1 plastic etching
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > plastic etching
2 plastic etching
Картография: негативное гравирование на пластиках -
3 plastic etching
4 plastic etching
5 etching
1. травление2. гравирование3. гравюра; офорт4. клише5. удаление незадубленного копировального слоя6. цветокорректирующее травление7. ретушь ослаблениемdry dot etching system — «сухая» корректура, «сухая» ретушь
8. медное клише9. офорт на меди10. травление медных клишеcounter-etching — декапирование, травление для удаления плёнки оксидов
dry etching — «сухое» травление
11. гравирование сухой иглой12. гравюра, выполненная способом «сухая игла»13. затравка14. ослабление15. травление растровых клишеfreeze etching — замораживание — травление
16. растровое клише17. травление штриховых клише18. штриховое клишеsoft ground etching — гравюра, изготовленная способом «мягкий лак»
splash etching — травление набрызгиванием ; струйное травление
19. чистое травление20. травление светлых участковfreeze etching method — метод замораживания — травления
21. травление цинковых клише22. штриховое цинковое травление -
6 plastic halftone
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > plastic halftone
7 dry-point etching
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > dry-point etching
8 art of etching
9 machine
1) машина2) станок || подвергать механической обработке3) установка; устройство; агрегат4) механизмАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > machine
10 process
1) процесс2) (технологический) процесс; (технологическая) обработка3) технологический приём; способ4) технология5) режим; ход (процесса)6) обрабатывать, подвергать обработке7) подвергать анализу, анализировать•to design process — разрабатывать технологию-
acetone-acetylene process
acetylene process
Acheson process
acid Bessemer process
acid process
acid reclaiming process
acyclic process
Adapti investment casting process
additive process
adiabatic process
Aero case process
aerobic process
age-dependent process
air blast process
air-sand process
Alcan process
Al-Dip process
alfin process
alkali reclaiming process
alkaline process
Allis-Chalmers agglomeration reduction process
ALT process
aluminothermic process
anaerobic process
anamorphotic process
annealing-in-line process
anode process
anodic electrode process
AOD process
aqua-cast process
ARBED-ladle-treatment process
arc-air process
arc-remelting process
argon-oxygen-decarburization process
ASEA-SKF process
autoregressive process
averaging process
Azincourt process
azo coupling process
background process
bag process
BAP process
Barrow process
Basett process
basic Bessemer process
basic oxygen process
basic process
basic-arc process
batch process
biofiltration process
bipolar process
bipolar-FET process
bipolar-MOS process
BISRA degassing process
black-heart process
Blackodising process
blast-furnace process
Blaw-Knox process
bleaching process
Bochumer-Verein process
boiling process
bonding process
bottom-argon-process process
broadband random process
bromoil transfer process
bromoil process
bubble-column process
bubble-hearth process
buffer-slag process
Calmes process
Canadizing process
carbon mold process
carbon process
carbon-arc process
carbon-in-leach process
carbon-in-pulp process
carbothermic process
carbro process
carrier-gas degassing process
cascade process
cast shell process
catalytic DENO process
cathodic process
CC-CR process
CC-DR process
CC-HCR process
cementation process
cementation-in-pulp process
cementing process
centrifugal spinning process
cermet process
CESM process
CEVAM process
charge transfer process
chemical vapor deposition process
chemical-bonding process
Chenot process
china process
cine exposure process
cine process
CLC process
clean burn process
cloudburst process
CLU process
CMOS process
CNC process
CO2 silicate process
coal reduction process
coal to gas process
coal-gas-sumitomo process
coal-oxygen-injection process
COIN process
cold box process
cold doping process
cold process
cold scrap process
cold type process
collodion process
color process
concurrent processes
consteel process
consumable electrode vacuum arc melting process
contact process
continuous annealing process
continuous casting-cleaning rolling process
continuous casting-direct rolling process
continuous casting-hot charging and rolling process
continuous electroslag melting process
continuous metal cast process
continuous-on-line control process
continuous-time process
controlled pressure pouring process
controlled process
converter process
cooking process
coppering process
copying process
coupled cathodic-anodic process
cracking process
Creusot Loire Uddenholm process
critical process
cumulative process
cuprammonium process
curing process
CVD process
cyclic process
Cyclosteel process
Czochralski process
daguerre photographic process
dense-media process
Desco process
deterministic process
developing process
DH degassing process
diabatic process
diazo process
diffused planar process
diffusion process
diffusion transfer process
dip-forming process
direct iron process
direct process
direct reduction process
direct-sintering process
discrete-time process
discrete process
DLM process
Domnarvet process
Dored process
double-crucible process
double-epi process
doubling process
DR process
drop-molding process
dry adiabatic process
dry process
dry-blanch-dry process
duplex process
easy drawing process
EBM process
EBR process
EF-AOD process
electric furnace-argon oxygen decarburization process
electroarc process
electrocatalytic process
electrocolor process
electrodialysis reversal process
electroflux-remelting process
electromembrane process
electron-beam-melting process
electron-beam-refining process
electrophotoadhesive process
electrophotographic process
electroslag refining process
electroslag remelting process
electroslag remelt process
electrostatographic process
electrostream process
Elo-Vac process
elquench process
endothermic process
energy efficient process
entropy process
enzymatic process
EPIC process
epidemic process
epitaxial growth process
epitaxy growth process
ergodic process
ESR process
Estel process
etching process
exoergic process
exothermic process
extrusion-molded neck process
ferroprussiate process
Ferrox process
filming process
filtration-chlorination process
Finkl-Mohr process
FIOR process
first process
fixed-bed MTG process
flash steel direct reduction process
float process
float-and-sink process
float-zone process
flow process
fluid iron ore reduction process
fluid-bed MTG process
fluidized roasting process
fluid-sand process
FMC coke process
foaming process
foehn process
food-machinery and chemical coke process
foreground process
Foren process
FOS process
freeze concentration process
fuel-oxygen-scrap process
full-mold process
fusion-casting process
Futacuchi process
Gaussian process
Gero mold degassing process
Gero vacuum casting process
GGS process
girbitol process
gradual reduction process
growing process
growth process
gypsum-sulfuric acid process
Hall electrolytic process
Harris process
hazardous process
H-coal process
heat-transfer process
heavy-media process
hibernating process
HI-GAS process
high-frequency induction process
HIP process
H-iron process
Hoope process
hot isostatic pressing process
hot process
hot-metal process
hot-metal-and-scrap process
hot-type process
hydrogasification process
hydrotype process
HyL process
IC-DR process
image process
imbibition process
immiscible displacement process
implantation process
impurity doping process
in-bulk process
inchrome process
in-draw process
inductoslag-melting process
ingot casting direct rolling process
injection molding process
in-line process
Inred process
interpolation process
investment process
ion-implantation process
irreversible process
isentropic process
ISM process
isobaric process
isochoric process
isoenthalpic process
isoentropic process
isometric process
isoplanar process
isothermal process
iterative process
jet-expanding process
Kaldo process
katadyn process
Kawasaki-bottom-oxygen-process process
Kawasaki-Gas-Lime-Injection process
K-BOP process
KEK process
KG-LI process
kiln-reduction process
KIVCET cyclone smelting process
KIVCET process
knit-deknit process
koetherizing process
KR process
kraft process
lance bubbling equilibrium process
LBE process
LD-AB process
LD-AC process
LD-AOD process
LD-argon bottom process
LD-argon oxygen decarburization process
LD-CB process
LD-circle lance process
LD-CL process
LD-combination blow process
LD-HC top and botton blowing process
LDK process
LD-Kawasaki-Gas process
LD-KG process
LD-OB process
LD-OTB process
LD-oxygen bottom process
LD-oxygen-top-bottom process
lift-off process
liquefaction process
liquid gas plug process
liquid-phase process
loop transfer process
lost core process
low-waste technological process
LSI process
LVR process
LVS process
Mannesmann powder process
mapping process
Markovian process
Markov process
masking process
matte fuming process
melting process
mercast process
Midland-Ross process
Midrex process
migration process
miscible displacement process
miscible plug process
mixed autoregressive-moving average process
moist adiabatic process
Molynutz process
monochrome process
monolithic process
MOS process
MOSFET process
motion-picture process
moving average process
narrowband random process
Neely process
negative-positive process
Nitemper process
no pickle process
nonflow process
non-Gaussian process
Nord-Fuvo process
Nu-iron process
OBM process
OG process
OLP converter process
one-way process
open-hearth process
orbitread process
ore process
Orthoflow cracking process
Orthoforming process
orthogonal increment process
oxidation process
oxide-isolated process
oxygen-blow process
oxygen-gas process
oxygen-lancing process
oxygen-steelmaking process
packaging process
pad-batch dyeing process
pad-dry dyeing process
pad-jig dyeing process
pad-roll dyeing process
pad-steam dyeing process
pad-steam vat-print process
PAMCO-hot-alloy process
parent process
PCR process
Perrin process
PHA process
phonon process
photoelectric process
photomechanical process
photovoltaic process
pig iron-scrap process
pig-and-ore process
pigment padding dying process
pigment padding process
pigment process
pinatype process
planar process
plasma etching process
plasma etch process
plasma process
plasma-arc process
Plasmamelt process
Plasmared process
plaster mold process
plastic wirecut process
polytropic process
powder silicon ribbon process
power-press process
prepolymer process
prepress processes
pressure-driven membrane process
primuline process
propane-acid process
pulsating mixing process
Purex process
pushbench process
Q-BOP process
QDT process
quality basic oxygen process process
quasi-independent processes
quick and direct tapping process
ram process
random process
rapid solidification plasma deposition process
rayon continuous process
receiving process
reclamator reclaiming process
recurrent process
redox process
reducing process
reduction-smelting process
relaxation process
repetitive process
reproduction process
reversal process
reversible process
RH process
RH-OB process
ribbon process
R-N direct-reduction process
roasting-sintering process
roast-leaching process
robot-controlled process
rongalit-potash process
rotor process
rustless process
sample process
schoop process
scrap-and-pig process
scrap-conditioning process
scrap-ore process
screen printed process
self-developing process
self-healing process
semibatch process
semiconductor process
sending process
Sendzimir coating process
sequential process
silicon-gate MOS process
silicon-gate process
silk-screen process
single-pumpdown process
SIP process
skein spinning process
Skinner multiple-hearth process
slag minimum process
slip-casting process
slow down process
SLPM process
SL-RN metallization process
SL-RN reduction process
solid source diffusion process
solution regrowth process
solvent extraction-electrowinning process
solvent plug process
SOS process
spin-draw-texturizing process
spinylock process
sponge iron process
spontaneous process
Stanal process
stationary random process
STB process
steady-flow process
steam-blow process
steelmaking process
Stelmor process
step and repeat process
stochastic process
stuffer box process
submerged arc process
subtractive process
suck-and-blow process
Sulf BT process
Sulfinuz process
Sumitomo-slag all recycling process
Sumitomo-top-bottom process
Sursulf process
system process
TBM process
T-die process
Technamation process
thermal DeNOx process
Therm-i-Vac process
Thermo-Flow process
thermoplastic process
Thomas process
Thorex process
three-color process
Thyssen-blast-metallurgy process
Tifran process
tightly coupled processes
time-varying process
trichromatic process
triplex process
Tropenas converter process
Tufftride process
Tufftride TF1 process
uncertain process
user process
vacuum arc remelting process
vacuum casting process
vacuum deoxidation process
vacuum induction refining process
vacuum stream-droplet process
vacuum-arc degassing process
vacuum-carbodeoxidation process
vacuum-carbonate process
vacuum-induction melting process
vacuum-melting process
vacuum-metallothermic process
vacuum-oxygen-decarburization process
VAD process
VAR process
VAW process
VHSIC process
vigom process
VIR process
viscose process
visual process
VLSI process
VOD process
waiting process
water gas process
waterfall process
wet process
white-heart process
Zinal process
zinc distilling process -
11 device
1) устройство; приспособление; механизм; аппарат; прибор2) марка (издательская или типографская)Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > device
12 engraving
1. n гравирование2. n гравюра; эстамп, оттиск с гравюры3. n вырезанная, высеченная надпись; вырезанное, высеченное изображениеseamless engraving — гравирование цилиндров глубокой печати с получением непрерывного изображения
4. n полигр. клишеСинонимический ряд:1. engraved plate (noun) copperplate; cut; engraved plate; etching; lithograph plate; steel plate; woodcut; xylograph2. photoengraving process (noun) chromolithograph; incised design; lithograph; photoengraving; photoengraving process; reproduction3. printing from engraved plate (noun) aquatint; dry point; graphotype; photogravure; printing; printing from engraved plate; wood engraving4. fixing (verb) etching; fixing; graving; impressing; imprinting; incising; inscribing; stamping -
13 device
1. устройство; приспособление; механизм; аппарат; прибор2. маркаdevice of double sheet control stop — устройство для автоматической остановки машины при подаче сдвоенных листов
air conditioning device — акклиматизационная установка, установка для кондиционирования воздуха, кондиционер
air cushion device — устройство для создания воздушной подушки, устройство для поддува
automatic rubber blanket wash-up device — автоматическое устройство для смывки офсетной резинотканевой пластины
3. устройство для копирования микрокарт4. устройство для копирования апертурных картcontrol device — управляющее устройство, контрольный прибор
corona charging device — зарядное устройство с коронатором, коронирующее зарядное устройство
cutoff device — устройство рубки, устройство резки
decurling device — устройство для разглаживания ; устройство, предотвращающее скручивание, устройство для предотвращения скручивания
detecting device — следящее устройство, детектор
doctoring device — ракельное устройство, ракель
electrophotographic fixing device — устройство для закрепления электрофотографического изображения; закрепляющее устройство электрофотографического аппарата
exposure safeguarding device — устройство, гарантирующее правильную величину экспозиции
fail-safe security device — предохранительно-блокирующее устройство, устройство, обеспечивающее безопасность работы
feeding device — питающее устройство; самонаклад
feed roller force adjusting device — устройство для регулирования степени прижима листоподающего ролика
finger guard device — рукоотталкиватель, рукоограждающее устройство
hand safety device — рукоотталкиватель, рукоограждающее устройство
imaging device — устройство, формирующее изображение
5. лентопитающее устройство6. устройство для передачи листов в захватыinking device — устройство для наката краски; накатная группа красочного аппарата
ink mist prevention device — устройство, предотвращающее пыление краски
7. устройство на входе, входное устройство8. устройство ввода данныхready/not ready device — устройство готовности
9. устройство для передачи листа в захватыattached device — навесной элемент; прикрепленное устройство
10. устройство для захватаmapping device — устройство отображения; способ отображения
11. устройство для вкладывания приложенийjogging device — сталкивающее устройство; устройство для сталкивания
magnifying device — увеличитель, устройство для увеличения
12. счётное устройствоfail-safe device — безаварийное устройство; надёжный прибор
device directory — таблица устройства; указатель устройства
addressed device — адресуемое устройство; адресуемый прибор
13. дозирующее устройство, дозатор14. мешалка15. краскотёрка16. устройство для вызова шрифта смешанного кегляmultiple point ink control device — устройство для управления регулировочными винтами ножа красочного аппарата
numbering device — нумерационное устройство, нумератор
17. устройство на выходе, выходное устройствоdirty-trick device — мина — ловушка
I/O device — устройство ввода-вывода
18. устройство вывода данныхpage makeup device — верстальное устройство; видеотерминальное устройство для пополосной вёрстки
photodetection device — фотоэлектрический щуп, фотоэлектрическое контрольное устройство
photographic composing device — фотонаборное устройство; фотонаборная машина
securing device — устройство, обеспечивающее безопасность
19. устройство для припудривания20. устройство для нанесения порошкаpowder spray device — устройство для распыления порошка, распылитель
print cutting device — устройство для обрезки оттисков; устройство для разрезки запечатываемой ленты на отдельные оттиски
processing control device — управляющее устройство; устройство, управляющее процессом
21. читающее устройствоrecording device — записывающее устройство; способ записи
22. читальный аппарат23. регистровое устройство24. устройство для регулирования приводки25. устройство для перемотки лентыdevice code — код устройства; адрес устройства
device name — имя устройства; номер устройства
26. устройство для сматывания лентыroll-type copying paper supply device — рулонная установка для подачи бумажной ленты в копировальную машину
27. сканирующее устройство28. развёртывающее устройствоselective printing device — устройство для избирательной печати; впечатывающее устройство
sheet feed tray raising and lowering device — устройство для подъёма и опускания стапельного стола самонаклада
sheet piling device — листоукладчик, устройство для укладки листов
sheet stacking device — листоукладчик, листоукладывающее устройство; листовое приёмное устройство
stirring device — перемешивающее устройство, устройство для перемешивания
stock pile level control device — устройство, контролирующее верхний уровень стопы
straightening device — выравнивающее устройство, устройство для выравнивания
tension device — устройство для регулирования натяжения, рулонный тормоз
29. термографическое устройство30. термопреобразователь изображенияthermal print device — устройство для термопечати, устройство для печатания на термочувствительном материале
threading device — устройство для заправки, устройство для проводки
toner fixing device — устройство для закрепления тонера, закрепляющее устройство
toner image fixing device — устройство для закрепления изображения, образованного тонером
trip-saving register device — устройство, предотвращающее автоматическое выключение машины при дополнительном приталкивании
unwinding device — лентопитающее устройство, устройство для разматывания
wash-up device — смывочное устройство, устройство для смывки
web directional control device — устройство, контролирующее подачу ленты
14 time
1. время, продолжительность; период; срок || рассчитывать по времени; отмечать время; хронометрировать2. такт; темпtime of running in — время, требуемое на спуск бурового инструмента
wait on plastic time — время ожидания затвердевания пластмассы (при тампонировании скважины полимерами) (до получения прочности, равной 7 МПа)
— in unit time— rig time— set time
* * *
1. время; период; момент; срок; продолжительность2. наработкаmean time between complaints — среднее время между рекламациями; средняя наработка на рекламацию
time to repair completion — время до завершения ремонта;
— bad time
* * *
время; продолжительность; темп; такт
* * *
время, момент
* * *
1) время; период; момент; срок; продолжительность2) наработка•time at shot point — сейсм. вертикальное время;
time between defects — наработка между появлениями дефектов;
time between failures — наработка между отказами;
time between maintenance actions — наработка между операциями технического обслуживания;
time between overhauls — межремонтный срок службы; наработка между капитальными ремонтами;
time between repairs — межремонтный срок службы; наработка между ремонтами;
time between tests — время между испытаниями;
time on bottom — продолжительность нахождения инструмента в забое;
time on trip — время на спуско-подъёмные операции;
time since circulation — интервал времени между остановкой циркуляции бурового раствора и началом каротажа;
time since overhaul — наработка после капитального ремонта;
time to damage — наработка до повреждения;
time to failure — наработка до отказа;
time to first system failure — наработка до первого отказа системы;
time to locate a failure — время до обнаружения местонахождения неисправности;
time to repair — наработка до ремонта;
time to repair completion — время до завершения ремонта;
time to restore — наработка до восстановления;
- time of arrivaltime to system failure — наработка до отказа системы;
- time of ascend
- time of echo
- time of flight
- time of running-in
- time of service
- time of setting
- time transit
- active maintenance time
- active repair time
- active technician time
- actual casing cutting time
- actual drilling time
- administrative time
- alert time
- arrival time
- attendance time
- available time
- average time between maintenance
- average mooring time
- awaiting repair time
- bad time
- Barnaby time
- bedrock-reflection time
- bit time off-bottom
- bit time on-bottom
- bit run time
- boring time
- break time
- breakdown time
- casing-fluid decay time
- cement setting time
- cementing time
- changing time
- charging-up time
- circulation cycle time
- closed-in time
- composite delay time
- connection time
- coring time
- corrected travel time
- corrective maintenance time
- critical fault clearing time
- critical ray time
- cutting-in time
- datum-corrected time
- dead time
- delay technician time
- discharge time
- down time
- drainage time
- drilling time
- drilling time per bit
- drilling bit changing time
- effective repair time
- elapsed maintenance time
- end-to-end time
- engineering time
- equal travel time
- equipment repair time
- estimated time of repair
- estimated mean time to failure
- estimated repair time
- etching time
- expected time to first failure
- expected time to repair
- expected test time
- exponential failure time
- failed time
- failure time
- failure-detection time
- failure-free time
- failure-reaction time
- fault time
- fault-detection time
- fault-free time
- fault-inception time
- fill-up time
- filling time
- filtration time
- final cement setting time
- final setting time
- final test time
- first-arrival time
- first-break time
- first-event time
- fishing time
- flush time
- forward time
- general repair time
- geological time
- geometrical ray-path time
- geophone time
- ghost travel time
- gross drilling time
- guarantee time
- half-intercept time
- head-wave arrival time
- high-velocity time
- horizon time
- in-commission time
- infinite closed-in time
- infusion time
- initial setting time
- intercept time
- interfailure time
- interpolated time
- interrepair time
- interval time
- interval transit time
- jelling time
- lag time
- least travel time
- localization time
- lost time
- maintenance time
- makeup time
- malfunction repair time
- maximum repair time
- mean time
- mean time between complaints
- mean time between defects
- mean time between detectable failures
- mean time between malfunctions
- mean time between unscheduled removals
- mean time of repair
- mean time to crash
- mean time to diagnosis
- mean time to first failure
- mean time to isolate
- mean time to maintenance
- mean time to removal
- mean time to repair failures
- mean time to replacement
- mean time to restore
- mean time to return to service
- mean time to unscheduled removal
- mean corrective maintenance time
- mean diagnostic time
- mean maintenance time
- mean operating time
- mean repair time
- mean up time
- measured travel time
- median time to failure
- median maintenance time
- minimum time to repair
- mooring time
- moveout time
- moving time
- mud-path correction time
- net time on-bottom
- net drilling time
- nipple-down time
- nipple-up time
- nonactive maintenance time
- nonfailure operation time
- nonproductive rig time
- nonscheduled maintenance time
- normal arrival time
- observed travel time
- off-stream time
- oil field development time
- oil production time
- on-bottom time
- one-way time
- one-way travel time
- operating time
- operating time between failures
- operational use time
- out-of-commission time
- overall time
- overhaul time
- pipe abandoning time
- pipe recovery time
- pool formation time
- pressure build-up time
- pressure readjustment time
- preventive maintenance time
- production time
- productive time
- productive rig time
- propagation time
- proving time
- pulling-out time
- pulse time of arrival
- pumpability time
- pump-down time
- pumping time
- putting on production time
- raw time
- ray-path time
- readiness time
- ready time
- reciprocal time
- reciprocating time
- record time
- reflection arrival time
- reflection travel time
- refraction break time
- refraction travel time
- rejection operating time
- removal time
- repair time per failure
- repair-and-servicing time
- repair-delay time
- repair-to-repair time
- replacement time
- required time of operation
- residual time
- reversed time
- rig time
- rig-down time
- rig-up time
- round-trip time
- round-up time
- routine maintenance time
- running-in time
- sample deformation time
- scheduled engineering time
- scheduled operating time
- search time
- second-event time
- seismic interval time
- seismic record time
- service time
- service adequacy time
- servicing time
- setting time
- setting-up time
- setup time
- shooting time
- shot-hole time
- shot-to-receiver time
- shut-in time
- spending time
- standby time
- standby unattended time
- station time
- step-out time
- supplementary maintenance time
- surface-to-surface time
- survival time
- tank emptying time
- tear-down time
- technician delay time
- thickening time of cement
- total time on test
- total gaging time
- total maintenance time
- total path time
- total rig time
- total technician time
- transit time
- traveling time
- trip time
- troubleshooting time
- turnaround time
- turnover time
- two-way travel time
- unproductive time
- uphole time
- uphole-shooting time
- usable time
- vertical path time
- vertical travel time
- vibration time
- wait-before-repair time
- waiting-on-cement time
- waiting-on-plastic time
- water-break time
- wave arrival time
- wave transit time
- wave traveling time
- wavefront time
- wear-out time
- weathering time
- well building time
- well drilling time
- well shut-in time
- zero-offset arrival time
- zero-offset travel time
- zero-spread time* * *• момент -
15 powder
1) порошок; метал. мука || измельчать в порошок2) пыль || покрывать(ся) пылью3) порох; взрывчатое вещество, ВВ; динамит4) посыпать порошком, опудривать; метал. припыливать5) пудра•-
airborne lime powder
alloyed powder
alloy powder
anti-set-off powder
baby powder
black powder
blasting powder
bleaching powder
bone powder
bronze powder
brown powder
bulk powder
burnishing powder
ceramic powder
compact powder
cork powder
cover-coat powder
dentifrice powder
detergent powder
dry graded magnesite powder
dusting powder
emery powder
etching powder
face powder
flame spray powder
fluidized powder
fluxing powder
flux powder
granular powder
horn powder
ink powder
iron powder
liquid powder
loose powder
magnetic powder
molding powder
mortar powder
parting powder
peat powder
periodontal powder
plastic powder
porcelain-enamel powder
pressed powder
priming powder
rock powder
sachet powder
shampoo powder
sintered powder
smokeless powder
soap powder
solder powder
starch powder
stone powder
subsieve powder
superfine powder
talcum powder
tooth powder
topping powder
tripoli powder
ultrafine powder
welding powder
zinc powder -
16 rate
3) частота4) расход5) норма || нормировать6) тариф || тарифицировать7) степень8) отношение; коэффициент10) оценка || оценивать11) определять; устанавливать; подсчитывать; рассчитывать (напр. мощность, несущую способность)•rates to consumers — тарифы на отпуск (напр. электроэнергии) потребителям-
absolute disintegrate rate
absorbed dose rate
acceptance rate
accident rate
adiabatic lapse rate
advance rate
aging rate
allowable leak rate
angular rate
annual depletion rate
application rate
area rate
arrival rate
ascensional rate
assessed failure rate
attenuation rate
autoconvective lapse rate
base wage rate
baud rate
bearer rate
beating rate
bit rate
bit-error rate
bit-transfer rate
block meter rate
block-error rate
boiling rate
boil-up rate
bonus rate
break flow rate
breeding rate
burning rate
calling rate
capture rate
carbonization rate
cargo rate
carrier-ionization rate
casting rate
catalyst circulation rate
charging rate
chipping rate
chip rate
chopping rate
circulation rate
class rate
climb rate
clock rate
closed rate
closure rate
coke rate
cold storage rates
collision rate
combustion rate
completion rate
concentration rate
containment leak rate
continuous rate
controlled rate
convective expansion rate
conversion rate
conveyance rate
cooling rate
core heat generation rate
corrosion rate
counting rate
crack growth rate
creep rate
crosshead rate
cure rate
cutter wear rate
daily consumptive use rate
data-transfer rate
data rate
decay rate
decompression rate
deflection rate
deionization rate
delivery rate
demand cost rate
demand rate
deposition rate
descent rate
development rate
deviation rate
differential rate
differentiated electricity rates
diffusion rate
directional rate
discharge rate
disposal rate
distance rate
dither rate
dosage rate
downtime rate
drainage rate
drawing rate
drift rate
drilling rate
droop rate
dry adiabatic lapse rate
electricity rate
electric rate
energy fluence rate
energy release rate
entropy production rate
entropy rate
erasing rate
erosion rate
error rate
etching rate
etch rate
evacuation rate
evaporating rate
excitation rate
exposure rate
failure rate
failure-per-mile rate
false alarm rate
fatal accident frequency rate
fatality rate
fault rate
feed rate
field germination rate
field-repetition rate
fieldwide rate of recovery
film rate
filtering rate
finishing rate
fire-propagation rate
firing rate
fission rate
flat rate
flexible rates
flicker rate
flooding rate
flotation rate
flour extraction rate
flow rate
flush production rate
flutter rate
forced outgage rate
frame rate
frame-repetition rate
freezing rate
freight rate
freight-all-kinds rates
frequency-sweep rate
frequency-tuning rate
fuel rate
functional throughput rate
gas leak rate
gathering rate
generation rate
grinding rate
growth rate
gyro drift rate
half-clock rate
hardening rate
heat absorption rate
heat dissipation rate
heat generation rate
heat rate
heat-flow rate
heating rate
heat-transfer rate
hit rate
image refresh rate
impact wear rate
in-commission rate
infiltration rate
information rate
injection rate
instantaneous failure rate
intermittent rate
ionization rate
irrigation rate
iso-wear rates
job rates
kerma rate
keying rate
lapse rate
leakage rate
linear wear rate
line-of-sight rate
line-repetition rate
liquid efflux rate
lubrication rate
maintenance rate
mass flow rate
mass wear rate
maximum efficiency rate
maximum permissible rate
maximum stepping rate
medium rate
melting rate
melt-off rate
metal-removal rate
modulation rate
moist-adiabatic lapse rate
NC programmed feed rate
negative flow rate
nucleation rate
Nyquist rate
obturation rate
off-peak power rate
operating rate
optimal feed rate
outgassing rate
output rate
overall drilling rate
oxidation rate
paging rate
peak power rate
penetration rate
percolation rate
phase generation rate
phase rate
picture-taking rate
pitch rate
plastic strain rate
positive flow rate
potential rate of evaporation
pouring rate
power rate
precipitation rate
predetermined rate
predicted failure rate
priming rate
printout rate
print rate
production decline rate
production rate
projection rate
proper feed rate
protection rate
pull rate
pulldown rate
pulse-recurrence rate
pulse rate
radiation rate
radioactive decay rate
range rate
rapid air cut feed rate
rapid return rate
rate of acceleration
rate of angular motion
rate of attack
rate of blowing
rate of braking
rate of carbon drop
rate of convergence
rate of crack propagation
rate of deformation
rate of dilution
rate of discharge
rate of dive
rate of energy input
rate of exchange
rate of exposure
rate of fall
rate of film movement
rate of gain
rate of hole deviation change
rate of lancing
rate of linkage
rate of loading
rate of opening
rate of plant depreciation
rate of pulse rise
rate of rainfall
rate of rise
rate of roll
rate of sedimentation
rate of shear
rate of slope
rate of stirring
rate of surface runoff
rate or carbon oxidation
reactivity insertion rate
reading rate
read rate
recovery rate
recycle rate
reflood rate
refresh rate
refrigeration rate
repetition rate
reset rate
residential rate
respiration rate
retail charter rate
retail rate
retention rate
rigidity rate
rolling rate
runout rate
sample rate
saturated-adiabatic lapse rate
saturation rate
scrap generation rate
scrap rate
secondary creep rate
sectorial rate
self-discharge rate
setting rate
settled production rate
settling rate
signaling rate
silicon pulling rate
slew rate
snowmelt inflow rate
solidification rate
sparking rate
specific commodity rate
specific heat flow rate
specific rate of flow
specific rate of sediment transport
specific wear rate
spreading rate of jet
spring rate
squeeze rate
standard rate
starting rate
steam rate
stepping rate
stock removal rate
strain rate
stress rate
sub-Nyquist rate
success rate
superadiabatic lapse rate
supply rate
survival rate
sweep rate
taking rate
tariff rate
temperature lapse rate
testing rate
thermal transfer rate
through rate
throughput rate
time rate of change
time rate
time-of-day electricity rate
time-of-day rate
tool-wear rate
total mass rate
tracking rate
traffic flow rate
transfer rate
transmission rate
transport rate
turn rate
turnover rate
twenty-five ampere rate
undetected error rate
uniform quench rate
unit rate
unloading rate
update rate
vaporizing rate
vitrification rate
voidage rate
voltage recovery rate
volume erosion rate
volume wear rate
volumetric flow rate
volumetric rate
vulcanization rate
water application rate
water consumption rate
water use rate
wear rate
weft insertion rate
weight rate
wheel removal rate
wholesale charter rate
wholesale rate
withdrawal rate
write writing rate
write rate
yawing rate
yaw rate
zero-crossing rate -
17 press
1) (печатная) машина; уст. печатный станок2) пресс || прессовать; давить3) пресса; печать || печатать4) типография5) издательство6) тиражный оттиск7) нажимать (клавишу)- in press- D-pressАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > press
18 system
1) система2) устройствоАнгло-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > system
19 plate
1. n тарелка2. n блюдо3. n еда на одного человекаthe dinner will cost $10 a plate — ужин обойдётся по 10 долларов с человека
4. n тарелка для сбора пожертвований5. n разг. пожертвованные деньги6. n столовое серебро; металлическая посудаthe family plate included … — среди фамильного серебра были …
7. n посеребрённая или позолоченная посудаthe knives are plate, not solid silver — это не серебряные, а посеребрённые ножи
8. n плита, лист, полоса; листовая сталь9. n воен. броня, обшивка10. n листовое или зеркальное стекло11. n пластинка, дощечка12. n дощечка с фамилиейswash plate — диск, насаженный на ось не под прямым углом
13. n номерной знак14. n ист. пластина рыцарских доспехов15. n анат. зоол. пластинка; чешуйка16. n фотопластинка17. n вклейка; иллюстрация на отдельном листе18. n гравюра, эстамп19. n полигр. гальваноклише; стереотип20. n полигр. печатная формаtension lock-up plate — печатная форма, закрепленная натягом
21. n оттиск22. n модно одетая женщина, «модная картинка»fashion plate — модная картинка; страничка мод
23. n хорошенькая женщина24. n вставная челюсть25. n зубной протез26. n грудная часть туши27. n разг. ноги28. n ист. драгоценный металл29. n ист. серебряная монета30. n ист. геральд. серебряный круг, кружок31. n спорт. призовой кубок32. n спорт. скачки на кубок33. n спорт. лёгкая подкова34. n спорт. базаhome plate — основная база, место игрока с битой
35. n эл. амер. анод36. n эл. электрод37. n эл. обкладка38. n эл. стр. мауэрлат39. n эл. элк. плата40. n эл. геол. тектоническая плита41. n эл. предметное стеклоplate glass — зеркальное стекло; толстое листовое стекло
42. n эл. график работы43. n эл. хим. плоскодонная чашка Петри44. v тех. обшивать металлическим листом45. v метал. плакировать; металлизировать46. v метал. плющить; расковывать в листы47. v полигр. изготовлять гальваноклише или стереотип48. v электролитически осаждать, наносить гальваническим способомСинонимический ряд:1. course (noun) course; helping; meal; portion; second helping; service; serving2. dish (noun) casserole; china; dessert plate; dinner plate; dish; platter; salad plate; saucer; soup plate3. illustration (noun) cut; engraving; etching; illustration; impression; lithograph; photoengraving; print; woodcut4. sheet (noun) lamina; layer; leaf; pane; panel; plane; sheet; slice; stratum5. coat (verb) back; coat; cover; enamel; face; gild; laminate; overlay; veneer -
20 halftone
1. растровое изображение2. растровая печатная формаhalftone dot — растровая точка, растровый элемент
3. растровая репродукция4. растровый5. автотипия; автотипный6. полутона, средние тонаcut-out halftone — растровое клише, расположенное отдельно от текста
direct halftone — цветоделённый растровый негатив, полученный прямым способом
7. печатная форма с растром высокой линиатурыhalftone plate — растровая печатная форма; растровое клише
8. растровый оттиск с растром высокой линиатуры9. глубокая автотипия10. автотипная форма глубокой печати
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Etching — For other uses of etch or etching, see Etching (disambiguation), for the history of the method, see old master prints. The Soldier and his Wife. Etching by Daniel Hopfer, who is believed to have been the first to apply the technique to… … Wikipedia
etching — Synonyms and related words: abstract art, aquatint, art, art form, artist, arts and crafts, arts of design, autolithograph, block, block print, burr, calligraphy, cave art, ceramics, cerography, chalcography, chiseling, chromolithograph, color… … Moby Thesaurus
Abdominal etching — Abdominal etching, or Ab etching, is a plastic surgery procedure invented by plastic surgeon Henry A. Mentz, III in the early 1990s that uses a special cannula to contour and shape abdominal fat pad to provide patients with a flat stomach. The… … Wikipedia
Polyoxymethylene plastic — Polyoxymethylene (POM), in the USA also commonly known under DuPont s brand name Delrin, is an engineering plastic, a polymer with the chemical formula ( O CH2 )n . It is often marketed and used as a metal substitute. Delrin is a lightweight, low … Wikipedia
printmaking — /print may king/, n. the art or technique of making prints, esp. as practiced in engraving, etching, drypoint, woodcut or serigraphy. [1925 30; PRINT + MAKING] * * * Art form consisting of the production of images, usually on paper but… … Universalium
photoengraving — /foh toh en gray ving/, n. 1. a photographic process of preparing printing plates for letterpress printing. 2. a plate so produced. 3. a print made from it. [1870 75; PHOTO + ENGRAVING] * * * Any of several processes for producing printing plates … Universalium
radiation measurement — ▪ technology Introduction technique for detecting the intensity and characteristics of ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, and gamma rays or neutrons, for the purpose of measurement. The term ionizing radiation refers to those… … Universalium
Printed circuit board — Part of a 1983 Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer board; a populated PCB, showing the conductive traces, vias (the through hole paths to the other surface), and some mounted electrical components A printed circuit board, or PCB, is used to… … Wikipedia
Dishwasher — This article is about the appliance. For manual dishwashing, see dishwashing. For the video game of the same name, see The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai. [1] … Wikipedia
printing — /prin ting/, n. 1. the art, process, or business of producing books, newspapers, etc., by impression from movable types, plates, etc. 2. the act of a person or thing that prints. 3. words, symbols, etc., in printed form. 4. printed material. 5.… … Universalium
Unusual types of gramophone records — The overwhelming majority of records manufactured have been of certain sizes (7, 10, or 12 inches), playback speeds (33⅓, 45, or 78 RPM), and appearance (round black discs). However, since the commercial adoption of the gramophone record, a… … Wikipedia