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См. также в других словарях:

  • poikilothermism — poi·ki·lo·therm·ism thər .miz əm n the quality or state of being cold blooded * * * poi·ki·lo·ther·mism (poi″kĭ lo thurґmiz əm) poikilothermy …   Medical dictionary

  • poikilothermism — n. state of being cold blooded, state of being dependent on external factors to regulate body temperature (Zoology) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • poikilothermism — poi·kilo·ther·mism …   English syllables

  • poikilothermism —  ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈthərˌmizəm, ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌth noun ( s) : the state of being poikilothermic …   Useful english dictionary

  • poikilothermy, poikilothermism — The condition of plants and cold blooded animals, the temperature of which varies with the changes in the temperature of the surrounding medium. [poikilo + G. therme, heat] …   Medical dictionary

  • poikilothermal — poikilothermism, poikilothermy, n. /poy keuh loh therr meuhl, poy kil euh /, adj. Zool. cold blooded (def. 3) (opposed to homoiothermal). [1880 85; < Gk poikílo(s) various + THERMAL] * * * …   Universalium

  • poikilothermia — noun The inability to regulate ones body temperature. See Also: poikilotherm, poikilothermal, poikilothermic, poikilothermism, poikilothermous, poikilothermy …   Wiktionary

  • poikilothermic — adjective Having a body temperature that varies depending on the outside temperature. Syn: cold blooded, poikilothermal, poikilothermous Ant: homeothermic See Also: poikilotherm, poikilothermia, poikilot …   Wiktionary

  • poikilotherm — 1. adjective cold blooded Syn: poikilothermic Ant: homoiotherm, homeotherm, homoeothermic 2. noun A cold blooded animal …   Wiktionary

  • ectothermy — ec·to·ther·my .thər mē n, pl mies POIKILOTHERMISM * * * ec·to·ther·my (ek″to thurґme) 1. the regulation of body temperature by the external environment rather than by internal metabolism, with thermoregulation being accomplished by… …   Medical dictionary

  • poikilothermy — poi·ki·lo·ther·my pȯi ki lə .thər mē n, pl mies POIKILOTHERMISM * * * poi·ki·lo·ther·my (poi″kĭ lo thurґme) [poikilo + Gr. thermē heat] 1. the exhibition of body temperature which varies with the environmental temperature. 2. the …   Medical dictionary

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