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  • 1 dead

    adj mrtav, preminuo; obamro; bešćutan, tup, neosjetljiv ;besvjestan; blijed kao smrt; mutan, taman, mračan, crn; studen; bezdušan; bezuman; slab, nemoćan; mlitav, mlohav; bespolen; nepomičan; mukao, dubok; nestao, iščezao; pust, prazan; tih, jednoličan, žalostan; nenaseljen, divlji; suh, osušen; truo, gnjio; grešan; suh, uveo, ocvao; bez sjaja, bez života, bez duha; [coll] izmoren, iscrpljen, polumrtav; stajaća voda; potpun gubitak, potpuna tišina, grobni muk, grobna tišina; siguran, izvjestan, točan; nevrijedan, bezvrijedan, neupotrebljiv; loš; neisporučen, neuručiv (pismo); [el] nenabijen, prazan; upotrebljen (šibica itd.); [print] škartiran, upotrebljen (slog); [sport] izvan igre, stalno ili privremeno isključen igrač; neodlučen (utrka) / # to = neosjetljiv na; # and gone = davno mrtav; # men tell no tales = mrtvi ne govore, ne odaju tajne; # certainty = potpuna sigurnost; come to a # stop = naglo se zaustaviti; # failure = potpun neuspjeh; # secret = najveća tajna; # hours = gluho doba noći; debt # in law = neutuživ dug; to work for a # horse = raditi za isplatu staroga duga; # as a doornail = mrtav mrtvacat; # forms = puke formalnosti; a # fire = dogorjela vatra; # letter = neuručivo pismo; [tech][fig] # point = mrtva točka; wait for a # man's shoes=čekati da netko umre kako bi se zauzeo njegov posao; # to the world = u tvrdom snu
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    English-Croatian dictionary > dead

  • 2 honor

    s l. čast; počast, slava; 2. odlikovanje, počasni položaj 3. [fig] ures, ukras, dika / #s [pl] l. iskazivanje počasi 2. [univ] najviše ocjene 3. najjače karte u kartanju; [coll] to do the #s = dočekivati, primati goste; the #s of war = privilegije koje se odobravaju poraženom neprijatelju; military #s = vojne počasti; last #s = posljednja počast; birthday #s = popis naslova i odlikovanja koje podjeljuje monarh na svoj rođendan; [univ] to take an #s degree = studirati na višem specijalističkom nivou; [univ] to pass with #s = položiti (ispit) s najvišom ocjenom; Your (His) Honour = Vaše (Njegovo) blagorođe; to be on one's # to = imati moralnu obavezu; upon my # = poštenja mi; # bright = poštena riječ; law of # = zakon časti; kodeks časti; affair of # = stvar časti; dvoboj; debt of # = častan dug; guard of # = počasna straža; maid of # = dvorska dama, počasna pratilja; point of # = stvar časti; word of # = poštena riječ, svečano obećanje; [com] act of # = časni prihvat; [com] acceptor for another's # = časni prihvatnik; acceptance of a bill for the # of = časni prihvat mjenice; # is satisfied = časi je udovoljeno; may I have the # of = smijem li imati čast, hoćete li me počastiti; to put a p on his # = vezati koga čašću; to render the last #s = odati, iskazati posljednju počast; to meet due # = biti isplaćen, prihvaćen (mjenica)
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    English-Croatian dictionary > honor

См. также в других словарях:

  • point of law — n. An individual legal issue or proposition at the heart of a case. @ reserved point of law A holding of a difficult legal issue that the judge holds in abeyance so that further testimony in the case may proceed. @ Webster s New World Law… …   Law dictionary

  • point of law — ˌpoint of ˈlaw noun points of law PLURALFORM [countable] LAW a particular legal rule, especially one that ordinary people find difficult to understand: • The judge may be able to clarify certain points of law. * * * point of law UK US noun [C]… …   Financial and business terms

  • disputed point of law — I noun at issue, bone of contention, contention, debatable point, desideratum, development, difficulty, in question, issue, issue under consideration, matter in dispute, outgrowth, point, point in question, problem, question at issue, sticking… …   Law dictionary

  • point of law — A matter of law, as distinguished from a matter of fact, involved in a case or controversy. See precedent …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • point — n 1: a particular detail, proposition, or issue of law; specif: point of error 2: any of various incremental units used in measuring, fixing, or calculating something: as a: a unit used in calculating a sentence by various factors (as aggravating …   Law dictionary

  • Five-point electoral law — Five point electoral law, of five adjectives election is a concept used in Polish political science referring to the elections that are: * universal * direct * equal * proportional * anonymous (secret ballot) References *… …   Wikipedia

  • point of error — point of error: a challenge by a party to a finding, ruling, or judgment of a trial court on the basis that it is contrary to the evidence or to the law Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • point reserved — n. A difficult legal issue set aside at trial for later consideration so that the court can proceed with other issues. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 …   Law dictionary

  • point out — index apprise, bear (adduce), charge (instruct on the law), comment, convey (communicate), demonstrate ( …   Law dictionary

  • point of no return — index crossroad (turning point) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • point at — index denounce (inform against), strive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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