1 polynomial partition
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > polynomial partition
2 polynomial partition
Математика: разбиение многочлена -
3 polynomial partition
мат.English-Russian scientific dictionary > polynomial partition
4 polynomial
многочлен, полином || многочленный, полиномиальный- annulator polynomial - interpolation polynomial - polynomial of least deviation - polynomial of real numbersfirst-degree polynomial in f(x) — многочлен первой степени относительно функции f(x) и ее производных
5 partition
1) разделение; разбиение; расчленение || разделять; разбивать; расчленять2) перегородка || ставить перегородку3) раздел || подразделять4) простенок5) распределение || распределять• -
6 partition polynomial
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > partition polynomial
7 partition polynomial
Математика: многочлен разбиения -
8 partition polynomial
мат.English-Russian scientific dictionary > partition polynomial
9 разбиение многочлена
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > разбиение многочлена
10 function
1) функция, действие || функционировать; действовать- essential functions - routine function - safety-related functions2) функциональное назначение; роль- circuit function - intrinsic function - metering function - primary function - robot function - planning function - service function - support function4) функциональный узел ( машины)5) матем. функциональная зависимость, функция- absolutely additive function - absolutely bounded function - absolutely continuous function - absolutely integrable function - absolutely monotone function - absolutely summable function - absolutely symmetric function - almost complex function - almost continuous function - almost convex function - almost everywhere defined function - almost everywhere finite function - almost invariant function - almost periodic function - almost recursive function - almost separably-valued function - almost separating function - almost universal function - analytically independent function - analytically representable function - approximately differentiable function - asymptotically differentiable function - asymptotically finite function - asymptotically uniformly optimal function - bounded below function - cellwise continuous function - circumferentially mean p-valent function - comparison function - complementary error function - complete analytic function - completely additive function - completely computable function - completely monotone function - completely multiplicative function - completely productive function - completely subadditive function - completely symmetrical function - completely undefined function - complex hyperbolic function - conditional risk function - countably multiplicative function - countably valued function - covariant function - cumulative distribution function - cumulative frequency function - deficiency function - double limit function - doubly periodic function - doubly recursive function - effectively computable function - effectively constant function - effectively decidable function - effectively variable function - elementarily symmetric function - entire function of maximum type - entire function of mean type - entire function of potential type - entire function of zero type - entire rational function - essentially increasing function - essentially integrable function - essentially real function - essentially smooth function - everywhere differentiable function - everywhere smooth function - expansible function - explicitly definable function - exponentially convex function - exponentially decreasing function - exponentially increasing function - exponentially multiplicative function - exponentially vanishing function - finitely mean valent function - finitely measurable function - function of appropriate behavior - function of bounded characteristic - function of bounded type - function of bounded variation - function of complex variable - function of exponential type - function of finite genus - function of finite variation - function of fractional order - function of infinite type - function of integral order - function of maximal type - function of minimal type - function of mixed variables - function of normal type - function of number theory - function of one variable - function of rapid descent - function of rapid growth - function of real variable - general universal function - geometric carrier function - implicitly definable function - incomplete dibeta function - incomplete gamma function - incomplete tribeta function - incompletely defined function - inductively defined function - inductively integrable function - infinitely divisible function - infinitely many-valued function - integral logarithmic function - inverse trigonometric function - inverted beta function - iterative function - joint correlation function - joint density function - linearly separable function - locally bounded function - locally constant function - locally holomorphic function - locally homogeneous function - locally integrable function - locally negligible function - locally regular function - locally summable function - logarithmic generating function - logarithmic integral function - logarithmically infinite function - logarithmically plurisubharmonic function - logarithmically subharmonic function - lower semicontinuous function - monotone non-decreasing function - monotone non-increasing function - multiply periodic function - multiply recursive function - negative definite function - negative infinite function - nontangentially bounded function - normalized function - normed function - nowhere continuous function - nowhere differentiable function - nowhere monotonic function - n-times differentiable function - n-tuply periodic function - numeralwise expressible function - numeralwise representable function - numerical function - numerically valued function - oblate spheroidal function - operating characteristic function - optimal policy function - parametrically definable function - partially symmetric function - piecewise constant function - piecewise continuously differentiable function - piecewise linear function - piecewise monotonic function - piecewise polynomial function - piecewise quadratic function - piecewise regular function - piecewise smooth function - pointwise approximated function - positive homogeneous function - positive infinite function - positive monotone function - positive monotonic function - positive semidefinite function - potentially calculable function - potentially recursive function - power series function - probability generating function - quadratically summable function - rapidly damped function - rapidly decreasing function - rapidly oscillatory function - recursively continuous function - recursively convergent function - recursively defined function - recursively differentiable function - recursively divergent function - recursively extensible function - relative distribution function - relative frequency function - representing function - reproducing kernel function - residual function - residue function - scalarwise integrable function - scalarwise measurable function - sectionally smooth function - simply periodic function - singly recursive function - slowly increasing function - slowly oscillating function - slowly varying function - smoothly varying function - solid spherical harmonic function - solid zonal harmonic function - steadily increasing function - stopped random function - strictly convex function - strictly decreasing function - strictly increasing function - strictly integrable function - strictly monotone function - strongly differentiable function - strongly holomorphic function - strongly integrable function - strongly measurable function - strongly plurisubharmonic function - totally additive function - totally continuous function - totally measurable function - totally multiplicative function - totally positive function - triangular function - uniformly best decision function - uniformly bounded function - uniformly definable function - uniformly differentiable function - uniformly homotopic function - uniformly integrable function - uniformly limited function - uniformly measurable function - uniformly smooth function - unit step function - unitary divisor function - upper measurable function - upper semicontinuous function - weakly analytic function - weakly continuous function - weakly differentiable function - weakly holomorphic function - weakly measurable function - weakly singular function - weighted random functiondomain of a function — область определения функции, область изменения независимой переменной
11 многочлен разбиения
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > многочлен разбиения
12 topological
топологический base of topological space ≈ база топологического пространства basis of topological space ≈ базис топологического пространства category of topological space ≈ категория топологического пространства dual topological unitarization ≈ дуально топологическая унитаризация general topological space ≈ общетопологическое пространство hyperemetric topological group ≈ гиперметрическая топологическая группа hypermetric topological group ≈ гиперметрическая топологическая группа linearly topological algebra ≈ линейно топологическая алгебра local topological structure ≈ локальная топологическая структура topological direct integral ≈ топологический прямой интеграл topological direct summand ≈ топологическое прямое слагаемое topological field of sets ≈ топологическое тело множеств topological group extension ≈ топологическое расширение группы topological spectral value ≈ топологическое спектральное значение topological vector lattice ≈ топологическая векторная решетка - topological conjugacy - topological contractibility - topological convergence - topological correspondence - topological covering - topological decomposition - topological deformation - topological dimension - topological distribution - topological divisor - topological dual - topological duality - topological dynamics - topological embedding - topological entropy - topological equivalence - topological equivalent - topological field - topological flow - topological formula - topological formulation - topological game - topological genus - topological graph - topological group - topological groupoid - topological homeomorphism - topological homogeneity - topological homomorphism - topological identification - topological image - topological inclusion - topological index - topological interpretation - topological invariance - topological invariant - topological irreducibility - topological isomorphism - topological knot - topological lattice - topological limit - topological line - topological logic - topological manifold - topological method - topological model - topological modification - topological module - topological monoid - topological morphism - topological neighborhood - topological nilpotent - topological noise - topological object - topological ordering - topological pair - topological partition - topological plane - topological polygon - topological polyhedron - topological polynomial - topological product - topological proof - topological property - topological pseudoisotopy - topological quasicomponent - topological quotient - topological rank - topological realization - topological recurrence - topological relationship - topological representation - topological restriction - topological result - topological ring - topological section - topological self-mapping - topological semigroup - topological semimodule - topological sequence - topological similarity - topological simplex - topological sorting - topological space - topological sphere - topological stability - topological structure - topological subgroup - topological subspace - topological substitute - topological sum - topological supplement - topological surface - topological transformation - topological transitivity - topological tree - topological triangle - topological type - topological uniformization - topological weight (математика) топологическийБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > topological
13 chromatic
adjхроматическийАнглийский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > chromatic
14 coefficient
15 ideal
1) идеал, предел совершенства || идеальный2) матем. идеал3) мысленный, нереальный, воображаемый•- absolutely unramified ideal - completely simple ideal - disjunctive ideal - invertible ideal - strongly primary ideal - strongly ramified ideal - zero ideal -
16 operator
1) диспетчер2) владелец ( оборудования)3) машинист4) оператор машины или системы6) матем. оператор- almost periodic operator - amateur radio operator - asymptotically polylinear operator - bounded below operator - completely invertible operator - double stochastic operator - formally hypoelliptic operator - formally self-adjoint operator - formally symmetric operator - internal operator - isotonic operator - left shift operator - locally algebraic operator - locally measurable operator - negative semidefinite operator - normally resolvable operator - partial recursive operator - partially hypoelliptic operator - partially isometric operator - positive definite operator - positive semidefinite operator - properly orthogonal operator - relatively degenerate operator - relatively invertible operator - relatively regular operator - selective operator - skew adjoint operator - skew self-adjoint operator - uniformly strongly elliptic operator - weakly separable operator -
17 problem
1) задача; проблема3) трудность, затруднение•- boundary value problem - card matching problem - central limit problem - decision problem under risk - decision problem under uncertainty - extremum problem - fair division problem - gambling problem - gasoline blending problem - incompletely structured problem - optimal path problem - optimal stopping problem - portfolio selection problem - precisely specified problem - recursively solvable problem - sequential decision programming problem - sequential occupancy problem - shortest path problem - shortest route problem - standard control problem - three houses and three wells problem
См. также в других словарях:
Partition problem — In computer science, the partition problem is an NP complete problem. The problem is to decide whether a given multiset of integers can be partitioned into two halves that have the same sum. More precisely, given a multiset S of integers, is… … Wikipedia
Tutte polynomial — This article is about the Tutte polynomial of a graph. For the Tutte polynomial of a matroid, see Matroid. The polynomial x4 + x3 + x2y is the Tutte polynomial of the Bull graph. The red line shows the intersection with the plane … Wikipedia
Elementary symmetric polynomial — In mathematics, specifically in commutative algebra, the elementary symmetric polynomials are one type of basic building block for symmetric polynomials, in the sense that any symmetric polynomial P can be expressed as a polynomial in elementary… … Wikipedia
Schur polynomial — In mathematics, Schur polynomials, named after Issai Schur, are certain symmetric polynomials in n variables with integral coefficients. The elementary symmetric polynomials and the complete homogeneous symmetric polynomials are special cases of… … Wikipedia
Symmetric polynomial — This article is about individual symmetric polynomials. For the ring of symmetric polynomials, see ring of symmetric functions. In mathematics, a symmetric polynomial is a polynomial P(X1, X2, …, Xn) in n variables, such that if any of the… … Wikipedia
Macdonald polynomial — In mathematics, Macdonald polynomials P λ are a two parameter family of orthogonal polynomials indexed by a positive weight λ of a root system, introduced by Ian G. Macdonald (1987). They generalize several other families of orthogonal… … Wikipedia
Chromatic polynomial — All nonisomorphic graphs on 3 vertices and their chromatic polynomials, clockwise from the top. The independent 3 set: k3. An edge and a single vertex: k2(k − 1). The 3 path: k(k − 1)2. The 3 clique … Wikipedia
Bernstein polynomial — In the mathematical field of numerical analysis, a Bernstein polynomial, named after Sergei Natanovich Bernstein, is a polynomial in the Bernstein form, that is a linear combination of Bernstein basis polynomials.A numerically stable way to… … Wikipedia
3-partition problem — The 3 partition problem is an NP complete problem in computer science. The problem is to decide whether a given multiset of integers can be partitioned into triples that all have the same sum. More precisely, given a multiset S of n = 3 m… … Wikipedia
Graph partition — The graph partitioning problem in mathematics consists of dividing a graph into pieces, such that the pieces are of about the same size and there are few connections between the pieces.Consider a graph G(V,E), where V denotes the set of vertices… … Wikipedia
Hall polynomial — The Hall polynomials in mathematics were developed by Philip Hall in the 1950s in the study of group representations. These polynomials are the structure constants of a certain associative algebra, called the Hall algebra, which plays an… … Wikipedia