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  • 1 slip

    színes agyagkeverék, bujtvány, kombiné, női ing to slip: levet, leemel (szemet kötésnél), becsúsztat, ojt
    * * *
    I 1. [slip] past tense, past participle - slipped; verb
    1) (to slide accidentally and lose one's balance or footing: I slipped and fell on the path.) (el)csúszik
    2) (to slide, or drop, out of the right position or out of control: The plate slipped out of my grasp.) kicsúszik
    3) (to drop in standard: I'm sorry about my mistake - I must be slipping!) (meg)téved
    4) (to move quietly especially without being noticed: She slipped out of the room.) (ki)oson
    5) (to escape from: The dog had slipped its lead and disappeared.) megszökik
    6) (to put or pass (something) with a quick, light movement: She slipped the letter back in its envelope.) (be)csúsztat
    2. noun
    1) (an act of slipping: Her sprained ankle was a result of a slip on the path.) (el)csúszás
    2) (a usually small mistake: Everyone makes the occasional slip.) botlás
    3) (a kind of undergarment worn under a dress; a petticoat.) kombiné
    4) ((also slipway) a sloping platform next to water used for building and launching ships.) sólya
    - slippery
    - slipperiness
    - slip road
    - slipshod
    - give someone the slip
    - give the slip
    - let slip
    - slip into
    - slip off
    - slip on
    - slip up
    II [slip] noun
    (a strip or narrow piece of paper: She wrote down his telephone number on a slip of paper.) cédula

    English-Hungarian dictionary > slip

  • 2 put

    helyez, vetés, odatesz, dobás, becsül, feltételez to put: helyez, odatesz, becsül, feltételez
    * * *
    present participle - putting; verb
    1) (to place in a certain position or situation: He put the plate in the cupboard; Did you put any sugar in my coffee?; He put his arm round her; I'm putting a new lock on the door; You're putting too much strain on that rope; When did the Russians first put a man into space?; You've put me in a bad temper; Can you put (=translate) this sentence into French?) (oda)tesz
    2) (to submit or present (a proposal, question etc): I put several questions to him; She put her ideas before the committee.) visz (vmit vki elé)
    3) (to express in words: He put his refusal very politely; Children sometimes have such a funny way of putting things!) kifejez (vmit)
    4) (to write down: I'm trying to write a letter to her, but I don't know what to put.) leír
    5) (to sail in a particular direction: We put out to sea; The ship put into harbour for repairs.)
    - a put-up job
    - put about
    - put across/over
    - put aside
    - put away
    - put back
    - put by
    - put down
    - put down for
    - put one's feet up
    - put forth
    - put in
    - put in for
    - put off
    - put on
    - put out
    - put through
    - put together
    - put up
    - put up to
    - put up with

    English-Hungarian dictionary > put

  • 3 steam

    pára, gőz to steam: gőzerővel dolgozik, párolog, gőzerővel halad
    * * *
    [sti:m] 1. noun
    1) (a gas or vapour that rises from hot or boiling water or other liquid: Steam rose from the plate of soup / the wet earth in the hot sun; a cloud of steam; ( also adjective) A sauna is a type of steam bath.) gőz
    2) (power or energy obtained from this: The machinery is driven by steam; Diesel fuel has replaced steam on the railways; ( also adjective) steam power, steam engines.) gőz
    2. verb
    1) (to give out steam: A kettle was steaming on the stove.) gőzölög
    2) ((of a ship, train etc) to move by means of steam: The ship steamed across the bay.) halad (gőzölögve)
    3) (to cook by steam: The pudding should be steamed for four hours.) párol
    - steamer
    - steamy
    - steamboat
    - steamship
    - steam engine
    - steam roller
    - full steam ahead
    - get steamed up
    - get up steam
    - let off steam
    - run out of steam
    - steam up
    - under one's own steam

    English-Hungarian dictionary > steam

  • 4 chicken

    tyúk, csirke, csibe
    * * *
    [' ikin]
    1) (a young bird, especially a young hen: She keeps chickens.) csibe
    2) (its flesh used as food: a plate of fried chicken.) csirke
    3) ((slang.) a coward.) gyáva nyuszi
    - chicken-pox
    - chicken out

    English-Hungarian dictionary > chicken

  • 5 dish

    tál, fogás to dish: tálal, kijátszik, átver
    * * *
    1) (a plate, bowl etc in which food is brought to the table: a large shallow dish.) tál
    2) (food mixed and prepared for the table: She served us an interesting dish containing chicken and almonds.) étel, fogás
    - dish-washing
    - dishwater
    - dish out

    English-Hungarian dictionary > dish

  • 6 filter

    szűrő, füstszűrő to filter: beszivárog, szűr, átszűr
    * * *
    ['filtə] 1. noun
    1) (a strainer or other device through which liquid, gas, smoke etc can pass, but not solid material: A filter is used to make sure that the oil is clean and does not contain any dirt; ( also adjective) filter paper.) szűrő
    2) (a kind of screening plate used to change or correct certain colours: If you are taking photographs in sun and snow, you should use a blue filter.) szűrő
    2. verb
    1) ((of liquids) to (become) clean by passing through a filter: The rain-water filtered into a tank.) (át)szűr
    2) (to come bit by bit or gradually: The news filtered out.) kiszivárog

    English-Hungarian dictionary > filter

  • 7 slide

    hangcsúsztatás, hosszú előke, glissando, dia to slide: siklik, megcsúszik, csúszkál, csúsztat
    * * *
    1. past tense, past participle - slid; verb
    1) (to (cause to) move or pass along smoothly: He slid the drawer open; Children must not slide in the school corridors.) (meg)csúszik
    2) (to move quietly or secretly: I slid hurriedly past the window; He slid the book quickly out of sight under his pillow.) csúszik; siklik; csúsztat
    2. noun
    1) (an act of sliding.) csúszás
    2) (a slippery track, or apparatus with a smooth sloping surface, on which people or things can slide: The children were taking turns on the slide in the playground.) csúszda
    3) (a small transparent photograph for projecting on to a screen etc: The lecture was illustrated with slides.) dia
    4) (a glass plate on which objects are placed to be examined under a microscope.) (tárgy)lemez
    5) ((also hair-slide) a (decorative) hinged fastening for the hair.) (haj)csat
    - sliding door

    English-Hungarian dictionary > slide

См. также в других словарях:

  • Plate-out — [ plɛit aut] das; [s] <aus gleichbed. engl. plate out zu plate »Platte« u. out »aus«> die Spaltproduktablagerung im Primärkreislauf von Kernreaktoren sowie beim Transport vom Primärkreislauf zum Sicherheitsbehälter (bei Störfällen) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • out-of-state — /owt euhv stayt /, adj. of, pertaining to, or from another state of the U.S.: a car with an out of state license plate; out of state vacationers. [1930 35, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

  • out-of-state — /owt euhv stayt /, adj. of, pertaining to, or from another state of the U.S.: a car with an out of state license plate; out of state vacationers. [1930 35, Amer.] …   Useful english dictionary

  • plate tectonics — plate tectonic, adj. Geol. a theory of global tectonics in which the lithosphere is divided into a number of crustal plates, each of which moves on the plastic asthenosphere more or less independently to collide with, slide under, or move past… …   Universalium

  • Out Run — Arcade flyer for Out Run featuring the in game map. Developer(s) Sega AM2 Publisher(s) …   Wikipedia

  • Out Run — Éditeur Sega Développeur Sega AM2 Concepteur Yū Suzuki …   Wikipédia en Français

  • plate glass — plate glass, plateglass, adj. a soda lime silica glass formed by rolling the hot glass into a plate that is subsequently ground and polished, used in large windows, mirrors, etc. [1720 30] * * *       form of glass originally made by casting and… …   Universalium

  • out of date — UK US adjective (also out of date [only before noun]) ► laws, systems, processes, etc. that are out of date are no longer useful or correct because they are not based on recent changes or developments: »Current regulations are out of date.… …   Financial and business terms

  • Out Run 2006: Coast 2 Coast — Éditeur Sega Développeur Sumo Digital …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Out Run 2019 — Éditeur Sega Développeur Sims Co Date de sortie 1993 Genre Jeu de course Mode de jeu 1 joueur Plate forme …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Out Run 2006 - Coast 2 Coast — Out Run 2006: Coast 2 Coast Out Run 2006: Coast 2 Coast Éditeur Sega Développeur Sumo Digital Date de sortie Mars 2006 Genre Course automobile Mode de jeu 1 à 2 joueurs …   Wikipédia en Français

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