Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 pocket-money

    noun (money for personal use, especially a child's regular allowance: He gets $2 a week pocket-money.) mesada

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pocket-money

  • 2 pocket-money

    noun (money for personal use, especially a child's regular allowance: He gets $2 a week pocket-money.) mesada

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pocket-money

  • 3 pocket money

    pock.et mon.ey
    [p'ɔkit m∧ni] n 1 dinheiro para pequenos gastos. 2 Braz coll mesada (dinheiro para as crianças).
    pocket money

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pocket money

  • 4 pocket

    ['pokit] 1. noun
    1) (a small bag sewn into or on to clothes, for carrying things in: He stood with his hands in his pockets; a coat-pocket; ( also adjective) a pocket-handkerchief, a pocket-knife.) bolso
    2) (a small bag attached to the corners and sides of a billiard-table etc to catch the balls.) ventanilha
    3) (a small isolated area or group: a pocket of warm air.) bolsa
    4) ((a person's) income or amount of money available for spending: a range of prices to suit every pocket.) bolso
    2. verb
    1) (to put in a pocket: He pocketed his wallet; He pocketed the red ball.) meter no bolso
    2) (to steal: Be careful he doesn't pocket the silver.) roubar
    - pocket-book
    - pocket-money
    - pocket-sized
    - pocket-size
    * * *
    [p'ɔkit] 1 bolso, algibeira. 2 bolsa. 3 saco. 4 recursos financeiros. 5 Aeron bolsa de ar. 6 Billiards caçapa. • vt 1 embolsar, pôr no bolso. I pocketed my sorrow / escondi a minha mágoa. 2 engolir (uma afronta). he pocketed the insult / ele engoliu a ofensa. 3 reprimir (orgulho ou medo). 4 apropriar-se de dinheiro. 5 prover de bolsos ou bolsas. 6 Billiards colocar a bola em uma das caçapas. 7 Pol controlar (distrito eleitoral). 8 Pol reter um projeto de lei. • adj 1 de bolso, de algibeira. 2 pecuniário. 3 particular, secreto. in one’s pocket 1 muito perto de. 2 controlado por, dominado por. out of pocket 1 sem dinheiro. 2 de prejuízo. save your pocket! guarde seu dinheiro! she is out of pocket ela está em apuros financeiros. to be 10 dollars in pocket dispor de 10 dólares. to have in pocket ter no bolso, fig dominar alguém. to line one’s pocket ganhar muito dinheiro desonestamente. to pick a person’s pocket bater a carteira de alguém. to pocket one’s pride pôr o orgulho de lado. to put in pocket 1 ocultar, suprimir. 2 embolsar, pôr no bolso. 3 controlar, dominar. to suffer in one’s pocket ter grandes despesas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pocket

  • 5 pocket

    ['pokit] 1. noun
    1) (a small bag sewn into or on to clothes, for carrying things in: He stood with his hands in his pockets; a coat-pocket; ( also adjective) a pocket-handkerchief, a pocket-knife.) bolso
    2) (a small bag attached to the corners and sides of a billiard-table etc to catch the balls.) ventanilha
    3) (a small isolated area or group: a pocket of warm air.) bolsa
    4) ((a person's) income or amount of money available for spending: a range of prices to suit every pocket.) bolso
    2. verb
    1) (to put in a pocket: He pocketed his wallet; He pocketed the red ball.) pôr no bolsa, embolsar
    2) (to steal: Be careful he doesn't pocket the silver.) embolsar
    - pocket-book - pocket-money - pocket-sized - pocket-size

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pocket

  • 6 money

    (coins or banknotes used in trading: Have you any money in your purse?; The desire for money is a cause of much unhappiness.) dinheiro
    - moneylender
    - lose/make money
    * * *
    [m'∧ni] n 1 dinheiro, moeda. 2 riqueza, fortuna. blood money suborno (dinheiro dado para alguém dar informações ou mantê-las). danger money pagamento extra por serviço perigoso. hush money suborno (dinheiro dado para alguém manter segredo). money down, ready money dinheiro à vista. money for old rope dinheiro ganho facilmente. money of account denominador de valor monetário ou base de troca, empregado em lançamentos contábeis, para o qual pode ou não existir uma moeda correspondente. pocket money mesada. time is money tempo é dinheiro. to be in the money ter muito dinheiro (para gastar). to be short of money estar sem dinheiro. to have money to burn ter muito dinheiro para esbanjar. to make a lot of money ganhar muito. to make the money fly esbanjar. to marry money dar o golpe do baú. to whip round for money angariar dinheiro (fundos).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > money

  • 7 the money burns a hole in his pocket

    the money burns a hole in his pocket
    ele não sabe guardar dinheiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the money burns a hole in his pocket

  • 8 be out of pocket

    (to have no money; to lose money: I can't pay you now as I'm out of pocket at the moment.)

    English-Portuguese dictionary > be out of pocket

  • 9 be out of pocket

    (to have no money; to lose money: I can't pay you now as I'm out of pocket at the moment.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > be out of pocket

  • 10 au pair

    [,ou 'pə(r)]
    (a young person from abroad employed by a family to look after the children and help with the housework in return for room, meals, pocket money and an opportunity to learn the language: a French au pair; an au pair girl.)
    * * *
    au pair
    [ou p'ɛə] n jovem estrangeiro, especialmente moça ( au pair girl), que mora com uma família para aprender a língua em troca de fazer pequenos serviços na casa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > au pair

  • 11 go

    [ɡəu] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb
    1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) ir
    2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) passar
    3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) ir
    4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) ir
    5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) ir
    6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) ser liquidado
    7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) decorrer
    8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) ir embora
    9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!) sumir
    10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) ir (fazer)
    11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) ir-se abaixo
    12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) funcionar
    13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) ficar
    14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) estar
    15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) guardar-se
    16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.) passar
    17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) gastar-se
    18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) valer
    19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) fazer
    20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) ser
    21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) correr bem
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.) tentativa
    2) (energy: She's full of go.) genica
    3. adjective
    1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.) bem sucedido
    2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.) actual
    4. noun
    (permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) licença
    - going-over
    - goings-on
    - no-go
    - all go
    - be going on for
    - be going on
    - be going strong
    - from the word go
    - get going
    - give the go-by
    - go about
    - go after
    - go against
    - go along
    - go along with
    - go around
    - go around with
    - go at
    - go back
    - go back on
    - go by
    - go down
    - go far
    - go for
    - go in
    - go in for
    - go into
    - go off
    - go on
    - go on at
    - go out
    - go over
    - go round
    - go slow
    - go steady
    - go through
    - go through with
    - go too far
    - go towards
    - go up
    - go up in smoke/flames
    - go with
    - go without
    - keep going
    - make a go of something
    - make a go
    - on the go
    * * *
    [gou] n 1 ação de andar, andar. 2 espírito, impulso, energia, animação. 3 estado das coisas, modo, estilo. 4 autorização para prosseguir. 5 vez (de jogar), tentativa. 6 remessa. 7 ocorrência. 8 sucesso. • vt+vi (ps went, pp gone) 1 ir, seguir, prosseguir, andar. 2 sair, partir, deixar, ir embora. 3 estar em movimento, andar, trabalhar (máquinas), soar. 4 ficar, tornar-se, vir a ser. 5 estar, ser. 6 começar, empreender. 7 proceder, avançar. 8 correr, vagar, estar em uso corrente. 9 meter-se, intrometer-se. 10 estender-se, alcançar. 11 passar. 12 ser vendido, ser entregue. 13 tender, levar, conduzir. 14 resultar, redundar. 15 pertencer, caber. 16 combinar, harmonizar. 17 explodir, estourar. 18 deixar de existir, perder, gastar. 19 morrer. 20 afrouxar. a fair go uma chance. all the go na moda. a near go um escape por um triz. anything goes Amer vale tudo. as men go como costuma acontecer com os homens. at one go de uma só vez, simultaneamente. be gone! afaste-se!, saia! dead and gone morto e passado. do you go with me? você me compreende?, você concorda comigo? from the word go desde o começo. go along with you! sem essa!, não acredito em você! going, going, gone! Auction primeiro, segundo, terceiro! go to it! coll vamos a isso! have a go at it! faça uma tentativa! he goes by the name of X ele é conhecido sob o nome X. here’s a go! agora avante! is it a go? combinado? it is all (quite) the go está bem em moda. it is no go coll não vai, não adianta. (it’s) no go nada feito. it was touch and go estava por um fio de cabelo, por um triz. let go! largue! let me go! solte-me! on the go em movimento, em atividade. pop went the bottle a garrafa estourou. that goes for you too isto também se aplica a você. that goes to show Amer isto demonstra. there is no go in the show coll o negócio não anda. there it goes again vai começar tudo de novo. to give it a go tentar. to go about 1 passar de um lugar para outro. 2 estar ocupado com. 3 procurar. 4 circular. to go about one’s business 1 prestar atenção com as suas coisas, seu negócio. 2 partir, deixar. to go abroad viajar para o exterior. to go against ir contra. to go ahead continuar, começar imediatamente. to go along with concordar com, apoiar. to go aside 1 errar. 2 retirar-se. to go astray perder-se, perder o caminho. to go at atacar. to go away partir. to go back voltar. to go back on trair, não cumprir uma promessa. to go bail fiar, afiançar. to go down 1 afundar. 2 deteriorar. 3 ser aceito, acreditado. 4 Comp quebrar. 5 sair da universidade. 6 sl acontecer. 7 ir para a cadeia. to go down on vulg fazer sexo oral com. to go down the drain 1 desperdiçar, não ser aproveitado. 2 perder o valor. to go down with pegar uma doença. to go Dutch repartir proporcionalmente uma conta ou despesa, Braz coll rachar uma conta. to go far ir longe, ter sucesso. to go for 1 atacar. 2 ir atrás. 3 tentar. 4 ser atraído por. 5 buscar, procurar. to go for broke arriscar tudo para vencer, dar o máximo de si. to go for nothing não ter valor. to go halves dividir igualmente uma conta, despesa. to go hang ser esquecido, negligenciado. to go hard with passar por dificuldades, custar caro a, ser difícil para. to go in entrar. to go in and out entrar e sair livremente. to go in for 1 praticar. 2 ter como profissão ou hobby. he goes in for sailing / ele gosta de velejar. he decided to go in for law / ele decidiu estudar (seguir a carreira de) direito. 3 participar de uma competição, prestar um exame. to go into 1 entrar. he went into convulsions / ele entrou em convulsões. he went into business / ele entrou nos negócios. 2 investigar. 3 ter, adotar como profissão. to go in unto Bib ter relações sexuais com. to go in with entrar em uma sociedade com, ajuntar-se com. to go it alone fazer algo sozinho, virar-se sozinho. to go live Radio, TV estar ao vivo. to go native adaptar-se a uma cultura estrangeira. to go off 1 deixar, partir. the train went off / o trem partiu. 2 disparar, explodir. the gun went off / a arma disparou. 3 piorar, deteriorar. the cinema has gone off / o cinema piorou. 4 estragar (comida). 5 chegar a uma conclusão esperada. 6 deixar de gostar de uma pessoa. 7 sl experimentar orgasmo. to go off with 1 largar um relacionamento para se relacionar com uma outra pessoa. 2 levar, pegar, carregar. to go on 1 continuar. you can’t go on the way you’ve been / você não pode continuar desta maneira. 2 comportar-se. 3 falar muito. he went on about it for half an hour / ele falou sobre isso durante meia hora. 4 existir, durar. 5 adequar-se. 6 começar. 7 aparecer no palco. 8 acontecer. to go on a journey sair em viagem. to go one better than exceder, sobrepujar. to go one’s own way agir, fazer independentemente. to go one’s way partir. to go on horseback andar a cavalo. to go on strike entrar em greve. to go on well with dar-se muito bem com. to go out 1 tornar-se extinto, extinguir. the fire went out / o fogo apagou-se. 2 partir, sair. 3 sair de moda. to go out of business deixar, desistir de um negócio, fechar as portas. to go out of fashion sair da moda. to go out of print estar esgotado (livros). to go over 1 revisar, rever, examinar. 2 relembrar. 3 ficar perto de. 4 visitar. 5 repetir. to go over to 1 mudar de opinião ou de partido. 2 TV mudar o lugar da transmissão. to go places 1 viajar muito. 2 prosperar, progredir, fazer sucesso. to go round ter suficiente. to go shares dividir. to go sick ficar doente. to go slow trabalhar, produzir menos (para obter algo dos empresários). to go stag sair desacompanhado. to go steady namorar firme. to go through 1 passar por. 2 gastar tudo. 3 Jur ir, ser aceito. 4 praticar, ensaiar. 5 olhar cuidadosamente. 6 ler do começo ao fim. to go through fire and water passar por todas as situações. to go together harmonizar, condizer. to go to pieces ficar em pedaços. the doll has gone to pieces / a boneca ficou em pedaços. to go under 1 falhar. 2 afundar, submergir. to go up 1 subir, ascender, aumentar. 2 ser destruído por fogo ou explosão. 3 aumentar preços. 4 entrar em uma universidade. to go with acompanhar, concordar, combinar. to go without passar sem. that goes without saying / é evidente, não precisa dizer. to go wrong dar errado, falhar, fracassar. to have a go tentar. to have a go at 1 criticar. 2 atacar fisicamente. 3 amolar, irritar alguém. what goes with it? o que é que acompanha isto? who goes? de quem é a vez? who goes there? quem está aí? years gone by anos passados.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > go

  • 12 play off against

    (to set (one person) against (another) in order to gain an advantage: He played his father off against his mother to get more pocket money.) atirar (alguém) contra

    English-Portuguese dictionary > play off against

  • 13 au pair

    [,ou 'pə(r)]
    (a young person from abroad employed by a family to look after the children and help with the housework in return for room, meals, pocket money and an opportunity to learn the language: a French au pair; an au pair girl.)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > au pair

  • 14 go

    [ɡəu] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb
    1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) ir
    2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) passar
    3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) ser dado, ser vendido
    4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) ir
    5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) ir
    6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) ser demolido
    7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) decorrer
    8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) partir
    9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!) sumir
    10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) ir
    11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) ir-se
    12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) funcionar
    13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) tornar-se
    14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) ter, ser
    15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) guardar-se
    16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.) passar
    17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) ser gasto
    18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) valer
    19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) fazer
    20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) ser
    21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) dar certo
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.) tentativa
    2) (energy: She's full of go.) energia
    3. adjective
    1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.) operante
    2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.) corrente
    4. noun
    (permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) permissão para prosseguir
    - going-over - goings-on - no-go - all go - be going on for - be going on - be going strong - from the word go - get going - give the go-by - go about - go after - go against - go along - go along with - go around - go around with - go at - go back - go back on - go by - go down - go far - go for - go in - go in for - go into - go off - go on - go on at - go out - go over - go round - go slow - go steady - go through - go through with - go too far - go towards - go up - go up in smoke/flames - go with - go without - keep going - make a go of something - make a go - on the go

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > go

  • 15 play off against

    (to set (one person) against (another) in order to gain an advantage: He played his father off against his mother to get more pocket money.) jogar (um) contra (o outro)

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > play off against

  • 16 burn

    [bə:n] 1. past tense, past participles - burned, burnt; verb
    1) (to destroy, damage or injure by fire, heat, acid etc: The fire burned all my papers; I've burnt the meat.) queimar
    2) (to use as fuel.) queimar
    3) (to make (a hole etc) by fire, heat, acid etc: The acid burned a hole in my dress.) queimar
    4) (to catch fire: Paper burns easily.) arder
    2. noun
    (an injury or mark caused by fire etc: His burns will take a long time to heal; a burn in the carpet.) queimadura
    * * *
    [bə:n] n 1 queimadura. 2 local queimado. 3 queima, queimação. 4 queimada. • vt+vi (ps and pp burnt or burned) 1 queimar: a) estar muito quente, estar em chamas, estar incandescente, arder. b) acender, pôr fogo. c) destruir pelo fogo. d) marcar com ferro, cauterizar, consumir pelo fogo, calor ou ácido. e) fazer com fogo ou instrumento quente. f) dar sensação de calor a. g) iluminar, clarear (lâmpada). h) bronzear. i) incinerar. j) ustular, calcinar. k) cozer, fazer por meio de calor (tijolos). l) produzir queimaduras. m) crestar (plantas). n) sl desperdiçar, dissipar, esbanjar. o) consumir-se no fogo ou na fogueira. 2 estar inflamado por paixão. 3 estar excitado ou ansioso. 4 Chem passar por combustão. 5 sl ser eletrocutado. he burns the midnight oil ele trabalha até altas horas da noite. he burnt his boats ele rompeu com o passado. he burnt up ele ardeu de cólera. he has money to burn sl ele tem dinheiro à beça. he was burnt to death or he was burnt alive ele foi queimado vivo. it was burnt into my mind foi gravado na minha memória. my ears burn minhas orelhas estão zunindo. the building burnt out o prédio foi destruído no incêndio. the house was burnt down a casa queimou (até os alicerces). the money burns a hole in his pocket ele não sabe guardar dinheiro. to burn away destruir, consumir pelo fogo. to burn in cauterizar, ferretear, tornar indelével pela ação do fogo ou de ácidos. to burn off remover tinta por meio de chama de maçarico ou ferro quente. to burn one’s fingers a) queimar os dedos. b) fig receber o castigo por meter-se em coisas alheias. to burn out extinguir, apagar o fogo. to burn up destruir, desfazer-se de alguma coisa pelo fogo. he burnt up the refuse / ele queimou o lixo. you are burning daylight fig você está deitando água no mar. you must not burn the candle at both ends fig você não deve se esforçar demais ou desperdiçar as forças.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > burn

  • 17 wallet

    1) (a small (usually folding) case made of soft leather, plastic etc, carried in the pocket and used for holding (especially paper) money, personal papers etc: He has lost all his money - his wallet has been stolen.) carteira
    2) (a similar case containing other things: a plastic wallet containing a set of small tools.) bolsa
    * * *
    [w'ɔlit] n 1 carteira (de bolso). 2 estojo de couro (para ferramentas, etc.). 3 mochila, sacola. 4 pasta de couro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wallet

  • 18 wallet

    1) (a small (usually folding) case made of soft leather, plastic etc, carried in the pocket and used for holding (especially paper) money, personal papers etc: He has lost all his money - his wallet has been stolen.) carteira
    2) (a similar case containing other things: a plastic wallet containing a set of small tools.) estojo

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > wallet

  • 19 TO

    1. [tə,tu] preposition
    1) (towards; in the direction of: I cycled to the station; The book fell to the floor; I went to the concert/lecture/play.) a
    2) (as far as: His story is a lie from beginning to end.) a
    3) (until: Did you stay to the end of the concert?) até
    4) (sometimes used to introduce the indirect object of a verb: He sent it to us; You're the only person I can talk to.) para/com, etc.
    5) (used in expressing various relations: Listen to me!; Did you reply to his letter?; Where's the key to this door?; He sang to (the accompaniment of) his guitar.) a/para
    6) (into a particular state or condition: She tore the letter to pieces.) em
    7) (used in expressing comparison or proportion: He's junior to me; Your skill is superior to mine; We won the match by 5 goals to 2.) a
    8) (showing the purpose or result of an action etc: He came quickly to my assistance; To my horror, he took a gun out of his pocket.) para
    9) ([tə] used before an infinitive eg after various verbs and adjectives, or in other constructions: I want to go!; He asked me to come; He worked hard to (= in order to) earn a lot of money; These buildings were designed to (= so as to) resist earthquakes; She opened her eyes to find him standing beside her; I arrived too late to see him.) para
    10) (used instead of a complete infinitive: He asked her to stay but she didn't want to.) fazê-lo
    2. [tu:] adverb
    1) (into a closed or almost closed position: He pulled/pushed the door to.) até fechar
    2) (used in phrasal verbs and compounds: He came to (= regained consciousness).) aos sentidos, ao trabalho, etc.
    * * *
    abbr 1 telegraph office (sala do telégrafo). 2 traditional orthography (ortografia tradicional). 3 turn over (vide verso, vire a página).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > TO

  • 20 to

    1. [tə,tu] preposition
    1) (towards; in the direction of: I cycled to the station; The book fell to the floor; I went to the concert/lecture/play.) a
    2) (as far as: His story is a lie from beginning to end.) a
    3) (until: Did you stay to the end of the concert?) até
    4) (sometimes used to introduce the indirect object of a verb: He sent it to us; You're the only person I can talk to.) para/com, etc.
    5) (used in expressing various relations: Listen to me!; Did you reply to his letter?; Where's the key to this door?; He sang to (the accompaniment of) his guitar.) a/para
    6) (into a particular state or condition: She tore the letter to pieces.) em
    7) (used in expressing comparison or proportion: He's junior to me; Your skill is superior to mine; We won the match by 5 goals to 2.) a
    8) (showing the purpose or result of an action etc: He came quickly to my assistance; To my horror, he took a gun out of his pocket.) para
    9) ([tə] used before an infinitive eg after various verbs and adjectives, or in other constructions: I want to go!; He asked me to come; He worked hard to (= in order to) earn a lot of money; These buildings were designed to (= so as to) resist earthquakes; She opened her eyes to find him standing beside her; I arrived too late to see him.) para
    10) (used instead of a complete infinitive: He asked her to stay but she didn't want to.) fazê-lo
    2. [tu:] adverb
    1) (into a closed or almost closed position: He pulled/pushed the door to.) até fechar
    2) (used in phrasal verbs and compounds: He came to (= regained consciousness).) aos sentidos, ao trabalho, etc.
    * * *
    [tu:; tə] adv 1 em direção a, para diante. 2 em posição normal ou de contato. 3 para si, a si, à consciência. • prep [tu; ta; tu:] 1 para, em direção a, a, ao, à. he goes to London / ele vai para Londres. he was a friend to me / ele foi um amigo para mim. it came to my hand / chegou às minhas mãos. I sent it to him / mandei-lho. 2 até. 3 para, a fim de. 4 em. 5 com. 6 de, da, do. 7 em honra de. 8 na, no, contra. throw it to the ground / jogue-o no chão. 9 sobre, a respeito. 10 por. 11 Gram marcador do infinitivo. what is to be done? / o que se deve fazer? in days to come / em dias vindouros. we expected him to go / esperávamos que ele fosse. it was seen to come / era de se esperar. add to that além disto. agreeable to agradável para. all to a man até o último homem. all to yourself tudo para você. a quarter to two um quarto para as duas horas. as to quanto a. attentive to atento a, atencioso para. face to face cara a cara. fall to the ground cair no chão. from hand to hand de mão em mão. heir to the crown herdeiro do trono. in comparison to em comparação a. our duty to nosso dever para com. put the horses to! atrele os cavalos! this is nothing to that isto não é nada em comparação com aquilo. 3 is to 6 as 9 is to 18 3 está para 6 assim como 9 está para 18. tired to death morto de cansaço. to a great age até a velhice. to a great degree em alto grau. to go to school ir à escola. to my cost às minhas custas. to my feeling a) em minha opinião. b) de acordo com o meu sentimento. to my knowledge segundo meu conhecimento. to my taste para o meu gosto. to the clouds até as nuvens. to the contrary ao contrário. to the minute ao minuto. to time na hora, pontual.

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См. также в других словарях:

  • pocket money — pocket .money n [U] 1.) BrE a small amount of money that parents give regularly to their children, usually every week or month American Equivalent: allowance ▪ How much pocket money do you get? 2.) informal a small amount of extra money that you… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pocket money — pocket ,money noun uncount 1. ) a small amount of money that you carry with you for buying inexpensive things: a part time job to earn a little pocket money 2. ) BRITISH an ALLOWANCE that a child gets from its parents …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • pocket money — ► NOUN Brit. 1) a small regular allowance given to a child by their parents. 2) a small amount of money for minor expenses …   English terms dictionary

  • pocket money — n. cash for small expenses; small change …   English World dictionary

  • pocket money — also pocket money 1) N UNCOUNT Pocket money is money which children are given by their parents, usually every week. [mainly BRIT] We agreed to give her ₤6 a week pocket money. (in AM, usually use allowance) 2) N UNCOUNT Pocket money is a small… …   English dictionary

  • Pocket Money — Infobox Film name = Pocket Money image size = 200px caption = Theatrical poster. director = Stuart Rosenberg producer = John Foreman writer = J.P.S. Brown ( novel ), John Gay, Terrence Malick starring = Paul Newman, Lee Marvin, Strother Martin… …   Wikipedia

  • pocket\ money — • spending money • pocket money noun Money that is given to a person to spend. When the seniors went to New York City on a trip, each was given $10 in spending money. Father gave John a nickel in pocket money when he went to the store with mother …   Словарь американских идиом

  • pocket money — noun (U) 1 especially BrE money given regularly to a child by its parents to spend on small things; allowance (4) AmE: Sophie spends her pocket money on sweets and magazines. 2 informal a small amount of money that you can use to buy small things …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pocket money */ — UK / US noun [uncountable] 1) British money that parents regularly give to their children How much pocket money do you get? 2) a small amount of money that you earn and spend on things that are not very important a part time job to earn a little… …   English dictionary

  • Pocket Money — Les Indésirables Les Indésirables (Pocket Money) est un film américain réalisé par Stuart Rosenberg, sorti en 1972. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Lien exte …   Wikipédia en Français

  • pocket-money — see pocket money …   English dictionary

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