam poplar
- bay poplar
- berry-bearing poplar
- black poplar
- bloomy poplar
- blue poplar
- Bolle's poplar
- browntwig poplar
- Californian poplar
- Chinese poplar
- downy poplar
- gray poplar
- gum poplar
- home-grown poplar
- Italian poplar
- Japan poplar
- Lombardy poplar
- necklace poplar
- river poplar
- rough-bark poplar
- silver poplar
- silver-leaf poplar
- swamp poplar
- trembling poplar
- tulip poplar
- water poplar
- white poplar
- willow poplar
- yellow poplar -
4 poplar
American poplar тополь осинообразный, Populus tremuloidesangel-twig poplar тополь угловатый, Populus angulataAsiatic poplar туранга, Populus diversifoliabalsam poplar тополь бальзамический, Populus balsamiferabay poplar нисса водная, Nussa aquaticaberry-bearing poplar тополь дельтовидный, тополь канадский, Populus deltoidesblack poplar осокорь, тополь чёрный, Populus nigrabloomy poplar тополь сизый, Populus pruinosablue poplar 1. лириодендрон тюльпанный, тюльпанное дерево, Liriodendron tulipifera; 2. липа американская, Titla americanaBolle's poplar тополь пирамидальный, тополь итальянский, Populus pyramidalisbrowntwig poplar тополь печальный, Populus tristisCalifornian poplar тополь волосисто-плодный, Populus trichocarpaChinese poplar тополь китайский, тополь Симона, Populus simoniidowny poplar тополь разнолистный, Populus heterophyllagray poplar тополь сереющий, Populus canescensgum poplar эвкалипт белый, Eucalyptus ablahome-grown poplar осокорь, тополь чёрный, Populus nigraItalian poplar тополь виргинский, Populus viginiana; тополь дельтовидный, тополь канадский, Populus deltoidesJapan poplar тополь Максимовича, Populus maximowicziiLombardy poplar тополь пирамидальный, тополь итальянский, Populus pyramidalisnecklace poplar тополь виргинский, Populus viginiana; тополь дельтовидный, тополь канадский, Populus deltoidesriver poplar тополь дельтовидный, тополь канадский, Populus deltoidesrough-bark poplar тополь бальзамический, Populus balsamiferasilver(-leaf) poplar тополь осинообразный, Populus tremuloidesswamp poplar тополь разнолистный, Populus heterophyllatrembling poplar тополь осинообразный, Populus tremuloidestulip poplar лириодендрон тюльпанный, тюльпанное дерево, Liriodendron tulipiferawater poplar тополь дельтовидный, тополь канадский, Populus deltoideswhite poplar 1. тополь белый, Populus alba; тополь осинообразный, Populus tremuloides; 2. липа американская, Titla americana; 3. лириодендрон тюльпанный, тюльпанное дерево, Liriodendron tulipiferawillow poplar осокорь, тополь чёрный, Populus nigrayellow poplar липа американская, Titla americanaEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > poplar
5 gum poplar
Биология: эвкалипт белый (Eucalyptus alba) -
6 gum poplar
7 moth
моль; бабочка- alder moth
- almond moth
- American moon moth
- Angoumois grain moth
- antique tussock moth
- antler moth
- apple fruit moth
- apple-leaf blister moth
- artichoke plume moth
- Atlas moth
- autumnal moth
- bagworm moths
- banded footman moth
- beautiful mining moth
- bedstraw hawk moth
- bee moth
- bee-hawk moth
- bella moth
- black-c-owlet moth
- blastobasid moths
- bright moths
- brown-tail moth
- bucculatricid moths
- bud moth
- buff tiger moth
- buff tip moth
- bumblebee hawk moth
- burnet moths
- cabbage moth
- cactus moth
- California tussock moth
- carl moths
- carpenter moths
- carpet moth
- casebearer moths
- case-bearing clothes moth
- cat-tail moth
- cecropia moth
- citrus bud moth
- clearwing moths
- clear-winged moth
- clothed-in-white footman moth
- clothes moth
- codling moth
- common goat moth
- common hawthorn moth
- common magpie moth
- cone pitch moth
- convolvulus hawk moth
- cosmopterygid moths
- cottonwood dagger moth
- cream-spot tiger moth
- ctenuchid moths
- cup moths
- currant borer moth
- currant moth
- cynthia moth
- dagger moth
- dark swordgrass moth
- dark tussock moth
- death's head hawk moth
- December moth
- dew moth
- diamondback moth
- Douglas-fir tussock moth
- douglasiid moths
- drinker moth
- ear moth
- early thorn moth
- eastern tent moth
- elachistid moths
- emperor moth
- endromid moths
- epermeniid moths
- eriocraniid moths
- ermine moth
- ethmiid moths
- European grain moth
- European pine shoot moth
- exclamator moth
- eyed hawk moth
- fairy moths
- fall webworm moth
- field moths
- figure-of-eight moth
- flannel moths
- flour moth
- footman moths
- forester moths
- four-spotted moth
- fox moth
- fur moth
- gall moth
- garden swift moth
- garden tiger moth
- gelechiid moths
- geometer moths
- geometrid moths
- ghost moth
- giant silkworm moths
- glyphipterygid moths
- goat moth
- gooseberry moth
- grape-berry moth
- grass moths
- gray dagger moth
- great winter moth
- greater wax moth
- gum leaf skeletonizer moth
- gypsy moth
- hawk moths
- hemp moth
- hepialid moths
- heteroceriid moths
- hickory tiger moth
- hickory tussock moth
- hooded owlet moth
- hook-tip moths
- hornet moth
- hummingbird hawk moth
- hummingbird moths
- hyaline-spotted clothes moth
- Indian meal moth
- io moth
- Isabella tiger moth
- kitten moth
- lappet moth
- larch lappet moth
- large emperor moth
- lawn moths
- leaf skeletonizer moths
- leaf-roller moth
- lemoniid moths
- leopard moths
- lesser bud moth
- lesser wax moth
- libytheid moths
- lichen moths
- lift moths
- lime-tree linden moth
- lime-tree winter moth
- lithosiid moths
- lobster moth
- locust-tree carpenter moth
- long-tailed sea moth
- luna moth
- lunar hornet moth
- lunas thorn moth
- magpie moth
- maia moth
- mandibulate moths
- many-plumed moths
- marsh moth
- meal moth
- meal snout moth
- measuring-worm moths
- micropterygid moths
- midget moths
- morphid moths
- mullein moth
- naked clothes moth
- Nantucket pine-tip moth
- nepticulid moths
- noctuid moths
- nolid moths
- notodontid moths
- nun moth
- oak moth
- oak procession moth
- oecophorid moths
- old tussock moth
- orache moth
- Oriental fruit moth
- owlet moths
- pale brindled beauty moth
- pale moth
- pale tussock moth
- pandora moth
- pea moth
- peacock moths
- pear codling moth
- peppered moth
- phalonid moths
- phycitid moths
- phyllocnistid moths
- pigmy moths
- pine clear-wing moth
- pine hawk moth
- pine looper moth
- pine moth
- pine sphinx moth
- pine-shoot moth
- pine-tip moth
- pitch pine-tip moth
- pitch twig moth
- plum moth
- plume moths
- Polyphemus moth
- ponderosa pine-tip moth
- poplar hawk moth
- Portland moth
- primitive moths
- privet hawk moth
- processionary moth
- Promethea moth
- puss moth
- pyralid moths
- pyraustid moths
- raisin moth
- regal moth
- rusty tussock moth
- satin moth
- scalloped oak moth
- scalloped owlet moth
- scallop-shell moth
- scarlet tiger moth
- scythrid moth
- sea moths
- sequoia moth
- shield moths
- short-cloaked moth
- silk moth
- silkworm moth
- six-spotted burnet moth
- slug caterpillar moths
- slug moths
- small ermine moths
- smoky moths
- snout moths
- solidago gall moth
- sphinx moths
- spotted clover moth
- spotted tussock moth
- spurge hawk moth
- stenomid moths
- sunflower moth
- swallow-tail moth
- swift moths
- sycamore moth
- sycamore tussock moth
- tapestry moth
- tent caterpillar moths
- tent moths
- thyatirid moths
- tiger moths
- tobacco moth
- tortricid moths
- tortricid onion moth
- tortrix moths
- tussock moths
- two-colored footman moth
- underwing moth
- vaporer moth
- vine hawk moth
- Virginia tiger moth
- v-moth
- water betony moth
- wax moths
- white-tipped moth
- window-winged moths
- winter moth
- wood leopard moth
- woolen moth
- woollen moth
- yellow diacrisia moth
- yellow-horned moth
- yucca moths
- Zimmerman's pine moth* * *
См. также в других словарях:
poplar gum — plačialapis eukaliptas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Mirtinių šeimos medieninis augalas (Eucalyptus platyphylla), paplitęs Australijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Eucalyptus platyphylla angl. poplar gum šaltinis Valstybinės lietuvių kalbos… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
poplar box — noun : an Australian gum tree (Eucalyptus polyanthemos) with ashy gray bark, nearly round long stalked leaves, and small umbellate flowers … Useful english dictionary
Balsam poplar — Taxobox color = lightgreen name = Balsam poplar image width = 240px image caption = Western Balsam Poplar Populus trichocarpa regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Malpighiales familia = Salicaceae genus =… … Wikipedia
bay poplar — noun Etymology: bay (V) 1. : tupelo gum 2. : the wood of tupelo gum * * * the tupelo, Nyssa aquatica … Useful english dictionary
List of Eucalyptus species — This is an alphabetical list of 734 Eucalyptus species and 3 hybrids. Hybrids are listed under the letter x (e.g., Eucalyptus x bennettiae). Contents 1 List 1.1 A 1.2 B 1.3 C … Wikipedia
Eucalyptus platyphylla — plačialapis eukaliptas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Mirtinių šeimos medieninis augalas (Eucalyptus platyphylla), paplitęs Australijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Eucalyptus platyphylla angl. poplar gum šaltinis Valstybinės lietuvių kalbos… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
plačialapis eukaliptas — statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Mirtinių šeimos medieninis augalas (Eucalyptus platyphylla), paplitęs Australijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Eucalyptus platyphylla angl. poplar gum šaltinis Valstybinės lietuvių kalbos komisijos 2008 m. birželio 25 … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
List of trees and shrubs by taxonomic family — The following is a list of trees and shrubs of high notoriety. Taxonomic families for the following trees and shrubs are listed in alphabetical order, likewise the genera and closely related species.=GYMNOSPERMS= =CONIFERS= Araucariaceae: The… … Wikipedia
List of woods — This is a list of woods, in particular those commonly used in the timber and lumber trade.See also: woods (golf clubs), forest, and the . Softwoods (conifers)* Araucaria ** Hoop Pine (Aus.) Araucaria cunninghamii ** Parana Pine (Brazil) Araucaria … Wikipedia
Plants in the Bible — • Discusses all of the types of plants mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Plants in the Bible Plants in the Bible … Catholic encyclopedia
List of plants by common name (Sonoran Desert) — This is a List of plants by common name (Sonoran Desert), for the Sonoran Desert and local environs; (S California, etc New Mexico, S, SW or Rio Grande Valley Northern Mexico states: Sonora, Chihuahua and Baja California, North and South, and… … Wikipedia