1 pledged property
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > pledged property
2 pledged property
1) Экономика: заложенное имущество2) Банковское дело: предмет залога3) ЕБРР: обременённое имущество -
3 pledged property
4 pledged property
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > pledged property
5 pledged property
6 pledged property
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > pledged property
7 pledged property
8 un-pledged property
незаложенная собственность ;Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > un-pledged property
9 disposal of pledged property
Экономика: реализация заложенного имуществаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > disposal of pledged property
10 procedure for the levy of execution on pledged property
Общая лексика: порядок обращения взыскания на заложенное имуществоУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > procedure for the levy of execution on pledged property
11 disposal of pledged property
Англо-русский экономический словарь > disposal of pledged property
12 protection of pledged property from encroachment and claims of third parties
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > protection of pledged property from encroachment and claims of third parties
13 realization of pledged property
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > realization of pledged property
14 realization of pledged property
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > realization of pledged property
15 property
n1) собственность, имущество2) земельная собственность, земельный участок4) свойство, качество
- abandoned property
- agrarian property
- alien property
- attached property
- beneficial property
- business property
- cargo properties
- charged property
- city property
- collective property
- common property
- communal property
- community property
- company property
- contaminated property
- cooperative property
- corporate property
- corporation property
- damaged property
- debt-financed property
- depreciable property
- discarded property
- domestic properties
- estate property
- exhibition property
- external property
- federal property
- financial property
- fixed property
- foreign property
- freehold property
- funded property
- government-owned property
- group property
- house property
- immovable property
- income-producing property
- income-yielding property
- incorporeal property
- individual property
- industrial property
- insurable property
- insured property
- intangible property
- intellectual property
- joint property
- landed property
- leased property
- leasehold property
- like-kind property
- low rise property
- mixed property
- mortgaged property
- movable property
- municipal property
- municipal residential property
- national property
- nationalized property
- natural property of commodity
- ordinary income property
- ownerless property
- partnership property
- personal property
- plant property
- pledged property
- private property
- public property
- rateable property
- real property
- rented property
- residential property
- seized property
- separate property
- state property
- state and public property
- state-owned property
- statistical property
- stolen property
- surplus property
- tangible property
- taxable property
- taxable immovable property
- taxable movable property
- town property
- trust property
- unalienable property
- underlying property
- unencumbered property
- wearing property
- property in goods
- property in land
- property in municipal ownership
- property of the firm
- property of state
- property under arrest
- property claimed as exempt
- property lodged with a bank
- property pledged as collateral
- property reserved
- acquire real property
- administer property
- alienate property
- auction off a borrower's property
- bequeath property
- detach property in trust
- enjoy property
- inherit property
- insure property
- make a property over
- mortgage property
- obtain property
- pawn property
- place property under embargo
- possess property
- register property
- sell property at a gain
- surrender property
- use propertyEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > property
16 property
собственность, имущество• -
17 property
1) собственность; право собственности2) объект права собственности, имущество, вещь3) истор. владение (территория, зависимая от метрополии)•property forfeit to the state — имущество, конфискованное государством;
property given to charity — имущество, предоставленное для благотворительных целей;
property in action — право, могущее быть основанием для иска, имущество, заключающееся в требовании;
property in movable things — собственность на движимое имущество, движимая собственность;
- abutting propertyproperty taken for public use — имущество, изъятое для общественных нужд
- adjacent property
- adjudicated property
- after-acquired property
- agrarian property
- agricultural property
- ancestral property
- artistic property
- associate property
- burglarized property
- common property
- communal property
- community property
- contiguous property
- contraband property
- corporate property
- corporeal property
- cultural property
- demesnial property
- disputed property
- distrained property
- dotal property
- enemy property
- entailed property
- fixed property
- fronting and abutting property
- funded property
- general property
- governmental property
- government property
- heirless property
- illicit property
- immovable property
- impartiable property
- incorporeal property
- industrial property
- insured property
- intangible property
- intellectual property
- intestate property
- joint property
- landed property
- leasehold property
- licit property
- literary property
- matrimonial property
- movable property
- non-governmental property
- ownerless property
- paraphernal property
- personal property
- pledged property
- private property
- public property
- qualified property
- real property
- separate property
- special property
- state property
- stolen property
- tangible property
- territorial property
- adjoining property* * * -
18 property
1) собственность, имущество; земельная собственность, имение2) право собственности3) свойство, характерная особенность4) трансп. перевозимый груз -
19 property pledged to the bank as security
Экономика: заложенное в банке имуществоУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > property pledged to the bank as security
20 property to be pledged
Банковское дело: предмет залога (говоря об имуществе, передаваемом в залог)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > property to be pledged
См. также в других словарях:
pledged asset — property which is used as a guarantee for repaying a loan … English contemporary dictionary
after-acquired property — n. (1) Property a debtor acquires after concluding an agreement putting up other property as security for a loan. (2) Property acquired by a bankrupt after filing for bankruptcy. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of… … Law dictionary
PLEDGE — The Concept In Jewish law, in addition to the personal right of action against the debtor, the creditor also has a right of lien on the latter s property. This lien automatically comes into being when the debt is created and is termed aḥarayut… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
pledge — 1 / plej/ n 1: a delivery of esp. personal property as security for a debt or other obligation; broadly: the perfection of a security interest in collateral through possession of the collateral by a creditor or other promisee 2 a: property and… … Law dictionary
pawn — 1 / pȯn/ n 1 a: a pledge and transfer of possession of movable or personal property to a creditor which gives the creditor the privilege of satisfying the debt from the property (as by selling it) if the debt is not repaid within a specified… … Law dictionary
hypothecate — hy·poth·e·cate /hi pä thə ˌkāt, hī / vt cat·ed, cat·ing [Medieval Latin hypothecare to pledge, from Late Latin hypotheca pledge, from Greek hypothēkē, from hypotithenai to put under, deposit as pledge]: to pledge as security without delivery of… … Law dictionary
Insolvency law of Switzerland — The insolvency law of Switzerland is the law governing insolvency, foreclosure, bankruptcy and debt restructuring proceedings in Switzerland. It is principally codified in the Federal Statute on Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy ( de. Bundesgesetz… … Wikipedia
hypothecate — /hapoӨokeyt/ To pledge property as security or collateral for a debt. Generally, there is no physical transfer of the pledged property to the lender, nor is the lender given title to the property; though he has the right to sell the pledged… … Black's law dictionary
hypothecate — /hapoӨokeyt/ To pledge property as security or collateral for a debt. Generally, there is no physical transfer of the pledged property to the lender, nor is the lender given title to the property; though he has the right to sell the pledged… … Black's law dictionary
redemption — A recovery back of property by payment of money or performance or other condition. A regaining of property taken from one, as under a mortgage, by paying what is due. Miller v Rafterman, 47 Ohio St 141, 156, 24 NE 496. The obtaining of pledged… … Ballentine's law dictionary
secured debt — debt backed by a mortgage, pledge of collateral or other lien. It is debt for which the creditor has the right to pursue specific pledged property upon default (Glossary of Common Bankruptcy Terms) A claim secured by a lien in the debtor s… … Glossary of Bankruptcy