1 planetary precession
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > planetary precession
2 planetary precession
Космонавтика: планетарная прецессия, планетная прецессия -
3 planetary precession
Англо русский политехнический словарь > planetary precession
4 planetary precession
English-russian dictionary of physics > planetary precession
5 planetary precession
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > planetary precession
6 planetary precession
English-russian astronautics dictionary > planetary precession
7 planetary precession
English-Russian glossary on space technology > planetary precession
8 planetary precession
English-Russian dictionary of program "Mir-Shuttle" > planetary precession
9 precession
10 precession
прецессия@precession in longitudeпрецессия по долготе@precession in obliquityпрецессия по наклонению@precession of equinoxesпредварение равноденствий@annual precessionгодичная прецессия@constant of precessionпостоянная прецессии@general precessionобщая прецессия@general annual precessionобщая прецессия за тропический год@luni-solar precessionлунно-солнечная прецессия@planetary precessionпланетная прецессия@secular precessionвековая прецессия@ -
11 precession
12 precession
13 precession
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > precession
14 precession
[prıʹseʃ(ə)n] n1. = precedence2. астр., физ. прецессия -
15 precession
prɪˈseʃən сущ.;
астр. прецессия (тж. precession of the equinoxes) предшествование первоочередность;
приоритет - to take /to have/ * of smth. предшествовать чему-л. - financial measures take * (of other matters) финансовые мероприятия рассматриваются в первую очередь - ladies take * сначала /первыми/ идут дамы (компьютерное) старшинство операций, приоритет операций старшинство;
первенство, более высокое положение - to take /to have/ * of smb. быть старше кого-л. по званию, занимать более высокую должность, чем кто-л. - to contend for * with smb. оспаривать чей-л. приоритет - to yield * to smb. уступить кому-л. первенство;
отказаться от преимущества - the order of *, rules for * порядок соблюдения старшинства в официальных случаях - in order of * в порядке очередности;
по старшинству (дипломатическое) градация рангов (астрономия) (физическое) прецессия - * of the equinoxes предварение равноденствий - planetary * планетная прецессия - gyroscopic * прецесссия гироскопа precession астр. прецессия (тж. precession of the equinoxes)Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > precession
16 precession planetary
English-Russian glossary on space technology > precession planetary
17 general precession
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > general precession
18 gyroscopic precession
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > gyroscopic precession
19 luni-solar precession
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > luni-solar precession
20 secular precession
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > secular precession
См. также в других словарях:
Planetary precession — Precession Pre*ces sion, n. [L. praecedere, praecessum, to go before: cf. F. pr[ e]cession. See {Precede}.] The act of going before, or forward. [1913 Webster] {Lunisolar precession}. (Astron.) See under {Lunisolar}. {Planetary precession}, that… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
planetary precession — Astron. the small component of the precession of the equinoxes contributed by the motion of the ecliptic, the change in orientation of the plane of the earth s orbit being produced by the gravitational attraction of the planets. [1860 65] * * * … Universalium
planetary precession — Astron. the small component of the precession of the equinoxes contributed by the motion of the ecliptic, the change in orientation of the plane of the earth s orbit being produced by the gravitational attraction of the planets. [1860 65] … Useful english dictionary
Precession — Pre*ces sion, n. [L. praecedere, praecessum, to go before: cf. F. pr[ e]cession. See {Precede}.] The act of going before, or forward. [1913 Webster] {Lunisolar precession}. (Astron.) See under {Lunisolar}. {Planetary precession}, that part of the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Precession of the equinoxes — Precession Pre*ces sion, n. [L. praecedere, praecessum, to go before: cf. F. pr[ e]cession. See {Precede}.] The act of going before, or forward. [1913 Webster] {Lunisolar precession}. (Astron.) See under {Lunisolar}. {Planetary precession}, that… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Precession (astronomy) — In astronomy, precession refers to the movement of the rotational axis of a body, such as a planet, with respect to inertial space. In particular, it refers to the precession of the Earth s rotational axis, also called the precession of the… … Wikipedia
Planetary habitability — is the measure of a planet s or a natural satellite s potential to develop and sustain life. As the existence of life beyond Earth is currently uncertain, planetary habitability is largely an extrapolation of conditions on Earth and the… … Wikipedia
Planetary science — Planetary science, also known as planetology and closely related to planetary astronomy, is the science of planets, or planetary systems, and the solar system. Incorporating an interdisciplinary approach, planetary science draws from diverse… … Wikipedia
Lunisolar precession — Precession Pre*ces sion, n. [L. praecedere, praecessum, to go before: cf. F. pr[ e]cession. See {Precede}.] The act of going before, or forward. [1913 Webster] {Lunisolar precession}. (Astron.) See under {Lunisolar}. {Planetary precession}, that… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
general precession — Astron. the precession that results from both lunisolar precession and planetary precession; precession of the equinoxes. * * * … Universalium
general precession — Astron. the precession that results from both lunisolar precession and planetary precession; precession of the equinoxes … Useful english dictionary