Перевод: со всех языков на словацкий

со словацкого на все языки


  • 1 float timber

    • plavit drevo

    English-Slovak dictionary > float timber

  • 2 sail

    [seil] 1. noun
    1) (a sheet of strong cloth spread to catch the wind, by which a ship is driven forward.) plachta
    2) (a journey in a ship: a sail in his yacht; a week's sail to the island.) plavba
    3) (an arm of a windmill.) lopatka
    2. verb
    1) ((of a ship) to be moved by sails: The yacht sailed away.) plachtiť
    2) (to steer or navigate a ship or boat: He sailed (the boat) to the island.) plaviť sa, riadiť loď
    3) (to go in a ship or boat (with or without sails): I've never sailed through the Mediterranean.) plaviť sa
    4) (to begin a voyage: The ship sails today; My aunt sailed today.) odplaviť (sa), odplávať
    5) (to travel on (the sea etc) in a ship: He sailed the North Sea.) plaviť sa
    6) (to move steadily and easily: Clouds sailed across the sky; He sailed through his exams; She sailed into the room.) prejsť, preplávať, vplávať
    - sailing
    - sailing-
    - sailor
    - in full sail
    * * *
    • viest (lod)
    • tykadlo
    • rameno krídla
    • riadit (lod)
    • plachta
    • plachta lode
    • plavit sa
    • plávat
    • perut
    • plavidlo
    • plachtit
    • plachtový
    • plachetnica
    • krídlo
    • lod

    English-Slovak dictionary > sail

  • 3 nose

    [nəuz] 1. noun
    1) (the part of the face by which people and animals smell and usually breathe: She held the flower to her nose; He punched the man on the nose.) nos
    2) (the sense of smell: Police dogs have good noses and can follow criminals' trails.) čuch
    3) (the part of anything which is like a nose in shape or position: the nose of an aeroplane.) nos, predok
    2. verb
    1) (to make a way by pushing carefully forward: The ship nosed (its way) through the ice.) opatrne sa plaviť
    2) (to look or search as if by smelling: He nosed about (in) the cupboard.) čmuchať, hľadať
    - - nosed
    - nosey
    - nosy
    - nosily
    - nosiness
    - nose-bag
    - nosedive
    - nose job
    3. verb
    (to make such a dive: Suddenly the plane nosedived.) letieť strmhlav dolu
    - lead by the nose
    - nose out
    - pay through the nose
    - turn up one's nose at
    - under a person's very nose
    - under very nose
    - under a person's nose
    - under nose
    * * *
    • vôna
    • ústie
    • vynuchat
    • výbežok
    • výstupok
    • vysliedit
    • výcnelok
    • zaoblit sa
    • šinút sa
    • špicka
    • strkat nos
    • predierat sa
    • predok
    • predný koniec
    • íst
    • celo (lode)
    • cuchat
    • cumák
    • cuch
    • dlžka nosu
    • rypák
    • rozrážat špicou
    • pliest sa
    • pach
    • pchat nos
    • plavit sa
    • nájst
    • nuchat
    • nos
    • nuch

    English-Slovak dictionary > nose

  • 4 voyage

    ['voii‹] 1. noun
    (a usually long journey, especially by sea: The voyage to America used to take many weeks.) plavba
    2. verb
    (to make such a journey: They voyaged for many months.) plaviť sa
    * * *
    • výprava
    • zisk
    • precestovat
    • absolvovat lodou
    • absolvovat letecky
    • cesta
    • cestopis
    • cestovat
    • cestovanie
    • plavba
    • plavit sa
    • podiel zo zisku
    • plávat
    • let
    • okružná plavba

    English-Slovak dictionary > voyage

  • 5 boat

    [bəut] 1. noun
    1) (a small vessel for travelling over water: We'll cross the stream by boat.) čln
    2) (a larger vessel for the same purpose; a ship: to cross the Atlantic in a passenger boat.) loď
    3) (a serving-dish shaped like a boat: a gravy-boat.) misa na omáčku
    2. verb
    (to sail about in a small boat for pleasure: They are boating on the river.) plaviť sa na loďke
    - in the same boat
    - speedboat
    * * *
    • cln
    • lod
    • miska

    English-Slovak dictionary > boat

  • 6 canoe

    [kə'nu:] 1. noun
    (a light narrow boat driven by a paddle or paddles.) kanoe
    2. verb
    (to travel by canoe: He canoed over the rapids.) plaviť sa na kanoe
    * * *
    • veslovat na kanoe
    • kanoe

    English-Slovak dictionary > canoe

  • 7 cruise

    [kru:z] 1. verb
    1) (to sail for pleasure: We're going cruising in the Mediterranean.) plaviť sa
    2) (to go at a steady, comfortable speed: The plane is cruising at an altitude of 10,000 metres.) letieť (predpísanou rýchlosťou)
    2. noun
    (a voyage from place to place made for pleasure and relaxation: They went on a cruise.) zábavná plavba
    * * *
    • križovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > cruise

  • 8 float

    [fləut] 1. verb
    (to (make something) stay on the surface of a liquid: A piece of wood was floating in the stream.) plávať
    2. noun
    1) (something that floats on a fishing-line: If the float moves, there is probably a fish on the hook.) plavák
    2) (a vehicle for transporting certain things: a milk-float; a cattle-float.) valník
    - floating restaurant
    * * *
    • volne sediet
    • uviest do chodu podnik
    • valník
    • volne ležiaca nit
    • volne sa otácat
    • uvolnit sa
    • uviest do obehu
    • vypudit
    • vznášat sa
    • vzorková nit
    • záchranný pás
    • vzplývanie
    • zaplavit
    • zavlažit
    • zavodnit
    • založit
    • získat podporu
    • sediet bez upevnenia
    • spustit na vodu
    • splavovat
    • striedavý osový pohyb
    • túlat sa
    • uhladit
    • premenlivý
    • prístavný mostík
    • duša ryby
    • hrubý pilník
    • alegorický voz
    • byt nestály
    • bója
    • byt rozkolísaný
    • chodit z miesta na miesto
    • plochý vozík
    • plávajúce prístavisko
    • plavit
    • plávajúce kryhy
    • plavák
    • plávat
    • plavidlo
    • plynutie
    • plt
    • plavenie
    • plávacia vesta
    • poliat
    • pohyblivý
    • kolísat
    • ležat
    • kus žiloviny
    • lopatka
    • menlivý
    • nadnášat
    • murárske hladítko
    • nemat pokoja
    • obuvnícka rašpla
    • niest
    • obiehat
    • obrúsit
    • niest sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > float

  • 9 flume

    • vodný žlab
    • horský potok
    • plavit sa náhonom
    • plavebný kanál
    • postavit náhon
    • koryto
    • náhon
    • odviest tok

    English-Slovak dictionary > flume

  • 10 gather

    ['ɡæðə] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) come together in one place: A crowd of people gathered near the accident.) zhromaždiť sa
    2) (to learn (from what has been seen, heard etc): I gather you are leaving tomorrow.) dozvedieť sa, usúdiť
    3) (to collect or get: He gathered strawberries from the garden; to gather information.) trhať, zbierať
    4) (to pull (material) into small folds and stitch together: She gathered the skirt at the waist.) nariasiť
    2. noun
    (a fold in material, a piece of clothing etc.) záhyby
    - gather round
    - gather together
    * * *
    • usúdit
    • vyberat dane
    • zhromaždit sa
    • zhrnovat sa
    • získavat
    • zbierat
    • zhromaždovat
    • zbiehat sa
    • zosilnit
    • zvraštit
    • hnisat
    • rozumiet
    • plavit
    • nabrat
    • nahromadenie
    • narastat

    English-Slovak dictionary > gather

  • 11 labour

    ['leibə] 1. noun
    1) (hard work: The building of the cathedral involved considerable labour over two centuries; People engaged in manual labour are often badly paid.) práca
    2) (workmen on a job: The firm is having difficulty hiring labour.) pracovné sily
    3) ((in a pregnant woman etc) the process of childbirth: She was in labour for several hours before the baby was born.) pôrodné bolesti
    4) (used (with capital) as a name for the Socialist party in the United Kingdom.) labouristi
    2. verb
    1) (to be employed to do hard and unskilled work: He spends the summer labouring on a building site.) pracovať
    2) (to move or work etc slowly or with difficulty: They laboured through the deep undergrowth in the jungle; the car engine labours a bit on steep hills.) predierať sa; vliecť sa
    - laboriously
    - laboriousness
    - labourer
    - labour court
    - labour dispute
    - labour-saving
    * * *
    • trpiet (cím)
    • úsilie
    • tažko sa plavit
    • tažká práca
    • byt v núdzi
    • robota
    • robit
    • robotníci
    • robotníctvo
    • robotnícka trieda
    • pôrodné bolesti
    • práca
    • pracovat
    • podrobne rozpracovat
    • márna snaha
    • námaha
    • namáhat sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > labour

  • 12 navigate

    1) (to direct, guide or move (a ship, aircraft etc) in a particular direction: He navigated the ship through the dangerous rocks.) viesť loď
    2) (to find or follow one's route when in a ship, aircraft, car etc: If I drive will you navigate?) navigovať
    - navigation
    - navigator
    * * *
    • viest
    • viest lod
    • premanévrovat
    • íst rovno
    • íst poriadne
    • absolvovat
    • riadit
    • plavit sa
    • plávat
    • letiet
    • manévrovat
    • navigovat

    English-Slovak dictionary > navigate

  • 13 raft

    (a number of logs, planks etc fastened together and used as a boat.) plť
    * * *
    • prievoz
    • prístavisko
    • preplavit
    • prístavište
    • hnat plte
    • plávajúce kry
    • pódium
    • plávajúce drevo
    • pltnícit
    • plavit
    • plt
    • plávajúce stromy
    • pramica
    • kompa
    • kryha
    • mostík
    • mnoho
    • most

    English-Slovak dictionary > raft

  • 14 ride

    1. past tense - rode; verb
    1) (to travel or be carried (in a car, train etc or on a bicycle, horse etc): He rides to work every day on an old bicycle; The horsemen rode past.) ísť, viezť sa
    2) (to (be able to) ride on and control (a horse, bicycle etc): Can you ride a bicycle?) jazdiť (na)
    3) (to take part (in a horse-race etc): He's riding in the first race.) ísť, pretekať
    4) (to go out regularly on horseback (eg as a hobby): My daughter rides every Saturday morning.) jazdiť na koni
    2. noun
    1) (a journey on horseback, on a bicycle etc: He likes to go for a long ride on a Sunday afternoon.) jazda, prechádzka
    2) (a usually short period of riding on or in something: Can I have a ride on your bike?) prechádzka
    - riding-school
    * * *
    • utahovat si
    • utkviet
    • vsadit
    • vložit
    • vozit
    • vážit v jazdeckom odeve
    • vozit sa
    • vznášat sa
    • vydržat
    • vyviezt
    • zakotvit
    • zviezt
    • sadnút na
    • skákat
    • spocívat
    • šírit sa
    • štvat
    • sužovat
    • trápit
    • tkviet
    • týrat
    • tyranizovat
    • prejst
    • precnievat
    • presahovat
    • prierub lesa
    • priniest
    • previezt
    • jazdit
    • íst
    • jazda
    • improvizovat
    • jazdecká cesta
    • jazdný oddiel novácikov
    • íst na obhliadku
    • hnat
    • horská dráha
    • buzerovat
    • byt zakotvený
    • cesta
    • doliehat
    • publicita
    • putovat
    • rajtovat
    • riadit
    • ruské kolo
    • plavit sa
    • otácat sa
    • panovat
    • otravovat
    • pokrývat
    • pokracovat
    • pozornost
    • posadit
    • kotvit
    • kolotoc
    • najazdit
    • nechat sa unášat
    • nechat sa niest
    • nosit
    • niest
    • obíst
    • odniest

    English-Slovak dictionary > ride

  • 15 seamanship

    • umenie plavit lod
    • umenie riadit lod
    • plavebná náuka
    • námornícke umenie
    • námorníctvo

    English-Slovak dictionary > seamanship

  • 16 sluice

    1) ((often sluice-gate) a sliding gate for controlling a flow of water in an artificial channel: We shall have to open the sluice.) stavidlo
    2) (the channel or the water which flows through it.) kanál
    * * *
    • vodopád
    • vydrhnutie
    • vzdúvadlo
    • vypúštat vodu
    • výpustný otvor
    • vylievat sa
    • záplava
    • zahradit stavadlom
    • zaplavit zadržanou vodou
    • splav
    • stavadlo
    • preplavovat sa
    • príval
    • priepust
    • prepláchnut
    • prúd
    • plavit
    • prat v rieke
    • odtokový kanál

    English-Slovak dictionary > sluice

  • 17 steam

    [sti:m] 1. noun
    1) (a gas or vapour that rises from hot or boiling water or other liquid: Steam rose from the plate of soup / the wet earth in the hot sun; a cloud of steam; ( also adjective) A sauna is a type of steam bath.) para; parný
    2) (power or energy obtained from this: The machinery is driven by steam; Diesel fuel has replaced steam on the railways; ( also adjective) steam power, steam engines.) para; parný
    2. verb
    1) (to give out steam: A kettle was steaming on the stove.) vypúšťať paru
    2) ((of a ship, train etc) to move by means of steam: The ship steamed across the bay.) plaviť sa
    3) (to cook by steam: The pudding should be steamed for four hours.) variť nad parou
    - steamer
    - steamy
    - steamboat
    - steamship
    - steam engine
    - steam roller
    - full steam ahead
    - get steamed up
    - get up steam
    - let off steam
    - run out of steam
    - steam up
    - under one's own steam
    * * *
    • varit nad parou
    • varit v pare
    • výpary
    • vyparovat sa
    • vypúštat paru
    • zahmliet sa
    • sila
    • s parným pohonom
    • staromódny
    • predpotopný
    • energia
    • hmla
    • elán
    • dusit
    • dymit
    • íst plnou parou
    • íst parníkom
    • hnat sa
    • chut
    • rútit sa
    • para
    • orosit sa
    • parit
    • parný
    • plavba parníkom
    • pohánaný parou
    • pohánat parou
    • pokryt sa výparmi
    • naparovat
    • opar

    English-Slovak dictionary > steam

  • 18 swim

    [swim] 1. present participle - swimming; verb
    1) (to move through water using arms and legs or fins, tails etc: The children aren't allowed to go sailing until they've learnt to swim; I'm going / I've been swimming; She swam to the shore; They watched the fish swimming about in the aquarium.) plávať
    2) (to cross (a river etc), compete in (a race), cover (a distance etc) by swimming: He swam three lengths of the swimming-pool; She can't swim a stroke (= at all).) (pre)plávať
    3) (to seem to be moving round and round, as a result of dizziness etc: His head was swimming; Everything began to swim before his eyes.) krútiť sa
    2. noun
    (an act of swimming: We went for a swim in the lake.) plávanie, zaplávanie si
    - swimming
    - swimming-bath
    - swimming-pool
    - swimming-trunks
    - swimsuit
    - swimming-costume
    * * *
    • vznášat sa
    • život
    • životný ruch
    • závodit v plávaní
    • závrat
    • zaplávat
    • udržovat sa na vode
    • urobit
    • tocit sa
    • topit sa
    • preplávat
    • pretekat
    • klzavý pohyb
    • beh udalostí
    • rybnaté miesto
    • plavit
    • plávat
    • plávanie
    • kruhy pred ocami
    • mdloba
    • motat sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > swim

  • 19 yacht

    (a boat or small ship, usually with sails, often with an engine, built and used for racing or cruising: We spent our holidays on a friend's yacht; ( also adjective) a yacht race.) jachta; jachtársky
    - yachtsman
    - yacht club
    * * *
    • pretekat sa
    • jazdit na jachte
    • jachta
    • jachtárit
    • plachetnica
    • plavit sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > yacht

  • 20 punt

    1. noun
    (a type of flat-bottomed boat with square ends, moved by pushing against the bottom of the river etc with a pole.) pramica, loďka
    2. verb
    (to travel in a punt: They punted up the river.) (pre)plaviť

    English-Slovak dictionary > punt

См. также в других словарях:

  • plăviţ — PLĂVÍŢ, Ă, plăviţi, e, adj. 1. (Despre părul sau lâna animalelor) De culoare albă gălbuie sau albă cenuşie; (despre animale) care are părul sau lâna de culoare albă gălbuie sau albă argintie. 2. (pop.; despre oameni) Cu pielea albă şi cu părul… …   Dicționar Român

  • plãvíţ — adj. m., pl. plãvíţi; f. sg. plãvíţã, pl. plãvíţe …   Romanian orthography

  • CORNUTUS — I. CORNUTUS Leptites genere (est autem Leptis Asricae civitas) Stoicus Philosophus, quem a Nerone, propter liberiorem de eius carminibus vocem, multatum exiliô referunt, Dio et Eusebius in Chronico. Multa de eo falsa et inepta Suidas, cui fidem… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • blond — BLOND, Ă, blonzi, de, adj. (Despre păr) De culoare deschisă, gălbui, galben, bălai, codalb. ♦ (Despre oameni) Care are păr de culoare deschisă; bălai, blondin. ♦ (Substantivat) Persoană cu păr şi cu ten de culoare deschisă; bălan. ♢ Bere blondă …   Dicționar Român

  • plăvan — PLĂVÁN, Ă, plăvani, e, adj. (pop.; despre boi şi vaci) Cu părul alb gălbui sau alb cenuşiu; (despre părul boilor sau al vacilor) de culoare albă gălbuie sau albă cenuşie. ♦ (Substantivat, m.) Bou. – Plav (reg., despre boi, care are părul de… …   Dicționar Român

  • plăviu — PLĂVÍU, ÍE, plăvii, adj. (înv. şi reg.; despre oameni) Plăviţ (2). ♦ (înv.) Palid. – Plav (reg., despre boi, care are părul de culoare (albă )gălbuie < sl.) + suf. iu. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 23.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  PLĂVÍU …   Dicționar Român

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