1 platinum group elements
Abbreviation: PGEУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > platinum group elements
2 platinum-group elements
Engineering: PGEУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > platinum-group elements
3 элементы платиновой группы
1) Engineering: platinum-group elements2) Makarov: platinum group elements, platinum group elements, PGE3) Gold mining: platinum-group metalsУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > элементы платиновой группы
4 металлы платиновой группы
1) Chemistry: platinum family2) Mining: platinum group metal (платина, палладий, родий, рутений, иридий, осмий, входят в категорию драгоценных наравне с золотом и серебром.)3) Nonferrous industry: PGM (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Металлы_платиновой_группы ; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platinum_group)4) Makarov: platinum-group metals5) Gold mining: platinum group elementsУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > металлы платиновой группы
5 платиноиды
Gold mining: platinum group elements, platinum-group metals -
Mining: элементы платиновой группы (platinum group elements, PGE)
См. также в других словарях:
platinum group — ▪ chemical element group Introduction six metals, in order of increasing atomic weight, ruthenium (Ru), rhodium (Rh), palladium (Pd), osmium (Os), iridium (Ir), and … Universalium
Platinum group — The platinum group (alternatively, the platinum group metals or platinum metals) is a collective name sometimes used for six metallic elements clustered together in the periodic table. These elements are all transition metals, lying in the d… … Wikipedia
platinum group — noun In chemistry a group of elements with related properties similar to that of platinum. Notably high resistance to chemical activity, particularly oxidation and reaction with acids. The platinum group consists of the elements ruthenium,… … Wiktionary
platinum group — A group of six amphoteric elements: iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhodium, and ruthenium … Medical dictionary
Platinum in Africa — Platinum, and platinum group metals, in Africa, are produced in Zimbabwe and the Republic of South Africa. Of the multitudes of companies involved in producing platinum group metals in these two countries, these are the principal… … Wikipedia
Group 10 element — Group 10 redirects here. For the rugby league competition, see Group 10 Rugby League. Group → 4 ↓ Period 4 … Wikipedia
Group 9 element — Group → 4 ↓ Period 4 27 Co 5 … Wikipedia
Platinum — Plat i*num, n. [NL., fr. Sp. platina, from plata silver, LL. plata a thin plate of metal. See {Plate}, and cf. {Platina}.] (Chem.) A metallic element of atomic number 78, one of the noble metals, classed with silver and gold as a precious metal,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Platinum black — Platinum Plat i*num, n. [NL., fr. Sp. platina, from plata silver, LL. plata a thin plate of metal. See {Plate}, and cf. {Platina}.] (Chem.) A metallic element of atomic number 78, one of the noble metals, classed with silver and gold as a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Platinum lamp — Platinum Plat i*num, n. [NL., fr. Sp. platina, from plata silver, LL. plata a thin plate of metal. See {Plate}, and cf. {Platina}.] (Chem.) A metallic element of atomic number 78, one of the noble metals, classed with silver and gold as a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Platinum metals — Platinum Plat i*num, n. [NL., fr. Sp. platina, from plata silver, LL. plata a thin plate of metal. See {Plate}, and cf. {Platina}.] (Chem.) A metallic element of atomic number 78, one of the noble metals, classed with silver and gold as a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English