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  • 61 directory

    plural - directories; noun (a type of book giving names and addresses etc: a telephone directory.) telefona abonentu saraksts
    * * *
    adrešu grāmata; rokasgrāmata; direkcija; instruktīvs, direktīvs

    English-Latvian dictionary > directory

  • 62 discovery

    plural - discoveries; noun a voyage of discovery; She made several startling discoveries.) atklājums; atklāšana
    * * *
    atklāšana; atklājums

    English-Latvian dictionary > discovery

  • 63 dispensary

    plural - dispensaries; noun (a place especially in a hospital where medicines are given out.) aptieka (slimnīcā)
    * * *
    aptieka; ambulance

    English-Latvian dictionary > dispensary

  • 64 distillery

    plural - distilleries; noun (a place where distilling (of whisky, brandy etc) is done.) spirta rūpnīca
    * * *
    destilācijas iekārta; spirta rūpnīca

    English-Latvian dictionary > distillery

  • 65 dowry

    plural - dowries; noun
    (money and property brought by a woman to her husband when they marry.) (līgavas) pūrs
    * * *
    pūrs; dotības, talants

    English-Latvian dictionary > dowry

  • 66 drapery

    plural - draperies; noun
    1) (a draper's business.) audumu veikals
    2) (cloth used for draping: walls hung with blue drapery.) drapērija
    * * *
    drapējums; audumi; audumu veikals

    English-Latvian dictionary > drapery

  • 67 dummy

    plural - dummies; noun
    1) (an artificial substitute looking like the real thing: The packets of cigarettes on display were dummies.) butaforija
    2) (a model of a human used for displaying clothes etc: a dressmaker's dummy.) manekens
    3) (an artificial teat put in a baby's mouth to comfort it.) knupītis
    * * *
    ieliktenis, marionete; manekens; putnubiedēklis; knupis; makets; butaforija; statists; fiktīvs, neīsts

    English-Latvian dictionary > dummy

  • 68 dynamo

    plural - dynamos; noun
    (a machine that produces electric currents.) dinamomašīna
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > dynamo

  • 69 embargo

    plural - embargoes; noun
    (an official order forbidding something, especially trade with another country.) embargo, aizliegums
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > embargo

  • 70 energies

    plural; see energy
    * * *
    spēks; enerģija

    English-Latvian dictionary > energies

  • 71 entreaty

    plural - entreaties; noun ((an) earnest request or plea.) liels lūgums; lūgšanās
    * * *
    liels lūgums, lūgšanās

    English-Latvian dictionary > entreaty

  • 72 entries

    plural; see entry
    * * *
    iesniegtie darbi

    English-Latvian dictionary > entries

  • 73 erratum

    plural - errata; noun
    (an error in writing or printing: The errata are listed at the beginning of the book.) iespiedkļūda
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > erratum

  • 74 eventuality

    - plural eventualities - noun (a possible happening: We are ready for all eventualities.)
    * * *
    eventualitāte, iespējamība

    English-Latvian dictionary > eventuality

  • 75 felony

    plural - felonies; noun (a serious crime: He committed a felony.) kriminālnoziegums
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > felony

  • 76 footman

    plural - footmen; noun (a male servant wearing a uniform: The footman opened the door.) livrejā tērpts sulainis
    * * *
    livrejā tērpies sulainis, sulainis livrejā

    English-Latvian dictionary > footman

  • 77 forgery

    plural - forgeries; noun
    1) ((the crime of) copying pictures, documents, signatures etc and pretending they are genuine: He was sent to prison for forgery.) (dokumenta, paraksta) viltošana
    2) (a picture, document etc copied for this reason: The painting was a forgery.) viltojums
    * * *
    viltošana; viltojums

    English-Latvian dictionary > forgery

  • 78 foundry

    plural - foundries; noun
    (a place where metal or glass is formed by melting and pouring into moulds.) lietuve
    * * *

    English-Latvian dictionary > foundry

  • 79 frailty

    plural - frailties; noun (physical weakness or (a) moral failing: She loved him in spite of his frailties.) trauslums; vārums; rakstura vājums
    * * *
    vārums, trauslums; nīcība; rakstura vājums

    English-Latvian dictionary > frailty

  • 80 fraternity

    plural - fraternities; noun
    1) (a company of people who regard each other as equals, eg monks.) brālība
    2) (a company of people with the same interest, job etc: the banking fraternity.) biedrība
    3) ((American) a society of male students in various universities.) studentu biedrība (ASV)
    * * *
    brālība; studentu biedrība

    English-Latvian dictionary > fraternity

См. также в других словарях:

  • plural — 1. Reglas de formación del plural. En español hay dos marcas para formar el plural de los sustantivos y adjetivos: s y es. Existe asimismo la posibilidad, aunque no es lo normal, de que permanezcan invariables. La elección de una de estas… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • Plural — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En lingüística, el plural es un rasgo del número que se contrapone al singular y a otros números gramaticales , cuando existen más de dos). En muchas lenguas el plural se usa cuando se habla de dos o más entidades… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Plural — is a grammatical number, typically referring to more than one of the referent in the real world.In the English language, singular and plural are the only grammatical numbers.In English, nouns, pronouns, and demonstratives inflect for plurality.… …   Wikipedia

  • plural — plural, ale, aux [ plyral, o ] adj. • 1874; lat. pluralis ♦ Didact. Qui contient plusieurs unités, plusieurs éléments. Vote plural : système de vote où certains votants ont plusieurs voix. ● plural, plurale, pluraux adjectif (latin pluralis) Qui… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • plural — PLURÁL, Ă, plurali, e, s.n., adj. 1. s.n. Categorie gramaticală care arată că este vorba de două sau de mai multe fiinţe sau lucruri de acelaşi fel. ♢ Pluralul autorităţii (sau al maiestăţii) = pluralul folosit în locul singularului în vechile… …   Dicționar Român

  • plural — (Del lat. plurālis). 1. adj. Múltiple, que se presenta en más de un aspecto. Alardeaba de su plural conocimiento en el campo de las ciencias. 2. m. Gram. número plural. plural de modestia. m. Gram. plural del pronombre personal de primera persona …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • plural — abbreviation 1》 (also Pl.) place. 2》 plate (referring to illustrations in a book). 3》 chiefly Military platoon. 4》 plural. plural adjective 1》 Grammar (of a word or form) denoting more than one, or (in languages with dual number) more than two.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • plural — [ploor′əl] adj. [ME < L pluralis < plus (gen. pluris), more: see PLUS] 1. of or including more than one 2. of, involving, or being one of, a plurality of persons or things [plural marriage] 3. Gram. designating or of the category of number… …   English World dictionary

  • Plural — Plu ral, a. [L. pluralis, from plus, pluris, more; cf. F. pluriel, OF. plurel. See {Plus}.] Relating to, or containing, more than one; designating two or more; as, a plural word. [1913 Webster] Plural faith, which is too much by one. Shak. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • plural — plural, ale (entrée créée par le supplément) (plu ral, ra l ) adj. Qui contient plusieurs unités. •   Le principe du vote multiple ou plural vient d être admis par la commission, PERNOLET Journ. offic. 7 juill. 1874, p. 4709, 3e col.. •   Au lieu …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Plural — Sm std. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. plūrālis (numerus), zu l. plūs ( ūris) mehr , dem suppletiven Komparativ zu l. multus viel .    Ebenso nndl. pluralis, ne. plural, nfrz. pluriel, nschw. plural(is), nnorw. plural(is); plus. ✎ DF 2… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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