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  • 1 poke

    s 1. udarac, ćuška 2. vrsta jarma za stoku s vreća, torba, kesa / to buy a pig in a = kupiti mačka u vreći
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    slab udarac

    English-Croatian dictionary > poke

  • 2 poke up

    vt [fam] zatvoriti (u tijesnu prostoriju)

    English-Croatian dictionary > poke up

  • 3 poke about


    English-Croatian dictionary > poke about

  • 4 poke away

    vt gurati, odgurnuti, otjerati
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    English-Croatian dictionary > poke away

  • 5 poke out

    vt izbiti, iskopati (oko)
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    English-Croatian dictionary > poke out

  • 6 poke obout

    vi pipati, tražiti, tapkati (u mraku)

    English-Croatian dictionary > poke obout

  • 7 poke through

    vt probiti, probušiti, prokopati

    English-Croatian dictionary > poke through

  • 8 fun

    s šala, zabava, obijest / to make # of = zbijati šalu s kim; to poke # at = podrugivati se, rugati se komu; for (in) # = za zabavu, za šalu; it is good (great) # = vrlo je zabavno; like # = živahno, silno, žestoko; what #! = kako zgodno!; I do not see the # of it = ne vidim zašto bi to bilo zgodno, što je u tome zabavno; figure of # = smiješna, šaljivam, groteskna osoba
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    English-Croatian dictionary > fun

  • 9 nose

    s 1. nos; [fig] njuh 2. miris (sijena, čaja) 3. otvor (otvor (cijevi i dr.); prednji dio (broda i dr.); vršak, vrh 4. [sl] uhoda, njuškalo, douškivač / parson's # = biškup, mitra, trtica (kod peradi); # of wax = mekušac; osoba na koju se lako može utjecati; to make long # = pokazati dugi nos; to keep one's # to the grindstone = naporno raditi, grbiti se nad poslom; as plain as the # in you face = jasno kao na dlanu, jasno kao sunce; to count (tell) # s = brojiti osobe ([spec] pristaše); to follow one's # = ići za nosom; voditi se instiktom; [fig] to poke (thrust) one's # into = gurati nosu u (što), uplitati se u (što); to turn up one's # at = prezirati (koga), iskazivati prezir prema (komu); to cut off one's # to spite one's face = u srdžbi (ili iy zlobe) naškoditi vlastitom interesu; to put a p's # out of joint = izigrati koga (kod koga); osujetiti čije osnove; to bite (snap) one's #off = riječima napasti, oštro razgovarati; to pay through the # = skupo (masno) platiti; to speak through one's # = govoriti kroz nos; to lead by the # = povući za nos, nasamariti; under one's (very) # = predo (samim) nosom, pred očima
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    ući u trag
    uvlačiti nosom

    English-Croatian dictionary > nose

  • 10 pig

    s 1. prase, svinja; odojak, svinjetina 2. prljava, lakoma, odvratna osoba 3. poluga sirova željeza ili drugog metala, ingot; kalup za lijevanje / guinea # = morsko prasence, zamorac; to buy a # in a poke = kupiti mačka u vreći; to bring one's #s to a fine market = prevariti se u računu; # s might fly = čudesa se mogu dogoditi; [joc] please the # s = ugodi vragu; to make a # of oneself = prežderati se; in # = suprasna (krmača); when the # s fly = nikada
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    oprasiti se

    English-Croatian dictionary > pig

См. также в других словарях:

  • Poke — *An action of tapping and/or softly jabbing another person using a finger to gain their attention.Poke, Poké or POKE may refer to:*POKE, a BASIC programming language command *Poke (game), a card game *Poke (gesture), different definition for… …   Wikipedia

  • poke — ► VERB 1) jab or prod with a finger or a sharp object. 2) make (a hole) by jabbing or prodding. 3) (poke about/around) look or search around a place. 3) (often poke out) thrust out or protrude in a particular direction. ► NOUN ▪ …   English terms dictionary

  • Poke — Poke, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Poked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Poking}.] [Cf. LG. poken to prick, pierce, thrust, pok a dagger, knife, D. pook, G. pocken to beat, also Ir. poc a blow, Gael. puc to push.] 1. To thrust or push against or into with anything… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • POKE — (engl. poke = stecken, stoßen) ist ein Software Kommando der Programmiersprache BASIC, das dazu dient, direkt in Speicherzellen oder Hardware Register des Rechners zu schreiben. Sein Gegenpart ist der PEEK Befehl, um Speicherzellen direkt zu… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • POKE — es una instrucción en el lenguaje de programación BASIC usada en algunas de las primeras versiones de este lenguaje. Dicha instrucción se encargaba de grabar un valor en una determinada dirección de memoria, ambos datos dados como argumento.[1]… …   Wikipedia Español

  • poke# — poke vb Poke, prod, nudge, jog are comparable when they mean, as verbs, to thrust something into so as to stir up, urge on, or attract attention and, as nouns, the act or an instance of such thrusting. Poke implies primarily the use of a body… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Poke — Poke, n. [AS. poca, poha, pohha; akin to Icel. poki, OD. poke, and perh. to E. pock; cf. also Gael. poca, and OF. poque. Cf. {Pock}, {Pocket}, {Pouch}.] 1. A bag; a sack; a pocket. He drew a dial from his poke. Shak. [1913 Webster] They wallowed… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • poke — poke; poke·lo·gan; shike·poke; shite·poke; slow·poke; more·poke; poke·lo·ken; …   English syllables

  • poke — poke1 [pōk] vt. poked, poking [ME poken < MDu or LowG] 1. a) to push or jab with a stick, finger, etc.; prod b) Slang to hit with the fist 2. to make by poking [to poke a hole in a bag] …   English World dictionary

  • Poke — Poke, n. 1. The act of poking; a thrust; a jog; as, a poke in the ribs. Ld. Lytton. [1913 Webster] 2. A lazy person; a dawdler; also, a stupid or uninteresting person. [Slang, U.S.] Bartlett. [1913 Webster] 3. A contrivance to prevent an animal… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Poke — steht für: POKE, ein Software Kommando der Programmiersprache BASIC Poke (Sprache), eine Bantusprache in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo Poke (Gericht), einen hawaiischer Fischsalat Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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