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  • 1 be in / out of practice

    ((not) having had a lot of practice recently: I haven't played the piano for months - I'm very out of practice.) įgudęs, atpratęs

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > be in / out of practice

  • 2 play

    [plei] 1. verb
    1) (to amuse oneself: The child is playing in the garden; He is playing with his toys; The little girl wants to play with her friends.) žaisti
    2) (to take part in (games etc): He plays football; He is playing in goal; Here's a pack of cards - who wants to play (with me)?; I'm playing golf with him this evening.) žaisti, lošti
    3) (to act in a play etc; to act (a character): She's playing Lady Macbeth; The company is playing in London this week.) vaidinti, dėtis
    4) ((of a play etc) to be performed: `Oklahoma' is playing at the local theatre.) būti vaidinamam
    5) (to (be able to) perform on (a musical instrument): She plays the piano; Who was playing the piano this morning?; He plays (the oboe) in an orchestra.) groti
    6) ((usually with on) to carry out or do (a trick): He played a trick on me.) iškrėsti
    7) ((usually with at) to compete against (someone) in a game etc: I'll play you at tennis.) žaisti su
    8) ((of light) to pass with a flickering movement: The firelight played across the ceiling.) žaisti
    9) (to direct (over or towards something): The firemen played their hoses over the burning house.) nukreipti
    10) (to put down or produce (a playing-card) as part of a card game: He played the seven of hearts.) lošti
    2. noun
    1) (recreation; amusement: A person must have time for both work and play.) pramoga
    2) (an acted story; a drama: Shakespeare wrote many great plays.) pjesė, drama
    3) (the playing of a game: At the start of today's play, England was leading India by fifteen runs.) žaidimas
    4) (freedom of movement (eg in part of a machine).) laisvumas
    - playable
    - playful
    - playfully
    - playfulness
    - playboy
    - playground
    - playing-card
    - playing-field
    - playmate
    - playpen
    - playschool
    - plaything
    - playtime
    - playwright
    - at play
    - bring/come into play
    - child's play
    - in play
    - out of play
    - play at
    - play back
    - play down
    - play fair
    - play for time
    - play havoc with
    - play into someone's hands
    - play off
    - play off against
    - play on
    - play a
    - no part in
    - play safe
    - play the game
    - play up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > play

  • 3 pop

    I 1. [pop] noun
    1) (a sharp, quick, explosive noise, such as that made by a cork as it comes out of a bottle: The paper bag burst with a loud pop.) pokštelėjimas
    2) (fizzy drink: a bottle of pop.) putojantis gėrimas
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause to) make a pop: He popped the balloon; My balloon has popped.) pokš(tel)ėti, susprog(din)ti
    2) (to spring upwards or outwards: His eyes nearly popped out of his head in amazement.) iššokti
    3) (to go quickly and briefly somewhere: He popped out to buy a newspaper.) išbėgti, išlėkti
    4) (put quickly: He popped the letter into his pocket.) įkišti
    - pop-gun
    - pop up
    II [pop] adjective
    1) ((of music) written, played etc in a modern style.) populiarus
    2) (of, or related to, pop music: a pop group; a pop singer; pop records.) pop, popmuzikos

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > pop

  • 4 back

    [bæk] 1. noun
    1) (in man, the part of the body from the neck to the bottom of the spine: She lay on her back.) nugara
    2) (in animals, the upper part of the body: She put the saddle on the horse's back.) nugara
    3) (that part of anything opposite to or furthest from the front: the back of the house; She sat at the back of the hall.) užpakalis, galas
    4) (in football, hockey etc a player who plays behind the forwards.) gynėjas
    2. adjective
    (of or at the back: the back door.) užpakalinis
    3. adverb
    1) (to, or at, the place or person from which a person or thing came: I went back to the shop; He gave the car back to its owner.) atgal
    2) (away (from something); not near (something): Move back! Let the ambulance get to the injured man; Keep back from me or I'll hit you!) tolyn, šalin
    3) (towards the back (of something): Sit back in your chair.) arti atramos
    4) (in return; in response to: When the teacher is scolding you, don't answer back.) atsilygindamas, atsikirsdamas, atgal
    5) (to, or in, the past: Think back to your childhood.) į praeitį, praeityje
    4. verb
    1) (to (cause to) move backwards: He backed (his car) out of the garage.) eiti/važiuoti atbulom, varyti atgal
    2) (to help or support: Will you back me against the others?) palaikyti, remti
    3) (to bet or gamble on: I backed your horse to win.) lažintis, statyti sumą
    - backbite
    - backbiting
    - backbone
    - backbreaking
    - backdate
    - backfire
    - background
    - backhand
    5. adverb
    (using backhand: She played the stroke backhand; She writes backhand.) iš kairės, pakrypusia rašysena
    - back-number
    - backpack
    - backpacking: go backpacking
    - backpacker
    - backside
    - backslash
    - backstroke
    - backup
    - backwash
    - backwater
    - backyard
    - back down
    - back of
    - back on to
    - back out
    - back up
    - have one's back to the wall
    - put someone's back up
    - take a back seat

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > back

  • 5 wind

    I 1. [wind] noun
    1) ((an) outdoor current of air: The wind is strong today; There wasn't much wind yesterday; Cold winds blow across the desert.) vėjas
    2) (breath: Climbing these stairs takes all the wind out of me.) kvapas
    3) (air or gas in the stomach or intestines: His stomach pains were due to wind.) dujos
    2. verb
    (to cause to be out of breath: The heavy blow winded him.) užgniaužti kvapą
    3. adjective
    ((of a musical instrument) operated or played using air pressure, especially a person's breath.) pučiamasis
    - windiness
    - windfall
    - windmill
    - windpipe
    - windsurf
    - windsurfer
    - windsurfing
    - windscreen
    - windsock
    - windsurf
    - windsurfer
    - windsurfing
    - windswept
    - get the wind up
    - get wind of
    - get one's second wind
    - in the wind
    - like the wind
    II past tense, past participle - wound; verb
    1) (to wrap round in coils: He wound the rope around his waist and began to climb.) vynioti, sukti
    2) (to make into a ball or coil: to wind wool.) vynioti
    3) ((of a road etc) to twist and turn: The road winds up the mountain.) vingiuoti
    4) (to tighten the spring of (a clock, watch etc) by turning a knob, handle etc: I forgot to wind my watch.) prisukti
    - winding
    - wind up
    - be/get wound up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > wind

  • 6 hole

    [həul] 1. noun
    1) (an opening or gap in or through something: a hole in the fence; holes in my socks.) skylė
    2) (a hollow in something solid: a hole in my tooth; Many animals live in holes in the ground.) skylė, duobė, urvas
    3) ((in golf) (the point scored by the player who takes the fewest strokes to hit his ball over) any one of the usually eighteen sections of the golf course between the tees and the holes in the middle of the greens: He won by two holes; We played nine holes.) duobutė
    2. verb
    1) (to make a hole in: The ship was badly holed when it hit the rock.) pramušti skylę (kur), prakiurdyti
    2) (to hit (a ball etc) into a hole: The golfer holed his ball from twelve metres away.) įmušti į duobutę

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > hole

  • 7 play a trick / tricks on

    (to do something which is amusing to oneself because it deceives or frightens (someone else), or makes them appear stupid: He played a trick on her by jumping out from behind a wall as she passed.) iškrėsti (kam) pokštą, apgauti (ką)

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > play a trick / tricks on

  • 8 stand

    [stænd] 1. past tense, past participle - stood; verb
    1) (to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying: His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing.) stovėti
    2) ((often with up) to rise to the feet: He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played.) atsistoti
    3) (to remain motionless: The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle.) stovėti
    4) (to remain unchanged: This law still stands.) galioti
    5) (to be in or have a particular place: There is now a factory where our house once stood.) stovėti
    6) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?) būti
    7) (to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc: He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district.) sutikti būti, iškelti save
    8) (to put in a particular position, especially upright: He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table.) pastatyti
    9) (to undergo or endure: He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer.) stoti prieš (teismą), pakęsti, iškęsti
    10) (to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person): Let me stand you a drink!) pavaišinti
    2. noun
    1) (a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc: The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right.) vieta, pozicija, požiūris
    2) (an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something: a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning.) stovas, pjedestalas
    3) (a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement.) stendas, vitrina
    4) (a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators: The stand was crowded.) tribūna
    5) ((American) a witness box in a law court.) liudytojo vieta
    - standing 3. noun
    1) (time of lasting: an agreement of long standing.) trukmė
    2) (rank or reputation: a diplomat of high standing.) rangas, padėtis
    4. adjective
    ((of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat.) nerezervuojantis, nerezervuotas
    5. adverb
    (travelling in this way: It costs a lot less to travel stand-by.) nerezervavus
    - standing-room
    - make someone's hair stand on end
    - stand aside
    - stand back
    - stand by
    - stand down
    - stand fast/firm
    - stand for
    - stand in
    - stand on one's own two feet
    - stand on one's own feet
    - stand out
    - stand over
    - stand up for
    - stand up to

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > stand

  • 9 time

    1. noun
    1) (the hour of the day: What time is it?; Can your child tell the time yet?) laikas
    2) (the passage of days, years, events etc: time and space; Time will tell.) laikas
    3) (a point at which, or period during which, something happens: at the time of his wedding; breakfast-time.) metas
    4) (the quantity of minutes, hours, days etc, eg spent in, or available for, a particular activity etc: This won't take much time to do; I enjoyed the time I spent in Paris; At the end of the exam, the supervisor called `Your time is up!') laikas
    5) (a suitable moment or period: Now is the time to ask him.) laikas, momentas
    6) (one of a number occasions: He's been to France four times.) kartas
    7) (a period characterized by a particular quality in a person's life, experience etc: He went through an unhappy time when she died; We had some good times together.) periodas, laikotarpis
    8) (the speed at which a piece of music should be played; tempo: in slow time.) tempas
    2. verb
    1) (to measure the time taken by (a happening, event etc) or by (a person, in doing something): He timed the journey.) skaičiuoti, užrašinėti (kieno) laiką/trukmę
    2) (to choose a particular time for: You timed your arrival beautifully!) pataikyti, laiku suspėti
    - timelessly
    - timelessness
    - timely
    - timeliness
    - timer
    - times
    - timing
    - time bomb
    - time-consuming
    - time limit
    - time off
    - time out
    - timetable
    - all in good time
    - all the time
    - at times
    - be behind time
    - for the time being
    - from time to time
    - in good time
    - in time
    - no time at all
    - no time
    - one
    - two at a time
    - on time
    - save
    - waste time
    - take one's time
    - time and time again
    - time and again

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > time

  • 10 trombone

    (a type of brass musical wind instrument, on which the pitch of notes is altered by sliding a tube in and out: He plays the trombone; He played a tune on his trombone.) trombonas

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > trombone

  • 11 tune

    [tju:n] 1. noun
    (musical notes put together in a particular (melodic and pleasing) order; a melody: He played a tune on the violin.) melodija
    2. verb
    1) (to adjust (a musical instrument, or its strings etc) to the correct pitch: The orchestra tuned their instruments.) derinti
    2) (to adjust a radio so that it receives a particular station: The radio was tuned to a German station.) nustatyti
    3) (to adjust (an engine etc) so that it runs well.) sureguliuoti
    - tunefully
    - tunefulness
    - tuneless
    - tunelessly
    - tunelessness
    - tuner
    - change one's tune
    - in tune
    - out of tune
    - tune in
    - tune up

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > tune

См. также в других словарях:

  • played-out — playedˈ out adjective 1. Exhausted 2. Used up 3. No longer good for anything • • • Main Entry: ↑play * * * played out «PLAYD OWT», adjective. suffering from overuse so as to be worn out, worthless, or hackneyed: »played out jokes. * * * adj [more …   Useful english dictionary

  • played out — {adj. phr.} Tired out; worn out; finished; exhausted. * /It had been a hard day, and by night he was played out./ * /For a while, at least, it seemed the interest in great speed was played out./ Compare: ALL IN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • played out — {adj. phr.} Tired out; worn out; finished; exhausted. * /It had been a hard day, and by night he was played out./ * /For a while, at least, it seemed the interest in great speed was played out./ Compare: ALL IN …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • played-out — adj an idea, situation etc that is played out is finished or no longer has influence →play out at ↑play1 …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • played out — adjective 1. drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted (Freq. 1) the day s shopping left her exhausted he went to bed dog tired was fagged and sweaty the trembling of his played out limbs felt completely washed out …   Useful english dictionary

  • played\ out — adj. phr. tired out; worn out; finished; exhausted. It had been a hard day, and by night he was played out. For a while, at least, it seemed the interest in great speed was played out. Compare: all in …   Словарь американских идиом

  • played-out — adjective 1 someone who is played out is not as strong, powerful etc as they used to be 2 old fashioned and no longer useful: played out ideas see also: play out play 1 …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Played out — Play Play, v. t. 1. To put in action or motion; as, to play cannon upon a fortification; to play a trump. [1913 Webster] First Peace and Silence all disputes control, Then Order plays the soul. Herbert. [1913 Webster] 2. To perform music upon; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • played out — tired out, worn out, exhausted I was totally played out last night so I went to bed early …   Idioms and examples

  • played-out — UK [ˌpleɪd ˈaʊt] / US adjective 1) old fashioned and no longer useful 2) someone who is played out is very tired or no longer as powerful as they used to be …   English dictionary

  • played out — Synonyms and related words: all in, ausgespielt, beat, beat up, beaten, bone weary, burned out, bushed, dead, dead and alive, dead tired, deadbeat, devitalized, disabled, dog tired, dog weary, done, done in, done up, drained, effete, emptied,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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