1 polishing
2 beeswax
'bi:zwæksnoun (the yellowish solid substance produced by bees for making their cells, and used in polishing wood.) bivoksIsubst. \/ˈbiːzwæks\/bivoksmind your own beeswax (amer., spøkefullt) pass dine egne saker, ikke bry degIIverb \/ˈbiːzwæks\/polere med bivoks -
3 burnish
'bə:niʃ(to make (metal) bright by polishing: They burnished the silver.) polere, blankslipepolereIsubst. \/ˈbɜːnɪʃ\/glans, poleringIIverb \/ˈbɜːnɪʃ\/polere, blankslipe, trykkpolere, glitte, bli blank, skinne -
4 emery
'eməri(a very hard kind of mineral, used as a powder etc for polishing.) smergelsubst. \/ˈemərɪ\/smergel -
1. past tense, past participle - rubbed; verb(to move against the surface of something else, pressing at the same time: He rubbed his eyes; The horse rubbed its head against my shoulder; The back of the shoe is rubbing against my heel.) gni; skubbe; gnage2. noun(an act of rubbing: He gave the teapot a rub with a polishing cloth.) gniing, frottering- rub down- rub it in
- rub out
- rub shoulders with
- rub up
- rub up the wrong wayskrubbe(EDB, blanding av router og hub) RUB -
6 rub
1. past tense, past participle - rubbed; verb(to move against the surface of something else, pressing at the same time: He rubbed his eyes; The horse rubbed its head against my shoulder; The back of the shoe is rubbing against my heel.) gni; skubbe; gnage2. noun(an act of rubbing: He gave the teapot a rub with a polishing cloth.) gniing, frottering- rub down- rub it in
- rub out
- rub shoulders with
- rub up
- rub up the wrong wayskrubbeIsubst. \/rʌb\/1) skrubb, skrubbing, frottering• give the silver a rub!hun frotterte\/tørket ham på ryggen2) hinder, hake, vanskelighet3) ujevnhet, hump, kul4) spydighet, finte, hipp5) noe ergerlig, noe irriterende• the rub is that...det ergerlige er at...6) (forkortelse for rubber) gummiget the rub fatte, skjønne, henge med• do you get the rub?the rub on\/of the green (britisk, hverdagslig) (plutselig) hindringIIverb \/rʌb\/1) gni, skrubbe, smøre utover2) frottere, massere3) viske ut, gni bort4) pusse, polere5) gnage, gnisse, skrape6) gjøre avtrykk fra noe (ved hjelp av skravering)rub along\/by\/on humpe og gå, gå på et vis• we manage to rub along somehow, although we're short of moneydet går på et vis, selv om vi mangler penger klare segrub along together komme overens, være på god fotrub at something gni på noe, stryke på noeetter rideturen striglet han hesten sin pusse, pusse nedgni, tørke, frotterevisitererub in smøre inninnprente, mase omrub it in mase om, gni inn, minne om noe pinlig• don't rub it in!trenger du å gni det inn? \/ må du drive og minne meg på det der!rub noses gni nese(ne mot hverandre)( vulgært) runkerub off (on) smitte over på, smitte av pårub on\/against something skrape mot noerub one's hands gni seg i hendene ( overført) godte segrub (something) out viske bort (noe), stryke ut (noe), fjerne (noe)rub salt into someone's wounds strø salt i sårene til noenrub shoulders\/elbows with gå arm i arm med, omgås ha kontakt med, ha omgang medrub somebody out (amer., slang) kverke noen, myrde noen, gjøre av med noenrub somebody (up) the right\/wrong way stryke noen etter\/mot hårene, føye\/irritere noenrub someone's nose in it\/in the dirt gni det inn, trø noen ned i dritten, minne noen på deres feil\/tabber, tråkke på noenrub through greie segrub to a powder pulverisererub up pusse, polere friske opp• I'm going to St. Tropez this summer, so I have to rub up my Frenchjeg skal til St. Tropez i sommer, så jeg må friske opp fransken minblande sammen ( vulgært) kåte opp, runkerub up against komme borti noen egle seg innpå noen -
7 sandpaper
noun (a type of paper with sand glued to it, used for smoothing and polishing.) sandpapirIsubst. \/ˈsændˌpeɪpə\/sandpapirIIverb \/ˈsændˌpeɪpə\/1) pusse med sandpapir, slipe med sandpapir2) ( også overført) slipe av -
8 shine
1. past tense, past participle - shone; verb1) (to (cause to) give out light; to direct such light towards someone or something: The light shone from the window; The policeman shone his torch; He shone a torch on the body.) skinne, stråle2) (to be bright: She polished the silver till it shone.) skinne, stråle3) ((past tense, past participle shined) to polish: He tries to make a living by shining shoes.) pusse4) ((often with at) to be very good (at something): He shines at games; You really shone in yesterday's match.) briljere2. noun1) (brightness; the state of being well polished: He likes a good shine on his shoes; a ray of sunshine.) glans, skinn2) (an act of polishing: I'll just give my shoes a shine.) pussing•- shining- shiny
- shininessskinn--------skinne--------stråleIsubst. \/ʃaɪn\/1) lysskjær, skinn2) glans, blankhet3) ( hverdagslig) solskinn4) ( slang) forklaring: nedsettende betegnelse på svart persongive a good shine to pusse riktig fin\/blankput a good shine on pusse riktig fin\/blankshine down stille i skyggenshine round (amer., slang) flørte med, legge an påshine up to ( slang) flørte med, legge an påtake a shine to ( hverdagslig) få sansen fortake the shine out of ta glansen av, skade glansen på ( overført) ta glansen av, overgå, stille i skyggenII1) skinne, lyse, glinse, stråle2) ( overført) briljere, glimre, være lysende3) ( hverdagslig) pusse, polere4) lyse medshine shoes pusse skoshine through ( mest overført) skinne gjennom -
9 steel wool
(a pad, ball etc of steel shavings used for scouring (pans etc) and polishing.) stålullsubst. \/ˈstiːlwʊl\/stålull -
10 wax
I 1. wæks noun1) (the sticky, fatty substance of which bees make their cells; beeswax.) voks2) (the sticky, yellowish substance formed in the ears.) ørevoks3) (a manufactured, fatty substance used in polishing, to give a good shine: furniture wax.) polerings-/boningsmiddel4) (( also adjective) (also candle-wax) (of) a substance made from paraffin, used in making candles, models etc, that melts when heated: a wax model.) voks(-)5) (sealing-wax.) segllakk2. verb(to smear, polish or rub with wax.) smøre, polere, bone- waxed- waxen
- waxy
- waxwork
- waxworks II wæks verb1) ((of the moon) to appear to grow in size as more of it becomes visible.) tilta2) (an old word for to grow or increase.) vokse, øketilta--------voksIsubst. \/wæks\/1) bivoks2) voks3) ( foranstilt) voks-4) voksfigur5) (gammeldags, slang) grammofonplate, vinylplate• these newfangled CDs don't do justice to the Beatles, you've got to hear them on wax6) skomakerbek7) segllakk8) skismurningbe as wax in somebody's hands være som voks i noens hendermould somebody like wax ( overført) tvinne noen rundt lillefingerenIIsubst. \/wæks\/(britisk, gammeldags, hverdagslig) det å bli sintin a wax forbannetIIIverb \/wæks\/1) vokse, bone, polere• did you wax the table?2) ( skomakerverksted) beke, vokse3) ( om ski) smøre, vokse4) ( gammeldags) ta opp på grammofonIVverb \/wæks\/1) ( spesielt om månen) tilta, vokse2) (gammeldags, litterært) bli, øke (i styrke\/størrelse)wax and wane (overført, spesielt om månen) tilta og avta (i styrke), vokse og krympe, veksle
См. также в других словарях:
Polishing — is the process of creating a smooth and shiny surface by using rubbing or a chemical action, leaving a surface with significant specular reflection and minimal diffuse reflection. Imagine the surface magnified thousands of times, it usually looks … Wikipedia
Polishing — Pol ish*ing, a. & n. from {Polish}. [1913 Webster] {Polishing iron}, an iron burnisher; esp., a small smoothing iron used in laundries. {Polishing slate}. (a) A gray or yellow slate, found in Bohemia and Auvergne, and used for polishing glass,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Polishing — Polishing. См. Полирование. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
Polishing — Polish Pol ish, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Polished}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Polishing}.] [F. polir, L. polire. Cf. {Polite}, { ish}] 1. To make smooth and glossy, usually by friction; to burnish; to overspread with luster; as, to polish glass, marble,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
polishing — noun Polishing is used before these nouns: ↑cloth, ↑pad … Collocations dictionary
polishing — poliravimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. burnishing; polishing vok. Läppen, n; Polieren, n rus. полирование, n; полировка, f pranc. polissage, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
polishing — poliravimas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Medžiagos paviršiaus išlyginimas iki veidrodinio blizgesio. atitikmenys: angl. polishing rus. полирование … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
polishing — See chemical brightening chemical polishing … Dictionary of automotive terms
polishing — noun the work of making something smooth and shiny by rubbing or waxing it the shining of shoes provided a meager living every Sunday he gave his car a good polishing • Syn: ↑shining • Derivationally related forms: ↑polish, ↑shine (fo … Useful english dictionary
Polishing iron — Polishing Pol ish*ing, a. & n. from {Polish}. [1913 Webster] {Polishing iron}, an iron burnisher; esp., a small smoothing iron used in laundries. {Polishing slate}. (a) A gray or yellow slate, found in Bohemia and Auvergne, and used for polishing … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Polishing slate — Polishing Pol ish*ing, a. & n. from {Polish}. [1913 Webster] {Polishing iron}, an iron burnisher; esp., a small smoothing iron used in laundries. {Polishing slate}. (a) A gray or yellow slate, found in Bohemia and Auvergne, and used for polishing … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English